The Old West - Cover

The Old West

Copyright© 2022 by oliver twist

Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - A young woman goes west after growing up listening to exciting stories told by her soldier uncle. She is not an innocent girl but even her uncle's stories didn't prepare her for what was waiting out there.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Spanking   Group Sex   Black Female   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Voyeurism  

‘Bastard.’ I shouted as he left, glaring at the door.

His footsteps were fading as I curled into a ball and began to cry, his seed running out of me and onto the sheets. I was so angry with myself; how could I have let that happen? What kind of person gets pleasure from being raped by a bastard like that? All these thoughts were running through my head when Cindy came rushing in.

‘Oh my, Mary, what did he do to you? I’m so sorry, Ben wouldn’t let me come up, he took money from that cunt and let him have you. I was held down there, I’m so sorry.’ She cried, jumping on the bed and holding me.

I looked at her with confusion, surely Ben wouldn’t have done that. ‘Ben whored me out to him? He took money and let him fuck me?’ I asked, my tears still falling as I sat up.

‘Yes, they were talking when I went down there and I saw the reverend give Ben some money. I was then told to wait until he came back down. I tried to get back up but Tom, the barman, held me and wouldn’t let me. Ben was angry about what we did with Marvin and wanted to punish you, to show you he was the boss around here.’

‘What am I to do? He says he’s gonna throw me out of the school unless I fuck him twice a week. Oh Cindy, what a fool I’ve been.’ I said, sobbing.

Cindy took me in her arms and hugged me, drying my tears and kissing me gently, telling me not to worry. But I was worried and for the first time since I arrived, I felt like I was not in control of my life, I was the hostage of men and their whims. Maybe I should get on the train and leave, head further west, try my luck there?

As we were hugging, Ben appeared at the door, tapping the wood to get our attention.

‘Why are you crying, didn’t you just cum like a train? Jim said he made you cum twice and you even bit him, you were that into it.’ He asked, laughing.

‘He says I have to fuck him twice a week or he’ll throw me out of the school.’ I answered, not looking at him.

‘Well, that’s between you two, but if you worked for me, here, you would have my protection and a room for yourself. But if you just come here and fuck my girls and customers without my permission, well, anything might happen. This is my saloon and I say what goes on in here, no one else and if someone tries to fuck with me, they pay a price. He said, throwing five dollars on the bed.

Cindy picked it up and put it on the table, holding me still.

‘Was that my punishment for Cindy?’ I asked, looking at him now.

‘I make the rules here and no one else, I do what I want and anyone in here does what I want, I’m the boss. Now, I’ve got business to attend to. Remember to be here on time later.’ He said, turning and leaving.

That was a harsh lesson to learn, I thought, but it was one I would remember. Cindy was still holding me, trying to make me feel better but we both knew exactly what our place was here, Ben had made that clear. I stood and brushed myself down, determined to get on with things and not let these men ruin my life.

‘I’m going to the store, I need a gun and a lock.’ I told her, wiping my pussy before dressing.

‘Let me come with you, I’ll help with the lock and choosing a gun.’

‘Will Ben let you?’ I asked, happy to have her with me.

‘Let’s dress and find out.’

We both dressed and walked down the stairs, our eyes on Ben as we reached the bottom. He was sitting at a table with a man, chatting and drinking coffee. As we approached, he looked up, raising his hand to stop us as he carried on talking. We stopped and waited, like good girls, both knowing we needed his approval.

‘Where you going?’ He asked, looking at Cindy.

‘I’m helping Mary with some stuff, we’re going to the store, I won’t be too long.’ She told him, her tone very submissive.

‘She’s a big girl, she don’t need your help. Go get some sleep, you’ll need it, there’s a big drive coming in town later and we’ll be busy.’ He told her, resuming his talk with the man.

There was no point in arguing, he was still showing us who was boss and if we tried to argue he might get angry and that could lead to anything. Cindy hugged me and went back upstairs, leaving me to go to the store on my own.

I had no idea about guns or locks but the nice man in the store did, and he helped me pick both. The gun was a small ladies one, something I could hide easily on my person but big enough to kill any man. The lock looked far more complicated, and I was hoping John and Sam would help me with it.

When I arrived back at the school, I was happy to see my horse had arrived and was happily eating grass. There was no sign of anyone, so I went to see her and pet her, to let her know who I was and that I was friendly. She was so calm and let me stroke her all over, happy with the attention, nuzzling me when I stopped, telling me to carry on.

‘Oohh, you like that don’t you, good girl. We are going to be good friends, you’ll have a good home here, I promise.’ I told her, kissing her nose.

She followed me to the school door, hoping for a treat, which I gave her once I went inside and got a carrot. There was also a saddle on the steps, with a note saying I owed old man Brown a dollar for it. I smiled and picked it up, putting it on her. She remained calm and was more than happy when I got on her and started riding.

We rode out toward John’s farm; I needed him to fix my lock and it was a good excuse to get away from town for a while. It didn’t take long to find it and John was in the yard with his mum, both very surprised to see me.

‘Mary! How nice to see you. Are you just out riding or is there something you need?’ John’s mum asked, smiling.

John took the horse as I climbed down, smiling, too. ‘I was hoping to borrow John, I need a lock fitting and I’m hopeless at these things.’ I told her, giggling.

‘Of course. John, get your tools and help Mary with her lock. Will you have a lemonade, dear?’

‘That would be lovely, thank you.’ I answered, suddenly being jumped on by a big black dog.

‘Dusty, git down, you silly bugger.’ Pam shouted at the dog.

‘Oh my, he’s big, ‘I said, kneeling down and scratching him.

‘He’s a big old softy, but he keeps the coyote’s away.’ Pam added.

He was licking my face all over, his big tongue leaving slobber everywhere. ‘ Oh, you really do like me.’

Pam pulled him off, much to his disappointment, leaving me on my knees with drool all over my face. Dusty was whining, pulling to get back to me.

‘He really does like you, I’ve never seen him act like this with anyone before.’ She told me, very surprised.

It was strange but I felt like the dog knew how I was feeling and just wanted to comfort me. I looked at him and saw a real kindness in his eyes, it made me want to hug him. He pulled away from Pam and came to me, his head pushing against mine, letting me know it was alright. I hugged him and kissed his nose, letting him kiss me back, it was so nice.

John was now back and looking at me hugging his dog, laughing with his mother at my silliness. Pam grabbed him again and let me get up, Dusty jumping about and barking.

‘Let’s go, Miss.’ John said.

‘What about that lemonade?’ Pam asked, struggling with Dusty.

‘Next time.’ John told her.

I climbed on my horse, thanking Pam for allowing John to help me, Dusty still barking at me.

‘Come on, miss, I’ll race you.’ John shouted, galloping away.

I ignored him and trotted on, not joining in, wanting to look responsible in front of his mother. John was way ahead as I left the farm, Dusty still barking as I sped up. When I reached John his was smiling like an idiot, looking at me like he wanted to eat me.

‘Stop that, I really do need your help and not anything else. I’ve had a bad morning and can’t do that, not today.’

He looked so sad, as If i was the worst person in the world.

‘Hey, don’t be like that, I’m just not in a good place today but it’s nice that you’re here, helping me. I really appreciate it.’ I told him, trying to cheer him up.

‘Ok Miss, I get it. But maybe I can see you naked, if you want.’ He asked, desperate for something.

‘We’ll see.’ I answered, not wanting to say no and annoy him.

He smiled and started showing off, showing me his riding skills, trying to impress me, just like any young boy would. It was sweet and I laughed with him and even clapped when he did something clever. He was fun and I needed that, it helped me forget about the reverend.

John was standing on his horse, one legged, when suddenly Dusty came charging up to us, barking and jumping around. John almost fell of his horse, making me laugh.

‘Dusty, you fucker, go home.’ He shouted, regaining control.

‘No, let him come, he loves me and I love him.’ I shouted back, reaching down and stroking his head.

‘Jesus, silly fucking dog.’ John growled.

‘Watch your language young man or I’ll give you lines.’ I said, scolding him.

He laughed and circled me, poking me, bumping his horse into mine, teasing me and telling me he was the teacher and I would do as he said. I tried to poke him back but couldn’t, he was too quick. The three of us rode on, laughing and barking, enjoying the morning sun and each other.

We were soon at the school, John taking care of the horses as I played with Dusty. He was the friendliest dog in the world, constantly licking me and jumping on me. We ended up on the floor, him standing over me, licking my face. It felt nice and I let him continue, his tongue was so big and I even opened my mouth, letting him in.

John was still with the horse, taking off the saddles as I lay on the floor by the door. Dusty was now licking inside my mouth, exploring and tasting me. It was so intimate and I couldn’t help but think of Rosie, what she had told me about her and the dogs. I kissed him back, sucking his tongue, enjoying its texture and flavour.

John was now coming back, so I had to stop. I turned and crawled from under Dusty, feeling a little hot, wondering why I had kissed him like that.

‘You ok, Miss? You look a little flustered.’ He asked.

‘Fine, I was just playing with Dusty, he’s a devil.’ I giggled.

We went inside and John began to fix my lock. He was so good with his hands; I loved watching him work. Dusty was by my side, constantly seeking my attention, licking my hand and pushing me with his head, I felt like his reluctant girlfriend.

When John finished, he wanted his reward, coming to me and kissing me, holding me tight as his hands fondled me. I kissed him back, letting him feel me, giving him what he wanted.

‘Can we do it, Miss?’ He asked, pulling away from me.

‘Not today, John, I really don’t feel like it, please don’t push it.’ I pleaded.

‘Ok Miss, I’m sorry.’

I hugged him tightly, telling him we would do it again soon. ‘Look,’ I suddenly said, ‘i’ve bought myself a gun, what do you think?’

He laughed as he handled it, making me poke him with anger. ‘Hey, it’s perfect for me, I’m not a gunslinger you know.’

‘Just as well, Miss, you’d die very quickly.’ He teased, pointing it at Dusty.

‘As long as it can do its job and keep me safe.’ I shot back at him.

‘Have you fired it, yet?’ He wanted to know.

‘Not yet. Maybe you could help me.’

‘Sure, let’s go outside, you can aim at the tree.’

We got some ammunition and went out back, Dusty following. John loaded it and gave it to me, telling me to shoot at the tree. I shot all six bullets, all of them hitting the tree. I jumped up and down, whooping loudly, blowing away imaginary smoke from the barrel.

John laughed, pointing out I was less than thirty feet from the tree. He then pulled me back another thirty feet, reloading the gun and giving it back. I shot all six again, still hitting the tree, though not all together. I blew the smoke away again, grinning at John.

‘Not bad, I think you could kill a man from twenty feet.’

We reloaded and I shot some more, getting better every time. After twenty minutes or so we stopped, the poor tree peppered with lead and Dusty moaning loudly.

‘Another coffee, I think. Come on.’ I said, really pleased with myself, holding John’s hand.

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