Hand Maid - Cover

Hand Maid


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - What a wild imagination. While playing with her new toy, Veronica reminisces about her good and bad times with other men and women and vows to give them up. Is she really giving them all up or is it her imagination?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   Slow   Novel-Pocketbook  

Veronica was a little disappointed to shake herself of the last wild fantasy. How she was able to manipulate John, and how different was his behavior than the real way he acted--no jealousy, just pure hard and simple action. Now he was going to call just the next day and demand explanation. Could she possibly tell him how much better off he'd be if he just loosened up a bit, rode with the punches and let her call the shots? No really, He was as hard headed, old-fashioned and stubborn as they come, she knew that, could tell that when she first met him.

Veronica remembered the first meeting in the office, how he bored her with his bragging and obvious ploys to impress, but some how that wall all ironed out when he took her to bed that first time and showed her that he was a real man.

Veronica decided to go take a bath and try to unwind a bit, because after all, it would be two on Sun day before she would know it, and then she'd have to come up with something really good, if for no other reason, to ensure that they didn't get into the same old bind. She took the towel from around her torso and made sure she drew a tepid bath. Satisfied with the temperature and quality and quantity of bubbles, Vern put one toe in the water. How different from her pretend outing, she thought. There, she took less time to dive into a wild pond than to go into a lousy tepid bath tub.

Well, she thought, you can't have it all. The water felt nice, especially inside her cunt, which, by any standards, had been given quite a workout. The options were opened to her; just as she could have some more masturbatory fun, she should also come up with something to explain away her uncharacteristic behavior. She could tell him she was physically sick but then again, he'd seen her, and she was up and about. She could tell him that she'd been seeing somebody else, but he was so jealous. It wouldn't be easy.

Veronica lay back into the hot bath. She could feel her cunt recuperating, the tiny muscles inside of her thighs regaining strength, as she lay in the water, as she stroked her breasts and spread around the bubbles. John wasn't that bad a buy; he'd his faults, but when you got down to it, he was a dynamo in the sack, relative to the other duds she'd been out with; no sense blowing it with over a dildo.

As the woman got out of the tub and began to dry herself off, she thought about the office. She realized that all her characters had some basis in the office, from Buck to Maggie, from Lu to Bernice. Sure, Buck was none other than the mail boy-it was amazing she hadn't noticed before. She'd lusted after the young stud, especially when he'd bend over to pick up the envelopes off her office, his muscular buns bulging through his trousers. She knew he was the outdoor type--most unusual for her stuffy office, and even talked to him about his trips upstate, where he'd do it all, from hunting to fishing, from eating his own catch, to sleeping right under the stars. She'd thought about making it with him, but there was always the specter of John who would be looking over her shoulder, checking out that she behaved herself and not to get out line.

But still, it was hard to resist. She did her little daydreaming at that time, picturing the stud as he whipped out his cock and offered it to her one late afternoon after everyone else had gone, gritting his teeth as she did her business. It would be a thick, healthy cock, coated with fine layer of hair at the base, surrounded by bushy pubics and he'd have a wild look in his eye as she'd do it to him.

No conversation necessary, it was a terrific fantasy, Vern going right down, taking the wet tip between her lips, then moving up, bringing more of the member in her mouth until she could not fit more, sucking on it, making it harder still. He groaned out, and held on her shoulder, but she didn't abate her moves, just intensified the blow. There was a sound in the other room, but the couple was oblivious, acting like nothing mattered accept his coming sure and swift.

He would come, too. He would spew his juices all over Veronica's face but she wouldn't care--even if it meant staining her dress or otherwise marking her person for sure recognition. She'd be out of her senses, without ability to ponder and consider, weighing the consequences against her pleasure. Such was the level of her ultimate turn-on.

"Oh did it, do it!" he'd moan until, suddenly he'd be writhing in painful passion, then spurting, squirting, ejaculating his hot, manly come.

That was Buck. Lu: executive secretary of the vice president in charge of consumer relations, a bombshell, with such polish and style that Veronica envied her no end. After all, she got to go on business trips, to lead the glamorous life of the big city secretary with everything stacked in her direction, from expense accounts to the plushest office in the place, from a sexy voice and dynamite body to the attention of all the men she could ever want.

Lu would even make it with guys in her own boss' office; now that was nerve. Veronica watched one evening as she brought in this rugged looking man in a tux, then quietly closed the door, not even concerned that Veronica, who was putting in overtime, had seen her. Vern could hear some groans from deep inside the office, and when the man slipped out fifteen minutes later with a contented look on his face, Vern didn't have to use much imagination to know what had transpired.

Bernice: Bernice was a bit craftier in this regard. No downright siren, no obvious coquette, she was very much subtler. She had a conducive position (internal personnel relations) which allowed her to circulate. Vern could tell she was after action the way she looked at John when she came to hear of his complaints she just kind of paused and looked at his body, right below the waist, before she introduced herself. But Vern couldn't see how she flopped with John--who was always up for some strange meat-- but she left looking a little frazzled.

Yes, they were all in the office, one after the other, the bases for Vern's little office flight. But now she was on her own, waiting for John.

The rest of the day was uneventful, and Vern went to sleep only to awaken at eleven, a mere three hours before she'd have to meet the stud.

When she gained consciousness, she was just as horny as ever. She knew what she wanted to do be fore the stud really came. She wanted to go through the motions in her own imagination, make the scene happen the way she really wanted it, to get off on the idea of his visit, per-affording some consolation for what could happen.

She imagined hearing the door ring and showing the stud in. "Oh, hello John, I hope you'll excuse the mess, but you see I've been playing with myself the entire week end."


"That's right John, You see, you just haven't been satisfying enough to me, so I kind of took it upon myself to get down to some real fucking, using a dildo and one hell of an imagination."

Instead of anger, disappointment, dropping her like a door- nail, he just said it was fine, but that he could give her a better time right then and there.

Without another pause the stud moved over and began to gently kiss her on the neck. Then he took the initiative of going into the kitchen and returning with her whipped cream. Without even undressing her, he pushed the nozzle under her brassiere and she could feel the cream filling the cups, melting right over her nipples, cooling her down her hot tits and even driving her on the wild side. Vern took the can and put it under his belt, squirting it into his jockies. He yelled out from the shock of it all, but aware that he had it coming, he wasn't about to resist. He looked up, his eyes wide, face red, then pushed Vern down on her back until she hit the rug and felt his weight entirely over her, like some great northern grizzly.

"I'm gonna fuck you girl, better than you can fuck yourself, you'll see."

"You've got some stiff competition." She looked over at her electric cock.

That gave John an idea and he took it in his hand, pressing the buzzer and sensing its intensity. "I can see how you can get off on this-sure, why not. Its got hardness, its got vibration, all the elements of real turn-on."

He pressed it against her cheek so that she could feel the ticklying, prickling sensations and then pushed it lower on her neck. When he reached the upper part of her cleavage which he exposed by pulling down the top of her blouse, she could hardly stand it.

"Come on, fuck me with it... stick it inside me."

"Not yet," he said mysteriously.

Then he pulled down his trousers until his own cock was visible, large and erect. He put it side by side to the electro- cock and started to evaluate. "I have to admit, it is bigger, and harder at that. But you can't compare temperatures."

"Fuck me," she pleaded.

"You'll get yours, don't you worry, but a man likes to look at his competition, you know how it is, kind of see what it was you saw in this guy, I mean cock."

"Fuck this shit, come on now."

Veronica tried another approach, smiling seductively, moving over slowly and removing the remainder of her top, silently pushing her breasts against his thigh.

"Come now Veronica, can't you see I'm not quite through with my business."

"What are you trying to do?"

"It's a contest of sorts, you might say."

"With you the judge."

"That's right Vern, I may be a little prejudiced, but I always preferred a game with loaded dice."

Vern had enough at this point; it was her show. She pulled the cock out of his hand, then pressed it against his buns, finally pushing down his shorts and sticking it on the outside of his ass, pressing it around the rim. Here, she could tell she was really getting to him.

"Now wait a minute, oww..."

By the time she spoke, she had the cock half-way up his ass, no lubrication, no nothing. She started to move it about and he started to plead for mercy.

"Stop, oh, no, take that fucking thing out."

"Now you can see that's not the great thing you thought it was."

"Okay Vern, you win, it sucks, no competition for me, and I'm not jealous.

Her point made, Vern took out the dildo and threw it over to the couch, purposely throwing short so that it hit the floor, but it still remained functional. "I bet your cock couldn't take that kind of abuse."

John moved closer to her and pulled down her slacks and panties exposing her lovely pussy hair.

"Eat my cunt, John, the perfect way to celebrate." He moved down to her steamy cunt and began to lick her thighs, making her hotter as was his usual practice before getting down to heavier kinds of eating.

She compared his style and technique to her other imaginary lovers, only she was able to approximate the stud's real behavior because she'd known him so many times before.

He wasn't bad--perhaps the best. It was quite a transformation, the way he looked so respectable in his vested suit, the ideal of the dependable American businessman, but then could be transformed into a cunt maniac by the mere sight of pussy. She liked to see that change. It began when he loosened his tie, pulled it lower until he seemed to be getting to work on some project, then the look in his eye changing as he unbuttoned his shirt and ex posed the fact that he wore no undershirt. That always turned her on; a man who made no bones about his underclothing, eliminating the shirt. It made him seem more sensual, more on top of his desires, more... accessible. That was John, all right, accessible, MR. ACCESSIBLE.

It wasn't that his flirting with anyone in a skirt took her by surprise, but she did want some special treatment. The more he told her she was his favorite, the less he treated her kindly in the office, almost purposely making time with other girls right in front of her face. Who knows? Maybe she could tell him she was having an affair with a guy and that would get him in fine--except if he simply jolted her, then where would she be?

No, she'd have to play it nice and easy and just get out of her own hot water, hoping that the stud would play it her way.

"You like pussy, don't you John."

"You better believe it."

He continued to go at the broad, sucking, licking and generally doing everything that she could imagine below her waist, from petting her to feeling and sucking. She could hardly stand the excitement of it all. He knew he had her. He pushed his hands up ward over her smooth skin, the approached the underside of her knockers, digging his thumbs into the intimacy of the fold on the bottom, bringing other fingers up on top and making contact with his middle finger over her rapidly erecting nipple.

"Oh, ah, oh!"

She was where he wanted her, ready for some horizontal action. The stud pushed her down on the floor and positively jumped on her, rolling about like she were some carpet, her on top, then him, around and around they spun until they hit wall.

"Oh!" she cried out.

"Come on baby, you can take it. I know you like rough stuff."

And she did. She liked a big cock to take her by force, by brute force and subdue her to his own will, throw her about with violence and brute determination. He had all of that, the size and the stature to pull it off. She wanted to pull him off.

Veronica pushed him to the side and looked at his fantastic cock, big and manly. Without another pause, she pushed her thumb the entire length of the shaft and decided to do a little flicking up near the tip. She gently stroked it and then put more pressure, just on the tip now, no diffusion of energy, just straight ahead expert flicking.

"oh, baby."

"Yeah, I know how to flick like nobody else, baby."

She was not being immodest, merely stating a fact. Vern knew how to sense just how far she could go before the point of diminishing returns, just how safe it was to take him to the point of the arch--that is the point where a man thinks he might come, but the broad is so on top of him, she knows how to bring him down before he shoots.

That's where they were now, at the big arch, at the point of explosion.

"Do it to me," he begged, losing all sense of judgment.

"Come now, I know you don't want this nice affair to be over so soon, do you now? That would be ruining the timing." She expertly used this opportunity to pause in her manipulations and let him get a hold of himself. "Now, that would be fucking up the timing, same as in business, like if you said to some client at lunch, 'come on and sign, right here, sign it and we can be on our way, ' before the guy is ready--and that isn't good business. Now you're not ready to go on your way yet, are you John?" She liked be mg condescending on him like that for a change, for now, in all her youth, she had the upper hand.

"I'll know when you're ready."

She eased down the pace with some simple necking, gently tapping him on the back with her fingers and then kissing him slowly on the lips. It was still nice in a soft-core kind of way. She could feel a slight tingle from her lips, through the back of her neck and head, and almost shivered a little when she touched the hairs on his arm.

"Oh, baby, kiss me all the way," he moaned--he was hers for the taking.

Veronica continued to kiss easy, then put on more pressure until she thought he was down enough to get into gear once again. She pushed her hand lower on his stomach until she reached his pubics. He arched his back hoping for some cock action, sticking his genitals right upward so that the were the highest point of his body, his cock sticking up like a pole, but Vern wouldn't be pushed.

"Come now, my friend, you'll get yours... don't be hasty."

"Now you fucker, now you bitch."

"Hey," she teased, "unless you apologize this instant, you'll have to leave right now. (She had him by the balls!)

"Okay, you win, I'll do anything you say, just keep fucking me girl."

"I think I'd like to have my back scratched."

"You what?"

"That's right. Now do it, because if you have to be slow about it, I might get a little impatient and think of some more tasks." She thought it could be fun to have the stud peel her a grape or something equally demeaning.

He rose, kicked a pillow out of her way, then positioned his body so that he could turn her over.

"I hope you realize not many women would be able to get away with this."

"Guess I just have a few talents."

"You cock teaser!"

"That's right, I like to tease, but I deliver, too. I'll give you what you're looking for, and you'll get it delivered in a nice package. You go my way and you won't regret it."

The stud pushed her on her stomach and looked for her ripe area. She did have a fantastic back, no doubt about that, the way her shoulders arched broadly on each side, and her spine curved inward, a perfect slope down to her buns where there was the most desirable little dimple. He gazed in perfect admiration for several minute as Vern patiently waited for some action. Then he gently pushed his fingers along the spine, tracing a path down above her buns, finally patting her ass and then squeezing the skin.

"Oh, yes, yes, that's the way to do it."

He pushed harder and moved down the slit down to her dark, sensual underside, pausing for several seconds to really get it on down there, and push harder and faster, increasing the tempo from a languid waltz to an allegro and then presto. On and upward he pushed back up the entire length of her spine, pausing luxuriously by the sides of her breasts, then up the nape of her neck.

"Fuck me, push those fingers inside again," she pleaded.

"Guess the tables are a little turned my lady."

It was Vern's fantasy and she decided it was only fair to give the man equal time, because even though she was calling the shots, it didn't mean that he would have to receive all the blows. No that would be boring, would take the edge of excitement off the entire affair.

Now it was torrid, crimson action.

Suddenly, John took on a gnome like look, a ghoulish expression which made him into a fiend, an evil genius bent on fucking the hell out of this girl, taking her into the sky of action.

"You look a little strange."

John took his evil expression to the limit, enjoying his new hobgoblin identity.

"Oh, yes fuck me you demon!"

John stood so that his cock was visible. He looked gigantic as Veronica lay under him. She'd realized she had never seen a man from that position, where his cock can be seen from the underside, where his balls seem to hang ten inches and dominate his being, where his asshole is just sitting above, waiting to be manipulated and invaded by brave fingers.

He looked like a liege, a suzerain, the overlord sovereign of her passion, the patriarch of all sexuality, the potentate of passion.

Come on, she thought, stick that fantastic cock in side of me, stick it in my mouth and in my ass and best of all, stick it inside of my cunt.

"Suck me now."

This time she obeyed the commandment, sticking the schlong inside and sucking on the hot tip. She felt her entire mouth begin to burn with passion as she took it inside, the way it fueled her passion and enveloped her entire being, made her want to eat his meat and swallow his come, made her want to fuck, and suck and bring him down on top of her with such determination, frenzy and energy, that he could only beg for her to stop.

But not yet; there was still time for real action. Vern continued to go at the man, sucking it, taking in more into her mouth until she knew there was little more room.

She wanted to feel under the thralldom of his power, and enslavement, to be under the tutelage of his perfect yoke. She wanted to be taken to the limit, to feel his disciplined control subordinate her will to his own.

"Fuck me," he ordered, and she promptly obeyed in a sense, by beginning to not merely suck that cock, not merely push it in and out, but get down to some downright pumping.

It was her redemption, her extrication and acquittance, an absolution from her endless desires, from her determination to reach some ultimate climax. She sucked the shaft and was sure that it was somehow getting harder and hotter then when it first went in. How that was possible she did not know; how he could get himself into an even hotter state of fury was impossible to say; how he managed to sustain such a passionate level was also difficult to determine, but the understanding was secondary to the experience, the first thing that mattered was the straight forward fuck.

Then it was time for some lower kinds of plea sure, from the oral to the genital, the hard, straight forward fuck.

Vern rose and then moved down to the wall, fingering her way along the wall and seductively moved into the bedroom, wiggling her ass in such a seductive way, that John could not quite hold himself back while this siren got away. He chased her, spotting her position by the sheer sight of that great ass, those almost perfect buns which almost begged to be touched, to be manipulated and otherwise made erotic to a point of pure sex.

"Oh, do it, do it."

"Baby, I'm yours if you can catch me."

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