Evening At The Castle - Cover

Evening At The Castle

Copyright© 2002 by Daibhidh

Chapter 7: Afternoon Delight

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7: Afternoon Delight - Alex, a beautiful young female executive from Chicago, finds herself at loose ends in London until she learns of a nearby hedonistic social club.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Group Sex   Sex Toys   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

I awoke slowly the next morning. I'd slept the sleep of the dead. It took me a moment to realize where I was, then it all slowly came flowing back to me.

I was in my London hotel room. After the hot, steamy session with Richard at his apartment the previous evening, he had tried to convince me to spend the night but, as Ellen had told me she would call me first thing this morning, I had insisted on returning to my hotel.

As I lay there, staring at the ceiling and waiting for my mind to start working again, I thought back over the past eighteen hours. First the confrontation with Mr. Smythe, my phone conversations with Ellen and Marianne, my experiences and initiation at The Castle Club, the fax from the home office, and finally my late evening romp with Richard at his apartment. Good old 'Fat Head' Dickey, I thought with a giggle. God, I was still stiff, and more than a little sore, from the events of the previous evening.

Dragging myself out of bed, I called room service, ordered breakfast, then stepped into the shower. Twenty minutes later, after toweling myself dry and slipping a clinging silk dressing gown over my naked body, a soft knock sounded on the door and a lilting voice announced "Room Service." A quick check through the security peephole revealed a lovely red haired, green eyed Irish-looking young woman dressed in the hotel's food service uniform waiting in the corridor with a serving cart bearing several silver covered dishes. A light sprinkle of freckles danced across the bridge of her nose, adorning her otherwise flawless complexion.

Unlocking the door and releasing the security chain, I swung the door open allowing the young lady to enter, pushing the cart before her. She quickly and efficiently laid out my breakfast on the coffee table, and then asked with a winsome smile, "Will there be anything more, madam?"

"Perhaps," I smiled. "Do you have time to talk for a few moments?" I was completely entranced by her beauty and apparent wide-eyed innocence.

"Well, I'm not really supposed to visit with the guests, but it's a slow morning so I guess I wouldn't be missed for a few moments," she replied, seating herself self-consciously on the edge of a plush club chair.

I poured her a cup of tea and as I reached out to hand it to her she glanced at my hand. A look of recognition slowly spread across her face. With a small, self-conscious smile, she reached to her throat, and grasping a thin gold chain, pulled a small garnet ring out of her bodice. It was a perfect match of the Castle Club ring I wore on my right hand!

Blushing slightly, she asked, "You're Alex, aren't you? I thought you looked very familiar but I didn't recognize you at first. However, when I noticed your ring it dawned on me, I'd seen you at the club last night. Maybe it's because I didn't spend all that much time looking at your face!" she grinned. "My name is Bridget, by the way." She leaned forward and hugged me warmly saying, "Welcome to England, Alex."

I returned her embrace, replying, "I thought I had met all the members who were present last night but I don't remember seeing you. I'm sure that if we'd been introduced, I would remember someone as beautiful as you."

"Well," she blushed, "Let's just say I was sort of... ummm... tied up after the initiation ceremony. They always seem to affect my companion that way... not that I protested all that strenuously, of course."

"How long have you been a member?" I asked.

"About three years now, I guess. I must say, you handled your initiation much better than I did mine, I was both terrified and horrified at the time," Bridget replied. "I wasn't exactly a virgin, but I'm afraid I was still extremely shy and not very worldly at that point. I had never even thought of making love with another woman, or even of having multiple partners."

We chatted for a few more moments about her experiences at the club, and then were interrupted by the ringing of my phone. Bridget said," I must get back to work now anyway," jumping to her feet. "If you like, I could call you when I get off and we can chat some more."

"Of course," I replied with a smile. "I'd really like to learn more about you and your experiences. Give me a call later and we'll have dinner together."

As I stood, she again hugged me tightly; kissing me warmly, her tongue slipping between my lips and caressing mine. The scent of her perfume, the touch of her body pressed tightly against mine, and the feel of her hand sliding down my back coming to rest lightly on my butt, combined to send a shiver of anticipation rippling through my body.

As I answered the insistent phone, Bridget eased herself out the door, smiling and waggling her fingers, mouthing something like 'Ta-Ta'.

"What took you so damn long to answer," Ellen demanded. "Sure hope I didn't interrupt anything," she chuckled. "I'll bet Richard spent the night!"

"No. He brought me back to my hotel, but it was well after three in the morning before I got to sleep," I admitted. "And why didn't you tell me about Richard?"

"Were you at the Castle all that time," Ellen asked incredulously, pointedly ignoring my question about Richard.

I explained how Richard had dropped me at the hotel a little after midnight but that I had received a fax from the home office, which impacted his job so I had called him to meet with me to discuss it over drinks.

"It must have been some fax if it took three hours to discuss," she chided me.

"Well, we were only in the lounge about thirty minutes, but then he took me by his apartment to show me some of his things," I replied cattily.

"Yeah... I'm sure he did! I'll just bet he showed you some of his 'things'... like that fancy canopy bed of his," she chuckled. "But tell me, did you enjoy your evening at the Castle? Tell me all the juicy details!"

"It was a truly unique experience and I'm indebted to you for your help in setting it up, but time enough for that later," I said. "Right now, we need to talk about more serious matters."

"Good Lord Alex, what could be more serious than you being inducted into the most exclusive sex club in southern England," she asked with a laugh.

Ignoring her question I asked, "How much do you like your present job, Ellen?"

There was a long silence on the line before Ellen said, "What do you mean, how much do I like my job, Alex? It's a job and it pays the bills, what else can I say?"

"Well, you're currently a supervisor in the Personnel Department, right... what would you think of a position in senior management?"

After an even longer silence, Ellen asked, "What the hell are you getting at Alex?"

I explained the fax I had received the previous evening regarding my firm's reorganization, my promotion to CEO of my own division and my mandate to start hiring staff. "Ellen, what I'm asking you is, would you be interested in heading up my Human Resources Department?"

This time there was no delay whatsoever. "Damn right, Alex! How soon do you need me?"

"As soon as you can tie up loose ends in Chicago and strap your cute little butt to an eastbound Concorde," I chuckled. "But seriously, I'd like you onboard within two weeks, if that's at all possible."

"Let's see, it's now Tuesday... I'll be in London by Friday night at the very latest. Talk to you later... got a million things to do... thanks for thinking of me... God, I can't believe this!" I heard a loud squeal of excitement just before she slammed the phone down.

Well, I thought, I guess I can take that as a conditional 'Yes'... and she'd never even mentioned salary.

I poured myself another cup of tea, then called Richard at the office. When he came on the line he sounded as though he was still half asleep. "What's the matter, Richard," I chuckled. "Have a rough night?"

I heard him get up and close his office door. When he returned, he said, "I believe the medical term for my condition is 'Pussy Whipped'!"

I laughed, and then said, "Remember last night I told you not to worry about Ellen, that I'd make her an offer she couldn't refuse?"

"Yes, I vaguely remember something like that, but it's all rather hazy," he replied.

"Well, as of ten minutes ago, Ellen is our new Director of Human Resources. She'll be arriving by the end of the week!"

"Damn, you're good," Richard exclaimed with a laugh.

"I know," I agreed. "By the way, I met Bridget, from the Castle Club, this morning. Do you know her?"

"Oh yes," he replied. "A lovely girl. I remember when she first joined us. She was very reserved at first but she quickly developed a taste for our unique lifestyle. She also discovered her kinky side... but in a very nice way!"

"I'm supposed to meet her later today, what do you mean by 'kinky'?"

Richard chuckled, and then said, "I'll let you discover that for yourself, but by all means, meet with her. Don't worry about the 'kinks', I'm sure you will be in for a most entertaining experience."

I tried to press him for more specifics about Bridget, but all he would say was that I should approach our upcoming meeting with an open mind. Before hanging up he asked, "How about joining me for a drink this evening? I'll pick you up about eight-thirty."

"Sounds lovely," I replied. "See you then."

After Richard hung up, I wondered just what he had been hinting at concerning Bridget's 'kinks'. Finally, after mulling it over for awhile, I decided to do what any red blooded young American lady visiting London would do; I went shopping, returning to my suite about eleven o'clock loaded down with bags and parcels containing my purchases. I had found a little boutique that carried deliciously sexy clothing in my size. I'm afraid I got a little carried away, selecting four rather revealing dresses and several sets of alluring panties and bras.

After depositing my newly acquired finery in the bedroom wardrobe, I poured myself a glass of sherry, retired to the balcony and placed a call to the home office in Chicago. First I spoke to the personnel manager, who didn't seem to have the foggiest idea about any proposed change in my employment status. Looking at the fax again, I noticed that it had been sent by the company president personally so I asked to be transferred Mr. Sherman's office. When Shirley, his executive secretary, answered, I explained the reason for my call and asked if he was available to speak to me.

"Yes, of course Ms. Goodman, I believe he was expecting to hear from you today." She then lowered her voice and said, almost in a whisper, "By the way Alex, congratulations on your new position... You are accepting it, aren't you?"

"Well Shirley, I guess that's what I need to speak with him about, since no one else seems to know anything about it," I replied lightly. With that, I heard my call being transferred once again.

When he picked up, I heard the company president say, "Good afternoon, Alexandria. I suppose you want to discuss the fax I sent you yesterday. Have you had time to consider our offer?"

My god, I thought, I'm actually talking to the man himself! I'd only met him briefly a couple times at company functions. I guess I must have made a good impression because we now appeared to be on a first name basis, at least on his part.

"Yes sir, I have... and it sounds like a very generous proposal," I responded. "Of course I'd like to know more of the particulars before I actually commit to it. This is so sudden! I had no idea anything like this was even being considered."

"Let me fill you in on how it came about, Alexandria," he said. "I proposed this organizational change at the board meeting on Monday, and after I explained the obvious benefits in terms of cost and efficiency, it was approved with very little discussion. Your name came up as the most logical candidate to head up the new firm, supposedly because of your track record of loyalty, dedication and persistence. Actually, I think it had more to do with the fact that you have the reputation of being a hard-nosed bitch who knows what needs to be done, and even more importantly, how to get it done right the first time. Excuse my bluntness but in my opinion, if this is going to work, you're the person to pull it off... and that's exactly what I told them!"

"Now, as for your new salary, that hasn't been finalized yet but I can assure you it will be several times what you're currently making. In addition, you will have the usual executive profit-incentive and benefit package, plus a preliminary start-up budget of fifty million for facility acquisition and staff procurement. I would expect you to be established, fully staffed, up and running in three to four months. I'd also expect your proposed operating budget at that time. Any other questions?"

"No sir," I said, slightly overwhelmed by his ability to convey so much information, seemingly without taking a breath. "You have my verbal acceptance now and I'll fax you written confirmation first thing tomorrow, if that's acceptable, sir."

I heard him chuckle to himself before he said, "That will be fine, Alex, and welcome aboard. You won't regret this. Get the ball rolling over there, then take whatever time you need to come back and settle up your affairs here. We'll sit down and go over the finer details then... And please, knock off the 'Sir' crap. You've earned the right to call me Bill, and as soon as I receive your written acceptance, the corporate staffing charts will show you reporting directly to me."

"Thank you, Bill. Now that I've gotten my marching orders, I guess I'd better get cracking."

Again, I heard him chuckling as he said, "That sounds like a plan to me, Alex. I'll talk to you later. I think you're going to work out just fine... as if I ever had any doubt."

With that he hung up, leaving me staring at the phone with a goofy grin on my face. When the dial tone buzzed in my ear, I also hung up and poured myself another drink. My thoughts returned to Richard's cryptic remarks about Bridget. Perhaps I would solve that mystery this afternoon. If she didn't initiate anything, I just might try to see how receptive she might be to my advances. She was, I'd decided, a very enticing girl. It was a warm, sunny day, and after a few sips of wine, I dozed off.

After what seemed to be only a few moments, but was actually more like a few hours, the ringing phone jarred me back to reality. It was Bridget, her soft lilting voice informing me that she was now off duty and asking me if I would like some company.

"Of course, that would be nice, Bridget. Come on up and join me for a drink," I responded. About ten minutes later I heard a soft tapping on the door. A quick look through the peephole revealed the stunningly beautiful Bridget, dressed in a simple but very revealing summer dress and carrying a large straw handbag. Unlocking and opening the door, I ushered her in, suggesting we retire to the balcony. I noticed that her garnet ring was now on her right hand rather than hanging on its little gold chain between her firm young breasts.

I poured us both a glass of chilled wine and we settled ourselves onto the balcony's upholstered lounge sofas. After a few moments of idle chatting, Bridget asked me who had sponsored my membership to the Castle. I told her about my friendship with Ellen, and her relationship with Richard.

"Oh yes, I know Dickey quite well," she grinned, "But how did you meet him? Did Ellen tell you to look him up?"

"No, Ellen and I been friends for several years and I don't recall her ever mentioning him... but yesterday I came very close to terminating Richard's employment," I told her.

"My God, you aren't still planning to fire him are you? That would be devastating for him. He's such a nice man. Of course, he certainly doesn't need the money, but it would be a terrible blow to his ego!" she exclaimed.

"No, of course not. He's not being fired but right now he's a square peg in a round hole. He hasn't a clue about managing people but he appears to be a wizard at managing money. Lord knows he's had enough practice at it," I chuckled. "I'm moving him into the corporate financial area as the Comptroller of my firm's new division here in England.

"What a relief," Bridget sighed. "I'd hate to see him embarrassed by losing his job for incompetence. That would just crush him!"

"Not to worry," I assured her. "His future with the company is secure, especially after last night when I found just how highly competent he really is," I laughed.

"That's also been my experience with Dickey," Bridget giggled. She was now lounging back on the sofa, one foot up on the cushion and the other on the floor, her dress sliding high up on her pale shapely thigh.

"Would you like a refill?" I asked, rising to my feet after noticing that her wine glass was nearly empty.

Bridget unfolded herself from her seat on the sofa and stood before me. "I have a much better idea," she replied with a playful laugh. Placing her arms around me, one hand behind my shoulders and the other in the small of my back, she pulled me tightly against her, her warm lips eagerly seeking mine. As her hot demanding tongue insinuated itself deeply into my mouth I felt my pussy again begin to tingle and moisten. Breaking the kiss, she placed her hands on my shoulders and held me at arms length, her now hooded green eyes appraising my petite figure. "I think the balcony is far too public for what I have in mind Alex, let's retire to your bedroom," she said in a suddenly husky voice. Brooking no rebuttal, not that I offered any, she grasped my hand firmly, and picking up her handbag, led me through the suite toward the bedroom.

As we entered, Bridget placed her handbag on the floor next to the bed. Then, stepping behind me, she placed her arms around my body, her palms momentarily resting lightly on my stomach, before slowly sliding upward until they gently cupped my breasts. I felt her warm lips on the side of my neck, her teeth nibbling gently on my suddenly hyper-sensitive skin. I was not wearing a bra, and as she moved her palms lightly in a slow circular motion over my breasts, softly caressing my quickly hardening nipples, I felt my whole body responding to her touch.

Bridget's hands reluctantly left my tingling nipples, her fingers undoing the sash of my robe and allowing its front to fall open. She then pulled the sides of my loosened robe apart, displaying the entire front of my naked body. At the same time, she turned our bodies slightly so that I could see both of our reflections in the full-length mirror attached to the sliding closet doors.

Even though I was several years older than Bridget, I couldn't help but notice that I looked like a small dark woman-child in the embrace of a beautiful giant red-haired green-eyed pixie. With her emerald eyes locked onto mine in the mirror, she slipped my robe off my shoulders, allowing the garment to drop to the floor and pool around my ankles. I watched as her arms again circled my body, her hands resting on my slightly rounded stomach as she again lightly nibbled my neck. Then, her eyes still locked on mine in the mirror, she slid one dainty hand down and cupped my pussy mound, rubbing gently as her fingers insinuated themselves between my thighs, lightly massaging my nether lips.

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