Screw You, Too! - Cover

Screw You, Too!

by Anonymous

Copyright© 2000 by Anonymous

Incest Sex Story: Dad gets his ass reamed!

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   Slut Wife   Incest   Father   Daughter   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   .

My name is Diane, my husband's is Dave, and our daughter's is Missy (Melissa).

We live in the northeast part of the country. We're well to do, belong to a country club, replete with tennis, golf, swimming, and a club pro that took Missy's cherry, last year!

Dave's making THAT one up in trade.

Don't get me wrong. It wasn't forcible rape, but Missy was only fifteen!

But once my husband found out, he played major head games with the poor bastard. He even threatened to bend him over and fuck him up the ass, not that it would hurt the guy.

You see, Dave's hung like a hamster, but he does have game! That's my 'ole man'. I'll give it to him. He makes sure I never want for an orgasm.

Unfortunately, he has gotten kinky as of late, more so than I would care for, normally.

I didn't mind it when he bought this ridiculous extension. That's right! It resembles a hollow dildo but with a condom collar. It reminds me of those French Foreign Legion caps.

I half expected him (not that I embraced the idea) to drag our daughter into the mix. She's only sixteen, now, but she was the aggressor with the local pro. She loves sex too, and I can refuse Dave nothing. He refuses ME nothing and except for these sexual, let's call them aberrations, he's been the greatest husband that you can possibly imagine.

When we are in social situations, he's a prankster deluxe, but he also wholeheartedly enjoys it when someone turns the tables and fools him, too.

It was this aspect of his psyche that I intended to explore when I had the next opportunity. I just needed the right inspiration.

It came, quite by accident, when I put one of my husbands x-rated movies into the VCR.

The movie has a scene where this young girl straps on a dildo so she has pelvic control of it and while this other couple humps away, missionary style, she sneaks some K-Y onto the guy's anus!

He's totally unaware until she puts the tip at his back door and starts jamming it into him, piggy back!

I queued up the movie and showed that scene to our daughter, after she got home from school.

I asked her, "Are you ready to do that to daddy, when I signal you?"

She nodded, yes, and my plan was off the drawing board.

I started by trying to rile him about his penis size. I knew this was dangerous territory, but I wanted him distracted.

I told my husband, "You can still give me nine inches, without the fake dick; just fuck me twice!"

He hadn't heard that joke in such a long time, he just had to laugh, but the laugh died somewhat quickly.

Later, we got into a real argument.

He snapped at me, saying, "You're pissed at me for dragging Missy into our sex play, aren't you?"

"Moi?... Moi? Why should that upset ME?", I waxed sarcastic. "I figure you did it while she's young enough to think you're hung enough." (That one HAD to cut into him!)

Now he got defensive with his bullshit, "Hey! Better she learns here than get impregnated by that bastard at the club."

"Or heaven forbid," I quickly countered, "She should discover some young boy at school and learn about real life, like the other 125 million girls in this country!"

"No. We have to offer her the rich man's incest ritual. No good debutante should be without it!"

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