A New Family - Cover

A New Family

by Family Love 1954

Copyright© 2022 by Family Love 1954

Incest Sex Story: Two single parents discover new ways to share their love.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   .

I roll over feeling her next to me. Running my hand over her smooth, young skin, warm under my fingers. She’s on her side, facing away. I snuggle up to her back, my hand moving over, up to cup her modest breast, feeling her nipple, big, long extend under my gentle grasp. She sighs, stays sleeping as I press my body against her, relishing her warmth, my penis nestling in her firm butt.

Next to my daughter, Sharon sleeps on her side, her regular breathing a sign. Next to her, Sky, her mother’s body pressed against her.

I drift back to sleep, content, more than ever in my life.

This unlikely scenario began almost six months ago. Before my eyes, she bloomed. The skinny, featureless child became a young woman. Her thin body filled out curves, her barely there breasts grew into a modest handful, her flat butt rounded to a perfect half-circle. She let her brown hair grow and kept in a long braid. The green eyes, always full of wonder, now took on a smoldering quality, seeming to get deeper and greener.

Molly’s sense of humor, always sharp, took a more adult turn, much to my surprise, she blamed her school friends. Her mind, always a sponge for knowledge, took on broader topics, our conversations covering topics sixteen-year-olds would never broach, economics, politics, sexuality. She seemed to have no boundary.

It’s been Molly and me for a long time. I don’t mind, she’s the light of my life. Up until now, she was my, daughter, my little girl, a skinny, funny waif under my wing. This new girl, well, young woman, was a problem.

I’m a pervert. At least that’s what I told myself the first time I took her cotton panties out of the hamper and pressed them to my face, her tart young scent filling my nose and penis. I came hard that night, my mind filled with imagined visons of my naked daughter, my tongue and hands, bringing her pleasure. Volleyball days were the worst, sweaty and more earthy. I tortured and berated myself until I started reading and learned that I was not alone. Vast numbers of dads were in my position. The lesson was, enjoy your perversion, but never force yourself on your daughter.

It was September, the first week of school, end of the day. The front door slammed.

“Daddykins!” Molly yelled as she dropped her backpack and ran, leaping into the recliner, nearly dumping us both over. Been doing that since she was ten.

“How was your day, kiddo?”

Molly settled in on top of me, facing me, her long legs over the arms of the chair. She’s tall for her age, tall and lean, like me. She put her hands on my shoulders and shook me.

“I made a friend today.”

Molly collects friends like bees collect pollen. Her personality just draws people in.

“You make lots of friends, dear.”

“No, this one is different.”

It hit me. No, not a boy, please. I’ve known this would happen, but I’ll never be ready.

My voice betrayed me. “Different how?”

Her green eyes, glittered, “Not a boy, dad. Don’t worry, at least for a while. I’m only fifteen.”

She leaned in and gave me a quick kiss, just at the edge of my mouth, a trick she has started in the last week or so.

I smiled and hugged her. “Ah, but in a month, you’ll be sixteen. I’m told that’s when teen girls go boy crazy.”

Molly leaned in, her sweaty body against mine, and whispered in my ear. “And all sixteen-year-old girls immediately fuck every boy they can. I read that somewhere.”

She leaned back and laughed. “Oh, daddykins, your face!”

I put my hand over her face and shoved, pushing her off. She thumped on the floor, laughing.

“You’re a brat and you shocked me. Not language I expect from my little girl.”

Molly popped up off the floor. “Get used to it dad. I’m not that little girl anymore, I’m your daughter the young woman.”

She posed in front of me, her tight volleyball shorts revealing the taut muscles and drawing my eyes to her center, imagining how they will taste, fighting my burgeoning erection.

“Yes, you are, and I could not be happier or prouder. So, who is this new friend?”

Molly’s hands waved, she does that. “Her. Yes, dad it’s a girl, you’re safe, but my math teacher is looking mighty fine these days.”

I laughed. Her math teacher is fifty and looks like a sack of potatoes.

“Her name is Sky, she and her mom just moved here. She plays volleyball too. She’s wicked smart like me and very funny. I had lunch with her and now we’re best friends.”

With that, Molly trotted off to shower. Oh, I do love that girl. I fight my urges, knowing the risk that one mistake can wreck our lives.

Standing, naked in my bathroom, the gusset pressed against my face, filling me with her sweaty scent. My hand stroking my rigid penis, trying to hold back, enjoy the wicked wrongness of the moment.

A new scent, a surprise, the scent of excitement fills my nose, fueling my naughty lust. Did my little girl masturbate in school today? That’s new.

The fulfilling release as my orgasm jets into the sink. I sigh, trying to be quiet, Molly is downstairs, watching TV. I stroke my cock until the wonderful feeling ebbs. I take them with me. Not a good idea but I cannot resist.

Molly is on the floor in her pj’s and robe, I’m in the recliner.

“Dad, can Sky sleepover Friday night?”

“Sure.” Your friends are always welcome.”

“I didn’t ask her yet, wanted to check with you first.”

“Thank you.”

Friday afternoon, the doorbell. Opening the door I see a woman, bout my age. Petite, but just curvy enough, large breasts, blond, cut short, a spray of freckles over her nose, cerulean eyes that seem to bore into me. A polite smile and an extended hand.

“I’m Sharon, Sky’s mother.”

Firm handshake, eye contact, faint smile.

“I like to meet any parents of her friends.”

Ignoring her direct approach and cool demeanor. “I’m Jim. It’s just Molly and me and I couldn’t agree more. Would you like to come in?”

She paused but recovered. “Yes, I guess so.”

I had no idea why this beautiful woman was so distant and cold, but she’s the mother of my daughter’s best friend and I’m going to do my best.

“Can I get you something to drink? Water? Wine? Beer?”

Sharon paused again, maybe wondering why her intentionally off-putting manor was not working. Her shoulders dropped; her hands unclenched.

“You know, that would be nice. Beer please.”

She followed me into the kitchen as I got two out of the fridge and poured them in glasses. Not polite to have ladies drink from bottles

“Let’s go sit on the porch.”

I have a twelve-by-twelve screen porch with a ceiling fan. We took chairs, I made sure I was at least three feet away. Sharon settled, crossing and then uncrossing her legs, shifting in the seat. I leaned back.

“So, our daughters seem to have become best buds.”

A smile, brief. “Yes, that doesn’t usually happen. Sky can be shy at first. Molly seems to have brought her out. The move was tough and unplanned. I was worried about her in a new school. When Sky came home the first day she couldn’t stop talking about Molly. They’ve been inseparable since then. I wanted to meet you...”

I took a sip of beer. “And check me out to make sure I’m not a predator or live in a disgusting house?”

She blushed hard, putting her hand up, her mouth opening and closing. I saved her.

“I’m right because, in your place I would do the same thing. Our daughters are the most important part of our lives, and we will do anything to keep them safe and happy.”

Sharon seemed to melt into the chair. She took a long drink from her glass, swallowed and put the glass down. She leaned forward as she spoke.

“Thank you. This was so difficult for me. Like Sky, I’m not outgoing but we’re new here and I knew nothing about Molly. I turned around three times walking over here. I am so relieved.”

She fell back into the chair and took another drink.

“So, Sharon, let’s tour the house.”

Sharon cocked her head. I laughed. “If Sky will be staying here, you need to be comfortable. Come on.”

Sharon smiled and got up. “You really don’t have to. I just barged in.”

She followed me in the door. “Well, Sharon, if Molly’s going to stay at your house I’ll have to inspect too.”

She really blushed. “I hope you’ll call first.”

“Nope, just like you. Knock on the door and here I am.”

She laughed and lightly touched my shoulder. “You’re being mean to me, Jim. That’s not fair.”

I laughed. “We both know that’s not true.”

We toured my house, every room, the basement, and attic. Sharon insisting it wasn’t necessary. One little problem. In my bedroom, as we walked around the bed, I quickly kicked the hand towel I cum on under the bed. I cringed; Molly’s panties were visible under the bed too. I think I blocked Sharon’s view, at least I hope so. I think she saw it all, and the bottle of lube on the table. I blushed. Then back on the porch. Sharon rearranged the chair, a little closer.

“Thank you, Jim. That was really unnecessary, but you have put me at ease. You got another beer?”

She must not have seen. We talked about divorce and single parenting and Sharon went home.

That afternoon, Sky came by for her first sleepover. Maybe it’s the ‘Molly effect’ but Sky was an engaging and mature girl. She’s petite, like her mom, blond, blue-eyed, freckled and growing a full set of breasts too.

“Mr. Conners, did my mom drop in?”

“Yes, she did, earlier today.”

“ARRRRGGGHHHH I hate it when she does that.”

“I laughed. She’s looking out for you, young lady. I’m going to drop in on her before Molly stays at your place.”

Sky’s fork stopped in midair. “You’d call first, right?”

I powered on, unaware of her reaction. “Nope gonna barge right in.”

Then I saw the look of fear on her face. “I will knock.”

She relaxed and put the fork in her mouth. Molly slugged me. “Dad, you don’t go barging into a ladies house.”

“I know that dear I was just teasing Sky.”

TV time was interesting. Molly had loose gym shorts and a long tee. When she moved I could see her panties. Sky, however surprised me. A tee shirt, not so long that I couldn’t see she was wearing Victoria’s Secret hipster panties. That was an eyebrow raiser. She seemed very comfortable laying on the floor in front of my chair, her legs flipping idly from time to time. Don’t remember one thing from that movie.

The girls ran off to bed and I watched another movie to give them time to settle down and my cock time to rest after looking at two teen asses for hours.

I stopped at Molly’s door on my way to my room. Whispering and giggling. Teen girls. I checked the bathroom and borrowed Molly’s panties for a masturbation session, reminding myself, a little too late, that I need to clean up after.

I got up early and slipped out of my room, pausing at Molly’s door. Moaning. Muffled, but definitely moaning and hoarse whispers. I waited, my ear seeming to extend out from my head to hear more.

“Oh, Molly. That feels so good.”

Rustling of the bed sheets. Barely audible. “Sky, keep your voice down.”

“But you make me cum. It’s my turn.”

More rustling. I waited for a minute. Molly, way too loud. “Ohhhh Ohhhh wow!”

I wanted to stay, take my cock out and cum all over her door. I walked away. My daughter is now a sexual creature.

In a while, they came down for breakfast. Sky had a longer tee and I soon found out why. When she bent to get the milk, I saw the strap of a VS thong cutting between her firm flanks. I nearly spit my coffee.

They sat and enjoyed their cereal. “So, girls, how was last night?” Intentionally leading.

Both of them went red. I ignored it, looking out the window and sipping my coffee.

“Uh, um, real good dad. It was a nice time.”

“Glad to hear it, kiddo. It’s nice that you two are so close.” Careful choice of words that got them looking at each other and giggling.

Sky and her hard ass and thong went with Molly to get dressed and head to Sky’s house as I had my second cup of coffee and accepted the fact that my daughter had sex with her friend last night, the first sex she’s ever had.

Heading up to make the bed and get dressed I stopped at Molly’s room, a disaster. Bed still wide open, clothes all over the floor. But, in one corner, Sky’s blue thong, laid out flat on the floor, the gusset pointing at the door. Next to it, Molly’s crumpled Carters. Yeah, I took them both and came like old faithful. Sky’s thong was heavy with her cum. Molly’s panties too. Yeah, they’re having sex. I was okay with that. I left the panties where I found them, just balled up now, a hint.

Over the next week Sharon and I texted, nothing serious, just friendly, getting closer. Sharon much more comfortable and casual. We joked and mocked each other. We both know something is there. She offered to take the girls shopping. I whined about going broke, she laughed at me. Wednesday afternoon Sharon took them to the mall. I gave Molly the card and told her to get whatever she wanted.

Thursday, after school, Molly on my lap again, face-to-face, her legs off on the arms of the chair, still flushed from practice. Our conversation stalled. She takes a deep breath.

“How do you know if you’re gay?”

Very surprised, shocked, but on second thought an inciteful question. “I’m not gay, so it’s tough to say. I guess if you have no interest in the other sex at all, you’d be gay.”

Molly, her brow crunched, biting the inside of her mouth. “Yeah, I guess that’d be it, huh.” A pause, she looks into my eyes briefly. “Um, so what if you kinda like both?”

I rubbed her shoulders. “Then, young lady, that’s bi-sexual, in that you can have fun with either.”

Fidgeting on my lap, encouraging the boner I’m fighting to conceal. “So, that’s a good or a bad thing?”

I hugged her, feeling those pert breasts against my chest. “It’s a personal thing. A lot of people do it, more than admit it, and it’s a lot more accepted today.”

Molly leaned in and wrapped her arms around me, leaning her head on my shoulder, her warm breath on my neck.

“But how do you feel about it?’

I hugged my daughter, loving having her close. “I’m fine with it. Enjoy yourself, you’re doing nothing wrong.”

She started to push back, paused, then melted back into me. “I love you daddykins.”

I let my hands just brush her firm ass over the tee shirt. “I love you too baby.”

When Molly got done in the shower, back in her room, door closed, I went into the bathroom. It was as if there was an aura around the VS thong laying on top of the hamper. Dark green, the gusset shades darker, full of her teen orgasm. I came three times that night, once more in the morning, left it inside the hamper, filled with my cum.

Molly came into the kitchen the next morning in her usual long sleep-tee. I almost choked when she bent to get the milk and I saw that same green thong on her, the dark patch of our combined cum visible. After Molly left for school, I masturbated hard, thinking of the possibilities.

Friday night, Molly was going to Sky’s for the first time. Friday afternoon, I stood on Sharon’s front step and texted. “Molly’s coming over. A good parent has to inspect the house.”

Sharon back instantly. “Give me ten.”

I walked in, her in the living room, looking up in shock. “Hey I said ten.”

I start for the bedroom, Sharon ahead of me. “Come on, Jim, please, let me clean up a little.” But not fighting me hard.

She blocks her open bedroom door and I make show of trying to move her while getting a quick look. Bed tossed and open, masturbation wand lying on the sheet, still showing wetness. On the floor, VS hipsters, medium, def Sharon’s and next to it, a small thong. On the far bedpost, the harness of a strap on hangs just at the edge of my sight. Surprising, even shocking, but also very exciting. I never would have guessed.

“Oh, okay. Just seeing that you’re as bad a slob as I am.” Walking away to check the rest of the house. Sharon gives a deep sigh and follows me. As we tour, I notice Sharon watching me carefully and paying attention to each of my words. She’s gaging my reaction to her bedroom. I keep it casual, sending the message, I’m cool with it, or I didn’t see. She knows better. As we finish in the basement we collide, laughing. I want her to know there’s no judgement.

Each of us holding a beer, standing next to her pool.

“You’re a brat barging in like that. I should be mad.”

“You’re right, but you kinda owed me.”

She nudges me with her shoulder. “You didn’t have to volunteer to show me your house and your slobby bedroom.”

Facing her. “No, it was an impulse and a lesson. I should be neater.”

Sharon put her bottle down, moved closer. “I’ve no room to talk, as you know. I guess we have no secrets now.”

I ignore her insinuation, put my bottle down, move to her. My arms bring her close, her arms clutching me, our heads angled.

“The girls are sleeping over here tonight. Would you like to come to my place?”

Sharon sighed deeply. “What is it about you? I swore I’d go slow next time. Be careful, analyze, but we just seemed to click.”

I brought my mouth closer. “I haven’t dated since my divorce. I was burned. You just seemed to sail past that, and I’m glad. So, about tonight.”

Our lips brushing. She whispers. “And leave two teenage girls unsupervised?”

“They’ll be fine, and I want you, Sharon.”

She moaned. Our lips pressed tight, mouths open, tongues wrestling. She pressed herself into the bulge in my shorts. We kissed like we were drowning. A pause, Sharon, panting, lips touching mine. “You know what they’re doing right?”

I moved my hand to capture one of her full breasts. “Having sex. I think Sky initiated it, and no, I don’t mind. I trust both of them.”

Sharon’s hand cupping my erection through my pants. “I’m very glad to hear that, really. Sky will be home any minute. Now, get out of here before I fuck you on my living room floor.”

I take her ear in my mouth, nibbling, her panting. “I guess we wouldn’t want to get caught.”

She pushes me away. She’s flushed, panting. “Go, James. I will be over.” She stepped close and put her palm against my chest. “And be ready. It’s going to be a long night.”

Now I’m panting as she shoves me out the door.

Molly came home from Sharon’s and went straight to her room, the door closing with a light bang. This was not normal. My first thought was selfish, the two girls had a fight and are no longer friends, ruining my chances with Sharon. As I walked towards my daughter’s room, I remembered that some things are more important than fucking.

I knocked lightly. “May I come in?”

Molly, muffled. “Yes, dad.”

She’s on her bed, hugging her pillow, rocking. I sit on the end of the bed.

“What’s up, kiddo?”

Molly looks out the window, spews a breath. “I can’t really say, dad.”

“Well, you look like you need to tell someone.”

“I don’t know. It’s big.”

I put my hand on her shoulder. “School? Did someone...?”

Molly gripped my hand. “No, dad. I haven’t been raped or molested, but that math teacher...”

I laughed, got up. “Well, I’m here to listen, no judgements.”

I turned and walked to the door, holding the knob to pull it closed.

“Sky and her mom have sex.”

Just above a whisper, confirming my guess. “How do you know?”

I move back, sit on the bed. Molly takes a breath. “I saw them. We were studying and I left to come home. I forgot my book, so I went back to get it. I saw them through the window.”

She stopped, took a deep breath. Looking down at the sheets, saying nothing.

I touched her shoulder. “What did you see?”

Molly looked up at me. “Sharon came home from work as I was leaving. When I looked, she was lying on the couch, her dress pulled up over her, her panties hanging from one foot. Sky was naked on top of her, backwards.” Molly paused. Her face was red. “She had her face between her mom’s legs, licking and Sharon was licking her, clutching her ass.” Another long pause. “They made each other cum with their mouths.”

Family moment of crisis or not, I was hard.

“What do I do dad?”

‘Well first, how do you feel? How long did you watch?”

Molly blushed deeply. “A while.”

My cock was rigid imagining the sight.

“Hmm. So, one minute? Three minutes?”

Whispering. “Ten. They each came at least three times.”

“So, I have to assume you’re not grossed out.”

She shook her head, looked up, nearly crying. “Dad, Sky and I have sex.”

“I know.”

Mouth open, eyes wide. “You knew? You never said anything.”

“Why? I trust you and Sky and Sharon-its natural.”

Molly just sat there looking at me. “I love you daddy.”

I cupped her young face with my hand. “I love you more than life itself.”

Molly fidgeted on her bed. “But what about Sharon and Sky? You’re kinda dating Sharon. This is going to be weird. What do I say?”

Smiling. “All I’ll say for now is it’s not a problem for me. It’s a big world out there. I know you found it exciting. Don’t say anything. I’m very glad you shared, and this is not a problem, unless it is for you.”

Molly almost smiled. “No dad, no it’s not.”

I wanted to talk more. Have her tell me what she felt. If she touched herself while watching a mom and daughter make love. Not a good idea.

Later, Molly took off for Sky’s house. I cleaned up, making sure all Molly’s wet panties got back in the hamper and my towel and lube were out of sight. A quick vacuum and a shower.

I decided to just put on loose running shorts and a tank, that’s it. Sharon did say to be ready.

Around seven Sharon came in the door, not bothering to knock. I looked up from my book. It was like we read each other’s mind. I caught her scent, clean, very clean. She stood in front of me, close, no bra under the thin tank top, nipples fully erect. Loose shorts, legs spread just a little, her breathing deep.

“I’m here.”

I got up, moved into her arms. Kissing, deep, hard, tongues wrestling. My cock hard and pressing against her, both of us panting. Sharon pulls back, just enough.

“I’m sorry Jim. I’ve been so busy. I didn’t have time to shave, trim. It’s been so long.”

I moved my mouth to her ear, whispering. “I want to lick my cum out of your furry pussy.”

Sharon groaned, clutching my arms. “Oh, fuck, I just came. Jim, I want you to make love to me, slow, but not now. I need you in me, now, please.”

She backed up and whisked her tank off as I flipped mine. In synch, we shoved our shorts down, neither of us wearing underwear. I turned to go to the bedroom. Sharon lay on the floor, holding her legs under her knees. Her pussy dense with blond hair, glistening, her vagina open, pink and drooling down over her star.

“Here, now. I can’t wait. Stick your cock in me and fuck me.”

I dropped to my knees and nestled in; my cock parked at her entrance.

“It’s been over a year; I hope I remember how.”

Sharon, panting. “A year and a half, it’s like riding a bike. Fuck me.”

I lay over her, my arms under her shoulders, my hands on top of her head, our eyes locked. I pressed my cock in an inch, Sharon moaned. “That’s two. Do it, Jim.”

I just plowed in and went for it. She felt amazing. Tight wet, and oh so vocal.

“Yes, yes, yes. Oh fuck. So good. Ahhhh.”

I felt her clench, cumming, the flood around my cock. It was too much.

“Sorry, can’t hold back.”

“Cum in me, please. I want it.”

Clamped together on my living room floor I orgasmed deep in Sharon’s pussy. I have no words for the feeling. It was as if my whole body came out the end of my cock. I’d never cum so hard. She yelled; her orgasm so hard.

I held myself up but didn’t get off her. Then I noticed movement at the window, gone. I kissed Sharon. “Best I’ve ever had.”

Her, smiling, sweat soaked hair in her face. “Me too. You spent for a while?”

I kissed her saying. “Viagra. I was warned.”

She laughed. “Gonna get your money’s worth outa that.”

I got off and helped Sharon up, she was unsteady. “Jim, I haven’t been fucked that hard since college.”

We embraced, kissing, pausing. “We may have been watched.”

“Is that a problem?”

I rubbed my growing cock against her fur. “No, not at all.”

Sharon took my hand and led me to my bedroom. “I’m really glad to hear that.”

In my room, the bed with only the bottom sheet, Sharon lays back. “Your cum is running down my legs.”

I climb on, spreading her trim, strong legs, moving lower. Well, I need to do something about that.”

“Oh, oh, you don’t have to do that, Jim.”

My face just brushing her full thatch of pubic hair. “I want to. I love doing this.”

I tasted, me, her, it was awesome. Sharon thrashed and moaned, come in my mouth, on my face. Her hands clenching my head against her running pussy. My finger up her ass.

She finally pushed me away. I moved up next to her, she kissed me, licking around my mouth, cleaning me.

“You don’t mind?” I asked.

“No, I like it. I’m bi. Hope that’s not a problem.”

I kissed her again and she licked more of herself off my face.

“No, it’s exciting. I’m not bi, at least I haven’t tried, but I’ve got a few kinks.”

Sharon rolled over on top of me. “How bout a deal? This is the no judgement zone. I’ll tell all and you tell all, no judgement.”

My cock was hard again. I could still taste her. “That could be dangerous. I mean, think of the stuff people can get into.”

She’s wiggling now, nestling my cock between her legs. “Like pissing? Scat? Animals? Tied up? Beaten? Family? I didn’t say I’d do any of them, but my marriage got wrecked with secrets. I want to know now so this will either be a great hook up or a lot more. Jim, tell me your nastiest fantasy and I’ll tell you mine.”

Sharon slid down my body between my legs, taking my rigid cock in hand. “Maybe this will help.”

She slid my entire eight-inch cock into her mouth, gagging lightly, slipping it out. “Oh, I miss that. I love tasting my pussy on your cock.”

Sharon sucked me slowly, looking up, waiting.

“I masturbate using my daughter’s underwear.”

Watching, Sharon moaned and kept sucking, her lips caressing my shaft, her tongue, flipping around the head. I guess I was right. She paused.

“Do you want to do more?”

I gently held her head, soft hair. “Yes, I want to make love to her, but I will not start or force myself on her. I love her too much.”

Sharon paused, my cock alongside her face. “I’m glad to hear that. Lots of dads feel like you. Mom’s too.”

“Thanks. That was a big secret. Moms too? You mean mom’s and sons?”

Sharon had my cock in her mouth again. The talk was bringing me to the edge. She paused, not looking up, talking around my cock. “No. Moms and daughters,” her mouth sliding back down. I knew what to do.

“Oh, fuck, that’s hot. I want to have Molly here, naked, willing, but a mom and daughter, whoa, never thought of that.”

Sharon looked up at me, licking the head of my cock. “I have sex with Sky.”

“Cumming!” I grunted. Her words pushing me over the edge. Sharon took just the head and gulped as I released into her mouth. I felt like I came forever, but finally Sharon released me and climbed up over me. We kissed and my cum slid into my mouth. Surprising, but not bad since it was mine. I thought I heard a muffled giggle, ignored it.

Sharon and I, face-to-face. “That’s the worst you’ve got?” She asked.

I laughed. Yeah, that’s your worst? You know telling me that made me cum.”

Sharon snuggled in. “I love you, Jim. There, I said it.”

I hugged her hard. “I love you too, Sharon, but I’m beat. You fucked me senseless.”

She climbed on top, taking my Viagra cock in her hand, settling on it. “One more round, cowboy. Give me a good ride.”

Sharon rode me slowly as she told her tale.

“It was just after we moved here. August. We hadn’t met anybody, and school hadn’t started. It was just us. I was collecting laundry and, just like those stories you read I opened Sky’s door and there she was on the bed, naked, legs spread her hand rubbing her pussy. Her eyes closed, cumming. I stood and watched the joy flow out of her as she quaked. It was a good one. My pussy got wet looking at her small patch of blond fluff, all soaked. I’ve had sex with women, but until that second, I’d never thought about her. I was stunned at my reaction, but I couldn’t help it. I wanted to lick that teen pussy. But I stayed put in the doorway. She opened her eyes and shrieked.

“‘Mooooom!” She yelled, trying to yank the sheet she was lying on over her. ‘Oh mom, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.’

“‘Sky, baby, stop. You’re fine. You’re a young lady now. Masturbation is very normal. I rub my pussy at least twice a day.’

“Her mouth hung open as I turned to leave. I didn’t know what was going to happen, or if I’d achieve my lust, but at least I changed our relationship to a more adult level.”

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