The Boss - Cover

The Boss

Copyright© 2022 by D. Fritz

Chapter 17: Final Moves

Arlene, Tamara, and Joseph were in a mixed mood. Of course, they had heard about Tina’s death the day it occurred and they sent their condolences. More recently, they just got word that a VP in Oil and Gas died in a boating accident almost a week ago. The rumor was that his boat floated adrift at sea for days before being found. The exact cause of death was not known. Hearing about multiple deaths was depressing. Hearing their CEO say that they were clear of a mole was uplifting, as long as they didn’t think too hard and connect the dots.

Sarah and William were the only two that knew the full story. They also knew that the story was not really completely finished. There were a couple of final moves that needed to be made. One was for Sarah’s personal well-being if nothing else. William offered his counsel to Sarah on what he would do in her place. They discussed options, then he returned to Houston, leaving the final decision in her hands.

Sarah sent a text message to Joseph to meet her at their hotel Friday night. When he arrived she met him at the bar and not in a room.

“Hey, I’m over here,” she called as he strode toward the elevator.

Joseph saw her and detoured to the bar.

“What’s up? Why are you not in the room?”

“What do you want to drink?” she asked without answering his question.

Joseph settled into the stool next to Sarah. “Rum and Coke,” he told the bartender.

When he was served, she motioned for them to take a booth in the corner. They settled into opposite benches before Joseph once again asked, “What’s up?”

Sarah finished her drink and eyed Joseph levelly.

“C’mon,” he said, “you’re starting to freak me out a little.”

Sarah waved to the bartender to get a refill.

“We’ve talked to Richard, and you’ve seen his emails. Argonne is in the clear.”

“Yeah, of course, it’s why I thought you called me here. For a celebratory weekend.”

“It’s not the whole story,” Sarah said, then paused as her drink arrived. “There are loose ends.”

“What? You mean my wife and her brother?”

“Yes. And my husband.”

Sarah took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

“I am leaving Adam. He gets the house and his car. I’m taking the rest.”

Joseph’s eyes went wide in shocked surprise. He tossed down his drink and waved for another.

“I’m shocked,” he finally said. “How are you, I mean, you had a pre-nup, too? Right?”

Sarah nodded. “Yes, but Sean is going to help Adam see the light and agree to sign off on my terms.”

“Sean!” hissed Joseph. “Darth Vader! You are going to ask him to rough up your husband?”

Sarah’s gaze never faltered as she stared at Joseph. “Adam is a pussy. He won’t last five minutes under Sean’s pressure. He’ll sign without getting roughed up.”

“Ahh, fuck. So why are you telling me?”

“Because of your loose ends. Sean can help you out of your marriage with a similar deal if you are interested. He can also persuade Guy to look for another opportunity.”

Joseph fell back against his chair. “Are you telling me that my wife and brother-in-law are going to get a visit from him, too?”

“It is your call,” said Sarah. “If you want, I will pass along instructions to Sean later tonight. If you want to remain married and have a VP that betrayed you, it’s all up to you.”

“Tonight? When do you need an answer?” Joseph was looking at his watch.

“Now,” said Sarah simply.

Joseph didn’t know what to say. He just looked at the woman before him as if she were a complete stranger.

“While you consider your reply,” Sarah continued, “I will also tell you that we are over.”

Joseph bolted forward in his chair. “Over? What are you talking about?”

“It’s been a fun run. Great sex. But I know you’ve been with other women in the past year. You mentioned Claudia, a stunning redhead from Spain is how I think you referred to her, on more than one occasion. You were careless with your phone and effectively showed me her text messages to you with her naked selfies after one of your overseas trips.”

Joseph started to protest. Sarah held up her hand.

“Other woman are not the reason, though. I am going to be moving away from Chicago.”

Joseph again slumped back against his bench.

“Where are you going?” he meekly asked.

“That will be clear next week.”

“Next week? What is happening? When next week?”

Sarah did not answer. Instead, she said, “What is your decision on your wife and brother-in-law? Do you stay married? And do you keep your VP?”

Joseph got up and headed to the restroom. Sarah sat patiently in her seat. When he returned she repeated her question. His response was to ask for more details about what would happen next week.

“Listen,” Sarah said forcefully, “I think this should be a no-brainer of a decision. You have a one-time opportunity to divorce your wife without paying her a dime, and at the same time, rid your company of an asshole that betrayed you, and Argonne at large.”

Joseph whimpered some incoherent words and then shut his mouth.

“I almost made the call on my own. It seemed so obvious. I was given the choice, so I wanted you to also get to make the call. I didn’t expect you to be such a baby.”

The words were like a slap to the face to Joseph. “But, I...”

Sarah continued her rant. “You are the fucking president of a company within an organization that is worth almost a trillion dollars. You have a chance to get rid of excess baggage you do not want, with no cost, and you are waffling? If you were this timid in the bedroom you would have never gotten into my pants.”

Joseph raised his hands in surrender. “OK, OK, I get it. Yes, I want them both taken care of.”

Sarah pursed her lips. “Are you 100% sure?”

Joseph nodded his head.

Sarah stood and dropped a key on the table. “4414. Stay here the weekend. Don’t answer any calls from your wife or Guy. Don’t try and call or text me, either. Don’t leave the room until you get an update Monday morning. Got it?”

Joseph looked up at Sarah at a loss for words. She repeated her question and he nodded in surrender.

“Good. Take care, Joseph. We’ll be seeing each other soon.”

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