Ostara - Cover


Copyright© 2023 by dumalfač

Chapter 14

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 14 - Things fall into Ash's lap - and he has no idea why. Gradually he and his cohort come to understanding through much sex, speech and sharing.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   mt/mt   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   CrossDressing   Hermaphrodite   TransGender   Mystery   Far Past   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Rough   PonyGirl   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Pegging   Tit-Fucking   Body Modification  

I was a couple minutes early to homeroom and I read messages.


>Hi, Ash,

I’m glad you came to see me, even though I’m still in isolation. Today they evaluate how the phages are doing again, and I’ll either be in here another night or be released - of course, I hope it’s the former.

I miss the feel of your body, Ash. <3 <3 -DGlassshe


>Ash, Bang-ja, Ali -

Picnic, my place, Litha 1/3, 1330, please do try to make it. I’ve got it on the schedule overlay. <3 <3 <3 -Beck-oo

Mr. Mesrobian came in at that point.

“Gentlefolk, here we go. Last week of instruction for the school year. Most of you will have exams. Please. Concentrate and overcome. The Collective finds tremendous value in your effort and this is rewarded, as you know. We need your efforts to move our society forward. You can do this. For all our sakes, keep up your effort! This is where you can win, seize each opportunity and ride it.

“Students are reminded that examination conduct is mostly by proctor except in creative arts. Should you have doubt about any proctor’s credentials, it is not only acceptable, but encouraged, to challenge them. Proctors have no mechanism to affect grades, they have only the ability to try to identify aberrant or cheating behavior during the course of the examination.

“Any comments, questions, or statements for record?”


“Finish strong, gentlefolk, your community is depending on you.”

English, a proctor. A single essay on what influences English literature and how it changes with time. Typical of Mr. Moss; who could prepare for that specifically? I wound up listing the influences from the United States/Confederate States war until the time around WW I, and pointed out the differences between suspicion in the Americas and the increasing ability of Europeans to simply go where they wished. It involved Childers’ ‘Riddle of the Sands’, where Carruthers can simply go to the Netherlands and Germany without formalities or even having to change money - a shilling, a mark, and a guilder being just about interchangeable - and how expectations of free movement resulted in books like Wells’ ‘Tono-Bungay’ where the idea of borders seemed to be less daunting than they were even twenty years later. I wondered whether it would work, it at least made sense to me at 1000 on a Monday.

I killed the calc exam, and knew it. Bang-ja came up to me after and asked about question 5, which I was pretty much able to regurgitate and she said she’d got it, so we were probably still neck-and-neck.

We went to lunch. Beck and Ali joined us so we had all our little issues in a compact knot; we’d head out to the glades and I felt resigned to a strange time. At least the food was good: a garbure, a bit late in the season for it, but with a lot of steamed vegetables I liked.

When we headed out I was surprised to find Ali close to me, with Beck and Bang-ja waving their hands and chattering a blue streak. I had a hard-on, being this close to Ali, and I hoped he’d had enough time to center himself based on how scattered he’d been.

When we sat Beck touched me and we knew what was going on and the next thing we had to do was bring Ali into our - I don’t know - compact? melding? ... we hadn’t tried to name what we have but it was the most important thing in three lives and we wanted to share a little more. I didn’t know whether I could open with Bang-ja as I had with Beck, but it might not be only my job.

Then there was Ali, who I knew up to his limits with me but to whom Beck and Bang-ja were devoted. I felt superfluous, but the vibes coming off him were different from even what I’d got from his message. Evidently he’d been taking things seriously and that seemed pretty typical of him, but this time it was working in our favor.

Ali took my hand, kissed all five of my right fingers. “I didn’t know.” “I know you didn’t, Ali, and it wasn’t up to me to inform you.” He just looked at me. “Look, it is not up to me to try to tell you what you want; it is up to me to support what you want, OK? You do you.”

He flopped backward, conveniently resulting in my lap full of Ali’s head. “You mean that.” I just nodded. “I have known you how long?” “Six - seven years?” “Right. So suddenly I was supposed to inflict what I wanted on you?”

Ali sat there chewing his lip. “OK, so I fucked up. Once you busted your shell open I thought I didn’t know you any more.” “I don’t mean to sound like that.”

“But ... looking back, it’s right. You didn’t change a thing about you, you just did more and different stuff. The rest is on me, my, er, maybe judgmental opinion.”

“Ah, Ali, you’re losing me.” “I thought what I wanted would hurt you.” “That’s no closer to my understanding, Ali.” “Doesn’t anal sex hurt?”

I doubled over laughing. “That’s crazy, Ali. I love to be fucked. You saw Beck fucking me, remember? I was in a haze of delight! All my good friends have used my ass and I have made a point of helping them do it, do it more deeply, do it more frequently.” His eyes went round. “And here I am thinking you don’t want that.”

“Oh, Ali, if you felt like fucking me I would enjoy your cock in me, very much, though it might surprise you how I ... engage.”

If Ali didn’t quit chewing his lower lip it would be a bloody mess. “Um. So. Okay, I have a ... flawed perspective.” “Fuckin’ A- right it’s flawed. I love cock. In my ass. In my mouth. In my hand. Between my tits, as you showed me. It’s time. Would you please fuck me, soon, Ali?”

He kissed me and once he did it I showed him how much I love cock in me, and he began mewing and I was fairly sure I had convinced him, and when he came I was certain. It wasn’t the kiss that did it - it came to me all at once - it was his relief that what he wanted would be OK with me and my admiration for him rose and the big wave of “this is Ali” I felt made us both cum.

After a couple minutes I asked him “any more questions, beautiful man?” He laughed, shook his head. “It is so very far from where I thought people are, you are.” “Ali. Look at me.” He did, intently. “May I have a date with you, please, tomorrow?”

“I would like that, Ash.” “Then dinner is at 2000, and dessert, namely I, will come along around 2045 or so, ok?” He nodded. “Please be patient with me, there is a lot, it seems, I need to un-learn.”

Not something I wanted to touch, at least not yet, and maybe I could give him evidence such that he could dismiss whatever he was concerned about. “Ali, I can be patient, simply look at the fact I am talking about tomorrow.” That had him laughing. “And here I thought I knew you, when I had no idea...”

I kissed him. “Oh, Ali, who knows how we progress? The progress is the work, it might have to evolve.” He and I got up together - we’d a bit of, er, un-sticking to do before class. We left Beck and Bang-ja in a moderate PDA and carefully took care of the wet spots.

I was headed for comp. geom, no exam until Wednesday, and Mr. Simmons was genuinely forthcoming about details. I had a few hours’ revision to do and still, I was OK with the class.

Drama was a different story. How does one have an examination in drama?

I found out. A three-minute improv with a 30 second development time. I’d no idea how to prepare for such a thing so I asked Slade. He said “look, if you keep your wits about you, you probably get a B. If you do something clever you get an A. I’ve seen these for years and they’re the most ridiculous grades anyone can get, because an A performance for teacher X will get you a C with teacher Y. There are no meaningful ways to figure it out. My conclusion? Go in loose, have a sense of fun.”

I thanked Slade and once class ended I headed for the San Hipolíto administration building on Riemann, past Bohr. I entered and was asked “with what can I help you?” by a gentleperson. “I am here to vouch for Danielle Glass’ majority.”

“Ah. Thank you, gentleperson. May I have your name?” “Achille David Boakye, he/him.”

“Mr. Boakye, Mx. Bolsonaro will be with you within five minutes. Please be seated.”

I took a seat and it wasn’t even four minutes when I was asked “Mr. Boakye?” I stood and said “I am Achille David Boakye.” “I am Kim Bolsonaro. Would you come with me, please?”

We went into a typical Collective office. They got a lotta, lotta, lotta grey desks and chairs, uh huh, at the Government center. Mx. Bolsonaro affirmed I was to represent that Danielle Masato Glass is a reliable and worthy woman, deserving of Collective citizenship upon this arrival of her majority. I affirmed in turn. “Thank you, Mr. Boakye.”

I waited. “Will there be anything else, Mr. Boakye?” “I was sort of waiting to affirm something.” “You already did; that is why I thanked you.”

Well, that made me feel like the fool in the room, but OK. “Thank you, Mx. Bolsonaro.”

They stood, I stood, I left. Anti-climactic in the extreme. I got a receipt and forwarded it to Danni along with the story of what went on.

I got a CVA to Kyche’s, I knew the house from when I thought they and I were just study partners for linear algebra and a world lit class. Back then they hadn’t had a housekeeper. This one knew their business, when I put my foot on the first tread of the steps the door opened. What was it with these giant housekeepers or footmen? This one was not quite as big as Paul Anniston’s footman, but still exceedingly impressive in that his musculature was right out of da Vinci’s drawing and what little he was wearing didn’t obscure the view much. “Good afternoon, my name is Ash Boakye, he/him.” “I am Simon, Mr. Boakye, please let me conduct you to Mx. Alara’s guest room.” “Thank you, Simon.” I took off my shoes and put them in the large and obviously antique getabako.

‘Mx. Alara’s guest room’ appeared to be part play room and part bedroom. They’d put a handwritten note on the bed:

‘Ash, please change clothing into whatever you wish. I will be wearing date clothing when I come to the door at 1700. -Kyche’

Why wouldn’t I wear date clothing, then? I had another challenging outfit that emphasized my breasts and ass, not much to it otherwise, and I was getting to like the confinements for my cock and balls.

I folded my school uniform away, put on a couple pieces of jewelry and the clothing, which had me fired up strongly when Kyche tapped and entered.

We both had these jaw-dropped faces. Kyche - they’re a little above my height - recovered first. “I had no idea, Ash, none.” “Uh ... nor had I, Kyche.” And then I took a step forward and so did they and we touched, lightly at first, tracing around and observing. “Please ... up here...” They jumped on the bed, patting near them. Their left hand. S/M flag, tit torture, and I wondered if that would come up. I’d have to look at their right.

I got up there, they rolled on their back and pulled me into a kiss. The mewing and the squirming began and they were breathing hard. They touched my breasts, teased them, ran their hands and feet all over me and returned to my breasts with light pinches that had my cock straining. They were curious, all right, they stayed that way right up to the time I realized they were really Kyche and they were really here and they came trying to scream into my mouth. The curious hands and feet were everywhere.

Since I was in a modified plank I touched their nipples with mine. Theirs were not so large but they were crazy sensitive and they wrapped their legs around me and let me feel their wetness so I tickled their pussy through the clothes and pulled their nipples just ... that much. They came again, still with their lips mashing mine, and then the legs became less insistent that I not move my hips.

We let the kiss go and I petted their breasts. “I love how sensitive your body is, Kyche.” “Ash ... oh ... how did you know?” “Observation, of course. When I kissed you, your lips told me how lightly to start and I did that and let you set the pressure and motion; when I touched your nipples with mine your hips twitched, stuff like that.”

“Please, Ash, strip me and show me some more ... observations?” Their eyes crinkled up a little for the word. I made a game of taking their top off, with little erratic touches here and there. They were incredibly open to light touch at first but I was feeling their pressing need for sex so I whispered “we’ll be back here a little later.” I took my top off and put their hands on my breasts as I took their thong off, careful there Ash, lots of metalwork; and finally I took off mine.

Kyche put their arms around my neck, pulled upward and wrapped their legs around my waist, and neatly took my cock inside them. “I always wanted to do that!” they whispered, and then they began bouncing. Fast, hard, toned-gymnast bouncing that could go on and on. I gave them a little taste of how they felt, how my cock felt being wrapped in their muscular tunnel. The bouncing increased in determination and speed.

I started doing little ripples. Kyche’s hair was whipping around as they ground their clit into my pubis and their eyes widened as I stroked and vibrated. I looked in their eyes. Need. They would be delicious to tease, later. “Cum, Kyche.” The start of a full-throated scream and then they pulled my mouth to theirs, and did their best to hold on as their body did what it did - rapidly and almost brutally hammering themself on my cock.

Someone was going to slip so I put my hands under their ass and held them as their grip began to weaken. I made to put them back on the bed but “no, no, Ash, hold your wailing monkey.” It was fine, I doubt they weighed anything like my 55 kg, and there was a lot of contact area for us to touch and taste.

And Kyche wanted kisses again so I did it but with my need to support them I had a constrained chance to play with their ass. They loved touches all around their ass and with that, my cock still stiff inside them, and the kisses, they fucked me some more. They pounded strongly enough to make the floor squeak and I wondered what consumed more calories, floor-ex or fucking. I gave Kyche some more feedback about how wild and exciting they are and then we both came. Still carrying them I reached a stable corner of the bed to plant them on.

They were trying hard to not let me pull my cock out and I gave up, but I rolled us so I was beneath them. They flopped forward, taking my nipples in their hands, and Kyche said “I can make your nipples as sensitive as mine, Ash.” “Really? How would you do it?” They demonstrated with lips, tongue, and teeth while riding my cock again, and oh, yes, my body loved that. “It’s something like operant conditioning ... what?” For I was smiling. “Kyche, you are not the first, and it’s a sweet thing to do, so if you like the idea please do it.” “I love the idea, you have the most beautiful breasts. I am going to play with your breasts a lot.”

“I want to tie you down.” I nodded. “Go ahead.” “And then I want to fuck you.” “This is just getting better and better, Kyche. Fuck me, please.” “You... - like cock?” “I adore cock.” “YAY”, they said. “I didn’t think that would happen.”

They took me over to what looked like a gynæcological table and closed my wrists and ankles in some shackles, then lifted my legs and bent them, fastening the shackle supports. Vulnerability, check. “Ash, hold on to this bell, drop it if you need me to stop. I will stop, for certain, if you drop it.”

Kyche got out some toys. Gag, well, kind of small; a double dildo with a couple of bends in it, a crop - they showed me that and noticed I was getting hard. “Kissed by the crop before?” “Yes.” They stroked my nipples, my cock, my balls and in spite of myself I tried to grind my balls into the crop. “My, my. Kinky, Ash. I hadn’t put that on the menu, but a good chef uses what they have.”

They made me watch as they inserted their double dildo and then Kyche said “this is my cock, Ash. Kiss my cock.” I turned sideways and let them fill my throat. My nipples and cock stiffened. “Ash, you really do like cock. It’s so exciting...” I made a little ripple in my throat and they squawked briefly, muttering ‘exciting, strange’.

“I’m going to gag you, Ash, so we don’t have to worry about the noises you’d otherwise make.” They pulled their cock out of my mouth, replacing it with the gag.

“Ready, girl?” I nodded. Kyche teased with their eyelashes, their breath, their nails and finger pads, their hair, their nipples and their cock. There wasn’t anything I could do about it, which was interesting, so I began finding out just how demanding their tiny touches were. Kyche kept up a little running commentary... ‘oh, yes, you like that, Ash ... wow ... you’re making beautiful noises and your clit’s dripping, girl...

“Ash, I’m going to put my cock in your ass now ... whoa! Greedy little slut!” as I helped Kyche fill me. They did that, took my nipples in their fingers, and said “here is how it goes. I fuck you and play with your nipples, exactly as I want. Your body learns that your nipples and your cunt are connected. I play with both. When I stop playing with one I stop with the other as well. You’ll learn: it doesn’t happen immediately but it happens.”

Kyche started thrusting into me and brushing my nipples, excruciatingly tiny brushings that had my nipples as hard as I’d ever felt them. “Good girl, Ash, your nipples are feeling my cock in your cunt. You need this ... You need your cunt and nipples to please you...” They were doing a zone-out thing and it felt odd to be so excited yet so relaxed - a bit like my pony tack...

“Ash, you were floating and I am going to close this session. Look at me, Ash.” I looked. “Cum, girl.”

Oh, fuck, did I cum. ‘yeah ... that’s it ... you’re my bitch, girl... ‘ Kyche was holding me in the orgasm, until they caught up and came themself, then they released me and hopped up carefully to sit on my hips.

“I’m going to stay here for a few minutes so your body can get used to my touch.” I nodded: like savasana. They kept up speaking slowly and calmly about how they were going to train my cunt, my clit, my nipples and balls and ears, my legs and neck, such that I would respond as a woman to them. It was wildly hot and Kyche knew that my nipples and clit, uh, cock didn’t lie. They knew I wanted this, too.

Kyche unbuckled the gag, took it off me; let my wrists and ankles free, and crawled onto the bed, patting a place where they wanted me. They big-spooned me. “I don’t mean this unkindly, quite the opposite, but you’re such an outlier in the way your body behaves that I can’t imagine being you. Is it confusing?” I laughed. Loudly. “It is. Things were weird from the beginning. For example, it was a few days until my, um, clit would get hard unless I was being fucked; now it works more or less as physiology says. There are a lot of examples.”

“I sneaked up hopeful you’d be OK viewing your body as female and you didn’t seem to mind at all.” “You’re not the first.” “Well, what do you think?”

“Apart from the male equipment I look like a stereotypical woman and I like that. My gender marker is ‘he/him’ because why would I want to surprise anyone? And I have, since I started, had orgasms fucked into me and those are not the same at all as one I get from my penis. Two of my friends have independently flogged me to orgasms and I am hopeful you can do it, too.” Kyche nodded. “Your body is exciting, and then there’s that noticing thing you do where you touch a little and know and then put your knowledge together somehow ... I’ve never cum that hard, Ash.” “Fucking me while you started conditioning me was brilliant and that was one of four earthquake orgasms I’ve had.” “Well, how about that? How did you feel about it?” “It felt as though I wanted to be a slut, and I thought it was wonderful.”

“Do you seriously want to be a slut?” “I can’t see any downside. I love to play, fuck, be used, all kinds of things - and I’m good, and getting better, at playing with people, at least ones I have known for a long time.” Kyche made a slow, soft not-quite-laugh.

I began to pet Kyche’s hair and I felt their ass twitch so I left that for a moment and stroked their back. They reacted the way a stretching cat does, arching and tensioning, and because their back is toned and full of muscular striations I planted about a hundred little kisses all over and then nipped their ear. They came, silently, squirting, and I petted their hair and gave it a slow pull. Their skin turned to goose bumps and they wailed. “So beautiful, Kyche, so unexpected and soft.”

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