Coed's Wild Ass - Cover

Coed's Wild Ass


Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - She knew the effect that she had on men, and the effect that men had on her, but she could do nothing about it...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   BDSM   MaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

For Lydia the ordeal was over for a while. She rocked back on her heels, sitting on her legs and turning her face away from the triumphant Rick. She held her belly tightly and spat out the remainder of his jizz on to the floor. She felt her face flushing, while the big man flicked his cock free of the last drop of jizz, then slipped it back into his tight-fitting trousers.

"Not bad head, but I've had better," he commented as he turned to watch Tina's final throes of agony. The brunette was humping back against the big dog now. He was pile-driving his cock into her asshole. His rubbery red prong was slick with its own juices as it pulled the shitter out then moved it back in. In and out, in and out, faster and faster the Setter's prong fucked the brunette's ass. Lydia turned around and watched in growing fascination as Tina's fingers clawed the loose dirt and hay of the barn floor. A thin film of perspiration coated her belly, legs and arms. Her head shook violently as she felt her clitty shaft stiffening under the animal's brutal attack. She wasn't about to cum. But just to feel her cunny heating up again was a pleasure.

"Ohhh!" Tina cried, smiling a weak smile at Lydia. Then one look at the blonde's startled face brought her back to reality. Fucked in the ass and by a dog! She dragged her hands to her face, covering her eyes in shame as the Setter howled, reached forward and nipped the back of her neck.

Shrieking with pain and fear Tina lurched forward once more to try to escape the prong. But it was too late. She felt the animal's dick jerk violently several times, then balloon out. In an instant she felt his long, wet spurts shooting into her ass. It was like getting an enema of hot, thick syrup. She cried out. Her shrieks becoming low throaty moans of horror as the Setter growled and fired over and over again the hot load in his big hot nuts.

"God! God! God!" Tina cried as she felt the shots of cum die down. The big Setter pulled out of her ass quickly. Moving alongside Lydia and curling up next to her thigh he began licking his shrinking cock.

"Okay blondie, you're next," Rick said to Lydia as Tina fell onto her belly, then rolled on her side. She curled up in a fetal position, hugging her knees against her small child-like titties and sobbed softly to herself.

"What? What now? What in God's name can you do to me?" Lydia asked defiantly. She had been so violated, humiliated and degraded the blond felt there was little else they could do to humiliate her more.

"Come on. Jack, you stay with the little brunette. You like her anyway," Rick said, jerking his head up in a gesture for Lydia to follow him.

She had been so conditioned by his domination of her spirit that she followed him obediently from the barn with Doug.

"We'll let you go after this. It's the last thing," Rick said. Lydia felt her heart leap up with joy. She and Tina didn't have to worry about escaping. They'd let them go. She wanted to get away. To hide her face in shame from the rest of the world forever. They could go on doing what they were doing in this compound for as long as they liked. All she wanted was to get away in one piece with her friend.

"Right there," Rick said, stopping in front of a far stall. They had walked some time in silence out into the cold night air. Lydia was still naked and felt her flesh puckering from contact with the brisk temperature. She had been hugging her titties and rubbing her upper arms to generate heat. Her ankle still bothered her and the stones cut into her feet. They had walked past the garden, along the path she had come up earlier from the town square. Several stalls stood on the left side of the path. Most were empty. A few had chickens, a rooster and an occasional goat or two sitting peacefully on the hay.

Lydia couldn't understand what Rick was talking about until they reached the last stall. A small hurricane lamp hung from a wooden peg high on the rear wall. Enough light was thrown in the stall for the blonde to see a large jackass standing peacefully in the middle. In an instant Lydia could see it was a male. His large rounded cock was covered with pieces of straw and stubble while his long tail swished contentedly back and forth.

"What... ?" she began, then turned and looked at Rick and Doug smirking at her.

"Jack doesn't have the stomach for this. But there ain't nothing like seeing a woman strap on old Tim here," Rick said, reaching down and grabbing Lydia by the wrists at the same time. In a flash the blonde realized what they were going to do to her.

"Oh God! No!" she cried, staggering back as far as she could. She pulled away wildly. She thrashed her body back and forth, her hanging titties swaying back and forth from the violence of her struggle. Lydia cried out, sobbing and choking as she tried to twist her way free of Rick's hard grip. But he held on to her too tightly. Quickly he and Doug pushed her into the stall, stroking the big jackass' neck slowly while telling Lydia not make so much noise.

"It'll be easier if you don't fight. Tim here's a might scared of women who shake around. A couple have been hurt," Rick warned.

"You've done this before to others?" Lydia cried out in disbelieving horror, her eyes going from man to man, then finally resting on the soft, big brown eyes of the staring jackass.

His thick upper lip was peeled back, a revealing row of strong, yellowed teeth. It looked like an insane grin. She felt her skin crawl as she looked down and saw the animal's funnel- shaped cock begin to twitch. They had done nothing. But her naked appearance in the stall was enough to excite the beast.

"Tina... ?" she started to ask, looking searchingly at the men.

"Too small. But you're just right," Rick said pinning her arms tightly behind her and holding them against her back as he moved her to the animal's head. Lydia cringed back, turning her head as she felt the jackass' warm, moist breath blow against her titties. She felt her pussy wink shut with horror as the donkey brayed loudly twice, then stepped hesitatingly forward and opened his powerful mouth.

Was he going to take a bite out of her jugs? She would put nothing past him or these men behind her. Instead she watched as his bright pink tongue fell from his rubbery lips, then moved upward as it lapped her titties.

"UGGHHH!" Lydia cried, her spine crawling with sickening revulsion as she felt his hot spittle dribble across her belly and titties. The force of that sandy lick pushed her boobs almost up to her throat, then let them jiggle down to their original position.

The cool night breeze made the wet spittle coating her titties feel as if it were freezing to her goosefleshed skin. The mule backed away and stared at her, braying once more as he saw her eyes rolling wildly.

"Oh God! Don't make me do that with him! Please, don't!" Lydia pleaded. But her pleas met only with laughter.

The jackass moved forward again, sticking his tongue out once more and lapping at the woman's belly. Lydia shuddered as that incredibly thick, rough-feeling tongue slid across her navel, bathing her lower stomach in a thick layer of saliva. He lapped and lapped again, occasionally rubbing his thick rubbery lips against her flesh. The blonde could feel his thick, stone-like teeth against her skin.

"Okay honey, around to the back. Doug, you hold him until he gets used to her," Rick said as he pushed Lydia roughly to the mule's rounded asscheeks.

"You bastard!" she mumbled through her clenched teeth as she stumbled around, then fell on to her knees. Rick told her to stroke him hard. When she refused, he boxed her ears, then shoved her down roughly. Breathing heavily, feeling as if the sky were about to fall in on her, the blonde pushed herself back up from the ground. She brushed back her hair, then scooted closer to the animal's stomping hindquarters and reached up toward the mule's hanging cock and balls.

She almost retched at the stench of stale shit and piss wafting from under the moving jackass' big, black, ball-shaped sacs. His belly heaved and his sides drew in and out with excitement. Rick said nothing, occasionally looking at Doug up front and winking as Lydia moved the back of her fingers up and down over the leathery foreskin of the mule's prick.

While Rick told her to hurry up, Lydia moved her hands up and slid them under the mule's twitching balls. She felt the stiff hairs sticking from the undersides of his balls as she reached for the animal's semi-rigid cock. As soon as her fingertips brushed against the monstrous stalk, the mule brayed again and shook with excitement.

Doug said something soothing in the jackass' pricked ears and stroked his powerful neck while Lydia kept moving her hands up and down the mule's prick.

"You're getting him going," Rick said mockingly. Lydia looked up. The animal's belly was heaving up and down more rhythmically while she could feel his prick start to grow hot and stiff under her manipulation. His previous stomping stopped. He stood quietly, his brown eyes glistening with excitement while he enjoyed the blonde's jacking off.

"Go on and lick on that stick," Rick said reaching down and pushing her head toward the stiff prong.

Lydia felt her belly turn over. But what could she do? Holding the big dark-brown rounded head with both hands and lowering her head down to its level, the gasping, gulping woman twisted around until her lips were opposite the foul-smelling dickhead.

It was almost the same size as a human male's although the stalk directly above it was much longer and certainly much rougher to the touch. Sucking in a deep breath Lydia opened her mouth, fighting down the desire to gag as she took the big, brown bulbous cockhead into her mouth.

"Yeah," Rick said in a long, low sigh as he reached between his legs and started massaging his stiffening prong.

To see a woman humiliated this way, to actually see a woman getting it on with an animal of this size was his biggest turn-on. He'd kill to see something like this. And God only knows how many times he had forced women to perform this degrading, insulting, horrifying act for him and his friends.

Lydia said nothing as she took just the first few hot inches of mule-meat into her mouth. It was hot and tough-tasting, not at all like the feel and taste of Rick's prong. She let her front teeth scrape gently along on the jackass' dick as her hand rubbed across the hot hairy bottoms of Tim's sacs.

This time the mule balked, braying loudly once more while his body quivered with excitement. The mule seemed to be enjoying this new experience. His brown, thick dickstalk was fully extended, the foreskin fitting tightly around the steel-hard inner core. Almost every wrinkle had been pulled smooth by the stretching of his prick. "Let's go," Rick said, peering around the jackass' shoulders at Jack.

"Come on, babe," Doug said, laughing as he moved quickly around the mule's hanging head and grabbed at her right leg.

"Oh God," Lydia cried, resigned to her fate as she let the dickhead slip out from between her lips. She twisted her head around, rotating her ass as she threw out her hands and tried to scratch her assailants. No, she couldn't let herself be willingly fucked by that horrible animal.

"Come on," Rick repeated, raising his hand and holding it threateningly above her head. "You haven't fought off the rest of the shit we did to you. This is just a piece of cake for a bitch like you."

Lydia felt the blow of that remark. It was true. She'd come into Sturbridge Village as just another college coed, in fact more innocent than most. And in a few hours she had been changed into unchained nympho.

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