Girl's School Pet - Cover

Girl's School Pet


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Penny had tried to sit faithfully through her afternoon class, but she found she couldn't keep her mind on the dull lecture the aging professor was droning out from his lectern. The young student's eyes kept drifting to the window through which she could see the beautiful day outside. Finally, knowing she would fall asleep in her chair if she stayed inside another moment, Penny picked a moment when the professor was turned toward the blackboard to slip quietly out the door.

Outside, the dark-haired coed felt her senses thrill to the touch of the bright clear air and she felt like turning cartwheels right there on the concrete of the plaza. The young girl automatically started back to her room but stopped in mid-stride. Who wanted to be inside on a day like today? Suddenly she remembered the secret place that Victoria had once taken her to in a moment of confidence. It was where her roommate went when she wanted to be alone, cut off from the world. A place hidden high up on the cliffs over the Pacific.

Penny quickly directed her steps away from the campus and in a few minutes she was climbing the slopes of some low hills to the north of the college. As she got to the highest hill, the full force of the fresh ocean breeze ruffled through her dark lustrous hair and caused her skirt to swirl around her long slender legs. Thrilled by the tangy salt air, the lovely young woman sucked deep gulps of the intoxicating stuff into her lungs, feeling her head spin a little from the stimulation.

The path narrowed to a small trail and soon that too seemed to disappear at some bushes that grew right to the edges of the cliff. But Penny knew better and carefully felt her way around the outside of the bushes, not daring to look down as she hovered for a moment over the sheer drop below. Once on the other side of the screening foliage, the young beauty had only a short way to go until she rounded a final bend and found herself descending the face of the cliff. After about fifty yards the narrow path she was on opened up into a flat area, about twenty yards across and backed right up to the cliff. Penny gratefully sank down onto the soft grass that lined this natural hiding place and let her young body stretch out in lazy comfort.

It was much warmer here than it had been at the top of the cliffs, because the little cliff-side glade was protected from the wind, being sunk back into the shale the way it was. After lying still for a few minutes, Penny decided to sunbathe, knowing she could never find a place more secluded and private than this. It was just a few seconds work to slip out of her flimsy clothes and then the dark-haired young beauty stood naked in all her natural beauty like some ancient sea-goddess of old. Indeed, it was an apt description, because the irrepressible Penny could not just lie there and sunbathe, but ran gaily around the little glade, reveling in the thrill of being totally naked out of doors in the bright sunlight. She danced in little pirouettes to the very edge of the cliff, seeming to dare the nearly three hundred foot drop to the bright blue water below.

Suddenly Penny spun as she heard a crackling of brush on the path leading to the glade. She didn't make a mad scramble for her clothes as her friend Victoria might have done, but walked slowly forward, curious to see who it was that had found this hidden place, hoping it was a handsome boy who would complete the day by making love to her.

"Prince!" Penny exclaimed in surprise when the big German shepherd bounded into the glade, a happy look on his handsome face as he saw his dreams answered by the vision of this lovely naked human female standing before him.

But Penny was unaware of the dog's lascivious thoughts and ran happily up to the big animal. 'what are you doing here?" she asked and then giggled as she looked up once more towards the path. "You didn't bring your master here with you, did you?" But hearing no further sound from the brush Penny surmised that Prince had come alone. Even though he wasn't the hoped-for handsome young man, Penny was glad to see the dog, since it gave her an additional outlet for her never-ending energy. Expecting that the normally playful animal would want to run a little, Penny was bending over to pick up a stick for him to chase when she suddenly felt his cold wet nose thrust up between her naked buttocks.

"Aaaaaahhh," the surprised young girl yelped as she jumped forward from the shock. "Hey, now wait a minute," she said. "I know that's how dogs get to know one another, but as you can see, or smell, I'm not a dog."

But Prince was going directly ahead with his rude sniffing, thrusting his huge head demandingly up between the young girl's tender young thighs from the front this time, no mistaking the urgency of his intentions.

Penny automatically started to push the animal away from her unprotected genitals, but then a sudden understanding came into her eyes.

"Aha," she exclaimed. "You are Victoria's secret lover!" Prince looked up, startled by the sudden sharp tone of her voice. He gave a little whine of hungry anticipation and shuffled his front feet nervously, like a dog does when someone is holding a bone up over his head. A sudden spark of almost uncontrollable lust came over Penny as she looked down at the handsome animal that was so obviously interested in her sweet little pussy.

"Okay, big boy," she said with a tiny catch in her voice. "Let's find out what my prudish little roommate sees in you." And with that the dark-haired young student slowly spread her legs apart as she stood there naked, at the same time thrusting her hips slightly forward so that her dark-fringed pubic triangle was positioned right before the big dog's furry muzzle. With bated breath the young student watched as that huge head slowly moved forward toward her eager pussy. Little shivers ran up and down her thighs as once again that cold wet nose brushed against her naked flesh, tickling the first wispy curls of her pubic hair.

Then suddenly, without warning, Prince's long wet animal tongue slithered out of the dog's mouth and splayed wetly over her shuddering cunt-lips.

"Uuuuuuuunnnnnhhh," Penny moaned from between gritted teeth as the first wild sensations shot upward from between her legs. Involuntarily her nipples began to harden in response to this lewd sexual stimulus. Penny let her hands slide slowly up over her smoothly curved belly until they were cupping underneath her breasts, massaging the full, firmly quivering white mounds in complete sensual surrender as Prince licked again and again at her tingling cunt.

"Oh God," Penny moaned out to the dog. "The first thing I've got to do is apologize to Victoria. What the hell did she need with boys when she had something like you?" Beginning to breathe hard, the gasping young girl tried to spread her legs open wider as she stood so that the dog's great lapping tongue would be able to delve more deeply into her exposed cuntal crevice. Obediently, the big animal thrust his neck further forward, turning his head a little and licking even harder at the wet pink vaginal flesh positioned in front of him.

Looking more than ever like some pagan deity, the beautiful Penny stood in naked abandon before the huge beast squatting on its haunches before her, her body slowly rotating below the waist in a slow sensual movement, her hands sliding in passionate circles over her swelling breasts while her head twisted from side to side, causing her hair to move over her shoulders like a rich dark cape.

"Oh, Prince... lover... I don't think I can stand it!" Penny managed to gasp out. Never before in her life had she felt such exquisite sensations darting over her quaking body. This was certainly the most incredible tonguing she had ever got, the reeling young beauty thought, so incredibly powerful that her legs were starting to tremble and she didn't know if she could continue to stand this way with them spread so wide apart. But, oh God, she sure as hell didn't want it to stop. Penny knew she would cum soon, but somehow she thought there should be something more out of this experience than just another orgasm.

Since her vagina was opening up more and more with each nerve- shattering lick of Prince's big tongue, the happy animal was able to thrust the tip of his wet fleshy organ a little distance up inside her warmly seeping cuntal passage. Penny almost rose up on her toes from the unexpected shock of that hot unnatural penetration and her hands dropped down to take Prince by the ears and draw his furry head even deeper up between her shivering thighs. The gasping girl had to lean forward to do this and she couldn't fail to notice Prince's great cock as it made it second appearance of the day, swelling into eager hardness from the wild sensual stimulation of licking this naked young human female.

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