Soccer Dad - Cover

Soccer Dad

Copyright© 2023 by oliver twist

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Two young girls discover the power of their bodies and use it to tease Maddy's daddy. However, daddy isn't the only man in their lives and soon they learn a valuable lesson.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Teen Siren   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Father   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Masturbation   Voyeurism  

Both girls were in shock, not believing what had just happened. They sat on the bed, shaking, holding hands.

‘Let’s go to yours, I can’t face staying here with mum and him.’ Amy pleaded.

‘But ... but ... the video he has. He will post it online.’ Maddy sighed.

‘I don’t care, fuck him. If he does, people will know it was him, who else would be filming us? Come on, let’s go, please.’ She begged.

‘Ok, come on. Grab your stuff so we don’t have to come back.’ Maddy told her, standing up.

They packed some clothes and got ready to leave, Amy’s phoning pinging with a message just as they were about to open the door. It was a video message from a strange number. She opened it and watched with Maddy. It was Tommy’s film, showing them completely naked and looking as though they were doing it happily.

‘God, you can see everything, we look like porn stars on a shoot. Amy, I can’t let him post it, sorry.’ Maddy cried, sitting back down.

‘But he wants to fuck us, to put his cock inside us, take our cherries.’

Maddy lay back, punching the bed: ‘I know, I know. God, and it’s so big, it won’t fit, he’ll kill us with it.’

‘So let’s go, I can take the humiliation if you’re with me. We do look good, though.’ Amy giggled, trying to lighten the mood.

‘Oh Amy, the whole school will be laughing at us and what if daddy sees it? And your dad, he could see it, what would he say?’

‘He’d kill Tommy, he hates him as much as I do, especially since he moved in.’ Amy told her, kissing her head.

‘Who sent it?’

‘His buddy, I guess. Tommy must have told him to. Here, look again, you are so beautiful and sexy, people won’t laugh, they’ll be too jealous.’ Amy reassured her, kissing her cheek now.

Maddy turned and kissed her on the lips, holding her tightly. It wasn’t a long kiss but it was definitely more than a friendly one. Amy relaxed in her friend’s arms and kissed her back, enjoying the intimacy.

‘Do you want him to fuck you, is that it?’ Amy suddenly asked, looking into Maddy’s eyes, a little shocked.

Maddy looked back at her friend, blushing: ‘I ... dunno ... God ... he’s a proper man, like daddy ... wouldn’t it be better with him than a boy our age?’

Amy was really surprised, she didn’t expect Maddy to actually want Tommy like that.

‘Oh come on, Amy, if that was John, you wouldn’t say no.’ Maddy said accusingly, trying to justify her own desires.

‘Oh my god, Maddy, you slut, you really wanna get fucked?’ She gasped, smiling.

‘I don’t know but I can’t stop thinking of his cock and how it felt. Don’t you want to lose your virginity, I do?’

‘Yeah, but not to my mum’s boyfriend. Your dad, yes.’ Amy said, smiling.

‘Ok, I’ll let Tommy if he leaves you out of it and you can fuck daddy, if he wants to.’ Maddy offered, feeling all hot now.

‘You mean it?’


‘Ok it’s a deal. But I will watch tonight, make sure he doesn’t hurt you.’

‘Yeah, ok. God, we’re really gonna do it.’ Maddy said softly.

‘No! You can’t tonight, football tomorrow, you’ll be too sore.’ Amy suddenly cried out.

‘Fuck, of course. What are we going to do?’ Maddy sighed, a little disappointed.

‘We need to talk to the wanker, tell him. If he’s any kind of man he’ll understand.’

‘You go downstairs and distract your mum, tell Tommy to come up if you can. I’ll explain and beg him, promise him I will another time.’

‘Ok but if I can’t I’ll come back up.’

They hugged and Amy went downstairs. Tommy was still sitting at the table while Mary was at the sink. Amy kicked him and indicated with her head for him to go upstairs. Amy then went to her mum and started talking to her, keeping her occupied while Tommy left the room.

Maddy was standing by the bed, waiting. She heard him coming and her heart started to beat faster, she couldn’t help being excited, this was all so new and grown up. He grinned as he came to the door, looking at her all over.

Maddy shivered as his eyes raped her: ‘If you leave Amy alone I’ll do what you want but not tonight, we have the semi-final tomorrow and, well, I’m sure I’m gonna be sore after, you know. Please wait until tomorrow, I promise I’ll do it.’

Tommy was thinking, she made sense of course, but fuck he was desperate to have her. He looked at her standing there and his cock began to grow, he had to have something tonight.

‘Ok, I accept but I want something in return, you have to give me a blow job, that’s the deal, ok? He told her, his tone very firm.

Maddy nodded her agreement, her nipples rock hard and clearly showing through her t-shirt. She was tingling again, her body all hot. Tommy glanced behind him before going to Maddy and taking her in his arms and kissing her. His tongue forcing open her mouth, going inside and playing with hers, pressing hard.

She could feel his hard cock as he devoured her, her body going limp in his arms, surrendering to his desires. She liked it, his tongue felt good inside her mouth as she reciprocated his actions. He pulled away, turning to leave the room.

‘You’re going to love the taste of my cum and you will swallow it all.’ He told her, leaving the room.

Maddy sat on the bed, licking her lips, liking his taste. She lay back and looked at the door, her fingers going under her shorts and touching her throbbing pussy, moaning quietly as the pleasure spread throughout her body. At that moment, the only thing she cared about was cumming and damn anything that tried to stop her.

Her orgasm was almost upon her when she heard footsteps on the stairs. She almost stopped but such was her need she carried on, praying it was Amy and not her mum. Just as the wave hit, the person on the stairs was revealed. Maddy gasped loudly, her eyes wide as they locked on Mary’s, both of them too stunned to break the hold.

Maddy was in throws of a wonderful orgasm, her body in spasms as the wave spread. Mary couldn’t believe what she was witnessing, little Maddy fingering herself with the door open for all to see. She carried on walking toward the door, still watching as young Maddy moaned loudly in ecstasy. Maddy at last closed her eyes, her fingers still inside her pussy.

When she opened them, thirty seconds later, expecting to see Mary staring down at her, she was surprised to see no one. She pulled her fingers out and sucked them clean, still looking out of the door, wondering if she had just hallucinated.

Amy then appeared, looking more than a little confused. ‘Mum said you needed help with something.’

‘Oh God, she saw me fingering myself, I was cumming and couldn’t stop. My life is officially over, shoot me please.’

‘Oh my, poor mummy, no wonder she looked so shocked.’ Amy giggled. ‘So, what did he say?’

‘He said ok, as long as I blow him later and swallow all his cum, so all good.’ She replied, sarcastically.

‘Ewwww, I bet there’s lots and lots.’ She laughed, pretending to suck cock.

Mary then shouted up that her and Tommy were going to watch a movie and invited the girls to join them.

‘Can we choose the film?’ Amy shouted back.

There was silence for a few seconds before Mary agreed, asking what they wanted to watch.

‘Pretty woman.’ Amy shouted, giggling.

‘Ok, come down when you’re ready.’ Mary agreed, sounding a little dubious.

‘Amy! Jesus, why that?’ Maddy cried.

‘I just think it’s appropriated considering we’re now whores. Am I wrong?’ She asked, looking so innocent.

‘Yes, you are, we’re being blackmailed, there’s a difference. Plus we aint getting paid.’

‘Maybe we should charge, how much is a blow job do you think?’ Amy asked, giggling again.

‘I can’t face your mum, what must she think of me? Let’s runaway, to California.’ Maddy gasped.

‘Good idea, we can be porn stars, pretend we’re twins.’ Amy mocked, grabbing Maddy’s arm and pulling her.

‘Ok ok, but I’m not looking at her, we sit on the sofa and I hide behind you, ok?’

Amy just laughed, still holding her arm and pulling. They made their way to the lounge, Maddy’s heart beating like mad, remembering the look on Mary’s face. Tommy and Mary were on the big sofa leaving the two-seater for the girls. Maddy didn’t say a word, just sat next to Amy and put her head on her shoulder, looking at the tv and not at Mary.

Maddy couldn’t stop thinking about Mary seeing her, the way she came as Mary watched, it was so humiliating but boy was it good. She glanced over at the big lounge, Tommy quickly looking back at her, winking. She immediately blushed and looked back at the tv, cursing herself.

Mary was drinking red wine, with Tommy refilling it every time it was nearly empty. The bottle was soon gone with Mary drinking most of it. Tommy quickly got another bottle, pouring it straight away. By the end of the movie, Mary was leaning against Tommy and looking very sleepy. He poured the last of the wine and gave it to her, saying she must finish off the bottle, to which she agreed, drinking it all.

I looked over at Tommy again, his smiling face greeting me with another wink. He was so fucking arrogant and sure of himself. He got up and made some coffee, leaving Mary to lay down on the sofa. By the time he got back she was snoring.

‘You girls should go up now, I’ll put her to bed and join you in a little while. Make sure you shower and brush your teeth.’ He said, grinning.

We didn’t answer, just left and went to Amy’s room, showering like we were told and brushing our teeth. It was as though we were robots, programmed to obey. When i came out of the shower, Amy was sitting on the bed in a big baggy t-shirt, throwing me one. As i lifted it over my head I looked at myself in the mirror, thinking I would never look the same after tonight.

We sat on the bed and waited, not talking, our backs against the headboard, watching the door. When it opened, we both jumped, Tommy was standing there completely naked with a full erection, smiling, again. I gasped, looking at his huge cock, wondering how on earth I could get that in my mouth. Amy took my hand, staring as well, squeezing me harder.

I couldn’t help but admire him, he looked so good standing there, his firm thighs and flat tummy, plus his muscly chest, he was definitely all man, I thought. When he had finished posing, he walked over to the bed, his cock now only inches from our faces. It was even bigger close up and dripping clear liquid from the end. It was so smooth and clean, with no hair anywhere and his big mushroom-like head was magnificent.

Suddenly, he took our t-shirts and pulled them over our heads, leaving us as naked as him. Amy covered her tits but I didn’t bother, what was the point. I was still staring at his cock, fascinated by it, smelling it, amazed by how much I liked it. His balls hung low, big and round, full up with sperm I imagined, ready to drown me.

He grabbed my legs and pulled them, forcing me on my back, kneeling between. He was looking at my pussy, licking his lips, both hands now stroking my inner thighs, all the way up to my puffy lips. I shivered as he lightly touched them, my wetness all too evident. He wasted no time before leaning down and licking me gently, his tongue gliding up my lips to my clit, which was already throbbing and poking out. When he touched it, I gasped loudly, my hips jerking with the sudden explosion of pleasure.

‘Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Your pussy is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen, just like a ripe peach.’ He whispered.

He then licked back down my lips, biting them ever so delicately before pushing between them and tasting my juices.

He stopped again, looking up at me: ‘Oh my god, is that honey coming from there?’ He asked, before dipping back down.

I lifted my hips, his tongue now inside me, sucking at my opening, drinking my nectar. I cried out in ecstasy, my hands now on his head, pulling him into me. I couldn’t believe just how good this felt, ten times better than my finger. He then moved back to my clit, pressing his tongue flat against it and moving it in circles, the pressure causing me to cry out even louder.

‘Oh god, oh God, what’s happening?’ I asked, not wanting an answer.

He was constantly moving his tongue, in my pussy then out, sucking my clit then biting me, it was all too much, I began to cum, my body shuddering and going into spasms. Amy put her hand over my mouth, telling me I would wake the neighbours, but I didn’t care, I was too far gone.

Nothing in my short life had ever felt so good, it was truly an awakening, something that would change my life forever. When he stopped, I was still moaning and gasping, the orgasm still sending its shock waves through my body, not letting me come down to earth.

‘Oh Maddy, what happened to you?’ Amy asked, stroking my face.

Tommy was leaning up, smiling down at me, pleased with his work. He then asked Amy if she wanted some. Amy didn’t know what to say, she looked at me then back to Tommy.

‘Well, yes or no?’ He pressed.

‘Oh Amy, it was the best thing ever. Let him, you won’t regret it, i promise.’ Maddy implored, desperate for her friend to enjoy what she had just experienced.

Maddy knew what Tommy had done was wrong, but she couldn’t deny what her body was feeling, it was like she was floating, a serene calm had come over her and she felt more at peace than she could ever remember, it was just wonderful, why shouldn’t her friend feel the same.

Amy was all red, excited by the thought, you could tell. But she was scared, it was her mum’s boyfriend after all. Tommy could see she wanted it, we both could. He took her legs and pulled, just like he did with me. She didn’t resist.

I watched mesmerized by what he was doing, he was sucking and licking and I could see it all, every little detail. Amy’s pussy was so swollen and wet, she was as excited as I was. She cried out like I had, too, her body twisting and turning as he drove her wild with his magnificent tongue. As she was cumming I reached out and took one of her nipples, twisting it, making her cry out even louder. Her eyes shot to mine, wide with passion and a need, telling me to twist harder.

When she came it was just as hard as mine, maybe even harder, her cries of joy filling the house. I didn’t try to gag her, as she did me, I liked hearing her, it was exciting and yes, a little dangerous.

‘Kiss her, go on, kiss her.’ Tommy told me, His mouth all wet with her juices as I looked at him.

‘What? No, I can’t.’ I answered.

‘Kiss her, do it, if you can play with her tits you can kiss her’ He insisted, pushing my head down.

Amy was still in a dream state, not paying any attention to what Tommy was saying, just smiling up at me. I had always wanted to kiss her but not like this, I wanted it to be just the two of us, alone and intimate. His hand guided me down, releasing me when I was inches away. He then came to my side so he could watch, encouraging me.

I looked into her eyes as I pressed gently on her lips, opening my mouth and kissing her, my tongue trying to gain access to hers. At first she did nothing, just laid there, not moving. I pushed my tongue in further, licking her tongue and the inside of her mouth, trying to get a response. At last she kissed me back, taking my face in her hands and sucking on my tongue.

We kissed for ages, passionately, loving how it felt, not wanting to stop. I even climbed on top of her, our tits pressing together and our pussies grinding. It was so sexy kissing another girl, Amy was lovely and soft and tasted divine.

‘Ok, that’s enough, I need to cum. Maddy get on your knees.’ I was ordered.

This was it, he wanted his blow job, my payment for him not fucking me tonight. I stopped kissing Amy, reluctantly, our tongues still touching as I pulled away. Amy groaned with disappointment, her hands on my bum holding me, pulling me into her. Tommy was already on his feet, his cock rock hard and waiting. I looked at it with wonder, wanting to touch and taste it, to see if I could do what he wanted.

I crawled off the bed and knelt in front of him, my eyes looking up to him, waiting for instructions. He held the monster in his hand, squeezing it, making his juice run out of the end and then smearing it across my lips. I automatically opened my mouth, but he didn’t put it in, content to rub it all over my face instead. He was enjoying this, having me at his mercy and humiliating me.

‘Lick it.’ He suddenly said.

For a second I just looked at it, surprised by his order, not really knowing what he wanted. It was inches from my lips, his thick, long cock, looking so shocking yet so lovely. I could see every little bit of it, all the creases and veins and lines, it was so very strange. I stuck my tongue out and pressed it against the base of his cock, just above his balls. I pretended it was an ice lolly and began licking upward, surprised by how clean he tasted. When I reached his helmet, I swirled my tongue all over it, licking his juices and bringing them into my mouth. I then licked all the way back down, continuing past the base and licking his balls, taking one of them into my mouth and caressing it with my tongue.

‘Oh Maddy, good girl, you’re a natural.’ He said, lovingly, stroking my hair.

I think he was as shocked as I was, my actions were totally out of character and I still don’t know why I did that. But I did and now he was waiting for me to continue. I licked back up, this time taking his big mushroom in my mouth and actually sucking it like a straw. Tommy laughed, pulling out of my mouth.

‘Oh baby, not like that. Like this.’ He told me, demonstrating on his finger.

I felt silly now and blushed, Amy giggling by my side. I grabbed his cock and put it back in my mouth, determined to show him. But he was so big I only managed a few inches, despite my efforts.

‘Just take your time, nice and easy, relax your mouth and you will get more of it in. There’s no hurry, we have all night.’ He reassured me.

I wanted to do it right, to be good at it, to please him. Don’t ask me why but that’s how I felt. He kept encouraging me, stroking my hair, telling me what a good girl I was. And he was right, as I relaxed, more of his big cock entered my mouth, forcing me to breathe through my nose. It actually felt good in my mouth, I didn’t want it to but it felt natural, like it belonged. I wondered what I looked like and thought about daddy and what he would say. Would he be ashamed or think I was sexy?

‘You’re doing really well, try to go a little deeper now, see if you can take it down your throat a little.’

I wasn’t sure what he meant but took as much as I could, gagging and coughing as it hit my throat, forcing me to pull off it.

‘It’s ok, you went a bit too quickly. Just let it happen, relax your throat. Practice makes perfect.’

I took him again, bobbing up and down, half his cock in my mouth. This time I didn’t gag, I made sure only an inch went down before lifting back up, only taking more as I got used to the feel of it. I did this for a while, managing to take his head into my throat and holding it there without gagging. He liked this, moaning and making funny noises.

I moved up and down on his cock, keeping an inch or so in my throat, massaging it lovingly, really liking how it felt.

‘Oh Maddy, here it comes, get ready and remember, swallow it all.’

He took his cock and held it still, resting it on my tongue. I could feel it throbbing and then pulsate, I was about to drink a man’s sperm, it was the most degrading and humiliating feeling ever, but deep down there was something else, an excitement I had never felt before. I looked at Amy, she was right next to me, her eyes wide in amazement.

Tommy grunted once then exploded, the first blast of sperm shooting from his cock into my mouth. It was thick and salty and began filling my mouth. If I began swallowing now, I would gag and spit it out, so I just let him fill me up, surprised by its taste. Tommy was grunting and twitching as he unloaded shot after shot of his seed into my mouth, holding my head for support.

I couldn’t believe how much there was, if he carried on I would have to spill some and I knew that would anger him. I was also relieved it wasn’t disgusting, the salty goo was actually quite nice. It was so thick it reminded me of honey, though tasted completely different.

My hands were on his bum, gripping him as he finally stopped pumping out his sperm. I looked up at him, his face looking a bit silly as he looked back at me. He was very happy, I could tell. I held his cock still, not sure how to release him without spilling his load, knowing I wanted to swallow it, to show him I was not a kid.

‘You haven’t swallowed yet, show me and don’t spill any. Tilt your head as I pull out.’

He pulled slowly, my head tilting as he did so. When he was out, I opened my mouth and showed him. Amy came and looked as well, both of them now grinning.

‘There’s so much, Jesus!’ Amy exclaimed.

‘Close now and swallow, enjoy the taste, it’s liquid gold and you girls need to appreciate it.’ He ordered.

I closed and swallowed, the thick goo sliding down my throat into my tummy. It felt so disgusting swallowing it all but good, the look on their faces when I showed them my empty mouth was worth it. Tommy sighed, his cock now half the size it was, though still very big.

‘That was good for your first time, soon you’ll be able to take all of it, all nine inches. Well done Maddy. I’d better go check on Mary, goodnight, ladies. He said, leaving the room.

We sat on the bed, staring after him, not sure what to do now. Amy put her arm around me and hugged me, pulling me closer and kissing my cheek.

‘How do you feel? What was it like? Did it taste ok?’ She asked, excitedly.

‘Ok, I’m ok. It wasn’t that bad, better than I thought it would be.’

‘And the taste?’ She pressed, eager to know.

‘Not bad at all, a bit salty but ok.’

‘Oh my god, it looked so fucking dirty, like a porn film.’

‘Really? I felt like a porn star, so slutty, god.’

‘And the way he licked us, wow, that was fucking awesome. Man did I cum good.’ She added, smiling.

‘I know, who would have thought Tommy was a sex god.’ I giggled.

‘But what now? He still wants to fuck you tomorrow, how’d you feel about that?’

‘I don’t know, god, what a mess.’

‘We could still try and call his bluff; I don’t think he would post that film.’

‘Maybe, let’s not think about now, I need to brush my teeth.’

We went to the bathroom and got ready for bed, Amy all touchy feely, asking more questions about Tommy’s cock and why I had kissed her. We lay in bed talking, naked, both of us feeling different now but at ease with what happened. Amy was still so surprised how Tommy had licked her pussy, not so eager to hate him anymore. I teased her a little, accusing her of secretly loving him.

‘I liked the kiss, it was nice.’ She whispered, her face now inches from mine.

I looked at her and smiled, knowing she wanted me to kiss her again.

‘I was ordered to, I didn’t want to, you’re ugly, bitch.’

She quickly lay on top of me, giggling, holding my arms. I let her hold me, moving my head from side to side trying to avoid her lips, playing hard to get.

‘Stop it, I want to kiss you, don’t be mean.’ She pleaded.

I stopped moving, looking into her eyes, she sounded so sad I couldn’t deny her. Her lips pressed on mine; her beautiful face too sexy to say no. We kissed passionately, like lovers, both with an eagerness born of a real lifelong love. Her lips and mouth tasted like heaven, and I felt closer to her than I ever had before, it was such a tender moment I began crying.

‘What’s the matter?’ She asked, looking upset thinking something was wrong.

‘Nothing,’ I reassured her. ‘I love you so much and never want to be without you, promise me you will always love me.’

‘I promise, no matter what we will always love each other.’

We held each other tightly and fell asleep.

Amy and I were in the kitchen the next morning when Tommy came in, wearing his boxers and nothing else, his cock clearly visible under them. We both looked before returning to our cereal, blushing slightly remembering how big it was.

‘Mary’s not feeling too good, she wants some coffee and toast in bed.’ He said, looking at Amy.

‘Why can’t you get it, I’m eating?’ Amy answered.

‘Just do it, I need to do a few things.’ He told her, sounding all moody.

Amy got up, reluctantly, cursing him under her breath and put on the toast. Tommy disappeared, only returning once Amy was upstairs. He came to me and took out his cock, pressing it against my lips as I sat at the table, grabbing my head so I couldn’t move it. I opened for him, having no real choice, and he shoved his hard cock straight in. He began fucking my face, telling me I was his and this was my life now.

He wasn’t rough but I had little say in this and I knew he wouldn’t take no for an answer. After a minute or so he released my head, letting me do the work as he relaxed. I began sucking him, remembering what he had told me last night, hoping I was doing it right.

‘That’s it, take as much as you can, make me proud of you.’

I took as much as I could, letting him into my throat, again, nearly gagging but just holding it back. He pressed harder at that exact moment, forcing at least three inches further down my throat. I choked and tried to pull away but he grabbed me and held me, fucking me, moving in and out of my throat. He was telling me to relax but It was hard, I kept thinking he would suffocate me. But he didn’t, after a few seconds he pulled out, letting me breathe, keeping his cock in my mouth though.

He then pushed again, forcing it back down, telling me I was doing great. I knew I could do it for a while without air, so I just moved up and down, holding my breath. It must have been ok because he was soon cumming, grunting and shooting his sperm straight into my tummy.

He was still in my mouth when Amy came back, telling her it was me who wanted him. She sat down and watched, his cum now sloshing around my belly. He pulled out slowly, holding it just in front of me as I breathed in hard, my lungs burning from lack of air. He then squeezed it, a big blob of cum coming out.

I knew what he wanted me to do, my mouth opening and my tongue coming out to lick it off, like a good girl. He laughed and left, knowing I would do whatever he told me.

‘Jesus, Maddy, what happened?’

‘What do you think happened? He came back and shoved his cock in my mouth.’

‘Oh, so it wasn’t your idea?’

‘No! He thinks he owns me and can do whatever he wants. I’m going to shower.’ I told her, annoyed she would think that.

Amy stayed in the kitchen, leaving me to calm down. When I finished showering, Tommy was waiting for me, standing in the bedroom doorway, still in his boxers. He was taking every opportunity to perv on me and molest me, waiting until he could fuck me.

‘If you don’t fuck me later, I will suck you whenever you want. I’m just really scared to do it with you, you’re too big and I know it will hurt a lot.’ I pleaded, dropping my towel, letting him look, hoping this might help

‘But I really want to fuck you, you are so fucking sexy and I know you’d like it. I will go really slowly and make sure you’re really wet, it will be good, trust me.’

‘Please Tommy, just give me time, let me get used to the idea, a couple of weeks, that’s all?’

‘So, any time I want a blow job you will give it, no questions asked?’


If I phone you at home and tell you I’m outside in my car with a hard-on, you’ll come out and blow me?’

‘Yes, I promise.’

He then brought his phone out from behind his back, holding up and filming me. I quickly grabbed my towel and covered myself but not before he had a few seconds of film.

‘Ok, I’ll think about it, we’ll chat later.’ he said, leaving the room.

Amy came up soon after, telling me we had to go to mine for my kit, as if i didn’t know.

‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have thought that, forgive me?’ She asked, looking sad.

‘Let’s go, you can make it up to me by setting me up for a hattrick.’

‘It’s a deal.’

Daddy was waiting for us, all excited about the game, looking so good in his shorts and t-shirt. Amy began perving on him as soon as we got there, flashing her boobs as she leaned down for my bag. She had on a summer dress that was very loose at the front, with no bra. Daddy couldn’t help but look, poor man. I checked everything was there before we left, happy it was. Daddy drove us, promising us anything we liked after if we won.

‘Anything?’ Amy asked, suggestively.

‘Within reason, young lady.’ He told her, looking down at her thighs, which were nicely on display.

Oh yes, she had sat in the front before I could, slut. Poor daddy nearly crashed as her dress rode higher and higher, revealing her sexy legs almost to her panties. I pinched her arm, making her cry out but not caring. She used this to turn around and flash daddy her white panties, sticking out her tongue at me.

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