The Nerd Stallion - Cover

The Nerd Stallion

Copyright© 2022 by Kyoti

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Timothy Kurtlan Gorman is 17, about to graduate from his high school which has been closed for over a year. He feels like he is a freak of nature, at 6 foot 3 inches tall weighing 150 pounds. He has virtually become a recluse at home - but help is on the way. With dedication to exercise, swimming, a new diet, staying in the sun and running with his mentor Louisa Pina, his Mom's housekeeper, he not only comes out of his shell as a Nerd, he becomes one of the most sought after teenagers ever.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Daughter   Niece   Aunt   DomSub   MaleDom   Hispanic Female   Exhibitionism   First   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Teacher/Student   Slow  

The Stallion: Graduates...

A week later, I was in the kitchen with Louisa when the phone rang. As I listened, I became excited. The day I’ve been waiting for has finally arrived.

“Hello, Morgan residence.”

“Ms. Gorman?”

“No, this is Louisa Piña, if you’re calling for Ms. Morgan, I’ll transfer you to her business phone. Please tell me who is calling.”

“This is Principal Stonebriche and I’m calling about Timothy’s upcoming graduation.”

“Please hold Ms. Stonebritches, and I’ll connect you.”

“Please, the name is Stonebriche, as in breech.”

“Sorry Ms. Breech, I’ll transfer your call.”

“Ms. Heather, you have a call on line three. It’s Principal Breech Stonebritches calling about Kurt’s graduation.”

“Great! I’ve been expecting her call...

As soon as Louisa transferred the call to Mom’s office phone, I hurried to her office to hear the details ... Man, since Mom lost all that extra weight, she never dresses up for a day in her office. I learned years ago, if her office door is open, I’m allowed to walk in unannounced, anytime. If it’s closed, I can either knock or leave.

Mom’s standing in front of her desk as I walk in and sit in her desk chair. She smiled and smooched a kiss across her desk at me, before answering the phone.

She’s wearing bikini panties and one of my t-shirts, her usual, home office attire lately.

“Hello, Heather Morgan here.”

“Mrs. Gorman, I’m Principal Phyliss Stonebriche, and I’m calling to set a time for Timothy’s graduation.”

“You’re calling me - to set a time?”

“Yes, since we have closed our school to all students, I’ve been assigned to visit each household of a senior student in order to conduct a private graduation.”

“I see ... I need to inform you that we have legally changed my son’s name to Kurt Morgan. You may need to change my name also, to Heather Morgan - his next of kin. If you will, please change all of Kurt’s school records accordingly.”

“I’ll be glad to make the changes to Kurt’s school records. Your son has always been a favorite student of mine and such a courteous young man, I must add. You are to be commended for such a marvelous young man.”

“Well thank you Ms. Stonebritches. I appreciate the praise and I’ll be sure to pass your respect for him, on to Kurt.”

“Ms. Morgan, may I ask you a personal question?”


Could you please tell me about the process required to have yours and Kurt’s names changed?”

“I made several copies of the forms, if you’d like for me to send you a couple.”

“If you will, please save me a couple and I’ll get them when I come over for Kurt’s graduation ceremony.”

“Will I need to prepare for a crowd?”

“Oh No. I’ll be the only representative from the school.”

“Sounds good, I’ll have us some wine and snacks prepared.”

“I never drink, but I’m sure you’ll want Kurt’s graduation to be a memorable occasion.”

“Yes, and if you have time, we would love to have you swim with us as we celebrate.”

“Now that sounds interesting. If you’re sure, I may bring a bathing suit.”

“Come early if you can. I have plenty of bikinis and I’ll be glad to share with you, since Louisa and I normally swim nude.”

“Surely not ... I mean, in front of Kurt?”

“We’re a very open, very informal family, and Kurt loves sporting his super-fit body now that he’s matured into such a handsome young stud. Just wait until you see how he has matured.”

“Tomorrow morning at 9:00, right?”

“Yes and if you like, you should cancel your other appointments for the remainder of the day. We would love to have you over to relax with us.”

“You tempt me, Heather.”

“Consider yourself dared and also tempted, Phyliss.”

“I have never felt so daring in my life. I’ll see you, Kurt and Louisa at 9:00 tomorrow.”

“Mom, you are the greatest business person ever. I love listening to your phone conversations. You have complete control over anyone, no matter who, no matter what the situation.”

She laughed and walked around to push the swivel chair back from her desk ... then sit on my lap.

“If I wasn’t so far behind in my work, I would love to take control of my son for a day - at least. Louisa has told me about some amazing changes in your attitude - and your physical appearance that has become a major attraction to our neighbors down the block...

“Please tell me - that one of those amazing changes is what’s poking my butt as I sit here.”

“Well, I have to be honest, it has always been there, but as my body has changed and I added that extra hundred pounds, and slaved on those machines in the next room, that amazing major attraction of mine has been very active.”

“Louisa told me about you, her, Leigh, and Ashley. She even showed the pics to me. You make me proud, Kurt ... Tell me ... have you kept your promise to call Stephanie Brooks and Brenda Crosby?”

“No, but I plan to call this week and ask Ms. Stephanie for a dinner date Friday night, then ask Ms. Brenda Crosby for a date on Saturday night.”

“Would you be embarrassed if I were sitting on your lap - when you call each of them - with only my panties and your boxers between your cock and my pussy?”

“MOM? Are you sure? I mean, WOW! Please tell me you’re not teasing.”

“I’m not teasing, Dear. Louisa told me about you stretching her pussy as she let you fuck her with her diaphragm inside her, just so she could experience the feel of your huge naked cock, without her getting pregnant - yet. By the time she was finished, I was ready to hunt you down like a bandit.”

“Mom, we have never had a conversation like this. I love you more now, than anytime in my life, simply because we can talk about anything, even sex. Just so you’ll know, I’m not wearing my support, or underwear. Just these thin white boxers you bought me last week.”

“Louisa told me about Leigh and Ashley fucking you without a condom. She told me too, that you and she have talked about the need of using condoms when you venture out and meet more and more women and girls, who will want your sexy ass and your handsome cock.”

“This is all new to me, but I love you for telling me about safe sex. We’ve had a few classes on the subject, but nothing has been discussed about sex-ed since our school closed. I have learned more from Louisa than any of those crappy books on the subject. If there’s any way we could, I would love for us to adopt Louisa as my sister.”

“She’s only three years older than you. If I knew for sure you meant that, we would adopt her.”

“MOM! Would you? Please tell me you were serious and not just talking.”

“You and I will let her sleep with us Sunday night, and we’ll ask her then, if she will let us adopt her. I want her to be a part of our family, because she wants to, not only because we want it ... You know she will one day - want to have your baby, don’t you?”

“Yes, she told me that, but we didn’t go into detail about it. I hope you don’t object, I would love to be that close to her forever.”

“Tell me Dear, do you think you would you ever want to be that close to me - forever.”


“Would you? If you knew that you can fuck me anytime, anywhere with your huge naked cock, and give us a baby also?”

“So ... are you saying - we’ll just let it happen? Not even making plans for a time or place?”

“Exactly, and if I don’t get my ass off your stiff cock, we’ll start now and I have too much to catch up on, to let you fuck me as long as I need to need to be fucked by my son.”

“I’ll be glad to help you some. I can draw fairly good, and you should see Leigh’s sketches. She would really be a great protegé for you.”

“If you’ll call her mom first and ask her for a date, I’ll ask her if I can speak to Leigh.”

“Mom, I’ve learned to talk a lot of shit when I talk to tall sexy girls like Leigh and Ashley. I’m not sure you would want to listen to that, as I talk to Ms. Brooks.”

“Call her now, and lose the Ms ... Call her by her name and make her want to fuck you, over the phone even. I want to hear my son talk like a man in charge as he asks a woman out, with her knowing on the front end, she’s going to get fucked.”

She pushed her ass back against my cock, then leaned forward to pull the middle desk drawer open. I was watching as she picked up a key ring with four keys, that had a white key fob attached, with a Chevy emblem on the fob. She dangled it in from of me, and smiled as she dropped it right on top of my swollen cock.

“Your graduation present is parked inside the garage next to my car. Enjoy Baby, just drive careful. Oh, and I want a late night ride in that beauty one day this week. I plan to get fucked again as we ride.”


“Yes, as soon as you call and make those dates with your next two conquests, I’m going to take your cock inside my pussy, and ride you right here in my office.”

“I don’t have any condoms.”

She reached out to open the bottom right drawer. There were two boxes of condoms.

“I love you Mom.”

“I love you too. Now, let me hear you talk some shit as you make Stephanie Brooks want to fuck you ... Here’s her number.”

“I have it memorized.”

“Way to go, Stud. That’s my Guy.”

Stephanie here”

“Hello Stephanie, Kurt Morgan here. I hope I’m not interrupting you, but I’d like to visit with you for a few minutes if you have the time.”

Kurt! OMIGOD! You called my cellphone! Did you really call to talk to me?”

“Yes I did, and I hope it’s alright that I called. I got your number from Leigh so I could call.”

YES! I’m actually thrilled that you called. I hope there’s no problems with my daughter.”

“No, nothing like that. As a matter of fact, I am so happy that Leigh and Ashley wanted to be my friends. We have had so much fun together ... But, the reason I called, I want to ask you for a date.”

Kurt! DID YOU REALLY? Tell me that again, I would love to hear you say that again and again. I am thrilled, but I’m shocked too.”

“Stephanie, I called to ask if you would go out with me on a dinner date Friday night.”

YES - OH FUCK YES! Sorry, I get too excited at times and when I do, I curse.”

“I’m getting the same way. Mom and Louisa are causing me to pick up their bad habits. At times you would think this is a bar in Kingston, the way we talk.”

Do you really? You always seem so ... so in control of everything around you.”

“I’m glad you see me that way. But you need to know, if I was in control of a beautiful woman like you in public, we would be arrested.”

You make me wish I could be that wild with you. I have never done anything daring like that and I’ve read stories about older women who seek out those rough young characters just for the thrill of dressing to tease and make their date even more controlling and aggressive.”

“I’m glad you read those stories too. Since I’ve gone through all these miraculous changes in my life, I have to watch myself around Mom, Louisa, Leigh, and Ashley. But, I have to tell you also, so far, each of them love it when I’m aggressive like that and tell them to take their panties off or maybe remove their bra as we walk down the street.”

Those girls described each second of their time with you and Louisa. By the time they were through, I was ready to call you and ask for a date myself.”

“Oh me! Did they really describe our time together in detail?”

Yes and even before they told me, I just knew Kurt Morgan would have a huge cock ... I meant to say, you’d be well endowed ... Uh, they even described your cock to me - five fuckin times.”

“I hope you’ll still consider having dinner with me Friday night, after all that trash talk.”

YES, I will. Do you want me to dress for a casual date, or an evening of fun and games?”

“Wear a black dress that shows all your sexy curves, and let’s have an evening of sin and games.”

“OMIGOD! Sin and games? I have that very dress! I’ll wear it for you and hope you dare me to be bad for you.”

“Since you want to be daring, I want you to leave your bra and panties off when you dress, and I drive my new car over to get you.”

“You have a car now? OH FUCK YES! Leave my undies off? Fuck Kurt, I would even strip naked if you ask me to.”

“Yes, Mom just now gave me the keys, but I haven’t seen it yet. I wanted to call you and ask you out on a fun, daring dinner date with the guy they used to call - The Nerd - back when I was still a kid in school.”

“You should hear Leigh and Ashley talk about their friend, The Nerd Stallion.”

“Mom and Louisa are the ones who gave me that name, and challenged me to become a Stud Stallion.”

“A STUD STALLION? OH MY LORD! You really do have a big one, don’t you?”

“Big what?”

A big cock. Tell me they were right about your cock and you can add my pussy to your list of hot-ass bitches who want to fuck you on a regular schedule.”

“Louisa measured me before we started and it was seven inches flaccid.”

“And fully erect?”

“Seven and a half inches.”

“And now?”

“Eight inches and fully charged for my date with the beautiful lady, Stephanie Brooks ... I’ll pick you up at 7:30.”

“I’ll be ready, and I’ll be ready to ride. By my love.”

Oh wait. ... tell Leigh that Mom wants to talk to her.”

“Here she is, Bye Big Guy.”

“Bye Sexy Lady.”

Ms. Morgan?”

“Yes dear, I’m so glad you were there so we can visit for a few minutes. Kurt told me you are a really good artist, and I would love for you to come over and draw a few sketches for me.”

REALLY? I would love to help you draw those sketches. I’ve seen some of your work in the magazines and even in the local paper.”

“Tell me Dear, do you ever sketch nudes as you doodle?”

OMIGOD! I love drawing myself nude. I love drawing Mom too.”

“Bring some of those with you. If you’re free for about an hour, and not afraid of some constructive criticism, I would love for you to help me. I’m willing to pay you well, if we can agree on your drawings. Can you come right over? Kurt will be driving his new car, but maybe you can visit with him later.”

“I’ll put some clothes on and be right over.”

“Come as you are. I’m wearing one of Kurt’s t-shirts and my panties. That’s all I ever wear in my office, unless I have a client here.”

“That’s all I have on ... Would you be upset with me if I asked for one of his t-shirts to sleep in?”

“He has plenty. I’ll give you one, and one for your mom.”

As soon as she was off the phone, I told her, “Mom, I’m going to my room and call Brenda Crosby. I would rather Leigh not hear me talking trashy shit to Ashley’s mom.”

“You go ahead. Once she and I get started on her drawings, we’ll be busy for quite a while.

“Then, I may take my new car for a virgin cruise.”

“Do it Baby. Just remember, I want a naked night ride in that classy car.”

“Classy? I’m even more anxious to see and drive it now.”

“Brenda, this is Kurt. I hope it’s okay for me to call you on your cellphone. Ashley gave me your number.”

Kurt! Oh my goodness. She told me that you were going to call, but I thought it was a joke.”

“No joke. Actually, I called to see if you’ll have dinner with me Saturday evening about 7:00.”

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