Miss Pringle Gets in Trouble - Cover

Miss Pringle Gets in Trouble

Copyright© 2023 by oliver twist

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A teacher does a silly thing and exposes herself to blackmail. Two young pupils get the chance to make a dream come true and pursue it with a ruthless determination

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Fiction   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Spanking   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

Jane woke early the next morning, the taste of wolf cum still in her mouth as she climbed from the bed. She stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself, her eyes half shut and her hair a mess, wondering what on earth she had done.

‘Oh Jane, look at you, god forgive me.’ She said, her hand touching the claw marks on her back, which were still stinging.

She bathed and dressed not thinking about her behaviour last night, pushing it from her mind and trying desperately to get back to where she was before that damn letter. She simply didn’t recognise herself anymore, acting that way, it was incomprehensible, an aberration, surely, she told herself.

She drove to school still fighting with her conscience and memory, rewriting history and denying what she felt and wanted, trying to bury it deep within her soul, somewhere it couldn’t escape from. As she pulled up in the car park, a vision of the wolf licking her body popped into her head, making her curse loudly and slam the car door. She realised this would be a hard fight to win.

Her classroom door was open when she arrived, making her curse again. She saw the letter waiting for her, knowing who it was from. She sat and opened it, her heart beating faster and a little shiver of excitement running down her back, much to her disgust.

‘Dear Jane

I hope you are well and looking forward to our new relationship now you have decided to accept our terms. It will be fun and liberating for both parties, I’m sure, so don’t worry and please embrace this opportunity to expand your horizons.

We think a woman of your beauty should not constantly wear clothing that is drab and boring and very unflattering. We want you to change your style and wear something that shows people just how beautiful and sexy you are.

To this end, we instruct you to wear light, cheerful colours and modern dress. No jackets, granny jumpers or skirts that go beneath your knees. We want you to explore your feminine side and show the world the real Jane Pringle.

This of course is non-negotiable, and we expect to see the change tomorrow morning. In the meantime, lose the jacket we know you will be wearing.’

Jane laughed out loud, nervously, thinking how much worse it could have been, grateful it wasn’t. She stood and took her jacket off, putting it on the back of the chair, pleased she had ironed her blue shirt before coming in. It wasn’t exactly a flattering fit but it was never meant to be, that was the last thing on her mind when she bought it. One thing that was different today, her nipples, they were hard and she could feel them rubbing against her bra, making her uncomfortable and wanting to pinch them. She knew it was because of last night but there was nothing she could do about it, those damn images of the wolf kept coming into her head, taunting and mocking her.

Jane had rather big nipples and when they got hard, they stuck out in an obvious way. Usually, she had on a big jumper or jacket, so it didn’t matter, not that it happened often. But today, even with her bra on, she knew they could be seen. She went to the bathroom to look, hoping it wouldn’t be too obvious, the ache now getting worse.

She could see them sticking out but it wasn’t too bad, the shirt was baggy enough that most wouldn’t notice, except her. As she made her way back, her class was starting to arrive, all twenty of them being noisy and energetic. When they were all in, she began the lesson as normal, watching closely for any reaction to her not wearing the jacket. Hank was very pleased with himself, knowing she was obeying him, a thirteen-year-old boy.

Jerry was also pleased, looking at his friend and winking, smiling like a cat. Jane thought she saw Jerry smile at Hank, her heart beating faster as she walked over to him, looking down at him. Jerry reacted well, simply listening to her and not looking up, his face back to normal, a picture of innocence.

Jane carried on, going back to the board and writing a verse on it, her back to the class, When she turned back to face them, she looked straight at Jerry, daring him to make a mistake and give himself away. But he didn’t, still reacting well, playing it as cool as a cucumber. Hank could see what she was doing, giggling to himself, liking how this was going.

Jane then looked at Hank, but still nothing, he was just as cool. She questioned herself, wondering if she had this all wrong, hating she didn’t know who was doing this. Her shirt was clinging a bit, her body feeling hot as she tried to work out who her blackmailers were. She sat down and let the class read a passage before she asked them questions on it, her nipples still hard and aching, maybe even more so.

When she stood back up, she undid a button, wanting some cool air on her chest, not really noticing she was doing it. Hank noticed, so did Jerry, both glancing at the other as Jane spoke. Hank had a hard-on, he was just as excited as his teacher, though she was still denying it. Hank put his hand up to answer her question, something he never did, catching her by surprise.

‘Hank, ok ... uh ... tell us what you think the poem is about.’

‘Control and power, Miss. The Duke wants to show what will happen to his new wife if she doesn’t obey him and do what he wants.’ Hank answered, with just a hint of irony in his voice.

Jane could feel herself blushing, cursing herself for choosing this poem to read, wondering why she had.

Then Jerry decided to join in: ‘I like it, Miss, it’s a good poem. Browning is one of my favorites.’

‘Yes ... yes it is. Thank you Jerry. Hank, that was right, well done.’ Jane said, still feeling hot.

She felt like they playing with her, teasing and goading her for their amusement. She tried to ignore it and carried on with the lesson, not asking anyone for another answer. When break arrived, she was relieved, needing a nice cup of coffee and somewhere to gather her thoughts. All the kids left quickly, including Hank and Jerry, eager to get outside and play.

With the first lesson over and a cup of coffee inside her, Jane felt a lot better, deciding it wasn’t that bad and she could cope with young Hank and Jerry, if it was indeed those two. The rest of the day ran pretty smoothly, except for her nipples remaining hard no matter what she did. She gave up in the end, happy her bra and shirt could hide them. After school she went into town, to do some shopping, stopping at the grocery shop before going to Johnson’s clothing to buy some brighter skirts and tops.

It was quite a modern shop with some really nice stuff, especially for the younger girls. But Jane wasn’t looking for that, she just wanted a few pieces to satisfy her blackmailers and keep them happy. The more she looked around, the more she started to enjoy herself, even picking out a couple of really nice summer dresses. After thirty minutes of browsing, she had a dozen or so items to try on and was quite excited to see how she looked. It had been so long since she did anything like this, probably over a decade, that she was nervous as well, scared of how she would react to seeing herself as a woman again. She took her things and went to the changing rooms, stripping down and putting on the pretty red summer dress, feeling a little like last night, her nipples still very hard.

She tried it on once but with her big thick bra it looked silly, she had to try it again minus the bra. When she looked in the mirror she blushed.

‘Oh Jane, look at you.’ She whispered to herself, twirling.

She started to well up as she looked in the mirror, not recognising the person looking back, her hand gently brushing the front of the dress. The dress was nothing special but she felt so beautiful in it, a wave of guilt suddenly washing over her, making her sigh as she thought of Joe dying on that beach far away.

‘Forgive me Joe, I’m sorry.’ She said quietly.

But she kept the dress on, looking some more at how her figure came alive inside it. Her breasts looked amazing, she thought, her cleavage something else. She undid one of the buttons that ran down the front, knowing what it would look like, wanting to see. Her tits began to reveal themselves even more, another button being popped. After three were undone she stopped, her magnificent rack now on full display, only her nipples still hidden. A wicked thought ran through her head, making her giggle a little.

The dress came above her knees but not by much, just enough to show the beginning of her thighs, plenty for those at school. She turned again, looking at her bum, liking that it was still tight and firm, all the walking in the mountains making sure of that. She undone the rest of the buttons and took it off, picking up the light blue one and putting it on.

It was similar to the red one, but had no buttons, it had to be pulled over her head. It was also a tighter fit, showing off her figure even more and a little shorter, revealing more of her sexy thigh. It was similar at the front, quite low but too much, her cleavage still looking awesome. She liked it, it felt good on her and made her feel feminine, as was asked of her.

She tried on the rest, rejecting a few before going to the check-out. She bought two dresses, five skirts and five blouses, plus two new bras. When she got home, she tried them all on again, walking up and down her bedroom a hundred times looking at herself, twirling and bending and looking from every angle. The red dress was her favourite, it made her feel so good about herself, like a woman should feel.

She took Joe’s photo from the wall and placed it on the table, sitting down with him and explaining why she was doing this, telling him she still loved him more than anything but perhaps it was time to relax her strict lifestyle. She promised him that if he was upset to let her know and she would resume her mourning.

After eating and bathing she went out into the garden, the moon still big and bright in the clear night sky. It was chilly again as she listened for the wolves, wondering if they were coming to visit her again, her tummy all a flutter as she remembered the alpha male’s tongue in her pussy. She waited for ages, eventually going back indoors a little disappointed she had heard nothing.

She did some schoolwork before going to bed, her nipples and pussy still wanting attention. But she didn’t give in to them, angry with herself for feeling this way, vowing to behave better tomorrow. If she thought a good night’s sleep would help, she was wrong. In the morning as she put on her new red dress, her nipples were still betraying her, mocking her with their hardness, telling her they were in charge.

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