A Young Mother - Cover

A Young Mother

Copyright© 2022 by Greven

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - As a computer nerd I liked my solitude. I chose the burbs as a place to live because it gave me everything I needed, quiet and safety. Then one day the people next door kicked their daughter out in the cold and I took her in. I didn't know that one decision would alter my life in so many ways.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Pregnancy  

The move was a bitch, and I discovered there were more than a few things that had to be done to the new house, but eventually I was laying in my old bed in a new house. The girls had been angels who worked hard to smooth all the bumps we encountered, and when we were moved in the new house looked stark.

All the things I owned were spread out all over the house but walls still looked empty, rooms seemed to echo from lack of furnishing, and overall I wondered if this was just too much house for us. About a week later Tracy came to me and seemed anxious. “Rob? I was wondering what kind of money I might be allowed to spend on some new things for the house.”

I thought about it and reasoned that with the current budget I could spare some coin. “Well I think I can spare about eight grand. It will make thing a little tight but yeah I think I can give you that much.” Tracy just stared at me. “Is that not going to be enough?” She shook her head. “No, I don’t think we will need that much. Do you mind going shopping with us?”

That day the girls showed me a world I didn’t know existed. Wholesalers, second hand shops, there was even a few small factories that had sale rooms with slightly damaged furniture for way less than the main room. And talk about wheeler dealers, Tracy talked to the sales people like an old hand and talked down what I thought were already low prices. I realized she had grown up in a family that always had to have the best price they could get and she had learned well from her mother.

A few days later as I sat in my office working when Tracy came and knocked on the door that joined the office with the master bedroom. She came in just as I looked up from my monitor. “Something wrong?” I asked. She came over and stood by my side. “Robert, we have lived here a whole month now. Do you think you could spare a little time, now that things are calmed down, and maybe spend a little private time with me?”

Private time was her code word for making love. The girl had no idea how much I had been waiting for her to give me that little signal. I was so horny I had even been giving Debbie the eye lately. We went to into our room and as soon as the door was shut we were throwing our clothes across the room. I ran to Tracy as she jumped onto the bed and I slid between her open thighs.

This girl had come a long way since that first night we were together. It was a combination of wanting to explore her sexuality and the fact that we truly loved each other. I pushed her legs up high and she squealed as I pinned her down and began to lick and such her already wet slit. Her lips opened up as I delved deeper and deeper into her, trying to get every drop of her juices.

I couldn’t help grinding my erection against the bed while Tracy let herself go. She whimpered, moaned, and called out to me as her body went through a few small orgasms. I was enjoying the hell out of eating her when she reached down and pulled at me. “Please Rob, I need you in me.” she moaned so I followed her wishes and moved up her body.

She kissed me deeply as I slid home. I felt her legs come up and hold me as I ground the tip of my cock deep inside of her. It was heaven for me, and I hope it was half as good for her. Even after having a baby, and all the times we had made love Tracy’s walls still held the whole length tight. I gently rocked inside of her, but her need was for more as she pulled at me over and over.

I sat back up and lifted her legs up again. This time I pushed her legs up till I had her knees against her chest and she looked at me with huge pleading eyes. I started slowly, to let her pussy know what was coming and then began to thrust into her with more and more force. Soon her breasts were bouncing and her voice went higher as she began to repeat “Oh my gosh” over and over.

I watched the flush creep up her neck as her body began to cum over and over again. She began to let out a wavering whine and then I felt her cum hard. Her legs pushing up so I let them go straight up and I watched as her toes and even feet curled. Her cervix pressed against my tip, and I almost came but she had tightened up so much it stalled out before it really began. I began to stoke into her again but she pushed at me while whimpering. “No more, too sensitive.” She whimpered and she curled up on her side. I sat there with an erection and a sleeping girl before me. I knew she Tracy would help me out later but my little monkey brain was pissed. I took a deep breath, leaned over to give Tracy a kiss on her damp cheek and got dressed.

I decided that I wouldn’t get much work done so I went to see what else was going on. I found Debbie sitting in the family room playing with Linsey. When I walked in I was shocked to see her wiping at her eyes. She saw me and put on a brave face, but I knew better. I walked over and sat next to her while the baby played with her toys and watched the TV.

I wasn’t sure what was appropriate, so I just went with my feelings. I wrapped an arm around her and she clutched at me. I knew she was holding back a lot, and I had a good idea what. “Hey little love, are you going to tell me what’s bothering you?” She just held onto me and kept quiet. “Debbie, I love you and I know when you are feeling bad. I just want to help, but I can’t do anything to make it better if you don’t tell me.” In a small voice, so quiet I almost couldn’t hear she told me. “Why can’t you love me too?” Yep, there it was. “Little love, I do love you. I love you so much I can’t bear the thought of hurting you.” She looked up at me and her eyes were full of unshed tears. “I’m the same age Tracy was when she was pregnant.” Wow, she was really pressing me now.

“I know Debbie, but you are almost half her size.” I said to her but my arguments all seemed to melt away as I looked in her eyes. I stoked the hair away from her face and just looked into her large eyes. I shifted around a little and pulled her to me. The look in her eyes changed from forlorn to hopeful. Just like her sister that first night.

I slowly leaned towards her and half way there she leaned up and our lips met. Warmth spread through me as her small mouth pressed against mine. Time and space melted away as the feeling of that first kiss spread through the both of us. I could swear my ears felt like they were burning it affected me so much.

She pulled back and looked at me from under heavy lids and her breath was coming in gasps. Her face was flushed and she seemed like she was about to faint. “Oh my gosh, that made me feel so funny inside.” She whispered. I have to admit I wasn’t feeling far from the way she did. My cock was only at about half mast but my heart was beating like crazy. If I hadn’t just had a physical, I would think I was having a heart attack.

Debbie looked at me and the seductress that dwells in the hearts of all females began to make its way out. She smiled at me shyly, and began to play with the buttons on her shirt. I reached out and cupped her cheek. “Like I said little love, I do love you. I think we both felt how much with that kiss. But there are two things that we need to consider before we go any further.” Her little face began to fold again as she figured I was trying to back away from what we had been heading for.

“First is I want to take this slowly. Not like in the next year or even in a few days, but we need to slow down for right now.” I could see the pout about to start when she knew I wasn’t trying to back out. “We have a little girl to watch, and your sister should be awake enough to let us be alone for a while.” She shrugged her shoulders but also nodded knowing we both had responsibilities. “And second, I would like for you and Tracy to have a talk about what to expect and what may be coming.”

Debbie blushed as she smiled at me. “We have been. She even showed me these movies on the computer to kind of see what was going to happen.” Well, it looked like I was the late one coming to this party. “So I guess you liked what she showed you?” She squirmed in her seat and looked away from me. “I think so. I kind of got scared seeing the size of the guys making them but Tracy said you weren’t that huge, and even if you were you were much gentler about making love.”

Hmmm, both humiliation and compliment at the same time. Then I wondered what kind of porn Tracy was watching in her free time these days. Maybe I shouldn’t be that embarrassed after all. “Well then I guess we just need to wait till Tracy wakes up so we can talk about some things.” I heard a throat clear behind me and turned to see my love in a thin robe as she walked in.

“So what do you need to talk with me about?” So much for anymore delay. “Debbie and I wanted to talk to you about the two of us becoming lovers.” Tracy’s eyes grew large as she looked at her little sister. A soft smile spread across her face and she came over and embraced her tightly. The two of them hugged and then Tracy leaned back with tears in her eyes.

I watched as the two seemed to talk silently for a few moments. “Do you want to wait till tonight?” Debbie shook her head. Tracy shook her head and smiled widely. “I know how you feel. Take him, I’ll take the baby and work on dinner.” I looked on wondering if I had any say in this but knew this wasn’t about me, it was about three of us.

Debbie looked at me and I held out my hand. She took it and we headed to the bedroom together at a slow pace. Once behind closed doors Debbie began to take her clothes off like she was getting ready for bed so I walked over and took her hands in mine. “Let me.” I said and her hands went to her sides obediently.

I leaned in to kiss her and she slowly warmed up to this. As we kissed I started where she left off as I pulled her shirt up slowly. I let my hands glide over the incredibly soft skin of her sides and back. Little by little I slid my hands upwards, bringing the hem of her shirt higher and higher. I hit the edge of her bra and reached back to find the hooks to her bra. With ease I slid a finger between her and the strap and with a flick and a twist I let the straps free. I moved my hands to her sides, stroking the skin and helping the circulation where the bra had dug in a little. Debbie lifted her arms on her own so I pulled back from her lips and pulled her shirt up and off. Now my little lover was standing before me naked from the waist up with her eyes closed, waiting for me to come back and kiss her some more.

I moved back in and stroked her back and sides some more till I figured I had waited long enough and undid her pants. I was just beginning to slide the waist lower when Debbie did a little hip shake and her pants feel to the floor. I took this as a sign to move faster so I moved my mouth to her neck. With kisses and small sucking bites I moved from her neck to shoulders. Goosebumps traveled across her skin as I moved a little lower.

I fell to my knees in front of her and took her breast into my mouth. She gasped at this and I had to hold onto her or she would have fallen over in her swoon. I went from side to side, working her hard nipples till she began to moan in a voice that told me she was aching elsewhere. As I sucked her sweet tasting nipples I had begun to work her panties off. By the time she was whimpering for more than I what I was doing to her breast her panties were laying at her feet with her pants.

With guiding pressure on her hips I eased Debbie backwards till her butt hit the edge of the mattress. I urged her to sit down and when she had I pushed on her shoulders to have her lay back. She did and I lifted her legs up and outwards. My gosh, the sight of her wet little split was mouthwatering and I wanted nothing more right then than to take her in my mouth and suck every drop from her dripping little hole.

If you have never seen an aroused young girl, then let me tell you there is nothing more erotic than this. Her vulva had the lightest covering of hair that formed a line along either side and went upwards to form a small triangle above. While I’m sure her lips normally were tightly closed, she was so excited that her inner lips were dark pink, bordering on red, and swollen so much they began to push outwards.

Her clit stood up and away from its little hood, begging for attention. The scent of her made me a little dizzy as I inhaled it and filled my head with her. I leaned forwards and eased the tip of my tongue against the bottom of her slit and stroked upwards, gathering her juices on my tongue, till I stroked against her hard little clit. Her hips arched up, trying to keep contact between her clit and my mouth but I was savoring the flavor of this virgin girl. I snuck a look to the sides and saw she was clutching at the comforter as she waited for more.

I rested my open mouth completely over her whole pussy and breathed out. The heat of my breath caused her shiver all over and I saw the bumps rise across most of her body. She was whining at me like a hungry little puppy and her hips never stopped wiggling. I began to lap at the sensitive skin of her lips with my tongue, but avoiding her clit for the moment. Her juices really began to flow with this treatment and I figured it was time to get with it. I began to create suction in my mouth as I started to lick her clit. I also laid an arm across her hips and stomach to keep her in place as I learned to do with her big sister. The harder I stroked her clit the more I had to push down with my arm so I could keep her from moving too much.

I took my other hand and placed two fingers against her entrance and made circles around it to relax the muscles she had been using all these years to keep things out of her. It took some time and work but eventually, between my fingers and tongue, she opened up to me. I pressed inwards and her body let me in easily. She took my fingers to the first knuckle before her hymen stopped me from doing anything deeper.

With a little patience I tested her cherry and found it to be a rather thin one, and I was able to ease one of my finger through the hole in it. I carefully eased my finger back out and simply used what was fully open to me for the moment. She didn’t seem to notice much of what I had done and simply held onto the bed too keep from floating away.

Her juices were really flowing now and I was amazed at how much was coming out of her. I decided to stop working the entrance to her puss and moved a little lower. I worked slowly so I wouldn’t frighten her, and mostly stroked her taint but still working my way lower. When I spread her ass cheeks a little she lifted her legs up, giving me the room I needed.

I began to make the same circles around her anal ring, and just like her puss it began to relax for me. I never stopped going after her clit and I could swear I felt it grow in my mouth as the tip on my finger eased into her ass. Until that moment Debbie had been very quiet, keeping her mouth closed as she moaned and whimpered, but as I slid into her ass she cried out and I felt her tummy muscles bunch up just a moment before her ass trapped my one finger inside of her.

Debbie’s voice was beautiful as she called out to me in the most basic way she could. It started out low, climbed higher and then slid back down into an almost sobbing sound. Her legs had come together, trying to make it hard for me to keep my mouth on her so I let her clit go. She was jerking against my arm as her stomach muscles contracted over and over again.

I was in a bit of shock as it seemed she was going from one orgasm to another even though I wasn’t doing anything to prolong them. I ducked down fast as she rolled over, clutching her little puss in her hands whimpering.

As the spams slowed down I crawled up on the bed and wrapped my arm over her. I still couldn’t believe the strength of what she was going through. I honestly couldn’t imagine a girl having such a reaction to what I was doing. I held her, hoping that what I was doing was helping her to relax, and eventually she stopped shaking.

I kissed her shoulder and waited. Eventually she turned her head and then her body. When I got her on her back I rose up so I could look down on her face. There were tears in her eyes and I was afraid she had been hurt or scared. “Are you alright little one?” The sweetest smile I had ever seen spread across her face. “It was like my heart and soul were being squeezed into a smaller and smaller ball inside of me. I tried to stay quiet, I tried to control it but I couldn’t. Then suddenly that tiny ball exploded and I couldn’t see, I couldn’t hear, all I could do was feel my tummy tighten up and my head started to spin so fast.”

Boy was I glad she wasn’t mad or freaked out like I was. She didn’t know what to expect and to tell you the truth I only thought I did. “Oh Robert, I feel like I was in heaven because I felt so filled with love and happiness.” She reached up and stroked the side of my face. “You took me there, you showed me how wonderful it all is.” And tears began to flow again as she pulled me down so she could wrap her arms around my neck. I held her in my arms and felt the little girl’s tears against my cheek.

Now I am no great lover, I wasn’t that good looking, or sexually talented. All I gave these girls was my best and since they weren’t used to this kind of thing I guessed it made me seem to be a sexual god or something. All I can say is that I was glad I had made them feel the way I felt every time they smiled at me, every time they made love to me.

Eventually we moved around and laid on the bed together. Debbie held onto me, lost in thought and I just laid there feeling incredibly lucky to have another girl lover in my life. Then she noticed I was still mostly dressed for the first time. “Robert, would you mind taking off your clothes? I have never seen you naked before.” I rolled back and stripped for her. Once I had thrown my shorts to the floor and laid back she saw a cock for the first time.

“Can I touch it?” she asked shyly and I took her hand and placed it over my growing erection. “Oh wow, I can feel it throbbing as it gets bigger. Is that your heartbeat?” She asked with a look of wonder on her face. “Yes it is.” She smiled at me and then looked back at my growing erection. “So by touching you while you’re getting hard is like I am touching your heart.”

I reached down and tilted her head up. “You touch my heart all the time Debbie.” The excitement faded but love filled in the void. In a flash she had moved up and we began to kiss again. She maneuvered herself on top of me and straddled my hips. My cock was standing up between her thighs but with our height difference it meant we could do one or the other but not both, at least with me laying down. Debbie must have figured that out to so she sat up and slid back till I was pressing against her flowing little slit. She wiggled around but couldn’t seem to get me into her. Then she began to just slide back and forth over the length of my, enjoying this little bit of exploration. While I wanted her bad, I wanted her to enjoy it even more.

She changed angle by leaning farther forward and then farther back. But she eventually found her favorite angle and simply rubbed the head of my cock in a way that it would press against her anal ring and then pop forwards and stroke her clit. She really got into this and soon she began to moan and whimper again. I arched my hips a little and she loved the feeling and now so did I.

Her juices were flowing faster now and I could feel a pool forming under my ass from everything she was putting out. I was so entranced at the look of passion on her face I didn’t notice that her ass was opening up to me. With one hard push I found the first inch of my cock buried in her and she stopped instantly as she wailed and came again.

I couldn’t move in or out as she had clamped down on my cock hard. I mean I could have pulled out but I didn’t want to hurt her. She just sat up straight and her body was jerking as the second orgasm of her life ran wild through her with my cock firmly gripped in her ass. She was gasping for air as her belly contracted over and over again. Her pussy was shooting out fluids as she came and I learned she was a bit of a squirter.

I got worried when her eyes rolled back in her head and I barely caught her as she collapsed on top of me. She was still jerking but nowhere near as bad as she had been. I felt her muscles relax and I pulled out of her as gently as I could. I rolled her off to my side and held her in my arms till she came back to me.

I wondered if this was a normal thing among virgins, fainting after cuming. Maybe it was just these girls. Considering the oppressive life they had had before maybe the freedom they experience while making love was that huge a release for them. Whatever it was I knew it was just going to be even more fun for little Debbie when I actually made it into her pussy.

I waited about ten minutes for Debbie to wake up but when she didn’t I kissed her head and got up. I pulled on some shorts and went to see how Tracy was doing. When I found her and Lindsey on the floor playing together I just watched for a few minutes. Lindsey was the first to see me and she just held out her arms for dada.

I walked over to them and Tracy had a huge smile on her face. “I heard Debbie go off twice, I didn’t know she would do that after losing her virginity.” I bounced the baby on my knee and she just laughed. “Well that is probably because she is still a virgin in the conventional way.” Tracy just tilted her head at me in question.

I hated to kiss and tell but as her sister she needed to know. “Her hymen is still intact but not from want of trying. She is fine but exhausted and sleeping off her first climaxes.” Tracy smiled at me and bit her lip. “If you want to know more you will just have to ask her when she wakes up.” Boy what I would give to hear that conversation later.

Debbie came out of the bedroom dressed in just a robe. She was smiling like crazy when she saw me but kept her cool in front of her sister. “Robert told me it was wonderful, but didn’t say anything else. Are you guys going to keep it all a secret? Even from me?” Tracy said in a pleading voice. Debbie looked at me and blushed. “Can you tell her Robert?”

I nodded. “Your sister is still a virgin Tracy.” Tracy had the good grace to make it seem like news. “Um ... How is that possible?” Then she smiled. “Oh, so you just gave her one of your incredible oral exams.” I nodded. “Well that is true for the first one.” Tracy gave me an exasperated look. “Will you stop teasing me? This is maddening.”

I looked at Debbie again and she nodded while smiling and blush even more. “Well she began to ride me, you know doing a little slip and slide?” Tracy used to do this once in a while too so she just smiled at her sister. “Then she got a little carried away, and I slid into her.” Tracy just looked at me. “But you didn’t break her cherry?” I shook my head. “There wasn’t a cherry per se where she slid me into.”

Tracy looked confused for a second and then it hit her. Her sister had cum with my cock in her ass. Tracy covered her mouth with her hands and looked at her sister. “Oh my gosh, you lost your butt cherry first?” She squealed. Debbie smiled, nodded and then covered her face in embarrassment. “Holy cow, it took me a lot to let him do that to me the first time. And you came from it?” Debbie only nodded her head and pulled her robe over her face.

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