Girl's School Pet - Cover

Girl's School Pet


Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

It was a long night for Victoria. Drifting in and out of a troubled sleep, always at least half-aware of Prince's heavy warm body stretched out beside her on the bed, the young girl waited only for the morning when Penny would have to go to an early class and then she would be alone with her thoughts... and with the beautiful German shepherd.

Finally the harsh sound of Penny's alarm clock shattered the morning quiet. As usual, Penny let the alarm ring until it had run down, then groaning, she got grumpily out of bed to face another day. To her, the days were long interludes to get through as best as possible, waiting for the nights, for she was a true night person.

Victoria too got out of bed, preferring to be active, wanting the time to pass as quickly as possible until her roommate left. Prince remained lying on the bed for awhile, luxuriating in the unusual privileges he was enjoying here with his young human friend. The big animal watched with a heightened curiosity as the two girls dressed before him, remembering the strange stimulation that had taken charge of him the night before as he had licked and nuzzled at the intoxicating crevice between the blonde girl's soft white thighs. Always an affectionate animal, Prince now found new reasons to want to be near these young females, who felt and smelled so different from his master.

It wasn't long before Victoria sensed the animal's eyes on her and she found to her amazement that she was blushing. The young coed had purposely kept the events of last night as much out of her thoughts as possible, preferring to be alone before she let herself analyze what it was that had driven her to that incredible act of bestiality the night before. But now, with Prince's large brown eyes fixed longingly on her, the confused blonde was suddenly overwhelmed by the memories of the exquisite sensations that had seized control of her helplessly writhing body as Prince's long hot tongue had licked her into panting submission. Despite the years of social training that told her how wrong it had all been, Victoria had to admit to herself that it would be wonderful to once again know the almost unbearable erotic delights she had experienced with Prince. Maybe when Penny had gone to class... Victoria looked up to see that her friend and roommate was almost dressed now, and perhaps in another few minutes she would be gone. Perhaps then Prince could finish what he had started the night before...

The forbidden nature of her thoughts made Victoria automatically feel guilty so that she imagined Penny was staring at her, maybe even reading her shameful thoughts, and there was some justification in this. Being an intelligent and observant girl, Penny had been watching her blonde friend with ever-growing curiosity and suspicion, divining from her nervous and guilty manner that something strange indeed had been going on in this very room last night. Wanting to escape her roommate's curious stare, Victoria quickly pulled on her clothes and left the room, walking down the hall towards the large communal bathroom shared by all the girls living on the floor.

Victoria took longer than usual washing her face that morning, hoping that Penny would be gone when she got back to the room so that she could be alone with the dog to decide once and for all whether or not she would once again abandon herself to the deliciously sinful stimulation of the night before.

Finally the young girl walked slowly back to the room, and opening the door, she was disappointed to see that Penny was still there. But then, to Victoria's horror she saw that Penny was alone. Prince was nowhere in sight and the back sliding glass doors were half open.

"Wh-Where's Prince?" Victoria asked in breathless shock.

"Oh, while you were gone old Ben Wright came looking for his dog," Penny said. "You just missed them, they left only a couple of minutes ago."

Victoria realized that her face must be showing the shock she was feeling, a shock that amazed her in its intensity. Yes, she had to admit to herself now how much she had wanted the dog to again do to her what he had done last night. But now he was gone... gone, and the desperate young woman had no idea when she would be able to see the big animal alone again. Victoria was dimly aware that Penny was speaking to her, concern showing on her face.

"What's the matter, honey?" Penny asked, worried, but Victoria didn't even try to answer, instead bolting for the door, some crazy impulse inside her demanding that she find Prince as soon as possible. What she would do when she found him she didn't know, but the young blonde was beyond all rational thinking now, knowing only an instinctive age-old need.

"Hey, wait!" Penny cried after her, but then stopped in the doorway, remembering that these sudden unexplainable flights had been occurring more and more frequently with her roommate. Why follow her? Penny had told Victoria time and time again that what she needed was a good fuck, but the virginal young blonde only became angry, icily suggesting that it would be a little more seemly if Penny would try to clean up her speech. Well, the dark-haired young student thought bitterly to herself, she was getting a little tired of these temper tantrums. Maybe she had better start thinking of looking for a new roommate, one who wouldn't make her feel guilty for her thoughts. And with a little sniff, Penny picked up her books and headed for her first class, angry now, but familiar enough with her own temperament to know that in a couple of hours she would have forgotten all about this latest confrontation with her erratic roommate.

Meanwhile, Victoria was automatically heading for the spot where she knew Prince and Ben Wright often went in the mornings, the top of a little hill where they could sit in peace and solitude and look out over the campus and the ocean beyond, drinking in the beautiful sunshiny morning.

Sure enough, they were there. Quickening her footsteps, the young blonde headed for the two masculine figures, one sitting cross-legged on the ground like some ancient hunter, his canine companion back on his haunches with his strong beautiful head raised proudly, sampling the scents borne to him on the morning breeze. Both man and dog turned as Victoria rushed breathlessly up to them but neither made a sound. They seemed to be waiting for her to speak, but suddenly Victoria realized she didn't know what she wanted to say. How could she just blurt out, "Please, Mr. Wright, may I take your dog home with me and let him perform shameful acts on my body? Acts that for some reason I don't seem to be able to do without " Hardly, but that was just what she wanted.

"Morning," Ben finally said in a thick voice.

"Oh, Mr. Wright," Victoria started, "I-I wonder if... could I please... ?" but she was cut off by a wave of Ben's big hand as he grimaced in pain.

"Please, child, do you have to shout?" he groaned, and Victoria saw that the big man must have had a hard night. His face was lined even more than usual and his eyes glared redly from their deep-sunk sockets, while his hands kept up a barely perceptible trembling.

"Prince behave himself last night?" Ben asked. Victoria felt paralyzed with fear for a moment, wondering if by some chance Ben might know what had happened. But no, that was impossible.

"Wh-Why yes," the young student said haltingly. "It's just that I- I'm sorry that I wasn't in the room when you got there this morning and didn't have the chance to thank you..." Why not ask? the desperate young woman thought to herself... "And I wonder, Mr. Wright, Prince and I were just getting to know one another. Could I maybe... take him back with me? Just for the afternoon," she added hastily as she saw a slight frown come over Ben's ravaged features.

"Well, I dunno," Ben muttered and then seemed to think for a moment. "But what the hell, I think I'm gonna have to go back to my room and take a little nap." Then the older man looked sharply up at the blonde young student. "What you want him for anyhow? You wouldn't want to seduce my dog away from me, would you now?"

Victoria jumped a little at the word "seduce" and then realized Ben only meant that he was afraid that the dog might become fonder of her than of him. What would this man think, Victoria wondered, if he knew that was just what she wanted to do-seduce his dog? Not for his affections, but sexually, like some kind of perverted whore. The young woman almost relented then, some part of her warning that she would be better off to forget this whole thing and go back to her room alone, but it was far too late. All her determination had been turned to finishing what she and Prince had started last night, for curiosity as well as the pure sexual enjoyment. Yes, she must know what it was like to be brought to completion by a male, even just a male dog. As far as that went, maybe it would be better with the dog. At least he wouldn't force on her crude and unwanted attentions like most of the men she had met so far in her young life.

It was done, anyhow. Ben was getting to his feet wearily. "Go on, Prince. Go on back with Miss Victoria while your poor old master goes home to sleep it off. Christ, what I'd give to be in your shoes-paws." Ben didn't seem to care that he was getting a little careless in his speech with Victoria listening. This often happened after a heavy night of drinking. In fact, he was still a little drunk, all the liquor he had swilled down last night not yet having had a chance to work through his system. Why the dog? Ben thought morosely to himself. Why not him, Ben Wright, lover extraordinaire? Why, these young bitches didn't know what they were missing. He could still get it up with the best of them, and when he did, he knew what to do with it, not like this new breed of bloodless gutless unisex males that lounged and lolled in bored apathy all over the campus. Ah, hell, the weaving Ben thought to himself, if he went on thinking this way, the first thing he knew he would shake up one of these lovely little broads, and then he'd be out on the streets again. Maybe it was enough to have a warm place to sleep and three square meals a day. But somewhere deep inside himself, Ben knew that wasn't enough. No, a man needed more -- pride, affection, acceptance of his masculinity. Ben knew he was close to blowing it-his job, everything; maybe reaching out and pinching one of those cute pert breasts bulging out from that gorgeous little hunk of tail standing so bug-eyed before him.

But training won out and Ben waved a hand wearily toward Prince, indicating to Victoria that she should take him away. He wanted her to leave quietly, but the grateful young girl blurted out her thanks in a seemingly unending stream of meaningless words before she finally left, Prince trailing willingly enough after her.

Ben Wright sat for nearly ten minutes in grumpy, meditative loneliness before little insistent nudges from somewhere deep inside his subconscious began to warn him that there was something rather strange about Victoria's nervous insistence on taking the dog.

"Something kind of fishy here," Ben muttered to himself. Sure, lots of young girls liked dogs, but they weren't in a breathless rush to get their hands on one. What the hell was with that girl, anyhow? If he had not been hung over and a little drunk, Ben would have been more charitable in his thoughts toward Victoria, for he truly liked the girl. But the bitterness that lurked just under the surface of his ruined life was spilling from him today in unaccustomed torrents, making him resent the constant provocation of Victoria's unintended seductiveness. If she had been someone else's lover, the big man could have felt more at ease about it, but the shameful waste of that lovely, ripe, unused little body seemed at the moment a personal affront to him. What the hell did she want with his dog anyhow?

A small jolt of alarm went through Ben's whiskey-addled brain. Hell, maybe Victoria was some kind of secret nut and was going to harm his beloved dog. He had better see to this, the big man thought to himself and got unsteadily to his feet. He would follow them, the girl and Prince, and see what she was up to. After all, he represented campus security and it was his duty to know what kinds of things went on in the dormitories, or at least that had been his rationalization on those nights when Ben had lurked outside the windows, secretly hoping to catch a glimpse of naked young coeds.

With a groan, Ben heaved himself to his feet and set off at a shambling gait toward the other side of the campus and Victoria's dorm. Just the thought of maybe seeing the luscious little blonde again was enough to keep his aching body moving.

Meanwhile, Victoria was speeding toward her room, Prince bounding along happily after. The young student refused to let herself think at all, afraid that she might change her mind about what she was going to do. Finally, breathing hard from the fast pace she had set, Victoria pushed open the sliding glass doors to her dorm room and she and Prince were once again alone together, next to the same bed where last night the excited young girl had given herself in Nameless surrender to the huge animal. Victoria began to tear at her clothes, not wanting to waste another minute, knowing that this time Penny would not come back to bother them. Victoria had seen her enter a classroom while she and Prince were on their way here.

Prince looked up in undisguised interest at the glittering-eyed girl as the well-remembered allure of her naked young body was quickly bared before him. The big dog could feel an automatic tingling starting again deep in his hairy loins as his animal-memory was aroused once more by the lust-inspiring sight before him. Finally Victoria stood completely naked, her high proud young breasts rising and falling quickly from her urgent breathing, but then she didn't know what to do next. How did one encourage an animal to do... this obscene thing?

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