Miss Pringle Gets in Trouble - Cover

Miss Pringle Gets in Trouble

Copyright© 2023 by oliver twist

Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - A teacher does a silly thing and exposes herself to blackmail. Two young pupils get the chance to make a dream come true and pursue it with a ruthless determination

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Fiction   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Spanking   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

Jane kept thinking about Henry and how he had stormed out. She knew he had a bad crush on her and she shouldn’t have acted that way with the other boys but it was becoming harder and harder to control herself. Something inside was broken and she was acting more and more recklessly, as if trying to ruin her career and life. She looked at her reflection in the school bathroom mirror, knowing she couldn’t stop, feeling guilty and ashamed but also more excited than she had ever felt in her life and it was this feeling that was dominant, at least for now.

She splashed water on her face and left, deciding to stop at Henry’s store to see if he was alright. Nobody was around as she made her way to her car, not even Marvin, curiously enough. She thought he would have been to see her by now, to gloat over what she did with the dogs and make her blow him or something. But he was nowhere to be seen, probably playing one of his games with her.

When she got to the store, she was suddenly scared, Henry had really been upset and she didn’t want to make a scene in the shop, just in case it got out of hand. So, she sat there for a few minutes, watching and waiting, trying to time it so no one else was in there when she entered. After a while she got out and went in, looking around, trying not to appear anxious or nervous. Henry wasn’t there, it was his dad behind the counter, smiling at her.

‘Miss Pringle, how nice to see you. How are you?’ He asked, looking a little frail.

‘I’m fine, thank you. How are you?’ She responded, still looking around for Henry.

‘Oh, you know, not too bad. Is there anything I can help you with?’

‘Um ... wine ... a long day, you know.’ She answered him, rolling her eyes.

‘I bet, those kids can be a handful. Over there, we have a decent selection I think.’

‘Thank you. How’s Henry? He seemed a bit off today.’ She asked, hoping he hadn’t done anything silly.

‘Really? Now you mention it, he was quiet when he came in, and went straight to his room.’

‘I think maybe he had a run-in with another boy. Would you mind if I went to see him, I’m a little worried? He usually talks to me about these things but I was very busy with other problems today so I might have missed something.’ She asked, sounding concerned.

‘Of course, he’s in his room upstairs. It’s the one with the poster of Elvis on it. Should I come as well?’

‘No, no, I think that would scare him if we both turned up at his door.’ She quickly answered.

‘That makes sense, you’re the teacher. Please, go through here, the stairs are just down the hallway on the left.’

‘Thank you, I’ll call if I need you.’ She told him, hoping he would get the message not to come after her.

Henry was still angry, not understanding why she had behaved that way. He was reading a book, or at least trying, when there was a gentle tap on his door. He looked up, surprised, his dad always shouted through the door, never knocking that quietly. He got up and opened the door, shocked to see Miss standing there.

‘Hi, are you alright? Can I come in?’ She asked, smiling seductively.

‘Uh ... yes ... of course ... does dad know you’re here?’ He asked, looking out of the door half expecting his dad to appear.

‘Yes, he sent me up.’ She told him, walking into his room.

Henry was stunned, happy but stunned as he closed the door behind her and stared. Jane looked around his room, surprised by how tidy it was. He had all the usual boy things, airplanes and posters but also plenty of books, which was typical of him, always reading something.

‘I’m sorry about before, at school with those boys. I know it upset you but I can’t help it, it’s who I am now, I can’t stop myself behaving that way. I mean, look at us during lunch, you can hardly say we behaved sensibly.’ She explained, hoping he would understand.

‘But I thought you liked me, you know, like I like you. We don’t need anyone else.’ He gushed, looking hurt.

‘I do like you, really like you but I have sex with lots of people and can’t stop, you have to accept that about me, please.’ She pleaded, stepping closer to him.

‘But I don’t want you to like other men. Why can’t it be just us?’ He asked, desperately.

‘Because it can’t, but you can have me whenever you want, I would like that.’ She told him, taking him in her arms.

He let her hug him for a minute before pulling away. ‘I want you now, take that dress off.’ His voice firm and a little angry.

‘Ok.’ She whispered, hoping he was going to say that. She began undoing her dress, her eyes on his, giving him what he wanted.

Henry watched, his cock hard and his anger rising, he would show her, he thought. When all the buttons were undone, she pushed it from her body, letting it fall to her feet, waiting to see what he wanted next.

‘Lie down on the bed.’ He ordered.

Jane did as he said, laying her head on his big pillow and stretching out for him, her legs apart. Henry quickly stripped, his cock hard and ready.

‘Fuck me, Henry, make me yours.’ She sighed, her arms out inviting him to her.

Henry climbed between her legs, remembering how good it felt earlier, his cock aching for release. He found her hole with ease, shoving hard, grunting as that wonderful tight and warm feeling embraced him.

‘Oh Henry, you feel so good, I love having you inside me.’ She told him softly, keeping her voice down.

Henry was less worried; he was driven on by youthful sexual urges, he just wanted to cum in his teacher, show her who was boss. Jane held him tightly, whispering sweet things in his ear, telling him to fuck her. Henry did, for about three minutes before he cum, his moans of delight accompanying the explosion of sperm inside Miss Pringle.

‘Mmmmm, that was lovely, thank you, Henry.’ Jane sighed, stroking his back.

Henry rolled off her and got up, still angry, hating that he couldn’t have her to himself. He dressed without answering or looking at her, sulking, hoping this might change her mind. Jane knew what he was doing but didn’t say anything, she got up as well and put her dress on, buttoning it slowly, giving Henry a chance to look at her body before she left.

‘Can I have a kiss before I go?’ She asked, putting her arms around his back.

He couldn’t say no, she was so beautiful and her lips were so soft and delicious. They kissed passionately, Jane sucking on his tongue, not wanting to let him go. Henry melted in her arms; his love would not go away because she was a whore, he had to accept it and take what he could, for now. She left him and went back to the shop, his cum leaking out of her as she bent down for some wine.

Henry’s dad was waiting for her at the till, jealous his son had such a sexy teacher who did home visits. He could see her hard nipples when she got to him and she looked a little red in the face, which surprised him.

‘How is he?’ He asked, thinking what he could do to her in bed.

‘Oh he’s fine, it was nothing, just a girl he likes, you know boys.’ She chuckled, handing him the money.

‘Well, I’m sure a visit from you helped, it would certainly help me.’ He grinned, not hiding his desire for her.

‘I hope so. Bye.’ She said, smiling, leaving the store.

Two hours later, after showering and eating, Jane was still very aroused, the bottle of wine not helping at all. She was tipsy and naked, lying on her couch, touching herself all over and replaying the events of the day in her head. She pinched her nipples, sending pleasure throughout her body, picturing young Josh Baker touching her chest and looking so amazed at how it felt.

‘Oh Jane, what are you doing?’ She asked herself, now softly tracing the marks left by those dogs.

‘No, no, you can’t go there, don’t be so stupid.’ She added, standing and going to the window.

She opened the window, listening, hoping to hear the wolves, the cool breeze hardening her nipples even more. But she heard nothing, howling loudly trying to imitate their call, giggling at her pathetic effort. The dogs were only ten miles away and John did say she could call anytime. Plus, he would not say no to fucking her again, she thought, heading for the stairs.

Ten minutes later, she was closing her door and going to the car, wearing the same red dress as last time. She started the engine and put it in drive, pressing on the peddle to go, checking herself in the mirror as she pulled away, her tires spinning on the gravel as the engine revved at high speed. Her long driveway was very narrow and windy and tackling it while inebriated wasn’t a good idea. Faced with the first bend, she failed to navigate it correctly and spun off into the shallow ditch to the side.

‘Fuck, fuck fuck.’ She shouted, her wheels spinning and going nowhere.

She got out, stumbling as she did so and falling face first into the ditch, her beautiful red dress now covered in mud. She lay there unable to move, her face buried in dirt leaving her coughing and spluttering, her arms by her side. After a few seconds, she regained some sort of composure and managed to push herself up and get her face out of the mud. She cursed again, loudly, sitting up and looking at her dress, tears coming to her eyes as she realised it was ruined.

Now crying, she hauled her body out of the ditch and walked back to the house, her sexual arousal not quite so high now. She took the dress off outside and threw it on the floor, kicking it away before going in and making her way to the bathroom. Still crying, she sat in the tub and turned on the water, letting it wash over and help sober her up. After twenty-minutes or so, she climbed out and went to bed, not even drying herself.

She woke early, her head aching as she struggled from her bed, remembering her little crash the previous night. Coffee the most important thing on her mind as she made her way to the kitchen, her mouth dry and bitter and in need of something wet. It took her while to collect her thoughts and two cups of strong coffee before she could face the thought of her car in the ditch.

She phoned triple A and waited, showering and drinking more coffee before they got to her, the man very sarcastic and demeaning to women drivers as she pulled her out. She thanked him and gave him a tip, though regretting it when he suggested she should get married so her husband could park the car at night.

He stood by her door looking in at her, droning on about the difference between men and women when it came to driving and how men were built to cope with such things and women weren’t. She knew what he was doing, trying to be the big man while he looked at her tits and thighs, both of which she happily showed him, leaning forward so he could see her nipples and wriggling her bum so her dress rode up and showed all her legs. Jane wanted him to look, to see her sexy body and realise he would never get to fuck it.

By the time she got to school she was calm, forgetting all about the silly man and his misogynistic beliefs. Her head was now fine and she was looking forward to having a nice day. She was still thinking about what she nearly did last night, going to John’s, but put it down to the wine, hoping she would be able to control herself better next time.

She had time to go the staffroom for yet another coffee, her mouth still feeling a little dry, even after two cups at home and a full glass of water. She poured her coffee and looked in the big mirror on the wall, pleased with her reflection, liking how short and low her dress was, showing off her body perfectly.

Looking in the mirror she didn’t notice Tom Bower walk in, his eyes all over her as she admired herself, thinking of her class and how much they would like the way she looked. He walked behind her on the way to the coffee pot, making her gasp with surprise when she saw him. She blushed when he chuckled, knowing he had seen her posing and being silly.

‘Very nice, I’m sure the boys will appreciate that dress, I know I do.’ He said, sarcastically.

She took a sip from her cup, looking at him in the mirror, his eyes still on her, roaming over her body, liking what her saw. The thought of this man desiring her made her feel sick, she hated him, the pig. But she did miss her friend Sally, they got on really well before he arrived. She looked again at him, his eyes still on her, making no attempt to hide his liking of her body.

She turned and stared back at him, letting him see her from the front, her tits heaving as she breathed in, feeling a little nervous but determined not to shrink before him. He looked even harder, licking his lips provocatively as he did so, trying to get a reaction from her.

‘How’s Sally?’ Jane asked, equally sarcastically, not knowing what else to say or do.

‘She’s good, very good in fact. A bit demanding in the bedroom department but I can handle it. You should join us one night, you might enjoy it, that’s if you can remember what sex is.’ He chuckled, not moving.

Jane blushed again, she was no match for his sarcasm, he was just too arrogant and sure of himself. She tried to think of something to say but couldn’t, her feet shifting nervously as he continued to look and grin at her.

‘Nothing to say? Sorry, that must have hurt but really, if you want to join us, just ask, I know Sally has a thing for you.’ He added, stepping closer to her.

His words did hurt but not for the reason he thought. She wanted to slap him cross that smug face but held back, letting him get closer, his eyes now looking down her front. He was so close, almost touching her, his breathing even and calm, unlike hers.

‘I’ll tell Sally you’re thinking about it, she’ll like that, I bet she blows me at lunchtime thinking about you.’ He whispered, his mouth at her ear.

She stepped back, gasping with shock: ‘You pig, get away from me.’

‘You get away from me. You can leave anytime you want.’ He told her, still very close.

He was right but it would be a sign of weakness and she didn’t want to give him that satisfaction. What made her even angrier was her body reacting to him, her nipples were hardening and her pussy twitching.

‘Tell Sally she can come to see me at home anytime if she has a thing for me, I would love to show her what a real lover can do.’ She told him, pleased with her response and the look on his face.

‘Slut, as if you could ever please anyone. Sally needs a man not a dried-up old hag.’ He spat back.

She had rattled him and loved it, wanting to give him some more of his own medicine. Her hand went to her breasts and touched them lightly, stroking the upper part that was on show.

‘Mmmm, I bet she doesn’t need a man, I know I don’t, a woman is so much better. Tell her I want her.’ She sighed, seductively, her nipples now showing through the thin material.

Tom looked at her tits, his cock getting hard as she touched herself, looking so fucking sexy. Jane could tell he liked what he saw now, he was no different to any other man, they were all the same. She despised him and he made her flesh crawl but she enjoyed doing this to him, knowing he would never get to fuck her.

‘I’ll tell her, if she wants a slut she can have one.’ He answered, his composure coming back.

‘I better go, my class will be waiting. Have you seen enough or would you like me to show you some more.’ She said, her fingers playing with her buttons, pulling at them and lifting the dress from her chest, revealing more of her tits.

Tom licked his lips again, her tits were so perfect, he would love to see more but knew if he said yes, she would almost certainly laugh in his face. He watched as she played with her buttons, hoping she would show him anyway.

‘Is that a no then?’ She teased, still pulling at her dress.

‘Go on then, slut, do it.’ He dared her.

Jane wasn’t expecting that, she thought he would just insult her and go but his look was now one of real desire, not just contempt and hatred. She undid a button, then another, pulling the material away from her skin, revealing a lot more of her tits.

‘Oh Tom, look at you, poor thing, does that hurt?’ She asked, her eyes on his bulging pants.

He pushed his cock down, trying to hide it but he couldn’t, it was too big and hard. Jane saw that, too, impressed with its size, feeling a little jealous of Sally.

‘Is that enough now? Surely you don’t want to see more, you might have an accident.’ She giggled.

‘I might be hard but I bet you’re just as wet, look at those nipples, sticking out like that, you slut.’ He shot back.

He was right, she was as excited but not because she liked him, that was for sure. She put her hand inside her dress and played with a nipple.

‘Mmmm, I think you’re right; I am just a slut. God, I wish Sally was here to touch me.’

The sound of footsteps approaching made both of them move very quickly. Jane quickly did up her buttons and picked up her bag, trying to look calm and collected. Tom turned to the table and played with his cup, hiding his hard-on.

Mr Green, from woodworking, came in, whistling cheerfully, greeting his colleagues as he poured himself some coffee. Both of them said hello back, Jane leaving the room and going to her class, her face all red and her body tingling. Tom waited a few minutes and left as well, his cock now softer.

Jane was both angry and tickled at what just happened. She had enjoyed getting under his skin but not at her own reaction, getting aroused teasing that pig was unforgiveable, she thought. She was shocked about Sally liking her in that way, if it was indeed true. They had known each other for years and never had that come up or had Sally shown any interest in having sex with her.

She was still thinking about Sally when she got to class, wondering if it was really true, her pussy hoping it was. God, she thought, can you imagine it, me and Sally having sex? The class was full, the noise deafening as she made her way to the blackboard. It quietened down a she wrote on the board, all eyes on her legs as she reached up with the chalk. Her dress was already short and her reaching up made even shorter, much to the boys’ liking.

For the first time since Emily left, Jane was thinking about lesbian sex and how good it was, wanting to try it again. When Judy, one of the prettier girls got to her feet to ask a question, Jane looked at her with a new eye. Judy was fourteen and one of the more intelligent girls in the class, like Henry with the boys. Jane answered her question with a nice smile, noticing her tits for the first time as well, thinking what a nice figure the girl had.

Instead of going to all the boys that constantly had their arms up, Jane spent most of that first lesson with the girls, giving them her attention, especially Judy. Judy liked it, thinking she had done something good to deserve all that attention from Miss. For Jane, it was a chance to really look at her girls, to see them in a different light and enjoy them more.

On one occasion, when Judy had a problem with a certain passage, Jane knelt down close to her, her arm touching hers as she read with her. When she finished helping, she stayed kneeling, listening to the girl read on her own, her hand on her arm, encouraging her, letting her know she was there still. Judy felt special for once, having Miss give her this much attention. Usually, she was left alone to get on with her work on her own.

‘That was really good, Judy, you read beautifully, so clear and strong, well done.’ Jane told her, still kneeling by her side.

Judy even blushed, looking down at Miss and seeing her tits as she smiled up at her. She couldn’t believe she looked, suddenly ashamed for doing so but not able to look away. Jane of course saw her staring, though didn’t let on, a shiver running down her back as she knelt there, letting her have a good look. Jane’s hand stroked the girl’s arm, gently, enjoying her soft skin, trying to send a message.

It was Josh who spoilt the moment, calling for her to come to him, telling her he was lost. Judy was still looking at her teacher’s tits as she stood, thinking them the most beautiful things she had ever seen. Jane squeezed her arm as she left her and went to Josh.

‘Yes Josh, how can I help?’ She asked, leaning down and giving him what he wanted, her pussy all wet.

Josh just asked a silly question, not even hiding his reason for calling her as she stared at her tits, enjoying the show. Jane knelt, taking his book and looking at what page he was on, knowing it was the wrong one. She flicked through the pages finding the right one, all the time letting him have a good look down her top.

‘Here, this page Josh. Read this chapter before break, please.’ She told him, waiting until he looked at the book.

But he didn’t look at it, he was too engrossed in trying to see her nipples, hoping she would move enough that her dress would allow it. Jane waited, still holding the book, now moving forward so he could get his wish. He gasped as they came into view, amazed at their hardness and length, his cock straining to be free.

She let him look for a few seconds before standing and going to Barry at the back, one of the three from yesterday. He wanted help as well, pretending he didn’t understand a certain word and looking lost, his eyes begging for help. She again knelt down, his leg touching hers as she leant against his desk. He listened as she explained what the author meant and how that word was used in that context, his eyes on her tits all the time, hoping like Josh it would move and give him what he wanted. Miss made him wait, forcing him to read some of the book before she gave in and moved sufficiently and exposed her tits.

He stopped reading, his mouth open but nothing coming out as he looked amazed at her magnificent tits. Jane looked at him, a shiver running down her back as she knelt there, letting him ogle her, her nipples aching with arousal.

Barry let his hand wander to her side, touching her arm before moving it to her knee, caressing her softly. They were against the wall away from prying eyes, his hand now moving along her thigh, higher and higher, reaching her dress. Jane stood and walked away, ignoring his sigh of disappointment, smiling down at Judy as she walked past.

She went back to her desk and sat down, ignoring the other arms in the air, telling them all it was nearly breaktime and to do the best they could. When the bell went, Jane stood and asked Judy to wait behind, much to the disappointment of some boys. Judy came to her desk and waited, excited Miss wanted to see her. Everyone but Judy and three others had left, the same boys as yesterday.

‘You boys can go, I need a moment with Judy.’ Jane told them.

‘We need to see you, Miss, it can’t wait.’ Josh said.

‘Really, it can’t wait until lunch?’ She asked, sounding surprised.

‘No, Miss.’ Josh answered.

Jane turned to Judy and smiled: ‘There’s a reading competition soon in Cheyenne and I would like to enter you. I think you have a real chance of winning, you read so well and I would love to help you. Let’s talk at lunch or after school, what’d you say?’

Judy was beaming, nodding her head, her pretty face so excited at being chosen by Miss.

‘Yes, I would love that, thank you, Miss.’ She gushed.

‘Ok, off you go, we’ll talk later.’

Judy stood and left, sticking her tongue out at Josh as she passed him. Jane looked at the boys as they came closer, all of their faces telling her how much they wanted to devour her. She sat there looking up at them, knowing they were only reacting to her behviour, wondering what they would do.

‘How can I help?’ She asked, leaning back in her chair, her dress riding a little higher and showing her upper thighs.

They all looked down at her, none of them knowing what to do now, too shy to say what they wanted. Josh was the leader but even he was not able to articulate what they were all feeling, too inexperienced to deal with a grown woman who was also their teacher. They just stood there, looking, Miss waiting for one of them to do something, her heart racing, she was still excited about young Judy.

She could see how hard it was for them, all so young and inexperienced and scared they might do something really silly. She asked again, this time more submissively, inviting them to speak.

‘We ... uh ... want to look ... uh ... at you, Miss. We think ... uh ... you’re beautiful.’ Josh said, quietly.

Jane could feel her pussy dripping, these shy, young boys were just so sexy, she loved doing this with them, it was so erotic.

‘You’ve been looking all morning, every time you call me over and I kneel down.’ She said, smiling, her hand playing with her buttons.

They all looked a little stumped by that, she was right but they wanted more, to see more of her and touch her, if possible. Jane knew this of course but she loved playing with them. One of them eventually asked the obvious question.

‘Can we see more, Miss?’

‘How much more?’ She asked, seductively, moving her bum so more of her thighs came into view.

‘All of you, Miss.’ Josh quickly added, feeling a little braver now.

They were now speaking and Miss wasn’t telling them to go or shut up, it gave them courage and they felt like they could ask for more.

‘That’s a lot to see and you know that would get us all in trouble, especially me.’ She teased, her dress now just below her panties.

The boys were all staring at her thighs, wanting her to go further, Josh rubbing his hard cock through his pants. Jane watched him, wondering how big he was and how he would taste.

‘Show us, you know you wanna.’ Barry said, realising his teacher was enjoying teasing them.

Jane smiled up at him, seeing a very aroused young boy who was becoming impatient. Barry wasn’t smiling, he was desperate to see more of this goddess, she was beautiful and he wanted her, whatever that meant. Jane stood up, sensing the mood was changing, knowing this could get out of hand.

‘Stay back after school, we’ll talk about it then, there will be less people about and we’ll have more time.’ She told them, hoping they would agree.

Barry wasn’t happy with that, he was hoping for more but Josh agreed, making the decision for them. They all left, looking sad but hopeful. She waited a few minutes then left herself, going to the staffroom for a coffee, wanting to get out of harm’s way.

Tom and Sally were there, sitting together near the coffee table, looking so sweet and innocent. Tom smiled at her as she poured herself a cup, his eyes roaming all over her body, just like earlier. Jane looked at Sally, sad she was with such a man and wishing she could see him for what he was, a pig. Sally smiled at Jane, nervously, Tom pushing her with his elbow, telling her to move. Sally stood and went to Jane, nervously looking around to make sure no one was listening.

‘Hi, how are you?’ She asked, looking back at Tom.

‘I’m good, thank you.’ Jane answered, feeling nervous herself now.

She looked at Tom as well, knowing he was making Sally talk to her, wondering what his game was.

Sally leaned in closer to Jane, her voice very quiet: ‘Um ... Tom said ... he ... um ... told you how I ... uh felt about you, and that you felt ... uh ... the same.’

Jane shot another look at Tom who was still sitting behind her, his smug grin still there, mocking her. She looked back at Sally who was blushing as much as she was.

‘I uh thought he was just saying that to get at me. Do you really like me that way?’ She asked, feeling tingly all over.

‘Yes, I always have. Do you want to come to ours one night so we can ... you know... ‘

Jane gasped, looking again at Tom, who was grinning like an idiot, enjoying her reaction, knowing what she had been asked.

‘With him watching, you mean?’

‘yes, he won’t let me otherwise.’ She whispered, her hand brushing Jane’s.

‘Oh Sally, I hate him. Will he want to touch me?’ Jane whispered back.

‘No, just us, I promise.’

‘God, I really want to but the thought of him seeing me naked making love with you, well, you know... ‘ Jane told her.

‘We can pretend he’s not there; it will be so good, I promise.’ Sally responded, her voice all husky now.

‘Have you ... uh before ... with another woman?’ Jane asked.

‘Yes, many times, Tom loves watching me with other women. We go to this club in the city where you know, certain girls are.’

‘Oh god, Sally, you dark horse.’ Jane giggled.

Sally giggled, too, both of them now laughing together, feeling more relaxed. Tom was still looking, liking that they were getting on, thinking he was going to see that bitch naked on his bed and almost certainly fuck her, whether she wanted it or not. It was soon time to go back to class, Jane telling Sally she wanted to come over but needed to think about it. Sally was happy with that, knowing Tom would think so, too.

Jane couldn’t stop thinking about it, wondering what Sally looked like naked and if she was a good lover, certain she would be. The three boys were calling her all the time now, making no attempt to hide what they wanted, demanding she come to them, all sitting together now on the back wall. She did as they asked, spending more time kneeling with them than at the front of the class.

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