The Preacher's Son - Cover

The Preacher's Son

Copyright© 2023 by Kyoti

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Adam Jenkins Taylor - the Preacher's son is on a special mission to help his dad develop a new way they can teach the youth of the community to turn their back on the evils of sin and debauchery by showing them how bad it is in reality. Reverse psychiatry, will work and he's out to prove it...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Fiction   School   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   Cousins   Aunt   Interracial   Black Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Safe Sex   Voyeurism  

“ ... and therefore Brethren, I say unto you, we MUST prepare our young people for the evils that await them in these troubled times of which we’re living. These terrible times of trials, tribulations and temptations were described by the very founders of all religions, in times of yore. We have been warned repeatedly by the prophets, of a time when the youth of the world would throw down the teachings of our churches and our elders.

“We have been repeatedly warned of a time when our youth would worship false idols and follow the examples of those who choose to live their lives in sin and degradation, by flaunting their naked bodies wantonly across the screens of our movie theater’s and even in the safety of our own living rooms as we watch television with our families.

“Those times are NOW upon us, and we must act with much patience, and much love, and affection toward our youth if we are to win them back from the demon media’s portrayal of nudity and fornication so acceptable in our society.

“We must take drastic measures to ensure our leaders of tomorrow are shown the way and the truth.

“We can accomplish this through exposure to the very evil we’re fighting against, instead of trying to blindfold them. No need pretending and denying that evil does not exist in this world. They must be taught the truth, taught by example and leadership, by providing them the thrills and youthful pleasures they seek, though in a controlled and sponsored manner.

“Yes, now is the time to fight fire with fire!

“Yes Brethren, our young women and young men are seeking the things we deny them and we must provide these very things in the sanctity and safety of our own homes and our churches. If we choose to continue denying the fact that nudity and fornication exists in this modern world, we will lose the battle. Those evil things do exist and those things are extremely pleasurable to our youth.

“If we show them that nudity and fornication does in fact exist, then go on to show them that we as adults see these so called evils as merely avenues to gain self gratification, they will then realize beforehand that there is no evil in nudity and no damnation in fornication.

“We must show our youth that we, as the members of society they look up to, accept nudity and that we do in fact fornicate. We must do this in abundance, and we must present these acts to them in abundance, we must NOT fail, even if we have to join them as we show each of them, there is no wrong if we learn to express our deepest desires and fulfill our natural born urges.

“Therefore, I propose to the congregation of The Church of Brotherly Love, that YOU, as the most forward thinking leaders of our community, take a stand with me and use reverse psychology to turn our young men and women away from evil, by over exposure to the very evils they seek.

“I know it’s getting late and I’ve kept you from your Sunday dinners, but I feel if we’re ever going to take a stand against evil, we must do it as a group, as a church. I have preached until I am red in the face and out of breath, telling you about the evils of nudity and fornication as well as the proliferation of propaganda concerning pornography addiction. I ask you to step out and be a part of the solution. I ask you to help with our innovative approach to sexual awareness and sexual education, we must make a difference in the future of our youth.

“Sister Cummings, the church secretary will soon have the new publications and ‘hands on’ manuals of this truly remarkable mission we must undertake with our youth, these manuals will be available before next week’s service.”

... Reverend Isaac ‘Ike’ William Taylor stepped down in front of the pulpit to stand before his congregation. Those who follow his leadership without question, rely upon him to make them feel good about coming each and every Sunday to hear his words of wisdom. Today, he’s met with a resounding chorus of ‘Amen Brother’ as the members of his church formed double lines to step up to shake his hand and give their personal pledge of support.

“Reverend, we just love your sermons and each of us realize now that we have needed these refreshing new ideas of yours for a long time. We are so happy that you and your family have come to lead us,” Ms. April Cummings, the church secretary lauded her praise upon the Reverend as she smiles, dancing nervously from one foot to the other, resisting her body’s urge to let her urine escape right here - she had held it too long already.

“Thank you, Sister Cummings. I look forward to your personal input into our programs.”

Sister April Cummings ran from the front of the church, all the way past the Sunday School rooms and into the restroom - where she almost made it to the seat before her streaming piss sprayed all over the outside the toilet bowl. She pissed in her panties and her down through pantyhose, as she tried to get them down while already in a sitting position.

Sitting on the seat, pissing and sighing in relief, she slipped her high heels off and removed her wet panties and pantyhose. She looked up at the big floor length mirror to her left - and saw Adam Jenkins Taylor - the Preacher’s son, pissing in the urinal. His head is turned to watch her over his shoulder, his long fat youthful cock dangling lazily from his pants.

“Adam, have you no shame?” she scolded him as he continued to look at her - while pissing a long stiff stream.

“Ms. Cummings, I do have shame. But Daddy Ike preached so long, I had to piss so bad, I ran back here as fast as I could. I was already pissing when you came in and pissed all over your underwear as you tried to sit down.

“Ms. Cummings, you may not be aware of this but you’re in the boy’s room!” Adam told the pretty, voluptuously sexy, thirty year old blonde woman as she sat, continuing to piss a loud stream.

Adam finished pissing and shook his long, healthy, happy sixteen year old cock to shake off any remaining drops of piss, as April Cummings watched in awe at the size, girth, and length of this young man’s cock.

“Adam are you sure this is the boy’s room?” she asked, while looking at the urinals on the wall in front of him, knowing all the time - yes - this is the boy’s room.

“Yes Ma’am, I’m sure. I wasn’t going to say anything when you first started pissing. The way your piss was churning the water, you must have had to go as bad as I did. I knew you’d be embarrassed by me being in here, so I didn’t say anything,” Adam said as he continued to shake his long cock that has now grown into a very large, extremely dangerous state of erection.

“Adam, will you turn your back and stop staring at me sitting here. I’m embarrassed enough as it is, but I need to wipe my pussy,” she said, with an even redder face.

“My back is turned. You’re looking into the mirror at me. You sure do have sexy legs Ms. Cummings,” he said as he stopped shaking his long, fully erect cock and tried to fold it double so he could stuff back into his pants.

“I suppose you are in the right here, and I’m in the wrong. I’ll admit, it was me who rushed in here trying to control my urge to piss all over myself while running down the hallway in my six-inch heels.

“Thank you too Adam, for that compliment about my legs. I try to keep in shape, but my thighs are really too thick ... Adam I suppose you’ll run tell all your young friends that you saw me pissing in my panties, the floor, and all over this damn commode - in the boys room? Is there any way I can be assured you won’t embarrass me any further, by telling everyone that you and I watched each other piss in church?”

“Well, Ms. Cummings, you see I was only...”

“I knew it! I JUST KNEW IT! You’re already planning to tell your best friends. Aren’t YOU? Look at me Adam. Damn it, you and I can make a deal here that will be suitable for both of us. I mean, I’d die of embarrassment if your daddy or any of the womenfolk of the church knew I was in the men’s restroom with the Reverend’s step-son, pissing in front of each other and I was constantly staring at your big beautiful healthy young cock that’s larger than any I’ve seen or heard tell of in my whole fuckin life ... Sorry about saying fuck in front of you. Harry you’re still looking at my naked exposed bald pussy.”

“Well, I guess they would pitch a fit ... but I’m not looking at your pussy, I can’t even see it from here.”

“Adam, if I let you get a really good look at my naked pussy, will you never tell a soul?”

“Heck no, I’d never tell, but you don’t have to...”

“OK Adam I give up damn it, lock that fuckin door. Then and I’ll let you try your damnedest to stab that humongous cock of yours inside my pussy for just one deep thrust, lasting no more tan one minute. Then I really must go.”

“You will? but I was about to go...”

“OK ... I fuckin give it up damn it! Come here Adam, you can fuck my naked pussy anyway you want, as deep and hard as you can fuck. Now get that long hard cock shoved up inside my slik little bald pussy, and fuck me until you have your jollies for the day. I’m sure this is what you wanted all along,” April Cummings said as she turned her back to him, bent over, with her hands on the commode tank, her long Sunday dress up flung back over her sexy ass. She spread her legs wide, in order to take this young cock inside her dripping pussy. She ‘s determined to get his damn cock inside her pussy, since felt like this is the only solution to keep him from telling on her for being in the boys room in the first place.

“Holy Smoke Ms. Cummings you’re pussy is as bald as my cock head. I’ve never seen a bald pussy before. OH HELL YEAH! You sure do have a tight pussy Ms. Cummings. I mean you better get a grip on something and hold on tight if you want me to shove my cock all the way inside your tight little pussy. I’m going to have to really ram you hard,” Adam didn’t tell her that he’d never even seen a real pussy before, naked, bald or bearded.

“Adam, you may have to grab my hips and really fuck me really hard and fast to force that damn thing all the way inside my pussy, even as much as I need your cock right this minute. FUCK MAN! I’ve never had a cock as big as yours, before, in my entire fuckin life...

“OH FUCK YES, now you’re fucking me, Adam. You better pull that big cock out of my pussy before you shoot your cum inside me ... Do you hear me, DAMN IT?”

“Yes Ma’am, I hear you. You better not talk so loud, or everyone else in this church will hear you.”

“Adam, listen to me damn it, you better never try to get this oversize cock in my daughter’s pussy. You haven’t already fucked her, have you? I mean you’d kill a normal woman with this fuckin overgrown cock.”

“I never have put my cock inside her pussy before, I swear,” Adam told her the truth, he just didn’t tell her about all the times June has sucked his cock and swallowed all his cum, then begged for more while he fingered her tight little pussy, simply because his cock wouldn’t fit inside her pussy, no matter how hard they tried.

“Good, you better not either. You come to me if you feel like you just have to have this monster of a cock inside a pussy. I’d rather you fucked me with your big naked cock, and fill my pussy to running over with your scalding hot cum, than fuck my daughter and knock her cute little virgin pussy up.”

“I’ll sure do that - do you mean right here at your office in the church?”

“Yes, I have a private restroom just off my office, you can fuck me raw like this time, in there anytime you desire a pussy ... especially any of the young girls pussies.”

“Thanks Ms. Cummings. I love pussy and I really really do love your pussy more than any woman’s pussy in this church.”

What he meant was, he already loves fucking, since this is his first pussy ever. The fact that is Daddy Ike’s church secretary’s pussy, make it even better. He really does like her tight snatch. Adam is out-thinking her though, he already wants some more pussy from her and even more pussy than hers, especially her daughter’s.

“Ms. Cummings, I better pull out already. I’m about to come.”

“Hold it back just a little longer Adam, I’m getting my second come and I need just a little more time. Fuck me deep, BIG BOY.”

“Here it comes. I mean here I come. I mean ohhhhhh fucccckkkk, I’m cumming Ms. Cummings.”

“OH FUCK YES. I love your young cock. I wish we had more time, but I have a roast in the oven. You, the Reverend and your Momma are coming over for Dinner and I have to run. Thanks Adam for not telling on me and thanks for the hottest fuck I’ve ever had. We’ll do this again, I promise.”

“Thanks Ms. Cummings I really like fucking your pussy. I’ll see you at dinner, is June going to be there too?”

“Yes and you don’t need to be looking at her and wishing you could fuck her pussy, especially with your huge naked cock either,” April Cummings laughed as she pulled her dress down and stuffed her pantyhose into her purse, she looked all over for her panties and decided she must have flushed them down the toilet.

She didn’t notice him when Adam stuffed her panties inside his back pocket.

’Holy Smoke, I can’t believe I just got my first pussy right here in church. I bet that’s what Daddy Ike was talking about, when he said the grown-ups were going to us reverse thinking on us teenagers. I like fucking in reverse with Ms. Cummins like that. I wonder if I can get my cock in side June’s June’s pussy if I get her to back her sexy ass up to me and use my reverse fucking ability on her?’

Adam suddenly feel like strutting as if he’s a grown man. He’s already gotten his cock inside a pussy - he’s even filled that pussy full of cum twice, with Ms. Cummings screaming for more. He has her tiny little white bikini panties to prove it.

’Oh me, I wonder if she uses birth control. She never mentioned it and I couldn’t have stopped fucking her if she had pulled a gun on me. Damn what a tight pussy on that tall, sexy woman with those huge titties. I was so busy pounding my cock into her pussy from behind, I never even thought to get a grip on those those beauties... ‘

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