The Coffee House - Cover

The Coffee House

Copyright© 2023 by D. Fritz

Chapter 7: Point of Reconciliation

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 7: Point of Reconciliation - Peter had learned to live with blue balls soon after he married his wife. Once she got the ring on her finger she lost all interest in sex. He never once cheated on her in person but was very familiar with many of the popular porn sites. After his wife’s latest particularly abrupt rejection of his advances he was tempted by an unexpected muse he met at a local coffee house.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa  

Peter pulled into the garage just as the first strands of light were poking over the horizon Sunday morning. After leaving the garage and entering the house was the mud room where the washer and dryer were located. He stripped and tossed all of his clothes into the washer so there would be no incriminating smell of sex on his dirty laundry. He collected the hamper from the closet in the master bedroom and filled the washer and started the load.

In the bedroom he turned on the shower and let it warm while he brushed his teeth. He quickly showered and dried himself, then found a pair of boxers and an old t-shirt.

In the kitchen, Peter scrambled two eggs and microwaved a couple of ready-made sausage patties. He poured a large glass of orange juice and settled down in a bar stool under the kitchen island. As he ate he took out his phone and typed a message to Brandi.

“Did not sleep much last night. Going on long bike ride now, then hopefully back to shower and take a nap. See you tonight.”

He hoped his message would prevent her from questioning why he was not responding to any messages she may send later about coming home. Assuming she sent one.

After eating, he stowed his plate, silverware, and glass in the dishwasher and headed to the mudroom to change the clothes from the washer to the dryer. In the bedroom, he fell heavily onto the bed and pulled a pillow over his head to block out the sun. As his breathing deepened he thought about Agatha’s naked body, her legs spread open, and her tantalizing blue eyes. Even after a day of multiple orgasms his dick twitched at the memory.

Peter awoke to the sound of a neighbor’s dog barking. He turned his head to the clock and saw that it was a few minutes after three. He had gotten about seven hours of sleep. He sighed deeply then roused himself to a sitting position. He saw that he had received several messages. Most were emails and push notifications from applications on his phone. Only one was from Brandi.

“ETA is 5:00. Will need to shower and change. Go out for dinner?”

Peter was tired. Both physically and mentally and decided to try and not read too much into her message about needing to shower. He simply replied with a thumbs-up emoji.

A few minutes before 5:00 the garage door rose. A minute later Brandi entered, carrying her small bag she kept packed in her car. She called it her go bag and kept it there in case there was an emergency with one of her parents. He thought she was crazy but it came in handy this week.

“You started laundry?” was the first thing she said when she saw him in the living room.

“Yes. I need to empty the dryer and switch the clothes from the washer to the dryer. If you want to drop your bag, I can start another load.”

“No, I’ll do it,” she said quickly and somewhat defensively.

She kept her bag with her and went into the bathroom. She turned on the shower and stepped into the steaming water.

Peter entered and leaned against the sink. He watched his wife wet her hair and wash it, then reach for soap and a washcloth. Seeing her boobs sway got his blood flowing and he started to get hard. He thought they were great even though she insisted their sag made them ugly. Her pubes were trimmed into a thin, shortly cropped, landing strip. She loved the strip. He would have preferred she let it grow out a bit more, both in area and length. Kind of ironic that he just spent a day with a women who had no pubic hair and he loved her clean shaven look.

“What are you looking at?” Brandi asked when she shut off the water and stepped out of the shower. One towel was draped around her body and she was twisting another to hold her hair.

“You, of course,” he said.

She saw the bulge in his shorts and smirked. Before she could do or say anything, Peter said what he had hoped to avoid.

“Did you sleep with him?”

Her deer-in-the-headlights look gave him his answer.

“No, not technically.” She leaned against the wall and looked at her feet.

“Not technically? Seems like a yes or no question.”

She looked up at her husband and said flatly. “We did not fuck, but there was kissing, and I gave him two blowjobs. He fingered me, too.”

Brandi looked back at her feet, expecting Peter to begin yelling at her. Instead, he remained calm and did not move. She looked up with uncertainty in her eyes.

He met her gaze and said, “OK. So you know, I spent most of yesterday fucking a college girl. I lost count but I came at least five times. Her? Probably twice as many.”

Brandi’s eyes went wide, either due to the shock of the revelation or disbelief that her husband had cheated on her. She opened and closed her mouth but said nothing.

“Get dressed. I’ll order food and we can talk in the living room.”

Peter took his phone off the nightstand and opened a food delivery app. He selected the first thing on the list and placed an order. He then went to the kitchen and made a pitcher of margaritas. Brandi took her time getting dressed and did not come out until the doorbell rang with their food order.

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