Naomi's Journal No. 43 - Horny Day - Cover

Naomi's Journal No. 43 - Horny Day

by Naomi

Copyright© 2023 by Naomi

Erotica Sex Story: Pregnancy has all but decimated Naomi's inhibitions. Illustrated.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Illustrated   .

I was just waking up and it hit me: I’m pregnant. I mean, I’ve known for a while now, but the real realization was just now sinking in. The morning sickness hadn’t done it, the slight swell of my tummy hadn’t done it, but, suddenly, I knew I was pregnant and going to have a baby. It’s kind of hard to explain, but I’m sure other women would know exactly what I mean. I was excited and scared at the same time. I understood the angst that my friend, Faith, had gone through.

There was a little breeze coming in through the window, giving a soft swish sound as it passed through the blinds and the curtains. The blinds were not tightly shut and the curtains were only about halfway pulled and the early morning sun shone weakly across my bed. I moved and my foot kicked and the sheets slid and puddled on the floor.

I stretched with my hands over my head and pushed with my feet against the sheets. Somewhere along the line, I had convinced Nils that we needed black satin sheets. It’s a good thing that we sleep in the nude; pajamas and satin sheets are very slippery together!

I brought my hands back down to my sides and used my nails to lightly rake the sides of my body, stimulating the nerves and bringing shivers to myself. I wasn’t exactly scratching, but just lightly tickling myself. I moved my hands so that they were just a little above my skin; I imagined a light electric current going between my hands and my body and I could feel my skin coming alive. I wasn’t sleepy, but I wasn’t fully awake; what I was, was horny!

My hands, of their own volition, hovered over my breasts, the current flowing through my hands into my breasts, the same breasts that would, someday soon, produce milk for me and my baby. I could feel my nipple crinkle in anticipation, the heat from the current spreading over the whole of my little breasts. Would there be enough for my baby, or would she be so greedy to suck it all up and be left hungry?


My breathing became deeper and I found myself searching for some relief. God, I was so horny! Nils had gone for a couple of days on some assignment between him and Jon Eugene. But my body was so needy now! My hands circled my breasts, the current firing all sorts of signals between my tits and my brain with signals heading lower, straight for my clit.

One hand started a downward trek across my body, the other stayed hovering and circling my breasts, and the current followed both hands, one keeping my tits stimulated and the other working on stimulating my organs beneath the skin. I even imagined an ovary releasing an egg as I passed over it, feeling a very slight pinch there beneath where my hand had passed.

Finally, my hand found its way to my bare mound. I don’t like hair there, so I keep it bare, and the electric current found its way to my little clit, sleeping so peacefully in its little hood. It felt the slight sting and raised its little head seeking that which had awakened it. My hand hovered there and delved between my wide-stretched legs, never touching, only teasing, causing my body, so recently relaxed in sleep, to tense up in anticipation of what might be coming.


My fingers were spread wide over my tits, almost touching, but not quite. My other hand was teasing my clit, with my fingers moving up and down just above it, imitating the actions I would do if I were trying to bring myself off. It was amazing how I imagined that slight electric current being sent out of my fingers and how it stimulated all of the tender parts, especially since I knew it wasn’t really real!

However, it wasn’t enough. I dropped my hand to my pussy and pushed my finger downward to my opening. It was wet and I crooked my finger a little, covered it in my oils and brought it up to my clit and started massaging it with the slipperiness from my pussy. I dropped my other hand to my tit and started to roughly massage it, my fingers seeking my nipple to pinch it hard. That sent a jolt to my brain and my clit, adding to my arousal.


My other breast felt lonely and so I left the first breast and started massaging the other as roughly as the first.

I could feel the bed groaning as I shifted my weight as my breathing became deeper and more labored. I felt the need for more stimulation in my twat, so my hand abandoned my tit and came to where I was pushing my clit back and forth. It came and rubbed the top of that little button and my other hand dropped to my pussy and I plunged first one finger, then two into my little hole. I rubbed my clit and I rubbed my pussy-mouth repeatedly, pushing my fingers, now three abreast, as deep as I could get them.

My climax built and built. I could feel it a long ways off, but coming faster and faster the more I rubbed. My vagina was so wet now that I could feel the droplets coming out of it, dribbling down across my anus, all the way to the sheets beneath me. I spread my legs as far as I could and took a finger to rim my ass before bringing it back to my pussy, only to plunge in again as far as I could push. I was doing all within my powers to hasten my orgasm, rubbing furiously.

My mind was a-whirl with images, both past and imagined! Nils between my legs, fucking our baby into me; Auguste playing with my nipples; Lisa, Ruth, Jamie, and Faith all licking and sucking my cunt. My breathing was short gasps, my breasts heaving, my muscles straining for that climax that was just out of reach, my throat making low moaning sounds. My body was rolling back and forth across the sheets making soft rustling sounds.


My climax was suddenly here, crashing over me, exploding me, sending me into oblivion. I screamed my pleasure to the world around me, confined to the four walls surrounding me. Still, my fingers kept up their rubbing, pinching, massaging action, until a second, then a third orgasm made their way through my body. Eventually, the thrashing of my body slowed and my fingers came out of my quim with a ‘squish.’ I raised my fingers to my mouth and tasted myself with a long, slow licking of my fingers. One hand remained on my clit, lazily circling that little bundle of nerves. I took both hands and rubbed my body again, savoring the feel of my hands along my sides. I found a corner of a blanket that had not made it to the floor, pulled onto the bed, wrapped myself in it and drifted off to sleep, momentarily sated.

The sun’s rays came into the bedroom very strongly as I re-awoke. I recovered slowly. I could feel someone looking down at me, and there was Thomas on the headboard, staring at me as if to say, “What’s next? Where’s my breakfast?”


I once again stretched languidly, one hand reaching to scratch behind Thomas’ ear. He started purring loudly. As I sat up and turned to put my feet on the floor, Amber jumped up and put her front feet on the edge of the bed. I petted her, told her what a good girl she was. She jumped down and fled the room, followed closely by Thomas, both expecting some morsels for their breakfast. I padded out to the kitchen, my breasts bobbing and jiggling with each step, and fed them, then headed back to the bathroom for my shower, trying to figure out what needed to be done for the day.

I reached into the tub and started the water running, not too hot, not too cold. When I had it regulated to the temperature I wanted, I turned the handle of the shower and the water ran up the pipes to the showerhead. Nils had installed a hand-held showerhead and it was on its stand, sending water cascading across the tub. I stepped into the tub and under the shower, barely closing the door behind me.

I first washed my hair, scrubbing the curls and my scalp, feeling the tingles from the shampoo. I always joke with Nils that we really should get real poo, and he always makes a disgusted face and we laugh. It always felt good to wash my hair, rubbing my scalp and setting it a-tingle. I prefer having someone else wash it, but you can’t always get what you want (but sometimes you get what you need?). I think I heard that on an ‘oldies’ station a while back.

Once I was done with my hair, I took the showerhead off its stand and hook and I adjusted the head to a pulsation. It was nice, and sometimes I used it to massage sore muscles if I had overdone my chores. The water came out in little waves, back and forth, and, as I used it across my body, I could feel the pulsations hitting my skin, setting that to tingling like my hair.

I was careful to just wash my body, despite the invigorating pulses from the showerhead. It was easy to get lost in the sensations, but I disciplined myself, despite the growing urgency I was feeling. I ran the soap first down one arm, then across my chest, then down the other arm, using my free hand to work up a lather. I then ran the soap across my stomach and back up to my chest, letting my free hand rub across the little bump I’ve acquired, then I rubbed my breasts. I had to put the soap down at this point so that I could use both hands to rub and massage my breasts and stomach, pinching the slippery points of my nipples.

I took a deep breath and pushed down the need to do more. I had to finish! I put one leg on the edge of the tub and ran the soap along it, again using my free hand to scrub the length of the leg; then I did the same to the other leg. This time, however, as my foot stabilized my body with one leg up, I took the soap to wash my pussy and my ass. I put the soap down and really gave them a good rubbing, and I was sure not to neglect either organ, making sure each was squeaky-clean! I picked up the soap again and washed my back and my face and then my soaping was done.

I grabbed the showerhead with it pulsating cascades of water and started sluicing the water from my body. I ran it across my face with my free hand making sure the soap was gone and pushing the water from my eyes before I opened them again. I started on the rest of my body; first, my arms, then my legs, then my torso, and then my back. Then it was back to my chest, where I aimed the pulsating water to brush the tips of my nipples, making them stand up under the spray. The stimulation there had a direct connection to my clit and as the water bounced off my nipples, it sent messages to my clit that more was to come.

I roughly massaged my tits, again pinching my nipples with the thought in my brain that soon these tits would be filling with milk for my baby and that when I pinched them hard I could make the milk squirt out! I was quickly approaching a climax just from the thought.

I moved the sprayer downward where it played along the shaved area where my hair should be growing, leaving no cushion for my poor pussy. I hunched myself slightly, bending both my legs and my back, to be able to bring the sprayer between and beneath my spread legs, the water shooting upward across my pussy, pulsating against my nether lips, pounding my anus, washing the soap from its last remaining vestigial hiding place. I was clean, but I wasn’t finished.

I moved the showerhead back and forth beneath me and with my free hand I alternately held my pussy lips open or I pushed my ass cheeks apart slightly so that the water could feed my growing hunger. My nerves were jamming to the rhythmic pulsations of the water, sending my mind into another fog of lust and desire. I held open the lips of my pussy, exposing my poor, little clit to that pounding as the water hit it directly, forcing a little gasp from my lungs. That orgasm that had begun in my breasts was now galloping along in my pussy, even as I dragged the water back and forth across my pussy and my ass.


I didn’t have long to wait, and as it hit me, I slumped to the floor, shuddering and moaning. The hose of the showerhead was long enough that it came with me, still pulsing against my pussy. I felt another burst of a savage orgasm tear through me before I was sensible enough to turn that vibration away from my body.

It took me a few moments to recover. I managed to slip the showerhead back onto its hook and turn off the water. I stood there for a long minute or so, my head against the shower wall, pulling in great lungsful of air. The water was starting to chill a little on my body before I was fully recovered enough to open the door and grasp a towel with which to dry myself.

With the water out of my eyes, I went about drying the rest of me, gently dabbing the towel over my body, being especially careful to not rub too hard on my breasts. They were sore, and I could see they were a little bigger than they had been before I got pregnant. My pussy was also a little sore, as if I had been fucked by a large cock. I knew that was silly, but I still only patted myself dry down there.

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