Coed's Wild Ass - Cover

Coed's Wild Ass


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - She knew the effect that she had on men, and the effect that men had on her, but she could do nothing about it...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   BDSM   MaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

Tom was touching her ass, gently kneading each plump cheek. Even through the covering of the silken panty material the touch of his hands felt incredibly good. Lydia rocked her hips, feeling his cock ram into the softness of her belly. Her slacks were still wrapped around her ankles, keeping her knees and thighs together in a tight bind. The guide moved one of his hands slowly around her hip and dragged his fingers down her flat belly until he curled them around her panty-covered cunny mound. Lydia cried out in a choked whisper, standing on her tiptoes as Tom rubbed the wet material up between her swollen cunt-lips. Lydia rocked forward, then back, then forward again, bucking her hips so he would rub against her clitty shaft.

Oh God, that pulsing itch was growing into a throbbing ache. She felt every nerve-ending in her body stand on end and sing with excitement as Tom grew hotter and bolder in his caresses.

"Unnnngh!" she gasped. He pushed her backward in the darkened bedroom until she fell against the edge of the bed. Lydia sat down slowly watching Tom like a hawk as he squatted down and removed her slacks from her ankles. She riveted her eyes on that long, horse-like prong sticking out like a spear from his flat, muscular belly while his hanging nuts tightened up against the fat dickroot with sexual tension. Finished with stripping the willing blonde, Tom moved up on the bed. He was all over her in an instant, pushing her shoulders down, licking her large stiff nipples with his broad tongue. He was a little awkward and hurried in his love-making at first. But that just seemed to add to the excitement raking her mind.

"Lydia," he moaned. His hipbones bumped hers. He was plowing the shaft of his cock up against her belly. She could feel the brush of his balls and the different way the dome of his cock was shaped as it slid into the tight groove between her legs and thigh. Pushing her hands between their grinding bodies, Lydia reached down until she was where she guessed his cock was. She wanted to touch it, to hold and caress it between her fingers. Lydia curled her fingers around his prong, listening to Tom moan and feeling his body jerk from her gentle touch.

His dick was as hard as steel, and yet the skin moved easily over that hardness. The meaty head flared out and was spongy to her pressure. When she pushed her thumbnail gently into it Tom grunted and squirmed his hips. Then there was the hot, greasy sensation of pre-cum dribbling out from the piss-slit and coating her fingers. How she wanted that cock in her.

But she hadn't taken her pill this morning. She hadn't thought much about that sort of thing, having been sexually inactive for almost a year now. Oh God, what if she became pregnant? Abortion? Child birth? No, she couldn't let him fuck her no matter how badly she wanted to feel that cock forcing her outer labes back, crushing her clit-shaft, tunneling into her pussy.

But in spite of her silent resolve Lydia found herself fondling Tom's fat balls, feeling the shape of them through the leathery skin of his scrotum. She gently squeezed them, rolling them against one another. Tom's breathing grew shallow as he began kissing her neck, sliding his tongue down her shoulders, and still hunching his cockshaft up and down in her hip-groove. He started kissing her big titties again, laving them with coats of hot spittle. Lydia squeezed her asscheeks together, rocking her hips back and forth to create a subtle friction in her pussy against her clitty. Oh, how good Tom's lips, tongue and teeth felt against her throbbing nipples. Her body shuddered with excitement. Her boobs jiggled and rolled against one another. Lydia's breathing became more and more labored, her head rolling back and forth over the pillow under her as she raked her fingernails over Tom's humping back. Her mind was whirling around. Should she let him get under the material of her panties. She could feel his fingers sliding under the elastic leg band of her briefs. If she let him get too far, she'd be caught up in the act, swallowing his dick up her twat and risking the chance of pregnancy. No, she couldn't.

"Don't!" Lydia cried as Tom's fingers clutched at the underside of her cuntal mound. He divided the bare crack and pushed deep. Lydia dragged in a choked breath, digging her chin into Tom's shoulder. He was pressing her down, forcing her deeper and deeper into that soft bed. She could hear the rope springs groaning under their combined weight as they rolled slowly in their increasingly frenzied fucking dance. She knew he wanted to get her panties off and then slide that meaty, rounded cockdome past her peeled back outer labes and into her pussy.

"Baby, baby," Tom whispered in her ear, flicking the tip of his tongue in and out of the hearing channel while he smoothed his hands down her body. His cock had slipped lower now until it was nearly under her cuntal mound. Lydia had soaked her panty crotch with hot juice. As Tom pumped his cock against the cloth-covered crack, she could tell where the dome of his dickhead was. It was shoving the silky material up between her cunt-lips. That new sensation was amazingly delicious. Lydia closed her eyes, sucked her top lip under her teeth and rolled her ass up to increase the friction of her wet cunt-lips against Tom's cock. Her puffy membranes were soaking Tom with slickness too.

She could guess the young guide was as excited as she. Droplets of perspiration splashed from his forehead down her face and upper chest. Even in the increasing darkness Lydia could see Tom's eyes dance mischievously and excitedly in his handsome head while the veins stuck out in his powerful neck. There was a desperate kind of urgency in his movements against her body. The way he had settled quickly between her thighs, forcing them open with his knees, then pinning down her slender, sleek legs that suggested to the blonde he hadn't had sex in some time.

"Oh Goddd!" Lydia shuddered. The pulsing itch between her thighs was especially intense and good when the dickhead barely grazed her stiffened clit. It all felt so hot, wet and tight between her legs. Involuntarily she pulled her knees up slightly, gasping as she felt her fat outer labes unstick and open up under her wet panties. The velvety rub of Tom's thick cockhead was driving her crazy. She dug her fingernails deeper into his back, scraping the tough skin until she heard him cry out for her to stop it.

"S-sorry," she stammered, rocking her hips and slipping her hand down again until she touched guide's thickly veined cock- shaft and balls. She found the steamy drenched place where cunt- lips had been mashed to the side. "Oh, no!" she cried. Her panty crotch had been twisted aside, stretched into the groove between her thigh and one cunt-lip. Tom's dickhead was touching her pussy, his slick tip gliding up and down groove of her cunt.

Lydia shuddered as she thought of her resolve. Should she take a chance and let him fuck her in the pussy? Frantically the young blonde tried to pull the narrow band of silk back over her naked twat, but the soaked material slipped from her grip. Tom's cock gouged at her. He twisted her small body up against him, trapping her wrist between their sweaty bellies.

"Lydia," he said, keeping her from making any moves. His mouth was wet and hungry at her throat. Wet, hot and cold flashes of excitement rippled through her cunny and belly. Lydia felt herself burning up inside as Tom caught her head with both hands and smothered her protests with a long, tongue-filled wet kiss. She cried into his mouth, her nostrils flaring like a mare in rut while the young guide fucked his hips against the resisting twat.

"Stop! Don't!" the blonde protested, tearing her mouth from his and twisting her head to one side. She felt the soft cotton material of the pillow nearly smothering her and she tried to push him away. But her strength had been sapped away from her by her increasing sexuality. He had her pinned to the bed helpless. A sob choked her. She should scream. But that steady sleek friction against her cunt-lips was consuming all her energy. She was terribly close to orgasm, something that against her will, had swept dangerously close to her.

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