Stylish Romance - Cover

Stylish Romance

by Terry Preston

Copyright© 2024 by Terry Preston

Romantic Sex Story: Greg and his hair stylist, Lexi, have felt a mutual attraction over two decades. Each also loved their spouse. Neither was inclined to cheat. They remained good friends with occasional innocent flirting. Five years after Greg's divorce, Lexi became single also. With Valentine's Day approaching, Greg seeks to learn if there's fire where there appears to be smoke.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Oral Sex   Petting   Voyeurism   Small Breasts   .

I’m Greg and I was excited as I got ready to go to my haircut appointment. Lexi had been cutting my hair for about 20 years. We had very good chemistry from the very first and found each other attractive. We were both married at the time and neither of us was the cheating type. We nevertheless grew emotionally intimate over the years and knew each other nearly as well as most married couples. We had been supportive toward each other through a lot of ups and downs. My second divorce was five years ago. Lexi’s divorce from Steve for an affair he had was finalized just three weeks ago. It was her third. I knew better than to try to jump right in on the heels of a break-up, but I had my eye on her. We had casually flirted a lot over the last decade in a way that was frivolous, but just barely. And we were both smokers, two of a dwindling minority.

I’m 60 and Lexi is two years my junior. She looks and acts a lot younger than she is. She gives the credit for that to yoga. She’s 5’ 8” and 125 pounds, with medium length raven black hair. I’m several inches taller and 50 pounds heavier. I’m sort of trim, with no beer gut. She keeps my gray hair looking good. Lexi is small busted, which is my favorite. My guess would be that she is a 34A, perfection in my view. I am mostly average, although I have a slightly larger than average “package”. Lexi is self-employed as a stylist. I own a regional title company which mostly runs itself. Being a good delegator, I don’t have to spend a lot of time in the office. Neither Lexi nor I have children. Notwithstanding my age and divorces, I still have a keen sense of, and appreciation for, romance.

My haircut, her last appointment of the day, was pretty typical, 30 minutes of snipping and bantering. As she was brushing me off, her stomach growled rather nosily. She grinned at me self-consciously and told me that she hadn’t been eating well lately. I said, “That’s understandable, considering everything. Say, Lexi, you’ve been asking about my Moose dinners for a while. I’m headed there now for the Friday fish fry. Why don’t you join me? We’ll have dinner and drinks. I think it’ll be relaxing for you.”

Lexi said, “I don’t feel dressed nice enough for a sit-down dinner.”

I had the feeling that she was looking to be told that she looked fine. So I obliged. “Are you kidding, Lexi? You look really good in a denim jumpsuit. These fish fries are pretty casual. You’ll probably be one of the best dressed women there. I could take you almost anywhere in your outfit. Let me show you the Moose side of my life.”

With a self-satisfied smile, she agreed. Since she knew where it was, I walked her to her car before getting in my own and driving to the Moose. I was more excited than I had been when I was getting ready for my appointment. I hadn’t known then that I would so easily find a convenient reason for us to spend more time together. Thank God for stomach rumbles!

After entering the Moose Lodge, we walked into the dining area arm-in-arm. I’m pretty well known at the Lodge and I almost always eat alone. A lot of people were looking to see who this woman was that I came in with. Quite a few stopped by our table to say hi. I introduced her to everyone as “my friend Lexi”. Same with the wait staff, who are all volunteers and friends of mine. More than a few gave me a subtle approving nod. Nearby was a couple who were wearing sweatshirts with the PBR beer logo. When Lexi saw me glance at them, she said, “I see what you mean. I’m not underdressed at all.”

“Not just that,” I said, “You’re the prettiest woman here tonight.” We both knew that it wasn’t really true. But she was happy to hear me say it and she smiled at me, before kissing me on the cheek. I didn’t doubt that she intended it to be an endearing gesture. I also had the feeling that she was publicly staking a claim. I was completely OK with that.

We each had two beers (not PBR!) with our perch dinner. I switched to coffee and Lexi had a vodka gimlet. Then a second. She was getting very relaxed. With a bright smile, she said, “Thanks for bringing me here, Greg, it was just what I needed. I think it’s going great for a first date, don’t you? Is it a first date? I don’t mean to be presumptuous.” Now she had a quizzical look on her face, as if she had spoken too fast.

I took hold of her hand and said, “I think it’s been a really good first date and I’m gonna start thinking about our second date, if you’re good with that.” I leaned over and pecked her on the mouth, just a peck.

Her face relaxed and her smile returned. “I can’t wait to hear your next plan, baby. If you’ll drive me home and help me pick up my car tomorrow, I’m gonna celebrate with a third gimlet”. I nodded my head and ordered her drink. I knew she was a party girl, but I wondered if she had outdone herself. She definitely was in no condition to drive. I just hoped she’d be able to walk. The alcohol and the end of a long tiring week was a potent combination. We mostly smiled at each other with “goo-goo” eyes as she finished her last drink. I waved at my friends as we left, again arm-in-arm, but this time for a practical reason. I sure didn’t want to make the rounds with her saying goodbye to everyone. She might have stumbled. We made it to my car without incident and drove to her house, which she was keeping in the divorce settlement for now. In five years, she would have to either buy Steve out or sell the house and split the proceeds.

Lexi was singing and mumbling to herself on the drive home. I was certain she didn’t have a drinking problem, so it was sort of funny. She had just got too wound up tonight under all the circumstances. This first date was going to end weirdly. But we’d look back on it later and laugh, I hoped. I pulled up in her driveway and got her keys from her. We stumbled to the front door and opened it. Fortunately, it was a one-story house. I guided Lexi to her bedroom and sat her on the bed. Getting her out of her jumpsuit was no easy task. Nor was getting her under the covers. She was already dozing. If possible, I’d let her think she undressed herself and got into bed. I didn’t want her to be even more embarrassed by knowing that I’d seen her in her undies. At least I confirmed my guess that she was 34A! I went to the kitchen and found paper and pen. I wrote a note telling her that I was sleeping on the sofa and left it on her nightstand. I didn’t want her to panic if she heard me moving around in the morning. I then found a blanket in a hallway closet, stripped to my underwear and went to sleep on the couch. It was surprisingly comfortable, and I slept surprisingly well.

In the morning, I awoke well before Lexi, as I expected I would. I dressed and peeked in on her. She was sleeping peacefully on her side. I went to the kitchen and made coffee as quietly as I could. After two cups, I went downstairs to the finished basement where I found the spare bathroom. I also found a spare electric razor. I showered and shaved and finished by finger brushing my teeth. I returned upstairs and waited for Lexi to wake, drinking more coffee. I didn’t have to wait long. I heard the shower running in the master bath, so I knew she was OK and on the move. By the time she came into the kitchen, wearing a nice robe, she was looking pretty good. I pointed to the counter where there was a fresh cup of coffee, the cream already stirred. She raised her eyes in surprise and appreciation and went straight to it. She took several long swallows before turning to me. She said, “Oh, Greg, Greg, Greg.” Then she drifted into my arms and we hugged. It turned into a long hug. She broke the silence, “You are such a good man, Greg. Thank you so much for taking care of me, going above and beyond like you did. It’s really not like me to crash and burn that way. I guess I just needed it and you were there for me. I felt safe enough with you to just let it all hang out. You’re not thoroughly disgusted with me, are you?”

I pulled back a little so I could look her in the eyes. I answered, “Not a bit, Lexi. I’m glad I was able to help you relieve the pressure you’ve been under. We had an enjoyable dinner. And look, you took me home after the first date.” That got a laugh out of her and I pulled her back into a hug.

She said, “Yeah, I don’t bring guys home that soon unless they’re really exceptional, which you are.”

“Are you hungry,” I asked.

“Famished. And except for a slight headache, I’m not hungover. My stomach is OK and I remember the whole evening, although I’m a little fuzzy about getting into bed.”

“Then put on some clothes and let’s go to the Bacon Palace. It’s close by and the breakfasts are really hearty.” Lexi changed into jeans, a blouse and a red sweater, and we were on our way. We both ordered gut buster breakfast plates. Plenty of eggs, bacon and hash browns, not to mention toast. I don’t know where she put it all but she cleaned her plate. I guess she burns off the calories with yoga and exercise.

As we sat sipping our coffees, Lexi said to me, “Wow, when you came for your appointment yesterday, I sure wasn’t expecting to have two meals in less than eighteen hours with you. I’m glad it worked out that way, but it was sure a surprise.”

I returned her smile and said, “I know what you mean. Taking you to the Moose wasn’t on my mind when I left the house. Inspiration just came to me. And I sure didn’t foresee that I’d be making coffee in your kitchen this morning. I could probably get used to that.” I raised an eyebrow after my last comment.

Blushing, she replied, “Well, we’ll have to see about that. But you did brew good coffee, that’s in your favor. I still have a lot on my mind and a lot of things to work through. I appreciate your kindness and your patience. I can be a handful at times.”

As we got ready to leave, I said to Lexi, “Before we pick up your car, I have an idea for some frivolity on a cold, snowy day. Wanna be frivolous?”

“Well, I might be open to that. What’s your plan?”

I replied, “Let me surprise you. The place I’m thinking of is only about ten minutes away. OK?”

“Yeah, I’ll take a chance. Your ideas are usually pretty good. The selection of the Bacon Palace was primo.”

I drove to Take It Easy, a local arcade that featured an 18-hole mini-golf course. It clearly wasn’t what Lexi was expecting. She asked, “Are we playing pinball or putting? A very unique idea. Either would be fun, if you ask me.”

I said, “Putting. I recently brought my niece and nephew here. I thought I was just doing a good uncle thing, but it was more fun than I expected. It was really relaxing and a nice break from the routine. The course has a windmill, drawbridge and castle doors that open and close. And you can’t be overly serious with life when you hear your ball plop into a water hazard!” With that we went inside, got our putters and started the course.

Neither Lexi nor I played golf, so we weren’t good putters. We didn’t see the point of keeping score and we just had fun. I could see some of the stress that Lexi had been living with start to fade from her face. She was absolutely gorgeous with a relaxed smile. Mini golf was a much healthier de-stressor than drinking. We took a short break after the first nine holes, just chatting and watching the other players, all of whom seemed to be having a great time. Lexi looked at me and said, “Greg, thank you so much for bringing me here. I love being able to feel a little carefree for a change. I’m sure you remember very well what it’s like going through a divorce. It seems like I always have a good time when I’m with you. That’s why I always looked forward to your hair appointments. You’ve always been a fun client.”

I put my arm on her shoulder and squeezed it while we walked to the 10th hole. “My pleasure, Lexi. This is a good time. There’s a reason I kept coming back for haircuts, you know. You’re a fun stylist.” We finished the last nine holes, playing no better than we did the first nine, but having just as much fun. After turning in our putters, we walked hand-in-hand to the canteen area, where I got us some hot chocolate. We needed something warm before venturing back out into the cold.

The hot drink felt good and added to my feeling of simple contentment. I felt a lot of comfort just being with Lexi. She said, “OK, my turn for a great idea. Why don’t you come back to my house after we pick up my car? I’ll make some grilled cheese sandwiches if you’ll brew another pot of coffee. Sound like a plan, Mr. Frivolous?” I told her it did sound like a plan and that’s what we did. I was starting to deal with a case of blue balls while we did this. In addition to all of the other good feelings I was having, being with Lexi was stoking the fire of my desire for her. It felt primal. I had to keep reminding myself that patience would win the day. But Mr. Happy didn’t take well to my self-counsel!

Lexi made some great sandwiches and I brewed coffee. We ate about half of our meal in a comfortable silence, frequently looking up and speaking with our eyes. Lexi broke the ice, “To be serious for a moment, do you think we’re moving too fast?”

After sipping some coffee, I replied, “I know what you mean, Lexi. I’ve thought about that also. The ink on your divorce papers is hardly dry. We’ve both seen people get into difficulty by jumping in too quickly. But I think we have some things going for us. With our age and life experience, we know ourselves pretty well and we can assess people, circumstances, likes and dislikes a lot faster than when we were younger. On top of that, we’ve seen each other about once a month for over twenty years. Our conversations during that time weren’t always shallow. We’ve shared important thoughts and ideas. We’ve been supportive of each other during good times and bad. We’ve had a strong connection for a very long time, even though we didn’t act on it. I certainly wouldn’t suggest that we sell all our stuff and run off to Mexico together this spring! But I do think we can pace ourselves with a mutual attraction in a healthy way. I hope you see things that way too, but I get it if you don’t.”

Lexi took a moment to sip some coffee and said, “I do agree, Greg. I just thought we should address the issue openly so that we would be on the same page. We’ll probably hear some reservations and warnings from the people close to us, but it’s not their call, is it? So what are we doing now – dating or hanging out, as the young people seem to do these days?”

I gave Lexi my warmest smile and chuckled before answering. “That’s a great question. The way I would describe it is that our meal at the Moose was a spontaneous date prequel! Today we’ve been hanging out. And now, I’m going to ask you out for a real old-fashioned date.” And I winked at her.

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