Wednesday: a New School (Alexandra) - Cover

Wednesday: a New School (Alexandra)

Copyright© 2023 by tmax02610

Chapter 4: I learn a new game.

Young Adult Sex Story: Chapter 4: I learn a new game. - It's wednesday and Alex has arrived at her new school. Read how her day goes...

Caution: This Young Adult Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Lesbian   Fiction   Humiliation   Rough   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Big Breasts   Public Sex   Small Breasts   Smoking   Teacher/Student  

“Alexandra” Sarah called out from the doorway.

It was Sarah. I quickly packed my stuff and ran for the door...

“So, did you learn anything?” Sarah asked.

“Well, I think, I...” I stammered.

“Yeah, no one learns anything in Mr.Fenwick’s class.” Sarah mentioned as she started to walk towards the stairs.

“You have ten minutes between classes, which at first seems really short, but eventually you learn to fit a lot in that time.” Sarah explained.

Ten minutes was a long time.

My last school gave us 2.5 minutes, which means people were often late for class.

I guess the thinking was that we couldn’t get in trouble if we didn’t have any time but what actually happened, the students that didn’t care about getting in trouble just did their thing, and us students that did care, just got in trouble for being late.

I really liked this new school.

“So Mrs.Rosenwater is on the third floor.” Sarah said as we started to climb the stairs.

At the top, I glanced over and saw the washroom. I realized that I needed to pee real bad, so I started to walk towards the washroom.

Sarah stopped me - “Did I tell you that was the pot washroom?”

“No” I stammered back.

“Yeah, basically the stoners go there and smoke up.” She said.

“Oh” I definitely didn’t want to go in there.

“You can use it, they don’t care, nor will they force you to smoke with them, but your clothes will come out smelling like pot.” Sarah informed me.

I didn’t want to go in there.

I was glad Sarah was there to guide me.

“We can head down to the 2nd floor bathroom.” Sarah suggested.

“No, I don’t need to go that badly.” I lied.

I didn’t want to impose on Sarah.

“Ok, here is the classroom.” Sarah had led me to a door that looked like any other.

I thanked her and started to head in but Sarah gently grabbed my arm and said, “No one goes into Mrs.Rosenwater’s classroom early.”

I noticed a few girls waiting in the hallway, waiting to head in.

“I will see you at lunch. The room we use for lunch is just down the hallway - the last one on this side. I have to get down to the office quickly, Principal Bestway will want a report about how you are doing.” She said with a quick wave and she was gone.

I stood around being awkward. The other girls didn’t say or even look at me.

I could tell they knew I was there because they seemed to look everywhere but at me.

“Alex” Rita said as she purposely bumped into me.

She smelled slightly of cigarette smoke.

“Don’t kill the girl Rita.” Mars gave me a big smile.

“So are you ready for the game?” Mars then asked me.

“Yeah. I guess.” I responded.

“Ok, Mrs.Rosenwater is super strict and you can not even whisper in class.” Mars started to explain.

Rita interrupted with, “So, we girls try to do little things to get her to say your name.”

“Always answer with, ‘Sorry, Mrs.Rosenwater’” Mars interjected.

Rita gave her a scolding look, then added, “Yeah, but the trick is to get her to say your name the most times without getting kicked out.”

“Isabella is the best at that.” Mars again interjected.

“She got detention on Monday.” Rita countered.

“True, True.” Mars agreed.

“So, anyway, you need to do little things, like squirm in your desk.” Rita said.

“Or drop your pen.” Mars talked over her.

“Or don’t pay attention.” Rita shot back.

“Or...” Mars started to say before Rita interjected “She gets it.”

“Right, but...” Mars tried to continue.

“Anyway, just follow our lead.” Rita cut her off.

“Or Isabella’s, cause she’s the best at this game.” Mars added.

Interesting game. We played a similar game at my old school.

The bell rang and we entered Mrs.Rosenwater’s class.

She was the classic old BattleAxe teacher that every school seems to have.

She looked tough as nails. The type of teacher who would not hesitate to kill you and leave your corpse as an example for the other students.

She looked scary. I was very scared of her.

“Alexandra, to my desk please.” I almost peed my pants with fear when she called me over.

Shoot, I forgot I needed to go.

“Alexandra, I hope you are here to learn. I do not allow any funny business in my classroom.” She gave me a stern look, then dismissed me with, “Now go find a seat.”

I may have peed a little bit during her talk.

Embarrassed, I slinked to the very back corner.

No one was beside me, not even the sisters.

“Ok, Class let’s have a productive and quiet day today.” Mrs.Rosenwaters announced.

I slid further down my seat, wishing to be invisible. I think I was successful because Mrs.Rosenwater didn’t glance in my direction once.

She started talking looking directly at this sweet looking girl with twin braids.

“Isabella, please put your hands on your desk.” Mrs.Rosenwater said in the girls general direction.

“Sorry Mrs.Rosenwater.” The girl replied.

I saw the girl, I guess Isabella, move her hands from her chest to the top of her desk.

From the angel and her profile, I could clearly see her small breasts poking out of her shirt.

She needs a bra I thought to myself.

“Rita stop whispering to Margaret.” Mrs.Rosenwater said in mid sentence of her lecture.

“Sorry Mrs. Rosenwater.” Rita responded.

I looked around the room. Everyone was intently listening and looking forward.

“Hands on your desk Isabella.” Mrs.Rosenwater said without missing a beat in her lecture.

I watched Isabella quickly move her hands from her lap to her desk.

I noticed that her skirt seemed to be pulled up a bit.

Was she masturbating in class? Oh, my god. She must have been.

“Sorry Mrs.Rosenwater.” Isabella responded.

Mrs.Rosenwater had already started lecturing again.

All was quiet for a bit and I again started to look around the classroom.

The girls here all seemed to be on their best behavior.

Mrs.Rosenwater must scare everyone here.

“Eyes on me Alexandra.” Mrs.Rosenwater’s voice suddenly interrupted my scanning of the room.

“Sorry Mrs.Rosenwater.” I automatically responded.

I was happy to say that I didn’t pee my pants with fear. It just felt like it.

Rita gave me a secret thumbs up.

A few moments later, Isabella turned around and gave me a large smile.

Braces - wow, she looked so innocent.

“Turn around Isabella.” Mrs.Rosewater caught her.

“Sorry Mrs. Rosenwater.” Isabella responded.

I tried to listen but my bladder was screaming at me.

I should have asked if we were allowed to go to the bathroom here.

We lost that privilege at my old school because a couple of kids had been caught smoking during class.

I definitely didn’t want Mrs.Rosenwater upset with me for interrupting again.

I didn’t realize that Mrs.Rosenwater had stopped talking until she yelled, “Mary, stand up and get out.”

I looked over to see where Mrs.Rosenwater had yelled.

A girl had pulled her shirt up and was exposing her breasts to the class.

“Sorry Mrs.Rosenwater.” Mary responded.

“Detention at lunch with Mr.Fenwick - Mary.” Mrs.Rosenwater informed her.

The class groaned and Mary, looking very dejected, grabbed her stuff and left.

Things calmed down for a bit.

I kept glancing at Isabella but never long. I didn’t want to get in trouble.

Slowly I watched her sneak her hand up to her breast closest to me and very subtly start to massage and pinch her breast.

“Hands on the table Isabella.” Mrs.Rosenwater caught her.

“Sorry Mrs.Rosenwater.” Isabella replied.

“Eyes forward Morgan.” Mrs.Rosenwater said seconds later.

“Sorry Mrs.Rosenwater.” Morgan answered.

I could see why everyone played this game.

Mrs.Rosenwater didn’t miss a beat in reprimanding the girls during her lecture.

It was fun waiting for the next girl to get in trouble.

I then watched as Isabella snuck her hands under the table, pulled her skirt up a bit, and started to finger rub herself.

“Hands on the table Isabella.” Mrs.Rosenwater said.

“Sorry Mrs.Rosenwater.” Isabella replied.

That’s when I realized that Isabella was amazing at this game.

She would do something small and Mrs.Rosenwater would call out.

Other girls got called out but never as much as Isabella and never for the naughty things Isabella seemed to be doing.

The bell rang without me hearing what topic Mrs.Rosenwater was lecturing on.

I had spent the whole class watching Isabella basically feel herself up and masterbate.

And trying not to pee.

As I was leaving the class the sisters ran up to me.

“Isabella was on fire today.” Mars said.

“Fucking Mary, always going to far.” Rita added.

“She’s fucking Fenwick right.” Mars said, looking at her sister.

“No way.” Rita said in disbelief.

“Yeah, I saw her leave his classroom the other day.” Mars explained.

“So...” Rita gave her the ‘I don’t believe you look’.

Mars then added, “She was wiping something off her lips and had a dazed look in her eyes.”

“Maybe they were eating donuts.” Rita said.

“Her donut maybe.” Mars countered.

“You got your name called out, good job Alex.” Rita complimented me.

“You want to come with us for a smoke?” Rita asked.

“I don’t think so.” I replied as Sarah walked up.

“Good Morning Rita and Margaret.” She said to the sisters.

“Morning.” they called back as they walked away.

“I see you have met the twins.” Sarah mentioned.

Twins, of course, they were fraternal twins.

“They are super nice.” I informed her.

“How was Mrs.Rosenwater’s class?” Sarah asked.

“Ok I guess.” I said, wanting to ask Sarah what Mrs.Rosenwater taught.

I really need to pay better attention in class.

Not my fault though, I really needed to pee.

I still do.

“Who won the game?” Sarah asked before I could ask her if we could go to the washroom.

“Isabella.” I said, a little shocked that Sarah would mention the game so offhandedly.

It seemed like something she would not approve of.

“Yeah, I heard she is a master at it.” Sarah chuckled.

“So this is the lunch room.” Sarah showed me to this fairly large room. “Most girls do not eat her. They eat almost anywhere else.”

I again started to ask to go to the washroom but Sarah asked, “Have I shown you our track yet? It’s about a 5 minute walk from here.”

“No.” I replied to be polite.

Again, I started to ask about the washroom.

“Ok, let’s go.” Sarah interrupted.

Sarah led me through the school, out a side door that I hadn’t noticed before, and onto a deserted residential street.

“None of the girls eat at the track, though all of them want to.” She informed me.

I asked her, “Why?”

Instead of about the bathroom like I wanted to.

“The boys, that’s where they eat - likely hoping to see some girls, but because they eat there, we are not allowed to.” Sarah informed me.

I looked a bit worried that we were going to get in trouble for being near there.

“Don’t worry, we are not going to eat there either, I just want to show you the track.” Sarah added.

It’s like she could read my mind.

We turned the corner and I saw the track.

It was a normal but nice four lane track with a standard football field in the middle.

“That’s the boys’ school’s there.” Sarah said, pointing to a two story brick building just off from the end of the track.

I did a quick glance at the school.

My eyes traveled back to all the boys standing, sitting, or kicking the ball around. We had boys at my old school but not so many good looking ones.

Not having seen any boys all morning, they seemed extra good looking.

“It’s because you only see girls.” Sarah said.

“What?” I asked, not really understanding what she meant.

“They all look good because you are only surrounded by girls now.” Sarah said as she started to walk back to our school.

Did she have mind reading powers?

“No, I cannot read minds. You have a very expressive face.” She chuckled.

“Oh.” I maybe said out loud.

That’s what a mind reader would say, right?

As we walked back, I felt very tired, it had been some day and it was only half over.

I also still needed to pee.

“Alex, over here.” Rita called out to me.

“Oh, I will leave you to your new friends.” Sarah said as she walked away.

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