The Cuckcake - Cover

The Cuckcake

Copyright© 2022 by ChrisM

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Rachel is invited out on a blind date. She finds more than she ever expected.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Sharing   Slut Wife   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Light Bond   Spanking   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Massage   Oral Sex   Petting   Squirting   Illustrated  

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“Yes, Janice, I am dating again.”

“Really, Rachel, now that is exciting news. Who is it, or is there more than one?”

“There are several, as a matter of fact.”

“Are you going to tell me, or are you going to let me die of curiosity?”

“It would serve you right for me to let you die. However, since you are my BFF and as long as you keep it to yourself, my present lovers are all delivered to my door in discrete brown packages from Pink Cherry.”

I could hardly keep a straight face at the bewildered look on her features. The wheels were obviously grinding in her brain. When the light finally broke through, she blurted, “Sex Toys! So you are dating sex toys? Why?”

“Janice, unlike you, I will not spread my legs to scratch my itch with men who do not meet my standards.”

“That’s not fair, honey. Of course, I don’t do that, but perhaps my needs are more easily met.”

“I’m sorry. Please accept my apology. That was not a nice thing to say. Lately, I am so sexually frustrated that I get easily bitchy. Please forgive me.”

“Honey, I understand.”

Janice lapsed into a thoughtful silence that seemed to last forever. I hoped I had not hurt her and contemplated what I could do or say to pour oil on the waters I had troubled.

Finally, she spoke up. “Rachel, I have an idea. First, you must swear to me that what I tell you remains between you and me. Can I trust you?”

“We have known each other since high school. Have I ever betrayed any of your confidences?”

“No, you haven’t. Not even about that disastrous double date episode with the two football players. Recently I met a man online, and we agreed on a date. He was smart, handsome, and well-to-do. Within minutes of meeting him, I was ready to drop my panties, bend over the table and let him do me. But, unfortunately, he told me he did not think we were a match after winning and dining me. I was more than willing, but he was not.”

“You mean he turned down the opportunity of fucking a woman with a fabulous body like yours? Why?”

“Listen to me, girl, I think you possibly could be a fit with him. I would like your permission to talk to him about you.”

“But why did he turn you down?”

“I do not want to betray his confidence. Meeting with him for coffee does not commit you to anything. However, I can also assure you that he is a mouth-watering hunk of a man. So what do you say?”

“Well, a coffee date sounds safe enough. However, if this is your idea of a joke, you will no longer be my BFF but will be my worst friend from now on.”

Two weeks later, I had not heard a peep from Janice. I figured our conversation was just the effect of the bottle of Sauvignon we had shared that evening. I’d had a particularly stressful day at work. So I resolved to un-stress in a bubble bath with one of my mechanical boyfriends.

No sooner had I made myself comfortable than my cell phone rang. I glanced at the call display, which showed that a C Miller was calling. The name meant nothing to me, so I let it go to voice mail and listened. Benedict Cumberbatch! I could swear that the voice on the line was that of Benedict Cumberbatch.

“Rachel, my name is Chad Taylor. A mutual friend, Janice, suggested I call you. Sorry I missed you. Call me back at 488-264-3277 at your convenience.”

The sound of that voice made my insides melt. I admit to having a fetish for Australian accents. Not to appear too eager, I waited five minutes before calling back. The phone picked up on the first ring, and again my libido rose as I heard his voice.

“This is Chad.”

“Chad, this is Rachel, Janice’s friend. I’m sorry I was tied up when you rang a few minutes ago.”

“Tied up? That sounds kinky. Oops! Sorry about that. I have a weird sense of juvenile humor. It’s the Australian in me. I apologize.”

I giggled and said, “No, don’t apologize. That’s the first laugh I’ve had all week. So to what do I owe the pleasure of your call?”

“I was traveling last week, and when I returned, there were about ten messages in my voice mail from Janice. When I reached her earlier today, she suggested that we might find it to our advantage to meet for coffee. So if you are interested, I’d like that. But if I may suggest supper and not coffee, should you be agreeable. That would let us get acquainted and determine our level of interest in each other and whether we would like to see each other again.”

My mind was racing as I weighed the risks of accepting such an invitation. The voice was undoubtedly seductive, and I appreciated the absence of vulgarity in his invitation. We both knew what we were interested in as a possible outcome. He sounded very gentlemanly, and oh, that voice.

“Chad, that sounds delightful. When and where would you suggest?”

“Do you like Italian cuisine?”

“Yes, as long as it offers more than pizza slices.”

“Well, if you are available tomorrow night, how about Luigi’s at sevenish?”

“Sounds fine, and I adore a man who realizes the way to a woman’s heart is through her stomach.”

His laugh set butterflies flitting through my body with a high concentration in my nether parts.

“I take it you know Luigi’s?”

“Yes, it’s one of my favorites. How will I recognize you or vice versa?”

“That won’t be a problem. I know what you look like, and a table will be reserved in my name. Just ask the maître d’.”

“Sir, you have an unfair advantage. I suppose Janice shared a picture of me with you?”

“Indeed she did. I must say that you are gorgeous. If you wish I can send you a picture of myself. If you find me repulsive, you can text me that you cannot make it.”

“I have already decided that the sound of your voice alone will ensure that I am there. However, a picture is always worth a thousand words. I look forward to meeting you tomorrow, Chad. You have a good night.”

“Same to you, Rachel. See you tomorrow.”

By this time, the bathwater was tepid, and I got out of there and headed to my bedroom. Snuggling under the duvet, I reflected on our conversation and the possibilities.

My phone pinged, and I saw that I had a message from Chad Taylor. I just hoped that it was not a cock picture such as I had had the displeasure to receive in the past from some men. However, when I opened the message, I instantly understood Janice’s comment about being ready to drop her panties and letting him do her over the table in a restaurant.

Staring at the picture of a man with baby blue eyes set on a ruggedly handsome face. His salt and pepper hair and beguiling smile made my pussy tingle with anticipation. Why had he rejected Janice? I resolved that it would not happen to me. I was in lust.

I fell asleep with his picture locked on my home screen, and my dreams were of Chad.

Daylight brought wakefulness but not peace. I was all tense about my date. I realized I was irrational, but I had fallen deeply in lust with that Aussie hunk. Doubtless, my long-lasting celibacy was a factor. However, a sixth sense told me that it was more than that.

I picked up the phone and called Janice. “Good morning, bestie...,” I started. She cut me off.

“Well, I’ll bet I know the reason for this call,”

“I know about your date with Chad tonight. I’ll wager you want to know why we parted as friends and not as lovers. Right?”


“Well, I’m not telling you. I will, however, give you some advice. Just be yourself and be completely honest, both with him and with yourself. He called me after talking to you last night and sounded delighted. I can also tell you fell for those baby blue eyes and that Aussie accent. So good luck tonight. I have to run. I’m late for an appointment, so goodbye, bestie.”

I stared at the dead phone and realized that I was totally pissed off at Janice’s refusal to tell me what had happened to her and Chad.

I knew I had to overcome that and not let it color my thoughts as I had to prepare for tonight’s date.

I managed to get an emergency appointment at my beauty salon. I rushed there to get my hair and nails done and to have my Brazilian waxing freshened up. Luckily I did not have many hairs on my nether parts, so that was not a problem.

When I got back home, I went through a woman’s eternal dilemma. What would I wear tonight? I wished to appear sexy but not slutty. After surveying my wardrobe, I decided on an ankle-length silk side split skirt in shades of blue that matched an embroidered blue silk blouse. My feet would be shod in silver spike heel open-toed sandals.

I showered and did my make-up and then got dressed. I decided on a tiny thong but no bra. That outfit I figured would be tempting and not overly revealing, on top of which I could decide on how much cleavage to show depending on circumstances. Looking in the mirror, I liked what I saw for an old broad.

I arrived at the restaurant a few minutes past seven-thirty. The maître d’ escorted me to a nook towards the rear of the dining room set with two tables. Chad, who had already arrived, stood at my approach and greeted me with a light kiss on the cheek as he said, “Rachel, I am so glad you could make it,” before drawing my seat back for me.

I could feel my pussy get damp as I sat and looked at him. Chad was absolutely gorgeous. The picture he had sent did not do him justice.

“Rachel, would you like a drink, or shall we look at the menu so we can speak for a while before the food arrives?”

“No, Chad, I wouldn’t want to anesthetize my taste buds. However, I would appreciate a nice wine to go with the meal.”

“Why don’t we look at the menu and decide what we want first, and then we can get to know each other.”

“Chad, I already know what I want,” I blurted out, “to eat, that is.”

“And here I was hoping you would suggest I eat you,” he chuckled.

“Well, we’re not at the desert stage yet. Are we?”

“Darn! Here I was hoping that we were.”

I smiled at him and felt myself blush as the image of those strong hands and sensuous mouth over my body came to my mind.

“Well, beautiful lady, what is your gustatory pleasure this evening?”

“I was thinking of Osso Buco with gnocchi and roasted asparagus.”

“A lady of taste, I see. I think I’ll have the same. With a bottle of Brunello. Do you know it?”

“No, I don’t.”

“I believe you will enjoy it as it pairs well with the Osso Bucco.”

The orders were placed with the waiter, and Chad turned to me and said, “Rachel, we both know why we are here. However, it has been my experience that if anything develops between you and me, some parameters must be set. The first of these is complete honesty between us. The second is that our needs would be compatible with each other. Do I make sense?”

“Yes, as long as the honesty goes both ways.”

“I may be many things. However, the one thing I can guarantee is that I will never lie to you.”

“Okay, Chad, tell me about that wedding band on your finger. Are you married, and if yes, does your wife know we have a date?”

“Yes to both questions. However, before we get to that, why don’t you tell me about yourself, and then I will tell you all about me. Sound Fair?”

“What do you want to know about me?”

“Everything. Your past, your needs, essentially what brings you here tonight. You are an enchanting woman, so why a blind date?”

“I married my childhood sweetheart, Chad, and we were blessed with a fabulous marriage. I loved him deeply; he was an amazing man and lover. Unfortunately, he passed away five years ago from cancer. After his passing, I withdrew from the world and grieved for about a year. Then, one day I woke up and realized that I was not meant to wear widow’s weeds for the rest of my life and that my husband would not want that to be my fate. Here I was thirty-nine years old, and I considered myself attractive.

“I started going out, first with old acquaintances, then I did the bar scene, the club med scene, even the cougar scene. None of these met my standards. I became disillusioned with men who thought my legs would spring open for the price of a drink or a supper. The cougar scene was depressing as I had no need to mother a young punk. Finally, I decided that solo pleasure was the thing. The problem is while sex toys are more sanitary, they are terrible conversationalists.

“This brings us to today. When Janice mentioned you, I was intrigued. First, why did you not take advantage of her willingness, then why was she pushing me on to you? In all honesty, your picture seduced me as well as how easy it was to speak to you. Does that answer your questions?”

“Partly. With your permission, I do have one or two more.”

“Go for it.”

“What are your sexual limits?”

“Good question but maybe a bit bold at this stage. Well, in for a penny in for a pound. My imagination is rich with situations and experiences I would enjoy. Maybe the only limits I have are pain and scat.”

Chad smiled at me and asked, “Do you think you might be bisexual?”

“Well, I’m not sure. I had a lesbian experience before I got married. It was very loving and sweet. Then marriage came along, and I chose not to continue. Strange that I did not try that approach after my husband passed away. I wonder why.”

“Rachel, thank you for your candor. I guess it’s time I tell you about myself. I am forty-seven years old and, as you deduced, married to a wonderful woman. I am in the diamond business and travel extensively on business. I am also what you would call a hot husband.”

“What in blue blazes is a hot husband?”

“A hot husband is one whose wife permits him to play around out of the bounds of matrimony.”

“And she doesn’t get jealous?” I asked.

“Not as long as she can participate in the lovemaking.”


“Yes, really. That partly was my reason for my question about whether you were bisexual.”

“Do you mean that she would want to also make love to your partner?”


“And you don’t mind that?”

“No, we both want the maximum pleasure for each other.”

“And do you permit her to have relations with other men?”

“Naturally, as long as I am a participant, I delight in seeing her needs fulfilled. Rachel, we are looking for a person who will be a co-wife in our marriage. Someone who we can both love and cherish, who will become a partner in our relationship.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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