From the Journals of Michael Wagner - Cover

From the Journals of Michael Wagner

Copyright© 2023 by Phil Brown

Chapter 171: Alien Escape

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 171: Alien Escape - In 2011, a fifty-six-year-old man, suffering from depression, puts a gun to his head and pulls the trigger. But instead of dying, he finds himself alive in the body of a sixteen-year-old boy, in 1971. And he soon discovers that whoever did this to him accidently gave him empathic abilities. They also gave him a purpose. A mission to save his world. This then, is his story, taken from his own journals. The amazing story of how he came to change the world.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Magic   Incest   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   First   Pregnancy   Nudism   Royalty  

Wednesday, June 23, 1971

“I’m so glad you woke me,” Kalani purred softly in my ear. “Can you? Again? Now?”

Of course, I could. Kalani rode me this time, sitting straight in the saddle at a practiced, even gait. She was in no hurry, but she did want to talk about the upcoming State Dinner, and all of the changes happening on Tapato.

“Can you connect me with Mikeya later? I need to check on several things. Amy told me that your foundation was sending a legal team and I wanted to make sure they arrived,” she asked.

“Mother! WHAT are you doing?” Mikeya suddenly said in Kalani’s mind. I could tell she was trying hard to act shocked, but unfortunately, her laughter gave her away. “And with my husband!”

Kalani just looked at me trying to look as if she disapproved of my connecting with her daughter while we were joined. But the grin on her face gave her away as well.

“I will remind the Heir that Prince Michael is also OFFICIALLY the Queen’s consort. And this morning, the queen felt the need for some official consorting,” Kalani laughed in return.

“Well if you’re connecting with me to brag, then you can go now. I am sufficiently and royally envious,” Mikeya replied haughtily.

“Actually, I just wanted to know if the legal team from the Foundation had arrived,” Kalani told her daughter.

“Oh, they’re here all right. I was expecting maybe three or four stodgy attorneys, but there’s over two dozen attorneys plus all their support personnel. And they’re ALL women and they’re all beautiful,” Mikeya informed us. “And, it seems that whoever recruited them, didn’t bother to tell them about our ‘primitive’ dress code.”

“Ah-h-h,” I cried as Kalani clinched her vaginal muscles on Little Mike. “It wasn’t me!” I told her. I figured that I’d have to get with Vickie and Ileana later to find out what was going on.

“Please don’t damage my husband, Mother. I will be there Sunday night and I plan on using that which you seem to be enjoying so much,” Mikeya teased. I could sense that she was enjoying herself at her mom’s expense. I could also tell that she was adapting to her new mantle very well. Mikeya was suddenly distracted by something where she was.

“Goodbye, Mikeya,” I told her. “I can’t wait to see you again.”

“Nor I you,” she replied. “Mother, the crown is hereby commissioning you to take very good care of my husband. I love you both.” Then she added some words in their native tongue before I let our connection go.

“Just business,” Kalani told me when I asked later. Her reply was terse, but it could have been because she was cumming in waves at the time.

There was a knock on Kalani’s door and I instantly became awake. As Ileana opened the door, I became aware that the train was slowing. By itself, it would not have meant anything, but when I sensed Kip herding everyone else back to the Observation car, I became alarmed.

“Sorry to disturb you, Michael. Kip says we’re being flagged,” Ileana told us. I was already throwing on my clothes as I searched for Kip.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“Harvey just radioed back and said that we’re being flagged to a siding. He said that he can’t ignore it, as there may be a problem on the main line, so he wants us to be prepared,” Kip explained.

“Okay. I’ll be right there,” I replied. “What now?” I added to myself.

A train could be flagged to an alternate track for any number of reasons. The most common one was that repairs were being made to the main line. Kip and I had stepped out on the vestibule, leaning out to look down the line of rail cars to where Harvey sat in the cab. I was scanning, but felt no hostile emotions on either side of the train.

Up ahead, about a half mile in front of us was a loading platform for a large manufacturing concern. I could sense a small delegation on the platform, anxiously awaiting our arrival. There was a Penn Central employee, two suits that were obviously CIA and a fourth man. I was surprised to find he was an Air Force Colonel.

“Any ideas where we are?” I asked Kip.

“Somewhere in central Pennsylvania, according to Harvey. We’re less than ten hours from Newark,” he replied. “Can you tell what’s going on?”

“They’re here for me,” I told him. “The General sent them. I’m going to go put on some jeans.”

I searched for Anna as I headed for my stateroom.

“Oh, Michael. There you are. They’ve escaped!” were her first thoughts.

The gist of our hurried communication was that Wilheinda and Tabita had escaped during the night. They had tracked them as far as the cutoff up to the Pointe, and then lost them. So the General had ordered them to get me back to the ranch, ASAP. It turns out, that the fastest way was in one of the small jets used by the Air Force to train fighter pilots. All of this I explained to the girls when I returned to the Parlor.

“Kip will escort you on to New York and I will join you there as soon as I find Tabita and her mom,” I told them.

“Michael, will you please take your sword?” Ileana asked. I hadn’t thought of it because wearing a sword in 1971 America was not a common sight.

“Please, Michael. Ileana is right,” Narvenia said. “You may need it if you face them.”

I looked at her in surprise. Narvenia was a woman of few words, so when she spoke, I tended to listen. I nodded my acquiescence, and Ileana went to get it. After I buckled it on, Narvenia came up and kissed me on the cheek.

“Be safe, Michael,” Narvenia told me. Then each of the others quickly kissed me goodbye. Kip flashed me a tight grin as I stepped back out on the vestibule.

“Good!” was all he said when he saw the sword at my waist. We did not speak anymore as the train came to a stop, beside the loading dock. The two CIA operatives reached for their guns when Kip stepped off the train, armed to the teeth, but then thought better of it. Kip quickly surveyed the scene before nodding his permission for me to step off.

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