New Quartet - Cover

New Quartet

Copyright© 2022 by B4Rich

Chapter 30

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 30 - John and his Harem, Head out looking for a new Home.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Restart   Group Sex   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging   Black Female   White Male   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Size   Small Breasts   Teacher/Student   Nudism  

Tuesday May 30, 2023 1201AM


I got to the office, just in time for Larry to light the No Vacancy sign, he had just checked in the guests for the last room. Wow, full, I wonder when was the last time it was full. Larry and I chatted a little about the weekend, he too was amazed. Can’t wait to do the books for this month, it was a good one, but not like this weekend. Which reminds me, Dad wants to know how the money situation is especially his. I will figure his out now, when I close out May, I’ll report our overall financial health. It will surprise them all, the new web site has attributed a lot to our new success. And the RV Park, too. Now, the marriage situation. I love John and would love to live the rest of my life with him, but not as a member of a harem, just John and I. I can’t leave here now, not the way things are going. Things have become more complicated now, with my position here, mostly having no room of my own and Georgia on her power trip. Sometimes she is unbearable. Changing things that were mandated by John, just to accommodate her and Mark. She treats it like it’s a toy.

But I must stay here and see to the running of the Inn. If not for me, for John, this is his baby. Settling down in the recliner in the corner of the office with a book, I hear a tapping on the glass, getting up to see who wants what. It’s John. I quickly let him in and said “Did you miss me that much?”.


Bored everyone has gone to sleep, I grabbed a couple beers and took a walk around the court yard, walking down Fife Avenue, I spied some late swimmers, two couples, that appeared to be nude, confirmed by the evidence of their swim suits lying at the edge of the pool. As I approached the fence, the women jumped up to grab their suits, exposing there breasts to me. “I said it’s ok with me as long as no one complains, and I like the view.” So she left her suit and pushed a way on her back, showing a couple of firm B cup breasts.

One of the young men said, “Sorry, Mr. Marshall, we didn’t think anyone would be awake and out here, this late.”

The young ladies, waved and said, how much they enjoyed my books, then the other guy said. “Wow, you’re that Mr. Marshall. Do you own this place?”

“Not all by myself. As a matter of fact all the owners are in residence.”

“I bet you would have been able rent the rooms you are staying in.”

“That’s not a problem, we are staying off site, out back by the barn. Except Sue is in the office on night duty and Georgie is in her suite, which is the laundry and storage unit.”

“Sounds like you have it all covered. So that was your place that was broken into.”

“Yes unfortunately. They just proved how stupid they were.”

“If I ask too many questions, tell me.”

“No, my life is an open book.”

“What were they after?”

“Well, I’ll tell you it’s no secret, we don’t try to hide it, but don’t advertise it either. My wife Violet, Hannah and Samantha live as a family with them being my wives. The intruders were free lance investigating reporters, trying to get the goods on us, I guess for one of the rag sheets, so they can make money. But like I said we don’t try to hide it, reporters and news people respect our privacy.”

The young ladies, were amazed by what I said.

I continued to walk to the office. I tapped on the glass and Sue sat up from the recliner, smiled at me and came to the door and let me in, saying, “Did you miss me that much?”

“I miss you all the time. Did you know there are people in the pool naked?”

“Yes, security called in earlier and I told them to not bother them. Is that wrong?”

“No, I just spoke with them and gave my blessing. It is so nice to be young.”

“I guess, I wouldn’t know.”

“Whoa there, that’s pretty low sounding. What’s the matter, honey?”

“Oh, I’m just feeling sorry for myself. It’s no big deal, Dad.”

“Yes it is, to me, I love you and I worry if anything is bothering you. If I could I would buy you all the happiness, you would ever want. Now tell me.”

“Well, Dad, I have no life, only this place, I watch Georgie and she upsets me, on how she is not doing things right, by not being here, she spends all her time with Mark. His dad fired him for not showing up for work, now he’s with Georgie all the time and she is spending her money as soon as she gets it. We had a big fight about her spending the petty cash and using the Inn debit card for personal use. Mostly on Mark. I have been able to stifle most of that. She has opened accounts in the name of the Inn, when I didn’t pay them, she blew up. I told her I needed receipts, to do that. And a purchase order to buy anything in the Inn’s name. I still haven’t paid them, and notified the merchants that, she is not authorized to open or charge anything to the Inn without a purchase order or debit card. She doesn’t talk to me, and moved Mark into our room. I sleep in an empty room. But tonight there isn’t any, I had to move my stuff to the barn.

“What about the spare bedroom in Larry and Helen’s suite?”

“It’s full of their stuff, or I would. And now the biggie, she bought a BMW in Athens, but the dealer wouldn’t let her have it without a purchase order.” She wouldn’t have any money at all, if she could get to her bank account, but Joe and Mary have it blocked, all she gets now is the interest. I don’t know what will happen if there is a distribution on the Inn account. I keep the operating account at $50,000 and move the excess to the Inn account monthly. As far as I can tell she owes about $35,000.00, that’s what the merchants want me to pay. I don’t know how much interest she makes monthly.”

“Honey, you got big troubles. I will have a meeting with Joe and Mary about her. Then a meeting with the board of directors. Sounds like she is a, way out of hand sixteen year old. I love you Sue, but right now, I am going to bed. Goodnight.”

As I walked back to the barn, I ran into Charley and Jake and asked if the swimmers were gone. They said yes and how did I know about them. I told that I talked to them, and got a good boob shot of one of them. They said that they had watched them from the vending area, had a good view but without glasses it was pretty vague. After they went in the pool there was not much to see. So they went about their patrol. Of course they had to tell the other guards, who were on the race track about the pool.

I think I will make the pool area clothing optional after 10PM, that’s when the outdoor lights dimmed. It was 2:30AM when I arrived at the coach. All was well, the gate was locked and I didn’t have a key on me, called Sue’s number and asked if security would unlock it for me. The team from the race track came over and unlocked it for me, luckily the coach was open. I made myself an egg and bacon sandwich from left over bacon and I fried an egg, Violet came down the hallway and said, “I’ll have what you are.” I couldn’t help but to enjoy her nudity, I see her all the time, but still love to ogle her. I gave her my sandwich and fried another egg, as soon as my sandwich was together, Samantha came out and said I’ll have one of those too. Okay, so this time I fried two eggs. Made two sandwiches, but no one came out. So Sam and I shared the extra one. I went to bed, just Hannah and me, they stayed up in the lounge. When I woke, Hannah was gone and we were spooned, with a sheet covering us, I guess for warmth, I laid there hugging Violet for a while, when an arm reached over me and a hand squeezed my meat. I rolled over facing Sam, and we kissed, I went for her juggs. Hopefully in a few months they will be real juggs. She climbed onboard and we had a nice gentle session of mutual love making, without birth control. As we both came together. Sam just kept on riding me, wanting more. I was more than happy to oblige her, holding her breasts with my thumb and index finger around her areola flicking her nipples. She seemed to enjoy that. I had lost a little of my hardness, but it was coming back, I periodically would arch my back to drive deeper into her, which was joy to both of us. It didn’t take long for her to climax, bending over more to rub her clit on me, then she came again, but this time she stopped all movement and put her hands over mine to stop me, from massaging her nipples.

“Mom will take over now.” as she got off of me.

I looked over to Violet and she was wide awake, lying on her back with her legs spread, inviting me, I raised up and crawled in between her legs, reaching down to squeeze her vulva and check for wetness, a little but not much, slid down and licked her labia causing her clit to poke out. I rubbed it with my finger while I inserted my tongue into her vagina as far as it would go, this got the juices flowing, pinched her clit between my thumb and finger I wanted to get inside her before I went soft. Crawling up and rubbing my penis up and down her slit causing my erection to harden, almost to full staff, but enough for insertion and that’s what I did, to the hilt on the second thrust. Now I can concentrate on her bigger juggs and kiss her properly, she responded immediately, “Oh John, you know how to make me cum, and with that said. She arched her back and quivered throwing her legs around my hips and trying to pull me in farther. I continued to thrust as far as I could, causing her to moan during her orgasm and quiver some more, “Fuck me, John, fuck me good.” I was trying my best. “Oh John, John, John, John.” She was still cumming, that invigorated me more, and more. I kept poring it on, as best I could. She released me and said, “That was awesome, let’s do that again. I was trying to do just that. “Let me on top.” we rolled over and she began to stroke me, fore and aft, with determination and I was about to blow, but she did first then me, more than I did with Sam. She rode out her orgasm to the end. Then flopped down beside me. Kissing me and saying how much she loved me. I told her I loved her too. I got up and got her a towel. I smelled coffee and said it’s coffee time. Hannah must have made some. I pulled her up from the bed, she was on shaky legs. But she managed it. We went to the lounge, still naked.

I said, “What’s for breakfast?”

Larry called then, saying he could use some help. I washed my face got dressed and a way I went, to the office. It was only 9AM. Extra towels in these rooms, handing me a list of rooms. I went to the laundry, it was in shambles dirty towels and linen piled everywhere, Sue was already washing some towels, I grabbed an arm load and started to pass them out, however many was needed in each room. I hope we have enough, for this first wave, it will be an hour and a half before the first load is done. I unlocked the door from the laundry room to the bedroom and no one was there. Sue said that they probably went to breakfast. Just then two women in maid uniforms showed up. Sue told them to collect all the dirty towels and bring them to the laundry. Hannah, Violet and Samantha arrived. I asked Sue do we have enough linen to change all the beds, she doubted it. Violet, told Sam to go get our car, they are going to the laundry mat. When the car arrived she loaded all the dirty linen and towels. She was going to take Sam with her, I asked for a ride back to the barn to get another vehicle for Hannah and I. I picked Emmett’s truck and Hannah the nearest squad car, told her to park at the office and I parked by the pool, family’s were already swimming, good that it was heated, I thought. Sue had given Violet directions to the laundry mat. The maids had supplied their carts with enough linens and towels to start their rounds, 10AM and the place was in shambles yet. I looked at Sue and she said this is not the first time this has happened, the laundry not being done. But they had enough clean linen and towels, to get through it. But they only had a few rooms occupied then, not like this.

I asked what was the work schedule. Sue and the maids did the rooms and Georgie did the laundry, normally. The laundry was done during the day or evening, depending on Georgie as to when. I asked, how many were checking out today and she said six and that check out time was 11. Some cars were loading up now, at 10:30. Larry called and said he had enough for a tour, what time could we do it, Sue told him right now or pick a time, that she would take it. He said no time like the present. Fifteen minutes later, a family of five can walking towards the laundry. Children were just small enough to fit into the back seat with one of the adults or one child could ride up front with a parent. Sue took them in the car Hannah had brought up.

11:30 Violet and Samantha returned with the clean linen and towels. All neatly folded. There were two empty maid carts, Violet and Hannah took them and the maids, who had run out about 45 minutes ago refilled their carts. Georgie and Mark showed up.

Georgia approached me, “John, I want to talk to you.”

“Not now Georgia, we are going to have a meeting of the Board of Directors, as soon as we get squared a way here. Will that be okay, it will go so much faster if you would help.”

“That’s what I want to talk about, I don’t want to work here any more. I just want to collect my money, and not work.”

“So where are you going to live, if you don’t work here you can’t live here.”

“Can’t I have one of the rooms, to live in? I am half owner.”

“We were full up, and expect to be again, only six rooms are available right now. If you took one, then the Inn would lose revenue, could be as hi as $2250.00 a month.” That is what each room makes a month.”

“But that’s not fair, I should be able to have a room.”

“You have a room that you share with Sue, but you worked here for it, but if you quit working then you lose the room, simple as that. We are going to have a Directors meeting, one of the things to be discussed will be rather we fire you or not. Now that all the improvements are paid for and the Inn is profitable, we need to see about automatic drawls on the distributions. You and Sue have not been paid, so there may be some retro money involved too. It will be decided at the meeting. Now either help here or go a way, so we can serve the clients.”

“We’ll see about that. What time is the meeting?”

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