Meg and Kath - Cover

Meg and Kath

by Ashley

Copyright© 2022 by Ashley

Erotica Sex Story: Meg had been pretty unhappily married for a while now. She wasn't asking for the world, just a small sign that he actually gave a shit. Well, apparently he didn't, and she ended up drowning her sorrows with her best mate Kath.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Fiction   Analingus   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   .

That Friday I opened the door of the apartment and smelt ... nothing at all. Was I disappointed? yes. Was I surprised? no, not really.

I went into the lounge and there was my husband, playing on his X-Box as usual.

“So you haven’t cooked then?” I asked him pointedly. His eyes flicked up to me and then back to the screen.

“What? I don’t understand.” He carried on killing things.

“No, you don’t do you?”

We’d been married for about three years and it had been getting worse for quite a while: he spent most of his free time either playing games or out with his mates. The only time he showed me any affection was when he wanted to have sex.

The last time we did that it was frankly awful. He drove straight for the vagina with his fingers, plugging away like he was trying to unblock a sink, before mounting me, cuming not much later, and then rolling off. He was hardly making any effort at all to please me any more and, if I dared to criticize him in any way, he’d just give me the silent treatment for days.

I should have called time on it there and then but I decided not to do it while I was so fucking angry.

The following week we’d had a push on at work. I’d told him that I was going to be late in all week and I expected a hot meal waiting for me on at least one of those days. I told him I wasn’t expecting much but I wanted him to at least try.

I switched the machine off at the wall and he looked at me like he wanted to hit me or something. That was it!

“I’m going out to eat. You can do what you fucking like.” I told him icily.

“All this because I didn’t cook you a meal?” he spat back. So he had remembered, he just couldn’t be fucked to do anything about it!

“I’m doing it, Brian, because I don’t love you any more. Go and stay with one of your precious mates and take that fucking thing with you!” I said, kicking the console viciously. “You can have fun playing with each other!”

I stormed out and walked to the nearest watering hole. I ordered a beer and sat and looked at it until I trusted my hand not to spill it as I picked it up.

I was on my second when I decided to call Kath. I’d been meaning to get together with her for a while and I felt guilty as hell for not making the effort sooner. She was an old friend of mine who had marriage problems of her own. They’d split up after he’d stupidly looked at a text on his phone while sitting next to her. She’d caught a glimpse of a picture on the message showing a young girl with her tits out. She’d forced him show her the message history and it wasn’t good.

I explained what had happened with Brian.

“I’m sorry Meg, but I did kind of tell you. Why don’t you come on over to Frank’s and we’ll drown our sorrows together?” Frank’s was a bar near hers that did good food and I did still need to eat.

“Meet you there in fifteen.” I said, very grateful for her sympathetic reaction.

We slagged off our men over a few beers and had a good burger as well. We were on our third drink when a couple of guys came over and started hitting on us: boy was their timing off!

“Not today boys.” Kath told them with remarkable restraint and a mock sorrowful expression.

“Fucking dykes.” we heard one say under his breath to the other as they walked away.

“Maybe that’s not a bad idea.” I whispered to her, giggling. We finished our beers but the atmosphere was now a bit frosty with the guys glaring at us from the bar.

“Why don’t you come back to mine and we’ll open a bottle of wine?” Kath suggested. “We can get you an Uber later, or you can crash on my couch?”

“Excellent idea.”

We walked back to her place and started in on a nice bottle of Pinot, and then another...

I woke up in the morning in Kath’s bed with a pounding head. I peeked under the covers and I was just in my bra and panties. I tried to remember what had happened at the end of the night and it was all very fuzzy.

Then bits and pieces started coming back to me - OMFG! I remembered kissing Kath!! Jesus, I kissed her a lot, and then I dragged her to the bed and then ... nothing, just a blank. I did remember that the kisses had been unlike anything I’d known before, so sweet and gentle but so intense and full of passion. But what happened next? I racked my brains but there was nothing there!

I was still trying to remember when the smell of fresh coffee wafted into the room. A little later Kath appeared with two steaming mugs.

“Morning lover girl.” she said brightly, and then burst into fits of laughter when she saw my expression. “You’re not sure are you?” she said, handing me a mug. “Don’t worry, nothing happened, mainly just because you fell asleep though.” she said with a naughty smile.

I’m not sure if it was her flirty talk or the T-shirt she was wearing that barely covered her panties, but I felt a little tingle. I’d always assumed that I was straight because I liked men, but there was definitely something going on down there.

I took a swig of the coffee and grimaced, my mouth was horrible.

“There’s a new toothbrush in the drawer under the sink.” Kath suggested seeing my expression.

“You’re an angel.” I told her, and wobbled off to the bathroom. I felt a whole lot better for brushing my teeth and my hair and splashing some water on my face.

Kath was sitting up in bed drinking her coffee and I joined her.

“How are you feeling?” she asked.

“Bad head.” I replied. “You?”

“Not too bad at all. Mind you, you did drink a little more than me.” she said accusingly, but in a nice way. I looked a bit sheepish and we smiled at each other. She reached down into her bedside drawer, pulled out a strip of Tylenol and handed them to me.

I washed a couple down with the last of the coffee and then she put her arm around me and gently pulled me down, patting her stomach. I lay there with my head on her tummy waiting for the pills to take effect while Kath softly stroked my shoulders and my hair.

“Thank you for looking after me.” I whispered, and then I must have dozed off because the next thing I knew I was waking up and feeling much better. I was also acutely aware of something: the fragrance of horny girl’s pussy right under my nose. It smelt absolutely gorgeous and it literally made my mouth water. In seconds I was wet too. My hand was between her thighs and my lips were touching the front of her panties; the urge to poke my tongue out and lick them was enormous.

I lay there getting hornier and hornier, pretending to still be asleep and wondering when I’d turned gay. I think I’d always assumed that you just knew if you were gay, and I certainly hadn’t.

Eventually Kath shifted slightly and I made a big show of waking up: sitting up and stretching my arms. I looked at her and smiled. Her face was flushed and her breathing was shallow and rapid. She smiled back.

“Feeling better?”

“Much better, thank you.”

We sat there, smiling fondly at each other, trying to ignore the elephant in the room, the strange female one with two steaming hot pussies presumably.

“Meg?” she said very softly.


“Would you mind if I kissed you?”

It was the first time that anyone had ever asked me that and I found it strangely endearing.

“I think I might like that.”

She knelt up on the bed, facing me and I did the same. Then she leaned forward, cupped my face with her hands, and kissed me softly on the lips. It was relaxed and gentle and quite, quite lovely. I kissed her back, softly stroking her bare upper arms.

Both of us giggled a little nervously from time to time but the kisses were having an effect on me unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. I thought I knew what being kissed was all about but this was something else: there were no tongues but the tenderness and the passion was ... fuck, I was trembling, and my pussy was awash and throbbing.

She leaned back and looked at me with a slightly raised eyebrow.

“You like?”

“I love.” I replied honestly, and took her by the shoulders and pulled her back towards me. This time there were tongues, lots of tongues and our hands caressed each other’s backs and shoulders and necks.

Again we broke the kiss, both breathless now.

“Have you ever hooked up with a woman before?” I asked her.

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