The Coercion of Jen - Cover

The Coercion of Jen

Copyright© 2022 by SpringerJC

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Coercion, properly applied can achieve outstanding, even unexpected results. Coercion takes appropriate application of pressure at critical points in our relationships. Coercion can change a life. It changes theirs. For better or worst shall be up to you the reader. Have fun deciding.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Coercion   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Spanking   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Body Modification   Public Sex  

She looked a mess and it was four o’clock on Sunday, shit! She hadn’t put her make up on, she hadn’t brushed her hair and she was wearing jogging pants. She knocked on his door and it opened immediately. Head down, she stepped forward but he stepped into her way, “What is this?” he demanded. Looking her over, “You are not properly presentable for a report, young lady!”

She wasn’t and she knew it. She wanted to cum so badly she was going insane! “Please...” she whined.

He pointed towards the cabin saying, “Don’t show up here again looking like this,” and again another wave of the hand taking her all in. “Go home and only return properly attired and presentable. Go!” he barked and she turned around and presented a pouting walk back.

She had definitely made the wrong choice last week and she stewed on that. This week had been worse than last week.

On arriving home last Sunday Brian needed feeding and some loving cuddles. Once done she was exhausted from her reporting and the final two orgasms. She just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep for a night and a day. She said out loud as she entered the bedroom, “I need this.” Then she saw the blue box on her bed. ‘Right, I have to open it and follow the instructions.’

Opening the box, she found a beautiful pair of what looked like a large pair of cottony, plasticky, panties. She took them out and the crotch dropped as there was something in the crotch. A small cushiony heart shaped, but relatively flat, curved, somewhat heavy, something.

She picked an envelope out of the box and extracted a beautiful piece of writing paper. It was a lighter yet still masculine blue with embellished edging around the parameter and it looked expensive. She loved the textured feel of the paper and thought, ‘I am going to save the paper’, and began to read.

Jen, as I stated I believe I know why you have selected the blue box. In case you were wondering, I also believe you made the right choice in selecting blue.

You have found the panties so please put them on now. You feel how high on the hip the top band rides? Feel along the top seam and you will feel a small flat cord wrapped within the fabric. In the front there are two ends, please find and pull on each end. You will feel the seam begin to close tightly around your hips. Keep the top seam above your hip line so the panties waistline contracts around and rides above the hips.

Notice the plastic over the ends of the cord. Once you have the ends pulled so that the panties are well secured above your hip line, peal the plastic off and wrap the ends around each other while keeping the seam snug over your hips.

You see the glue under the plastic, covering the cord, it will bind the cord on touching together so put them together now.

She did and the panties were comfortable. Once the waist line was secured the inner soft, rubber feeling patch, sat over her pussy and right on her clit. She tried shifting the panties around to remove the thickening from her clit but no matter how much she tried to move it, when it was released, the panties basically bounced back into position perfectly covering her outer vulva.

You are not to remove these panties for the next seven days, Jen. That is your contract, just no orgasms and wear the panties until we meet next Sunday.

Oh, one last thing. If you would, I would appreciate it if you could prepare lunch for us every day this week. You will find everything you need in the kitchen as well as cooking instructions, should you like to try something new. And leave time for some movie viewing following lunch. Let’s plan to be done with lunch and the movie by three. See you at lunch tomorrow and say service at noon? Good night.

Wow, seven days in the same dirty panties while cooking lunch and lounging isn’t this going to be fun. As she crawled into bed she mentally said, ‘Fuck it,’ and was out like a light.

Four hours after falling asleep an awareness of something different slowly encroached and it brought her out of her sleep. It was her crotch and it was soaked. Her panties were soaking wet and vibrating! The rubbery patch over her mound was vibrating.

Nothing serious but it was vibrating enough to have triggered a moisture response for her recently over used pussy. Lying in bed and still exhausted she was trying to add things up.

She tried to push down the wet panties but couldn’t. She tried to reach to slide her hand under the panty waist band and couldn’t. Having glued the cord together she couldn’t even get a finger under the band. She was horny so she started rubbing the rubber area over her crotch. She sprang up in the bed and her cunt was on fire! Burning!

She stopped rubbing and immediately felt an easing of the burning but it stayed and it burned and oh, it hurt for a while. “Oh shit”, she exclaimed, “no rubbing that little patch,” she learned. The vibrating stopped and her cunt was cooling down. She fell back into the bed, ‘Fuck it, I need to sleep,’ and she was out again in a moment.

Eight the next morning she woke again. She could feel the gentle vibration of the panties over her crotch. Touching the panties, she remembered how wet it was last night but the material was dry today.

She got up out of bed and stepped in front of the mirror. They looked as clean and sharp as they had when she first took them out of the box. She was surprised, amazed actually and all of a sudden, she was in much better spirits immediately. Maybe she wasn’t going to be tortured for seven days wearing the same dirty, wet, underwear for a week.

She considered that she had been tricked. There had been no talk of vibrating panties when she accepted the commitment. Then it figures the fine print would cover it. She had to read that damn contract again. Oh well, she could get through this. Brian squeaked as he was awake and she smiled and went to him.

She found throughout the day, at odd times and under no pattern, that the vibrator would start up. No warning at all was normal and then it started. She found it could last for two seconds or two minutes and everything in between. In the morning it was fine and comforting actually. Her muff had seen a lot of action last week so the gentle vibrations were soothing.

Lunch went well. She had arrived at the kitchen at eleven a.m. and wandered around looking in all the drawers and cupboards. She pulled together a simple sandwich and canned soup and placed the lunch on the table.

When Black arrived, she noted his preferred seat. She chose the one opposite of him. Sitting down to eat together Jen asked if she could ask a question. “Jen, whenever we sit for a meal, unless I have given specific instructions not to, you may ask any question you have about anything, at any time, ok?”

Then the question driving her nuts popped out, “How do I go number two without taking my panties off?”

Mr. Black laughed, “I guess I should share a little more information with you, shouldn’t I?”

‘Ya think,’ she thought but said, “Yes, please,” and then she waited as he took a bite of food while organizing his thoughts and memories. He carried a slight smile across his lips, cheeks and eyes, as they were good memories.

“Most of my life, well since I was ten-years-old anyway, I have lived my life based on five-year plans. I reevaluate my future every five years and set new goals for myself, my businesses and my life.

“I also reward myself for achieving five-year goals. One must get a reward or why have the goals? Why make the sacrifices to achieve them in the first place if you don’t celebrate their achievement?”

He was trying to get bites in as he spoke. At the same time, he didn’t want to look piggish by speaking with his mouth full. She felt like the tale was almost being drug out of him. She had to poop and soon.

“My early twenties were spent in military service but that’s another tail. For my thirtieth birthday I needed a real break. Twenty-five to thirty had demanded a lot of energy from me. I had started two businesses and earned a reputation for undertaking and completing projects my competitors walked away from. I took a lot of huge risks but built a team strong enough to overcome whatever I walked us into. We were really successful.”

“I needed to get away for a while. My birthday happens to fall on January first so I chose, at the time, to take a two month leave of absence. My team was a little anxious but I trusted them and explained that I needed to do what I needed to do. They agreed to hold down the fort and keep the projects we had underway moving forward and not to take on anything new until my return.”

“From my teen years to my thirtieth, I had been focused on achieving the business success I demanded of myself which was setting up the foundation I intended to construct the rest of my life on. I was on schedule as I now had wealth and I now had the power of success, confidence and proven achievements.

“So, now I was starting to consider a family. The idea of a family anyway, which demanded I consider marriage and which led me to recognize that I did not know much about women sexually, or even me sexually, so I thought it was time I found out, at least, about me and what I could about woman.

“What I liked and didn’t like would be a good place to start, I figured. So, I took off for Japan, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam over the next two months. I wanted to learn everything I could about human sexuality, I wanted to see it all and I wanted to experience a lot of it. In Thailand I met a Buddhist monk whose entire life was the study of sexuality. He became my primary guide for my education.”

“His name was Taki, just Taki. He knew everyone in the sex trade and the sex industries. He showed me things I would never have conceived of and opened doors to places white men seldom gain access to. He was a very special man who assured me a very special education.”

“The panties you are wearing were created by a friend of Taki’s. This friend was actually a scientist who has worked on materials development in Taiwan for the Chinese space agency. One of the contracts he worked on was to develop a material that could be used in space suits for astronauts. The material was designed to consume human waste materials. Materials such as sweat, urine and even feces. The material is actually infused with nanites, miniature robots that consume the waste and store the byproduct produced until a special cleaning procedure is implemented and all wastes are disposed of in moments.”

Jen just sat in her chair, her lunch forgotten and his had been too until he now reached for another bite.

“For astronauts?” Jen had surreptitiously been drawing her skirt up into the fingers of her left hand under the kitchen table. She needed to touch the material again so she slid her fingers over it and she was amazed, as usual, with how smooth it felt, Teflon like. “Nanites?” she wondered aloud.

“How do they work? Can they eat me?” The thought came suddenly and she started to jump up from the table. Mr. Black laughed while reaching over, placing his big hand on her shoulder and gently pushing and holding her down in her chair. “Relax, Little One, relax. There is nothing for you to be concerned about. The nanites have one job and they know what it is and they are not going to hurt you!”

She calmed down immediately as it had only been a flash of anxiety. He was enjoying himself at her expense as usual and sometimes she hated him but she still needed a washroom.

“The trick for the astronauts is not to overwhelm the system. They have to be told it’s not an outhouse, I mean you don’t dump and run, understand? The nanites work at a certain speed. Now I have never tried the material myself but from how it was explained to me, you must ease waste into the panties and the nanites will devour the waste as they come into contact with it. Get it?”

“Get it! Get what? That you want me to shit myself, poop in my own panties for the next week! You really are crazy!” Escaping from under his hand she had jumped up and moved back from the kitchen table. Neither of them were sure if she was actually mad, disgusted or afraid. It didn’t matter as he saw immediately that she was emotionally escalating fast.

He came out of his chair as he was reaching out, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into his chest. She rebelled against him, tried to struggle free but her arms were wrapped inside his and her hands were crushed between her bosom and his sternum.

He held her until she stopped struggling and then lightening his hug but keeping her contained, he went on, “Listen to me, Little One, I will never hurt you. I will never allow anyone to hurt you or Brian while you are in my care. I am known everywhere as a man of my word. You know this in your heart so now listen to my words.”

“I believe in you and I know you can do this. There is strength within you that you don’t even know you possess, so amaze yourself and prove me right. Show us both how you would have made a great astronaut.”

She started whimpering again. He was fighting off a sigh of frustration when he heard through the whimpering, “I already have.” Her tears flew freely once more as he fought back a laugh as she must have peed herself.

He explained again that astronauts used this underwear and that for pooping, as she called it, he understood she just had to release her sphincter, allow a gentle flow and the nanites took care of all the rest. Once a day she was to wipe down the outside of the panty with an absorbent toweling he would provide her. As she performed the wipe down the nanites would release a clear liquid into the towel and then the towel is disposed of, all very high tech he claimed. After seven days the panties would need a more thorough cleaning which is a process he said he would share with her at the end of the week.

After another ten minutes or so of talking, as she slowly calmed down, she finally came around to accepting what was happening.

She had found her panties were dry after peeing within them. They actually still looked brand new and there was no odor. Jen could feel a light weight buildup and thickening of material around her waist line but it never got uncomfortable. That must be where the nanites stored wastes until completely removed. ‘If astronauts use this... ‘

She just chose not to think of the poop thing at least not right now anyway. Mr. Black had finished his lunch while explaining everything to her. She had lost her appetite so she just decided to clean up and move forward.

Once the kitchen was all cleaned up Jen joined Mr. Black in his movie room. A dedicated room for large screen movie viewing. Mr. Black had designed the room himself. First, it was sound proof so with the ten-inch-thick access door to the room closed not a sound could be heard a foot away from the doorway.

Jen took it all in after closing the big door behind her. The room held a one-hundred-twenty inch, Hisense HD TV with a very good Dali theatre surround sound system supporting it. The room wasn’t that large. At present it held a leather couch along a side wall and just one chair positioned for best TV viewing, dead center, twelve ft back. An interesting chair and Jen just knew it was custom made the moment she saw it.

It was made out of a combination of wood and maybe stainless steel, shiny steel legs anyway. The wooden seat of the chair appeared perfectly molded, carved, and shaped to Mr. Black’s butt cheeks and thighs. It was a light-colored wood but with wide darker veins, that could be seen running with the length of the chair. It was quite striking actually.

The wood was cut to fit Mr. Black’s thighs perfectly with a hollowing out of the wood between his thighs uniting under the crotch forming a W when looked down on. The end of the crotch, the correct width with an upturn of the wood, left little to the imagination for what it was intended for, ball support. Mr. Black could drop a quarter between his upper thighs and it would hit the floor yet the wood supported his thighs up to his knees when he was sitting straight up in the chair.

The chair back also appeared perfectly fitted to the form of his back and shoulders. Between the wood and Mr. Black’s body was a thin, quarter inch thick actually, dark brown material that Jen would come to know later was the same as in her special panties. The nanite infused material had many uses due to its tremendous comfort ability, if not it’s other traits. It was the cost that was prohibitive for most.

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