The Boss - Cover

The Boss

Copyright© 2022 by D. Fritz

Chapter 7: A Solid Lead

Richard forgot about, or chose not to act upon, his edict that they were to meet in Atlanta. Instead, the next two weeks were a relative calm limbo state. None of the crises were resolved, neither did they get worse. It was business as usual in a new normal of chaos. The presidents knew that they were only biding their time before Richard summoned them to another in-person meeting.

Late Thursday night, Sarah got a text message from William: Only you, Lincoln, Nebraska, Monday. Get the flight that arrives at ten. Meet you in the executive lounge. Home Monday night.

Not knowing what William had in mind, Sarah replied back simply, “See you Monday.”

She used her personal credit card to book the flight to avoid having it appear in the corporate system and possibly alerting Dennis. He would wonder about her trip. Dennis’ feelings aside, she was wondering about the trip herself and why William wanted a hush-hush meeting in Nebraska?

Sarah sent Dennis a short email stating that Richard wanted an “eyes only” meeting on Monday afternoon. She said she would work from home in the morning and then talk with Richard in the afternoon. She planned to be back in the office on Tuesday. As expected, Dennis wanted to help prepare whatever materials she needed, but she held him off and said she had it covered.

On Monday, Sarah’s trip to Lincoln was uneventful. She found William in the corner of the lounge staring intently at his phone. As she approached he saw her, clicked the screen, and put his phone away.

“Good flight?” he asked.

“Yes, you?”

“Eh, a few minutes late, and then rough air on take off until we got to altitude. Let’s go.”

William turned Sarah by the elbow and directed her toward the exit. On the way out they stopped by the coffee bar. William topped of his drink and Sarah made a fresh one.

“Where are we going?” asked Sarah.

William just jerked his head toward the ride share exit.

“I’ve got us a car.”

Sarah did her best to keep up with William and his long strides. It took her three steps to each of his two.

Outside, William saw a black Mercedes roll to a stop at the curb. He waved to the driver and headed in that direction. Sarah followed.

“Good morning, sir,” said the driver as he jumped out to open the rear door. “Can I put anything in the trunk?”

“No,” said William abruptly. He slid into the back seat. Sarah headed to the other side to sit behind the driver. He followed and opened her door.

“Thank you,” she said as she dropped into the plush leather interior.

Without a word, the driver pulled out and started driving. He headed downtown and easily navigated the light mid-morning traffic. After twenty minutes they arrived at one of the taller buildings in Lincoln.

“We’re good, thank you,” said William as he passed the driver a folded bill. He opened his door quickly to round the car and open the door for Sarah.

Sarah still knew nothing about this morning’s adventure so she mutely followed William into the building. Inside, William headed directly to an elevator, then selected the top floor after they entered.

The elevator was very new and very fast. Seconds after the door closed, they heard a soft chime and the doors slid silently open. They stepped into the foyer and saw a wide expanse of glass before them. Large double doors are centered in the wall of glass with the name Holbert, Drisken & Associates boldly printed on each door.

When William opened the door a chirpy receptionist said, “Welcome, how may I assist you this morning?”

“Ten AM appointment with Ms. Holbert.”

The young woman jumped up from behind the desk. “Yes, sir. Ms. Holbert just alerted me of your arrival. Please follow me. She is ready for you.”

Sarah and William were led down a long hallway and into a medium-sized conference room. There was a wide window that provided a panoramic view of downtown Lincoln. Before they could take a seat the door opened again and a woman entered. She motioned for Sarah and William to take a seat before she took one opposite them at the large table.

Sarah eyed the woman across the table. She looked fantastic. Probably in her low-to-mid thirties. Long light brown hair cascaded tastefully down each side of her face. She wore little make up, but her eyes were the most iridescent green Sarah had ever seen. Even hidden behind a corporate pant suit, Sarah could tell this woman was taut.

The woman never looked at Sarah. She and William were in a stare-down. William was the first to speak.

“Thank you for seeing us on short notice, Ms. Holbert.”

“When a senator from the great state of Nebraska calls and says he has a friend that would like to meet, you tend to make that a priority.”

She continued her eye contact with William and then added, “Mr. Smith, and,” she looks to William’s right, “Mrs. Smith.”

Sarah smiled and wondered why the subterfuge, but kept quiet.

“I apologize for the cloak-and-dagger entrance,” William said. “But I think you’ll appreciate my discretion shortly.”

“I am William Estes and this is my colleague Sarah Ooverest.”

Sarah saw a slight stiffening in the woman’s posture.

“From Argonne,” she said through a tight jaw.

“Yes,” William said. “Please, call us William and Sarah. May we call you Annette?”

Annette rose and turned to the table along the wall. She poured herself a glass of ice water and returned to the table. She eyed the two of them hard before taking her seat again.

“How can I help you?” she asked.

William said, “I now know why we’re here, and you know why we’re here, but I’m afraid my colleague is in the dark. I did not say anything to her, but I think your reaction has confirmed my suspicion.”

William swiveled in his chair to face Sarah.

“As you know, Richard does not date or have girlfriends in the traditional sense. His needs are met by professional women that Eliot procures. Annette happens to be Richard’s favorite. Although Richard knows her by the name Tiffany Ann, and Eliot, I think, uses the name Heidi.”

Sarah could not hide her shocked expression.

Without waiting for Sarah to ask, William continued, “I assume Annette got into the business in college as a way to help pay tuition. Maybe she started as a dancer? Then she realized some wealthy clients were willing to pay for more than a bump-and-grind lap dance in the back room. Eventually, she started to cater to only select clients.”

“You’re a lawyer, right?” Sarah stammered.

William answered. “Oh, yes. She is the granddaughter of Herman Holbert. He founded this firm over fifty years ago. When Annette graduated from law school and passed the bar, he started her like he would any first-year associate. She busted her ass and proved herself, which then earned her the big chair when her grandfather retired a few years ago. He’s now pushing ninety, but still in good shape from what I have learned.”

Annette did not offer any response.

“Again, it’s a guess, but I think Heidi, Annette, decided to continue servicing one or two of her highest-end clients. Like her clients, she was busy and they provided a good private fuck, without strings, and with the benefit of paying handsomely.”

“Interesting story,” said Annette. She repeated, “How can I help you today?”

William’s lyrical, bemused tone of voice turned hard. He turned to face Annette.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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