The Community - Cover

The Community

Copyright© 2023 by Incubus65

Chapter 3: History

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3: History - An autobiographical tale of a young woman learning and adjusting to life in a Patriarchal society.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Mult   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Father   Rough   Sadistic   Torture   Group Sex   Anal Sex   First   Pregnancy   Violence  

I am so sore I can’t stand it; I’m getting dizzy. Inside my pussy feels as if it was pulled inside out and scrubbed with a wire brush and shoved back in. I feel pain so deep inside places that I never felt anything before. “Why did Pirot do that to me?”

The woman elder tells me, “It’s your time dear and it’s only the beginning. It’s best not to resist or it will only get worse. Try and be strong, it is life for us as women! Pirot takes all virgins! It’s the way and nothing can be done other than accept it!”

After I am washed and cleaned the woman elder gives me a yellow cloak to wear. I ask her, “Where is the white cloak I wore here?”

The elder says, “White is for virgins, you are no longer a virgin, and yellow let it be known that you have submitted to Pirot and that he has opened you and you are being subjugated...

“That is your next stop from here. You will be in seclusion to be subjugated by whomever Pirot has given your custody. He will teach you the law and rules for women; you must do as he says. He can do as he wishes to you whenever he wishes. If you resist or are disobedient there will be punishment!” the woman says.

I ask the woman, “What about going to college?”

The woman says, “You were brought here and now your life will be breeding, birthing children, and serving and satisfying men. There is no need for the college of the sinful world. You will attend classes here and be taught all that you need. Know that there is no escape. If you try, there is punishment before Pirot. Just get in your head to learn and follow the rules and your life will be easier!”

2 bearers come into the room and grab me naked to go before Pirot. I am taken to a room where Pirot sits in a big, padded chair on a gold and red throne. His cloak is open, and my mom is sucking and licking his cock. My breath is taken away at the sight of the massive cock hanging between his legs. The Bearer tells me, “On your fucking knees before Pirot, bitch!” as the Bearer pushes me down.

Pirot tells me, “Come forth and show gratitude to Pirot for the blessing of his phallus!” He stands before me and lifts my head under my chin with his hand. He looks down at me and says, your subjugation begins. You are now a lowly woman. A woman who has been opened physically to receive the Patriarchy and now the mental subjugation begins. I have chosen the custodian to whom you will be given for further subjugation and breeding. You will reside with him until you are impregnated. You will do all that he demands without question or be punished. The phallus before you can be a source of reward or punishment. Nod that you understand!”

I nod in fear and astonishment over the massive cock touching my lips. “Open your mouth and please the phallus!” I lick and take as much as I can in my mouth. Pirot sits back on his throne as the 2 bearers pull me up, the woman wraps me in the yellow cloak, and we leave the room. The lead bearer tells me that tonight is my last with my mom and tomorrow at first light they will come to take me to my custodian.

We arrive at my cabin, and I ask my mom, “Where is Boss? Was he at the ceremony?”

My mom tells me, “He was there but Pirot sent him to do something after. You might see him later.

I ask the woman, “What did the Pirot mean by punishment with his cock?”

The old woman elder says, “It is called a phallus, not a cock. When you were in the sinful world, outside of the community and you didn’t follow the rules or break the law, you went before a court judge. Here the Pirot is the judge. The woman you saw brought in for the last sacrifice didn’t accept the training. She chose to resist and not conform to the way. She was brought before the Pirot and given to the Incubus, and her fate is not spoken of.” She continues the historical story...

“The Lord Patriarch was a man hundreds of years ago who women shunned for most of his life. He is a direct descendant of the Greek “God Pan”. It is said that a succubus abducted him as a teen and for 12 years she abused him and humiliated him. Sexually torturing and causing his penis to become deformed and horrific looking. His penis was abnormally large, no woman could handle intercourse with him. He was ridiculed and shunned by women his entire youth.

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