Young Ladies Fashion Emporium - Cover

Young Ladies Fashion Emporium

Copyright© 2023 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 1

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Bethany starts a business making and selling clothing for the More Adventurous Young Ladies.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Fiction   Gang Bang   Exhibitionism   Public Sex   Small Breasts   ENF  

Bethany’s mother was a seamstress who worked for a top designer but sadly had to give up the job when she got severe arthritis in her hands. Fortunately Bethany’s father earned enough money to keep his wife and daughter in the life that they had grown accustomed to.

When Bethany was 12 her mother started teaching her all that there was to know about making clothes, especially for women and the type of clothes that models would wear on the catwalk.

By the time Bethany was 16 she was making all her own clothes and was the envy of her schoolmates and quite a few of the boys at her school had a crush on her. When she was 18 at the school leavers ball Bethany wore a gown of her own creation that could easily have been designed by any of the worlds top designers. Bethany was unable to wear any underwear under the gown, something that didn’t bother her as she often went without, even to school, after she had come to the conclusion that bras and knickers were pointless and she only wore them when she thought that she had to. On top of that they spoilt the lines of her clothes. Bethany hated VPLs and indentations from elastic.

Maybe now would be a good time to describe the rest of her slim body. She is 168 cm tall and weighs 55Kg. She has a cute face with long blonde hair, a small but bubbly butt and an 83 cm 60 cm 84 cm figure. In her early years she had gone to ballet lessons and when she went up a school she stopped ballet and took up gymnastics getting good enough to represent her school for a few years, so, as you can imagine she has a very trim and flexible body.

It was only when Bethany went into the brightly lit school hall that she realised just how see-through the gown was when one of her friends asked her if she knew what she was displaying. Bethany looked down her front and could easily see the little even darker bumps on her small, dark areolae surrounding her prominent, dark nipples that were tenting the gown, something that had never happened when she was trying on the gown as she made it.

Looking further down, yes, she could see the front of her slit and she was really pleased that her mother had paid for the laser hair removal.

“Oh well,” Bethany said to her friend, “if I’m going to be top fashion model I will just have to get used to people seeing my naked body.”

Bethany had a wonderful evening with quite a few of her admirers asking her for a dance and a couple of them asking her if she knew what she was displaying. Of course Bethany feigned innocence and embarrassment but kept dancing.

Over the next couple of months Bethany prepared herself for university and was happy when she got accepted at a top university for a Fashion & Textiles course.

That summer Bethany’s parents took her and her younger brother on what her parents described as their last family holiday. It was a beach holiday and Bethany had a great time wearing tiny, G-string bikinis and other clothes that she had made. Bethany had to share a room with her brother but that never bothered her as they’d often seen her naked as she tried on her creations in the sewing room that doubled as a dining room and she spent most of her time in the room and balcony in the nude saying that it was too hot to wear clothes and telling her brother that it was okay for guys to see girls naked.

Her brother frequently showed signs of his arousal at the sight of her naked body and Bethany usual got aroused as well because her brother stared at her. At least once per day she had to lock herself in the bathroom and relive her tension.

Bethany was a big hit with all the young men in the hotel and the resort, not just because of her good looks but also because her clothing tended to give her many accidental wardrobe malfunctions, and Bethany’s like of see-through fabrics meant that her ‘interesting’ bits were often visible to anyone who cared to give her more than a quick glance. What helped the voyeurs was that Bethany had decided to forgo underwear for the whole of the holiday,

Bethany’s mother was so used to working with professional models and seeing them naked and in see-through clothes that she was quite comfortable with the clothes that Bethany was and was not wearing. Although Bethany’s father had seen her wearing clothes like that, and trying on clothes when she was making them many times, he couldn’t stop staring at her now fully developed body. Bethany smiled many times when she saw the shape of the front of her father’s shorts.

When she arrived at the university Bethany was not too happy to discover that she had been allocated a room that wasn’t very big at all and she had to talk to her flatmates to get them to agree to her setting up her sowing machine in a corner of the communal area.

Bethany threw herself into her course and was soon showing her designs both on paper and in fabric. Unlike most of the other students on her course Bethany was more than happy to model her creations and accept all the criticisms, praise, suggestion and other comments. Bethany’s like for fabrics that are see-through to one extent or another often meant that her naked body was visible to the other students in her class as well and the teachers.

Bethany quickly discovered that being on display, in her creations, in front of her fellow students, around half of which were males, got her aroused. This fact alone was enough to drive her to more bolder designs in terms of less fabric, more see-through and more prone to wardrobe malfunctions.

Of course, Bethany’s dressmaking wasn’t confined to the classroom and her flatmates would often find her working making and trying on her latest design in the communal area and it became ‘normal’ for some or all of her 3 male flatmates to see her trying on her creations, them even sitting and watching her as she stripped naked and got into the creation.

At the start of the second semester Bethany was at one of the many student parties, wearing one of her creations that was only slightly see-through but had a lose fitting top, when she was invited to play a game of Twister. By that time Bethany had consumed a couple of alcoholic drinks so she happily joined in and delighted most of the male students there as her top hung much lower than her chest and her very short skirt rose up her backside. After that game most of the boys there were trying to hit on her.

One boy in particular drew Bethany’s attention, Lucas, and when he asked her for a date she happily agreed. Now Lucas wasn’t Bethany’s first date, she’d previously had 4 boyfriends and all of them had fucked her so it wasn’t long before Lucas woke up in her bed on a morning.

On their first date Bethany wore a short dress that has a baggy, low scoop neck top with spaghetti straps. She knew that her nipples made little tents in it but she didn’t care, that was her norm.

Lucas took her to a little Italian restaurant and they sat opposite each other. Bethany knew that every time she leant forwards to talk to Lucas she afforded him a look down her top and that he would be able to see all of her small tits. Every time she saw him looking down the top her pussy tingled.

They didn’t end up in bed that night but the following night after a couple of drinks at a bar near the university Bethany invited Lucas back to her room and they didn’t get much sleep that night.

Their relationship blossomed, partially because Lucas loved the way Bethany’s clothes revealed her assets and they often discussed the merits of the clothes that she wore, were they blatantly exhibitionistic or were they without thought about wardrobe malfunctions? Lucas didn’t know which it was but he liked it. Discussions about Bethany’s clothes usually ended with them making love anywhere where they thought that they wouldn’t get discovered, and occasionally where there was a good chance that they’d be discovered. Lucas quickly discovered that Bethany’s lovemaking level of enthusiasm was proportionate to the risks that they were taking.

Those discussions and the attention that Lucas paid to her frequently exposed feminine parts made Bethany start thinking about the effect that it had on, not only other people, but herself as well. The effects on Lucas were very obvious. Not only in the bulges in his jeans but also in his desire to make love to her every time that he saw her.

Bethany also realised that it wasn’t just Lucas who was affected by her displays. She started noticing the lustful expressions on male students and even some lecturers.

What’s more, Bethany realised that all the above was making her one really horny girl.

Previously, her creations hadn’t deliberately set out to expose the intimate parts of her anatomy, that was just a consequence of her overall designs. But she started creating designs that were primarily to expose her assets, either blatantly, or to put her at a great risk of wardrobe malfunctions.

Bethany started to believe that she was addicted to these exposures, especially the wardrobe malfunctions which could happen even in the most public of places, in fact she realised that she was starting to engineer situations whereby her breasts or her bald pubis and vulva got displayed.

When one of these engineered, or otherwise, wardrobe malfunctions occurred Bethany did her utmost to get Lucas alone so that they could make love and relieve the sexual tension that had quickly built up in her body.

With a little prompting from Lucas, Bethany realised that she is a full blown exhibitionist.

Bethany discussed each new creation with Lucas and he often suggested ways that she could make them more revealing or more prone to wardrobe malfunctions.

Bethany wore her latest creations all the time and as more and more of her body got ‘accidentally’ revealed she became more popular with the male students, and a handful of the female students as well. Bethany never succumbed to any of the attempts to hit on her because she was deeply in love with Lucas.

So far, I haven’t written much about Lucas. He’s a little taller than Bethany, quite slim and fit and good looking. He shares a large house with 4 other male students, Zack who is studying Body Massaging, Tim Photography, Ashley Arts, and Blake a Medical student. Quite a diverse bunch but they all get on well together and they all think a lot of Bethany. I don’t think that that is just because of the way that she dresses. Oh, I haven’t mentioned that Lucas is studying Business Management.

Bethany started staying over at the house quite often and when she does she can often be seen going to the bathroom or the kitchen wearing her most worn outfit, her birthday suit. Maybe that is the reason why the other housemates like her.

After the Easter break Bethany spent more and more time at the house and when it started getting sunny she spent hours outside in the back garden studying and just sunbathing. At first Bethany wore a bikini that she had made but there was more fabric in a paper tissue and Lucas told her that she may as well sunbathe naked for what her bikini was covering. Bethany agreed adding that at least she wouldn’t have to keep moving the strings so that she didn’t get any tan lines.

Unsurprisingly, all 5 guys took to sitting out the back with cans of beer and discussing their latest conquests and other guy talk. Once the guys started joining Bethany out the back she had to have frequent breaks inside with Lucas taking care of the tingling in her pussy and nipples.

One warm Saturday evening when all 6 of them had been in the back garden all afternoon with Bethany the only one naked. The topic of conversation got around to the summer break and what all of them were going to do. There was quite variety ranging from staying there, going back to their parents to backpacking around Europe.

Lucas suggested that Bethany and him go to one of the lively Mediterranean resorts for a couple of months and try getting a summer job.

“It’s okay for you Lucas, your parent will pay for your flights and accommodation but it’s pointless even asking my parents, what I need is a way of earning some money quickly.”

Unsurprisingly, one of the guys suggested that Bethany get a job at a strip club telling her that she had the perfect body for it and that he bet that she was a great dancer as well.

“I’ll have you know that I took ballet lessons when I was little and I was in the school gymnastics club.”

“You’d make a great pole dancer Beth.” Ashley said.

“If there had been a pole in this garden I would have shown you what I can do.”

“Have you ever tried pole dancing?” Lucas asked Bethany who had also been drinking lager with the guys.

“No, but it can’t be that difficult, shame there isn’t a pole here.”

“No, there isn’t,” Tim said, “but there is a spade in the shed.”

With that Tim got up, went to the shed and came back with the spade. Pushing it firmly into the ground he said,

“Come on Beth, show us what you can do.”

Bethany looked at Lucas and they both started smiling. Then Bethany got to her feet saying,

“Okay then, but don’t expect much, it’s only a damned spade.”

Bethany started her phone playing one of her favourite songs and went to the other side of the spade and squat with the spade between her thighs.

“Nice.” Tim said as Bethany’s spread pussy came into his view.

Bethany danced around the spade handle as best she could, even rubbing her pussy up and down the handle. It wasn’t much of a dance but it was seductive and all 5 guys got hard-ons. When the track ended Bethany said,

“So what do you think guys, could I get a job as a stripper?”

The vote was unanimous but Bethany shot them down saying,

“Well I’m got going to do that so I’ll have to think of something else.”

“Okay, Ashley said, “How about modelling for the Art courses students, they’re always looking for models?”

“The Photography course sometimes needs models as well.” Tim added.

“So does my Massage course.” Zack added.

“The Medical School needs Guinea pigs for the human anatomy practicals as well.” Blake added.

“Bloody hell Guys,” Lucas said, “am I the only one on a course that doesn’t have naked girls running around for them?”

“Looks like it Babe,” Bethany replied, “but you’ve got me and I’ll get naked for you anytime that you want, but I need money, do any of these models get paid?”

Four guys all said “Yes” at around the same time, Bethany laughing then she said,

“Well that sounds promising, can you all ask around and find out what’s going?”

“I’ll ask around as well,” Lucas said, “see if any of my relatives have got a place in the sun that we can use for a couple of months.”

The 6 of them stayed there talking and drinking until it started to get chilly. As they went inside Bethany thanked all the guys for letting her sunbathe naked, telling them that she really hated having tan lines. Unsurprisingly, all the guys except Lucas, came out with comments to encourage her to do it again.

The guys put shirts on and Bethany put a dress on and they went to the pub for a couple of hours. Bethany attracted the usual attention because of her skimpy dress and wardrobe malfunctions whenever she moved around.

One topic of conversation was Zack, Tim and Blake arranging for Bethany to be a model for their courses. They asked her to confirm that she still wanted them to see what they could arrange and she said that she did because she needed the money. They asked her for her course schedule to, hopefully, arrange something for when she was free. Once given, Lucas told Bethany that he thought that she would really enjoy the modelling.

Back at the house some of the housemates had a little trouble getting some sleep due to the noise of passion coming from Lucas’ room.

Zack, Tim and Blake managed to fix up for Bethany to model for some of their classes.

Tim’s was the first and Bethany wasn’t at all shy or embarrassed as she posed for the student photographers. In fact her arousal level rose steadily through the session and Lucas was a very lucky young man shortly after he met her after each of the sessions.

At the end of the first session the teacher (Dave) thanked Bethany, paid her and told her that she was a natural, that he was impressed at how she didn’t have even a hint of embarrassment or modesty. He then asked her if she would be willing to model for more classes during the rest of the semester. Bethany tried to play it cool but as they discussed dates Bethany’s pussy was leaking so bad that she thought that she was leaving a puddle where she stood.

Dave also asked Bethany what she thought about modelling in some outdoor locations, telling her that natural light is much better that electric lights.

“Yes, that’s fine with me, I can understand the lighting thing.”

After she had put her dress on she saw Tim waiting at the exit door and he told Bethany that she’d been fantastic. He was about to tell her that he’d overheard the teacher asking her to model for more sessions when he saw Lucas waiting for her.

Tim turned one way and when Bethany saw Lucas waiting for her she ran up to him saying,

“That was totally, fucking awesome Lucas, and they want me to go back for 4 more sessions.”

Nothing more was said as Bethany led Lucas to the nearest rest room, a ladies, and she jumped up on the counter, spread her legs and said,

“Fuck me.”

Zack was the second to arrange for Bethany to be the subject of massage training class. She had expected to have to get naked for the session and the teacher had already told her to get naked and onto the table when the 6 students arrived. Two of the 6 were girls and Bethany wondered if she would get aroused being massaged by a girl.

The teacher explained to the students what he was going to demonstrate massaging each part of the body then he expected them to practice what they had just been taught.

It took quite a while to get through massaging Bethany’s head, limbs and back, and there were times that Bethany could easily have fallen asleep on the table.

Then it was the front of Bethany’s torso and when the teacher spent ages massaging her tits and nipples Bethany wondered if she could make it through all the students taking their turns without her cumming. The girl students were the worst, best actually, as they had more gentle hands. Bethany was pleased that the last 2 were the girls.

There was some relief as the teacher demonstrated massaging the abdomen and Bethany’s arousal diminished as the students did the same.

Just when Bethany was starting to think that the session was ending the teacher said,

“And now we come to the final area, the genitals.”

Bethany’s heart started to race as she wondered exactly what the teacher meant.

“For men I’m sure that you all know what men like, but for women a lot more effort is required if the subject is expecting a ‘happy ending’.” The teacher announced.

Bethany had never heart of the expression ‘happy ending’ before, other than in romantic novels, but it became clearer as he started stressing the importance of adequate lubrication. Bethany wondered if the teacher was going to fuck her, then she remembered that there were 6 students, would they all fuck her, but what about the 2 girls?

Then the teacher started massaging all around Bethany’s vulva, Bethany’s arousal level started shooting up.

When he stopped doing that Bethany felt let down a little but her eyes opened wide when the teacher started talking about G-spots.

“He isn’t, is he?” Bethany thought.

“I stress again, the importance of adequate lubrication,” the teacher said, “but if you have been doing everything well so far, the subject will be like Bethany here, not needing any unnatural lubrication.”

Bethany felt herself blush a little but she didn’t have time to think about it as the teacher slid 2 fingers into her vagina telling the students which way up they had to be, and then where to find the subject’s G-spot.

Well, the teacher was an expert and Bethany gasped as the fingers inside her started massaging her G-spot, all whilst he was explaining what he was doing. Soon Bethany’s moaning got louder and louder and she reached her peak, then went over the edge, her body shaking and jerking, all whilst the teacher kept on massaging her G-spot.

Bethany had no idea how long she was up there but she was wasn’t complaining. When the teacher stopped and withdrew his fingers, Bethany started coming down from her high. After a minute or so the teacher said,

“And that girls and boys is how you give a female a happy ending. Now, who wants to be first?”

Bethany’s concept of time went out of the window as all 6 students took their turn at massaging her vulva then her G-spot Some were better than others but it was the 2 girls who massaged Bethany’s G-spot to an orgasm the quickest.

When it came to Zack’s turn Bethany just looked at him. When the teacher had announced that all the students were going to attempt to give Bethany a happy ending she thought about Zack and was expecting to be embarrassed but by the time it got round to his turn Bethany was way beyond embarrassment.

Meanwhile, Zack had been really looking forward to getting his hands on the body that he had lusted after every time that he had seen it naked although he would never have made a move on Bethany because she was Lucas’ girl.

Once all the students had given Bethany a happy ending the teacher ended the lesson and the students left. Bethany stayed on her back on the table hoping that she could get some energy back. The teacher went over to her and thanked her for volunteering and put an envelope on the table beside her. He also asked her if she would be available for 2 more similar sessions before the semester ended. Bethany just managed to say,

“Oh yes please sir.”

A couple of minutes after the teacher had left Bethany was still recovering on the table when the door opened and Lucas walked in.

“There you are Bethany. I was starting to think that you had left via another door. Hey, are you okay, you look shattered?”

“Oh Lucas, I am, they made me cum 7 times.”

“Lucky you, no wonder you are shattered. Can you get to your feet and I’ll help you get dressed.”

“Before you do that lover, pull me to the and of the table and fuck my brains out. I may not be able to respond like I usually do but I’m desperate to be fucked.”

Lucas smiled and did as asked.

About 45 minutes later Lucas helped Bethany out of that room after he’d managed to put her dress and shoes on. It took them nearly twice as long to get to Bethany’s room which was the nearest to where they were. Once there Lucas stripped Bethany and put her to bed then stripped himself and cuddled up to her. It was 09:45 the next day when Bethany woke-up.

Blake was the last to arrange for Bethany to be the model for the medical students. Blake had told Bethany that the topic of the session was Female Anatomy and Bethany imagined herself being stood on a stage, totally naked, and teacher pointing out all the parts of her body that were different to those of the male model that Blake told her had been there the previous week.

Well that’s how it started, Bethany was given a robe to wear and she sat on the front row whist the teacher gave his introductory talk. Then she was asked to get on the stage and remove the robe. As soon as she was asked Bethany felt that familiar, pleasant tingling in her nipples and pussy and it only got stronger when she was asked to stand with her feet shoulder width apart.

The first surprise from the teacher was when he started pointing his Teachers Laser Pointer at her pussy and telling the students that Bethany was a little unusual in that her clitoris was slightly larger than average and that her inner labia were much smaller than average. This surprised Bethany as she believed that she was ‘average’.

The second surprise, although it shouldn’t have been, was when an examination table was wheeled out and the teacher asked Bethany to climb on to it. Bethany realised what was going to happen to her when the teacher slotted some stirrups into the corners by her feet then asked her to place her feet up on the stirrups.

Now Bethany had had a quite thorough gynaecological examination when she went to see her doctor asking for contraception so she guessed what was about to happen. She’d been a little embarrassed when her doctor had examined her but this was worse, much worse.

Not only was she going to be examined by a teacher, but around 20 students were going to watch, and to make it even more embarrassing, the teacher went and got a video camera on a tripod and placed it where she was sure it would capture her whole pussy. This was confirmed when she saw 3 huge monitors come to life with her pussy displayed on all 3 and to add to her total embarrassment she could see her juices bubbling out of her vagina on those huge screens.

Bethany lay there regretting ever asking Lucas’ housemates if they knew where she could earn some quick money, but at the same time she was feeling really horny.

Bethany lay there not really listening to what the teacher was saying but watching what he was doing to her on one of the screens. She couldn’t help staring at her clitoris on the screen and wondering if it really was larger than average. She smiled to herself when she thought of it as a little cock.

Soon it was speculum time and Bethany was pleased with how easily it slid in to her and opened her up. As the teacher was rambling on the picture on the screen suddenly went crazy then settled with an image looking right into her vagina. This sort of intrigued Bethany as she had only ever been able to see just inside herself when she squatted over a mirror. Of course she’d seen pictures of the female cervix on the internet but to see her own was very interesting.

It was even more intriguing to Bethany how her small looking vagina (using the teacher’s finger as a comparison) could expand to accommodate Lucas’ cock.

After more rambling from the teacher Bethany started to relax when he pulled the speculum out, her, and all the students, watching as the entrance to her vagina started to close-up. Bethany hoped that the demonstration was over as she couldn’t imagine all the 20 or so students doing to her what the teacher had just done.

Bethany realised that she was partially wrong when she heard the teacher say that 10 students would perform their own gynaecological examination on the willing volunteer.

Ten students were selected then they came onto the stage and stood behind Bethany. She got embarrassed again when she saw that Blake was one of them.

Bethany decided to turn her head to one side so that she couldn’t see the faces of the students as they assaulted her pussy. She did however, keep her eyes open and stare at one of the big screens. As the examinations continued Bethany’s mind was jumping from one thing to another, some things really stupid like she imagined herself as just a lump of meat that a butcher was cutting up, to sexy things like when the speculum was pushed inside her she imagined that it was Lucas’ cock and that it was sliding in and out.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, the actions of the students, and her thoughts, raised her arousal so much so that when the next student inserted the speculum she had an orgasm. Bethany managed to watch the screen as her vagina contracted then relaxed around the speculum over and over, trying to crush it.

Bethany managed to avoid thinking about other body reactions that normally take place when she orgasms.

As she came down from her high she got embarrassed at the though that it might have been Blake inserting the speculum that time. She didn’t have the nerve to turn her head to see who it was.

Somehow Bethany managed to get through the rest of the examinations without having another orgasm and she started to relax, thinking that it was all over.

However, the teacher then announced that he was going to examine my uterus using a Hysteroscope. Never having heard of a Hysteroscope, nor understanding how he could examine her uterus, she got a little alarmed.

The teacher must have seen that on her face because he turned to face her and quietly said,

“Relax Bethany, there will be only a little discomfort and I won’t be asking any of the students to perform this procedure.”

Still confused about what was going to happen to her Bethany’s jaw dropped when she saw the teacher hold up what he called a Hysteroscope. It looked like a miniature version of a flexible shower hose and when he moved it around Bethany noticed that the images that were being displayed on the big screens were somehow related to where the end of the flexible Hysteroscope was pointing.

“OMG, you’re going to push that thing through my vagina and through my cervix?” Bethany thought.

And he did.

Bethany found the experience to be both embarrassing and arousing. Okay there had been a little discomfort but nothing that she couldn’t cope with. As the teacher moved it around inside her she could see her insides on the big screen and she didn’t know if she liked what she saw or not. She had never watched any of the medical shows of the television and hadn’t known what sort of thing to expect.

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