Deprived and Depraved - Cover

Deprived and Depraved

by Craver

Copyright© 2022 by Craver

Incest Sex Story: A horny and deprived real estate agent fucks her client and his family to earn a huge commission, and then returns home still horny and fucks her two teenage sons as well.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Son   Group Sex   Orgy   Facial   Oral Sex   .

I don’t know what’s happening to me. It seems as though one day I was a normal wife and mother of two teenage boys ... the next a raging nymphomaniac. Suddenly, and I have no idea what triggered this, it seems as though all I think about is sex.

Perhaps my hormones are just kicking in, or perhaps the past several years of an almost zero sex life has finally caused my unnatural urges to boil over. Regardless, whatever has caused this sudden transformation in my life is uncontrollable.

Before I tell you more, let me describe myself, and my life. I am a fairly attractive mother of two teenage boys, Jeff and Todd ... a wife ... and also a real estate agent. I’m 5’6” tall, my 36C breasts are still firm thanks to the magic of cosmetic surgery several years ago. I guess I have good genes, and therefore look very good in my jeans. I’m also told I’m pretty, and I guess I am, although from the lack of attention I get from my husband you’d never know it. My blue eyes go well with my black hair, and probably my most striking feature, and the one that for year’s has embarrassed me most, are my nipples ... they are extremely large. While I’ve never actually measured them, I suspect they are close to a half inch in length, and more when aroused. Lately that’s been all the time, and even when I wear a bra, something I detest doing, my nipples are very obvious beneath whatever blouse or sweater I’m wearing.

As far as any sex life goes, for the last couple of years my husband has shown almost no interest in me. He often sleeps in our guest bedroom ... so his snoring won’t bother me, or so he says. I don’t know if he’s having an affair, is just getting old, or is in there jerking off at night, but either way his lack of interest in sex has deprived me of something I desperately need at this point in my life. I’ve become so frustrated I even bought a vibrator to use on myself during my nightly masturbation sessions, and lately I use it on myself whenever I’m alone during the day as well.

So I guess what happened to me was inevitable. I was showing a house to a couple who were dragging their two sons along with us. The couple, Meg and Stan, were around my age, and their twin sons were teenagers, probably fifteen or so. Meg looked like a slut, and Stan appeared to be a dirty old man, ogling my tits every chance he got, and insisting on riding in the front of my van with me, relegating his wife and the boys to the rear seats.

When I dressed for our appointment that day I had not yet met the Olsens, so I thought nothing of wearing one of my shorter skirts, and a thin sweater. Fortunately I had sense enough to wear a bra, so at least my tits weren’t bouncing around loose. As it turned out, it wouldn’t have mattered, but I’m getting ahead of myself here.

We met in the office, laid out a route for our home tours, and headed out with Stan, as I said, in the front seat with me. When I got behind the wheel my skirt rode up rather high on my legs, and Stan made no attempt to hide his obvious delight in viewing my exposed legs. When I caught him looking at my exposed thighs he just leered at me, an evil grin on his fleshy face. And of course that’s when it happened. I felt myself suddenly thinking of sex with this pervert, and my nipples began to grow just as hard as an aroused teenaged boy’s dick. It happened so suddenly Stan noticed it, and when he saw my extended protrusions he stared at them and actually had the gall to laugh out loud.

“I think we’re going to like doing business with you, Sharon,” he said, flashing that damned evil grin at me again. Then he did something so outrageous I couldn’t believe it.

As I glanced over at him he actually turned toward me and adjusted his cock in his trousers. With me watching him he reached inside the waistband of his slacks and tugged at his hardening cock, pulling it up toward his stomach so the outline of it was clearly visible to me.

Try as I did, I was unable to not stare at his monster cock. The damned thing must have been eight or nine inches long, and incredibly thick! I could see the outline of it as he leaned back toward the door, purposely trying to get me to look at it ... and look I did. When he caught me staring at his growing lump my face turned beet red ... and my pussy was instantly flooded with hot, wet juice.

God I was embarrassed ... so embarrassed that by the time we got to our first house I was sweating profusely. The home, a large, sprawling ranch, was in a secluded area of the suburbs, on three acres of property, set far back from the road. It was vacant ... the owners were in Europe on vacation ... and the home was still completely furnished.

We got out and walked up to the door, where I had to bend over to fiddle with the lockbox key, something that caused my skirt to pull up rather high on my thighs, I realized, yet there wasn’t much I could do about it. I knew Stan, Meg, and the boys were behind me and probably staring at my ass ... or at least Stan would be ... but I couldn’t help it. Finally the damn key box opened, and I took out the key and we went inside.

I began the tour in the Great Room, explaining some of the homes many custom features ... gas log fireplace operated by remote control ... ceiling speakers for a surround system ... indirect lighting, etc. Then Stan interrupted my sales pitch by saying, “Show me the master bedroom.”

“Of course,” I replied, leading, I thought, the family down the hallway toward the bedroom which was set in the back of the house just outside the porch containing the hot tub.

“It’s really quite lovely,” I began as we entered the large room.

“So are you, Sharon,” Stan said. I turned to thank him and noticed for the first time that we were alone.

“Oh! Where is the rest of your troop?” I asked.

“Forget them. We’re alone. Meg knows what I’m going to do, so don’t worry,” Stan said, leering at my nipples which were growing again. “You have beautiful tits, Sharon. Do you know that? And those nipples! Fuck. Sucking them would be almost like giving a blow job, wouldn’t it. Is your clit as big as your nipples?”

I was so stunned my knees almost buckled. Instantly my pussy flooded with juices again, and I became so wet it felt as though I’d wet my panties.

“My God!” I gasped.

“You’re a very hot woman, aren’t you, Sharon. You love fucking, don’t you, honey. And cock. Do you like to suck cock, Sharon? And feel hot cum splattered on your face? Ever had a gangbang, Sharon? Where all you had to do was lie there on the bed and let a bunch of guys fuck you? Have you, baby? You’d love that, wouldn’t you,” Stan said, challenging me to stop him talking like this.

Again, all I could do was stand there in shock, not even answering this horrid man’s accusations. And then it happened.

As I stood there, unable to move or even respond to Stan’s lewd remarks, he walked over to me and simply reached out and fondled my breasts. I tried to move his hands out of the way but he grabbed my wrists and brought my hands down to his cock ... that monster cock I’d stared at in the car. I tried to resist ... didn’t I? Or did I. Either way he was too strong for me, and the next thing I knew my fingers were rubbed against the largest cock I’d ever touched.

“I’m going to take it out now, Sharon. I want you to see it ... feel it ... suck it,” he said, his voice low, commanding. In shock I watched as he unzipped his trousers, reaching inside then, removing the most beautiful cock I’d ever seen in my life. The damned thing must have been ten inches or more in length and almost as thick as my wrist. A horse would have been proud to own that thing, and when he placed my hands on it again, this time on his hot, velvety smooth naked flesh, I moaned.

“I knew it,” he smirked. “You are so fucking horny you can’t stand it, aren’t you, baby,” he whispered, feeling my breasts again.

Incredibly, I found myself answering, “Yes! God yes, I am.”

“I’ll make a deal with you, Sharon. You become my slut ... my sex slave ... my whore ... and I’ll buy this house from you at full price. Deal?”

Full price. Jesus ... That was over four million dollars. The commission on that would be enough to equal my last year’s earnings in one lump sum. But his sex slave? His slut? His whore? What the fuck did that mean, I wondered. And then as I felt the cock jump a little in my hands I didn’t care. If fact, I wanted to be his slut ... wanted any and all the sex this asshole wanted to provide to me. And if I could make a huge commission in the process, why the fuck not? My husband obviously didn’t give a shit about me any longer, so why not...

“Well? Will you do it?” he asked.

Brazenly I stared right into his eyes and said, “What about your family?”

“Oh they’ll enjoy you, too, don’t worry. Ever been fucked by teenage boys, Sharon? Meg says they are the greatest. Or at least she certainly seems to enjoy it when the fuck her.”

“Jesus!” I exclaimed. Then...”Let me get the contract from the car. I’ll be right back.”

He laughed as I practically ran to the car to write up the deal.

When all the paperwork was signed, and I had his earnest money check for $90,000, he said, “Okay, hon. Now it’s my turn to get you to agree to a contract. But I’ll need witnesses. MEG! KIDS! You can come in now,” he shouted, casually stroking his exposed cock.

“Is she going to do it, dad?” Mark, one of the twins asked, immediately noticing his father casually stroking his naked cock.

“Yep. Just like I said she would. Hell, look at her. She’s so fucking hot she’d blow a dog right now if I asked her to, wouldn’t you, Sharon.”

“Hey, cool. Can we fuck her, too, dad?” Bart, the other twin asked.

“Ask her,” Stan smirked.

“Want us to fuck you, Sharon?” Bart asked, staring right at my fucking erect nipples. And then I gasped as the little shit took out HIS cock, too!

I shuddered, so hot I wanted to end all this silly talk and just FUCK! But then Stan said, “Sharon, in front of my family, tell them what you’ve agreed to.”

“I ... I...”

“Oh come on. Don’t be shy. Tell them. You have agreed to be my slut, haven’t you.”

“Yes,” I whispered.

“Louder, honey,” Stan said.

“Yes!” I said loudly.

“And you’ll do anything I tell you, won’t you, Sharon. Anything.”

“Yes, anything!” I gasped, so horny now I wanted to tear off my clothes and suck all their cocks.

“Then undress,” Meg said, her eyes clouded with lust. I turned to notice her for the first time and was shocked to see her hand inside her skirt, moving beneath the thin material. She was obviously masturbating, and when I turned back to look at the twins and Stan I saw them getting undressed.

My heart was beating like a jackhammer inside my chest, and my pussy was so wet I wondered if I really had peed in my panties. In a trance I began to remove my clothing. First I tugged the sweater up over my head, exposing my lace bra, one of my husband’s favorite Victoria’s Secret bras back in the days when he had been interested in fucking me. Then I stepped out of my skirt, staring at the three cocks that were now exposed and pointing at me. My God the twins were almost as well hung as their father, and the little fuckers were masturbating already, getting ready to fuck me. God ... to FUCK ME! ALL of them were going to fuck me!

I could hardly breath as I reached behind my back to unsnap, then remove my bra, and when I stepped out of my panties I could smell the strong scent of my aroused pussy wafting up to my nostrils, causing them to flare. Even though I had of course showered that morning my pussy now smelled like I’d been working in the yard for hours. I was sweating profusely, and when I was naked Stan led me to the bed, pulled back the covers, and helped me crawl on top of the sheets.

Was this a dream? Could this possibly really be happening to me, I wondered. Lately I’d been having extremely erotic dreams, not unlike this situation, and yet this, I knew, was no dream.

“Oh God!” I moaned when one of the twins touched my pussy. Without being told to do it, I unconsciously spread my legs open for the young boy, allowing him easier access to my sopping wet cunt.

“Jesus, Dad, she’s leaking like a fucking sieve,” Bart laughed.

“Yeah, Dad, her cunt juices are all over her thighs,” Mark added.

I felt their hard cocks bumping against my legs, and in some kind of demented trace heard myself saying, “Fuck me. All of you! FUCK ME!!!!!!!!”

And they did. I don’t know if it was Mark or Bart who first entered me, nor did I care. All I know is the moment that hot, hard, young cock slid into my wet pussy I came ... incredibly, I came, so hard my body jerked and jumped and I felt as though I might pass out.

“OH GODDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed, thrashing around on the bed as the kid’s dick pounded in and out of my cunt.

“Fuck ME,” he giggled. “She’s the hottest one yet, Dad!”

God he was right. No one could have been as hot as I was at that moment. No one! I fucked and bumped my body into his crotch, milking every last inch from his glorious cock as it exploded deep inside my body. This was what I’d been needing. This is what I had been deprived of for months, and now I was going to make the most of this fantastic day.

“God DAMN!” Bart exclaimed as he slid out of my cunt and off my body, only to be replaced by his brother.

“Oh YES!!! DO IT!!!! FUCK MEEEEEE!!!!!!!!” I screamed, as loudly as I could, looking around for Stan’s cock, seeing it mere inches from my face.

“Coat me in cum! LET ME SUCK YOUR COCK!!” I screamed again as Mark’s dick pounded into my cum-filled pussy.

“Sure,” Stan said, leaning down next to my head, feeding me his gorgeous dick. I gobbled it like it was the most delicious thing I’d ever had in my mouth, and to tell you the truth it just might have been. His precum juices were slippery and amazingly delicious ... sweet, tangy ... and simply delicious! I loved sucking his cock, and when he tried to pull away from me I clamped down on him with my teeth, not letting him go.

He laughed then, and said, “Well okay ... if you want a mouthful I’ll give it to you. Here ... it ... COMESSSSS!” he gurgled.

The first spurt shot all the way to the back of my throat. I coughed, and he pulled out of my mouth, then hit my face with another huge blast of hot cum. God I loved it. Lying there, getting fucked by the second cock to enter my pussy within the last five minutes, while getting splattered with hot cum ... it was exactly as I’d envisioned it would be all those lonely nights when I’d lie in bed masturbating, dreaming of exactly this kind of scene ... only ten times better! This was REAL ... these were REAL cocks ... and this was REAL cum splashing on my face. God how I loved it ... I loved being a slut like this, and we were only just beginning.

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