Eternally & Evermore - Cover

Eternally & Evermore

Copyright© 2022 by Marc Nobbs

Chapter 30

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 30 - Twenty years after promising to love each other "Eternally and Evermore", teenage sweethearts, Amy and Will, are reunited to discover their love burns as strongly as it ever did. But while Will is a successful lawyer, Amy has walked a tougher path. What secrets does she harbour? What ghosts litter her past? And what horrors will they have to endure before they can finally be together "Eternally and Evermore."

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating  

“Perhaps I never fell out of love with you.”

After putting the makeshift picnic blanket away, Will and Amy walked the length of the seafront and back, arms around each other, then spent the afternoon wandering around some of Westmouth’s popular tourist spots—the arboretum, Westmouth Park, and the famous Winter Gardens glasshouse, which was full of unusual plant life from around the world.

“What shall we do tonight?” Amy asked as evening beckoned. “We could go to the cinema. I used to love oing to the cinema with you.”

“I’ve got a better idea,” replied Will. “There’s a fifty-inch television hanging on the wall in my lounge. We get take-out, then settle down on the sofa, just the two of us, and watch a movie there. I bought Reunion the other week but haven’t had time to watch it yet.”

“That’s the film young Chloe Goodman won an Oscar for, isn’t it?”

Will nodded. “I’ve seen her around town a few times with her boyfriend. They make a nice couple.”

“Yeah, I saw that chat show they did together. They seem well suited. Let’s do that then. Snuggle up and watch the film.”

They went back to the car, which was parked on the seafront, and stopped at a pizza takeaway on the way back to Meadowview Cottage. Will put the pizza in the oven to keep warm, then lit a fire while Amy went upstairs to “freshen up.” It had been warm, but had, for the second day running, clouded over very quickly. The temperature plummeted and there was a storm on the wind. Once the fire was established, he retrieved the pizza and put it on a large plate, opened a bottle of his best Boudreaux and took them both into the lounge where he left them on the coffee table between the sofa and the fireplace. He fetched two wine glasses out of the cabinet in the corner of the room and had his back to the entrance when Amy came back downstairs.

“Pizza and wine,” she said. “Classy.”

“Would you prefer beer,” he said without turning around.

“God, no. I never drink beer.”

“Wine it is then.” He turned and took in a sharp breath. Amy had changed out of her summer dress and wore the black silk negligee that he’d bought for her earlier in the day from Charlotte’s Secret, the independent lingerie store in town. She stood framed by the doorway, held her arms out from her side and curtsied as if seeking his appraisal.

“You look amazing,” he said.

“Not too skinny?”

He smiled. “I refer the honourable lady to the comment I made a few moments ago.”

She grinned back at him, stepped forward and said, “Sorry, I don’t understand lawyer-speak. Never have. Could you rephrase that?”

He put the glasses on the coffee table and went to meet her. He held her hands and said, “You look amazing. Not too thin. Or too fat. Or too anything. Just, amazing.”

She blushed. “Thanks. I could get used to compliments like that.”

“I hope so.”

They sat on the sofa and Will poured them each a glass of wine. They sat close while they ate the pizza and watched the movie, but once the last slice was devoured, Amy brought her legs up onto the seat and snuggled into Will’s side. He lifted his arm to put it around her and she shifted to rest her head on his chest.

“I can’t remember the last time I did this.” She looked up at him. “Snuggled up to someone to watch a film. Well, someone other than Lizzie. But she doesn’t really count.”

“Why not?”

“Because. She doesn’t. It’s Lizzie. What about you? When was the last time you did this?”

“I assume that if Lizzie doesn’t count then neither does Sophie.”

“If you were sitting like this with your daughter, I’d be very, very worried.”

“What’s wrong with a father and daughter snuggling up close?”

She looked up at him again. “You have your hand on my tit,” she said with a grin.

“Oh. Right. I see what you mean. Sorry.” He moved his hand onto her side but she grabbed it and put it back on her breast.

“Actually, I think this would be better.” She picked up his hand again, lifted the hem of her negligee and

slipped his hand underneath it, leaving it resting on her breast again, but this time without the silk in the way.

“There. Now, you were saying?”

He squeezed her breast gently. “I was saying that if Sophie doesn’t count, then I honestly can’t remember. Certainly not since the divorce. Probably not since Sophie was born.”

“Aww. Poor baby. We’ll have to do it as often as we can to make up for lost opportunities.”

“Fine by me. I have a fairly extensive DVD library.”

“Great. I want to make good use of it.” She moaned as he continued to squeeze her breast and started to play with her nipple. “So when do I get to meet her?”


“Sophie. Or isn’t Daddy supposed to have a girlfriend?”

He sighed. “I think Sophie’s been quite pleased I’ve not had a girlfriend since the divorce. Or at least, one that she knows about. Given her mother’s girlfriend and string of men friends, I think she sees me as somewhat stable.”

“Girlfriend and men friends? So your ex-wife’s bisexual?”

“She claims she’s gay. She tells me that she and Jenni are in a committed lesbian relationship. They are preparing for a civil partnership. Sophie’s going to be her mother’s bridesmaid. But the trouble is, Lynn likes cock. And, apparently, Jenni likes hearing about cock.”

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