Amateur Detectives (#10) - Cover

Amateur Detectives (#10)

Copyright© 2023 by D. Fritz

Chapter 5: Rut Free

Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 5: Rut Free - Thomas was in his fifties when a time-traveling event restarted his life. Now, two years into his do over, Thomas feels like he is living in a middle-aged rut like his previous life. Denise, his girlfriend and presumed fiance, senses his melancholy. When she finds a flier at school advertising a canoe trip, she suggests a spur-of-the-moment weekend away. Their hastily planned weekend was supposed to be a carefree day in a canoe on the river, but it turned into a much more exciting adventure.

Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   DoOver  

With the previous day’s experience, Denise and Thomas slept late on Sunday morning. When they finally left the room they were not surprised to see their neighbor’s room door propped open and a maid putting fresh linens on the bed.

The drive home went very quickly as they talked non-stop about their adventure. What was intended to be a simple float trip down an easy river turned them into amateur sleuths.

“What we did? That was really dumb,” said Thomas.

“Yep, and no matter how many times you say it, the fact remains that we did it.”

“But the more I say it, maybe it will sink in and we won’t do something quite so stupid in the future.”

“I think you could say it once, or not say it at all, and it would be very unlikely that I would do anything like that in the future.”

Thomas looked to Denise. She was looking right back with a serious, I-fuck-you-not expression.

He burst out in laughter.

They started their story again, adding more detail and admiring both their courage and stupidity. At home, they emptied their bag into the dirty clothes hamper and found themselves in the kitchen looking at empty cupboards.

“Let’s go get dinner and then grocery shop,” suggested Denise.

They went to one of their favorite restaurants and were disappointed to see a line out the door.

“Hey, guys,” called out a familiar voice. It was Matt, Thomas’ best friend in high school and former roommate in the dorm. “Our name was just called, want to sit with us?”

They gladly accepted and followed Matt and Kimmi to a table.

“What did you two do this weekend?” asked Kimmi.

“Oh, you’ll never believe it, but we took down a drug kingpin.”

Matt and Kimmi laughed but then they saw the straight faces on their friends.

“What?” asked Matt.

Thomas chuckled. “No shit. We helped bring down a bad ass drug dealer.”

They alternated telling Matt and Kimmi the story, leaving out the rule about being naked in the room, and the fact that the key information came from Thomas’ to-be-wife ex-wife.

Matt, in his ever artful way, said, “Bet you had great hotel sex, though.”

That caused another round of laughter. Denise covered by telling them about the couple they met at the hotel. Matt’s eyes bulged with envy as Thomas described seeing the woman run naked down the hallway as her husband recorded every step and bounce of her boobs.

“It was great catching up,” said Kimmi, “but someone has a paper to finish.” Everyone looked at Matt. He shrugged.

“Go, don’t let us keep you,” said Denise. “We’ve had a long weekend and we need to go to the grocery store before we call it a night.”

On Monday morning Denise woke to find Thomas out of bed. She groaned in disappointment and headed in the direction of the kitchen. She found Thomas at the table. His shirt was draped over a chair. A half-filled coffee cup was surrounded by wet napkins.

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