Apprentice Smith - the Rewrite - Cover

Apprentice Smith - the Rewrite

Copyright© 2022 by Telephoneman

Chapter 8

The weather was so terrible, with heavy rain and high winds, that I considered delaying our start. The Princess was eager to get started and as she and her two maids would be travelling in the carriage and therefore out of the worst of the weather, start we did. The first two days were miserable for me and probably worse for Tiffany, as she had nowhere to hide. I could, and did, ride ahead to find some shelter. Nights were spent either in the carriage or under it, depending on your status. We had been supplied with a week’s worth of rations by the Castle kitchen, though if it had been left to the Princess it would have been gone in two days, most just wasted, as she didn’t fancy ‘that’ today. As I was chief cook, with some assistance from Tiffany, I produced the day’s ration with the choice of Take it or Leave it. The first evening it was the latter, but once they realised that I couldn’t be bullied or bribed, they reluctantly accepted the former.

The weather changed for the better almost from the moment we entered the Forest. The road wasn’t in the best of condition, but didn’t produce any real difficulties. Tiffany had started the journey, treated almost the same as the other Ladies, but was soon down to my level; a servant. I reckon that was because she usually backed me up on our many disagreements. The first night in the Forest, I decided to set some traps, hoping to augment our meagre rations. That was to prove beneficial as the Princess loved rabbit.

Away from the rain, I started to eat and sleep well away from the carriage. Tiffany, feeling rather outcast, joined me from the second night. One frustrating thing was her total lack of modesty. As I tended to stop near a stream, she would wander off to wash, totally naked. The little triangle of red hair brought back memories of the the two nymphs, to say nothing of the uncomfortable erection I was sporting. The other three never washed, after I refused to find a way for them to have a hot bath.

“What do you reckon to our passengers then?” I was asked on the third evening.

“Not a lot. Typical nobility, can’t see beyond themselves.”

“True, but I meant looks wise. Would you fuck them if you had the chance?”

I was shocked. Naturally I’d heard the word before on numerous occasions, but never expected it to pass the lips of a Lady.

“Natasha and Heather would both love to spread their legs for you, if it wasn’t for the Princess. I’d need to be close by though.”


“Yes me. You know that I’m known as a healer?”

I nodded.

“Well I’m not a true healer. I can’t lay my hands on someone and cure or heal them. What I can do is use the world’s flora and fauna to produce potions to deal with most minor problems. One of them is pregnancy. I have a potion that prevents that.”

Once she explained what flora and fauna were, I nodded my understanding.

Another night we spoke of her love for women, rather than men. As I couldn’t see why anyone would purposely choose to be attracted to their own sex, I had to accept that it was nature. I did briefly think that if anyone was obstreperous enough to make that choice then it was Tiffany.

“I did have a lover until about a year ago, but when we were discovered, we were parted. As I had the higher social status, it was her that was sent away.”

“Do you keep in touch?”

“No. I have no idea where she went to.”

“Does it still hurt?”

“Yes and no. Yes, in that why did we have to be forced apart and no, in that we were lovers in the sense of having sex but not of being in love.”

Tiffany was surprised when she discovered that I could guess what some of the female on female sex was about. I talked about my time with Lillian and how she introduced me to oral sex, of both types.

“Maybe I could show you what I learned.” I offered, with little expectation.

“I think not!” She giggled. “Whereas your tongue will be as soft as a woman’s, and even given what you say, maybe even as talented, but your calloused hands and, above all, your beard, will mark you as male.”

Our last night in the Forest brought surprising reminiscences from Tiffany.

“The Kingdom of Oceania is different to that of our own. Slavery is legal there and women are treated as chattels rather than people. You will need that magic sword of yours before we reach the Palace. Petty crime is rife and murder seems like a cottage industry.”

“Why is all that allowed?” I asked, hardly believing what I was hearing.

“The king is weak and his advisors push their own selfish interests before those of the people. That’s why this marriage is important. The Prince is made of sterner stuff and has vowed to curtail the worst excesses. With King Lancer on his side, he will have a far better chance of succeeding. Then there are all the gods.”

“What is a god?”

“An imaginary being or entity that can help you somehow, providing that you commit to it and provide its servants with whatever they want. Its servants being people, nearly always male, that are the only ones in touch with this god. Odd too, that all the real benefits are only collected after death, so little chance of anyone complaining. In truth, they’re all a bunch of conmen trying to extract as much as they can from susceptible folk.”

She then went on to explain temples, acolytes and other weird things. “Just another way for the few to control, and therefore exploit, the many.” I summarised.

“You seem to know an awful lot about Oceania.”

“I should do. I lived there until four years ago. My father was the Ambassador.”

“What’s an ambassador?” I asked, once again showing the depths of my ignorance.

“He is King Lancer’s man. He is responsible for trade, good relations and anything else he can think of. Because he controls all shipping between the two countries he is able to amass great wealth. It is a position that usually goes to the second son of the King’s favourite baron. Four years ago, my uncle Steffan was killed in a riding accident and father was recalled to become the current Baron. My knowledge of the place is the main reason I’m here.”

We eventually left the Forest and entered a large uncultivated area of grassland. The road here was slightly improved, but it was clear that it was rarely used. It was another half day before we sighted the first signs of civilisation, and that was only a small hamlet. Coming from the direction of Dark Wood was a clear signal that we were to be avoided and we saw not a single person close up.

Camp that night was a tense affair, or at least for me it was. We no longer had the safety of the Forest and Tiffany had already warned me of possible bandits. Fortunately, the night passed with no problems. Without the Forest’s darkness we were all and awake with the birds, so, for the first time were on the road bright and early.

We started to pass the odd farm, but never saw the farmer, even though the land was well maintained. It seemed to me that trust was a rare commodity around here. That was proved mid afternoon when a group of four men approached. Their clothes looked decades old and I’m sure hadn’t been washed in at least one. The men themselves smelled that bad you got the odour from twenty feet away. One carried an old iron sword, the others, just staffs, though judging by their stick like stature, would struggle to swing one.

The one with the sword, clearly the leader of this ragamuffin band, was either a good actor of just deluded. “What have we here boys?” He loudly exclaimed. “Some coin and women for the taking, I reckon.”

He got the mumbling agreements from his mates.

I dropped to the floor and drew Atom and waited silently. They were totally oblivious to my confidence.

“Why don’t you just remount that horse of yours and be on your way. That way, you won’t get hurt.”

“Can’t say the same for the women mind,” one of the other men sniggered.

Tiffany was equally unconcerned as she watched from the front of the carriage. The three passengers were now looking out to see what the problem was.

“Move out of the way, immediately!” Order the Princess.

“Oh! A bossy one this.” Stated the leader.

“Move now, or the Prince will have your heads!” She screamed, not used to her orders being ignored.

“Not before we have your posh pussy,” laughed another man, looking at his mates for acknowledgement of his quick wit.

“Right lads, doesn’t look like this fool wants to save his hide, so you grab a woman each while I deal with him. Save Red for me.”

He lifted his sword and moved towards me. I was reluctant to kill such a wreck but he was leaving me little choice. I dealt with him swiftly, cleaving him in half, hoping that this would deter his men from further action. Instead it had the opposite effect, they all turned and attacked me with their staffs. this time I allowed them the freedom to land as many blows as it took before they realised that none were having an effect.

“Now! As you can see, your paltry sticks have no effect on a wizard’s shield.” I told them haughtily. “I suggest you run off somewhere and find a better way to earn a living. I really don’t want to kill you, but be assured that I will. NOW RUN!”

They did.

Again, that night was a restless one. I’d put a large shield around the carriage, with Tiffany and myself, once again, sleeping underneath. The Princess had made no comment, or thank you, over the earlier event. Tiffany nodded her thanks, but that was enough for me.

We were approaching our destination when the next fool chanced his luck. He was polar opposite than our previous foes. He was fat and clearly wealthy. He just oozed self-importance and was followed by half a dozen equally smug looking young men.

He stepped in front of me with his hand help in the universal position for stop. “Perfect. Thank you for bringing me this carriage.”

“I haven’t.” I smiled at his pomposity.

“Not you fool, but the great Sun God Solas. You are but a mere tool in his desire to assist his head priest.”

So, this is one of those self-serving idiots Tiffany told me about. “No! This carriage is already in use, as you can see.”

“Immaterial, tell them to leave my carriage.” He looked at Tiffany, and I could see the lust in his eyes. “She can stay, I’ll find a use for her in the temple.”

“I bet you can, you dirty old man. She, nor the passengers, are going anywhere but on with our journey.”

“Son, you really don’t want to upset the God, do you?”

“As I don’t believe in mythical beings, I don’t really care.”

“Sacrilege” He exclaimed and hurled a thunderbolt in my direction, which, of course, my shield just absorbed.

“Ah, so you’re just a second rate wizard fraudulently masquerading as a god’s servant. Now go away before you anger a real wizard.” I laughed, purposely exaggerating my own ability.

Leaving him behind, trying to explain his failure to his followers, we continued on to the Palace.

I didn’t realise it until later, but there was much discard regarding the marriage. A number of cheap assassins had been hired to prevent the Princess ever reaching the Prince. Sadly, for them, they were all awaiting her arrival by ship.

We were shown into see the King and his son, without delay. I had assumed the marriage to be one of convenience, to tie the two nations together. Because, I’d held not one conversation with the Princess, I hadn’t known that the two had already met and fell in love. That was clear when they ran to each other, totally disregarding decorum.

An hour later I was introduced to the ambassador, who now took on the symbolic role of Princess protector.

“Good!” Remarked Tiffany, “now we can get out of here and head back home.”

“You don’t want to stay for the wedding?” The ambassador asked.

“No, I’ve spent far too much time already in the company of the Princess and her Ladies. Time for home.”

With all the furore created by the news that the Princess’ arrival, we were able to leave unnoticed, with Tiffany, once again driving the carriage, this time, containing numerous gifts for King Lancer as well as some generous ones for myself. Princess Juliet had not considered my actions as anything worthy of praise, but her Prince did. He rewarded me handsomely.

We were looking for somewhere to camp when I spotted a wagon approaching. At first, I paid little attention, but as it got closer, I began to worry. There were two men in the front with another pair riding either side. I could also discern crying, female crying.

They stopped directly in front of us. “Slavers!” I heard Tiffany say.

“Our luck is in today lads. A real beauty to add to these pair. She should fetch a good price.”

“As she’s with a man, means she’s unlikely a virgin.”

“Yea, means we can have our fun without affecting the price.”

Listening to them left me with an anger, far worse than I could ever recall. This time, I didn’t wait for them to make the first move. I dismounted and almost ran towards the men. The one on horseback, nearest to me drew his own sword and tried to ride me down. I stepped aside and swung Atom with pure venom. As expected it cut him clean in half. That shocked the others into action. The other horseman rode towards me but with less bravado. He waited until the other pair were approaching me on foot. They’d worked together before as their approach was from different angles. However, they expected me to take a defensive position, which I did not do. I gauged that the one on my left was slightly closer, so I moved to attack him. This was clearly a clever plan on their part, as he jumped back as the other two attacked me from the back. I totally ignored then, trusting my shield to look after me. Despite the defensive stance the man took, it was only moments before his head was rolling along the floor. By now, the last horseman had reached me and his sword was already inches from my head. I didn’t register his surprise, though I’m sure it was there, when it just bounced off my shield. This also affected his position in the saddle so much that he fell from it. Ignoring the remaining slaver, I dispatched the fallen rider without the slightest qualm.

The last man standing, wasn’t stupid. He ran towards our carriage shouting that he would kill Tiffany if I came any closer. I was just considering an airtight shield when he gurgled and fell back towards me. Only then did I see the dagger sticking out from his throat. I’d forgotten that Tiffany wasn’t one of the gilded lilies normally associated with court. Her face was ashen, but her expression was one of determination. She jumped down form her seat and ran to the men’s cart. As my red mist slowly receded, I too remembered the crying voice from the wagon.

I got to see two young women wrapped in each other’s arms trying to take up the absolute minimal of space. Neither wore any clothes and both showed signs of physical abuse. Tiffany quickly ordered me away.

“They don’t need any males around.” I was told, and could well understand.

Another order, this time to fetch her bag, came within moments. Although she didn’t specify which bag, I knew that she meant the one containing her healing potions. I dropped it into the wagon and retreated. I knew that amongst our gifts were a number of bolts of various clothes. I selected a couple and took them over. I thought that covering their nakedness might help relieve some of the terror.

Half an hour later, I was told that they were all moving to the carriage, which was slightly more comfortable and that they would be coming with us. I did not argue, not that I wanted to anyway. In the ninety or so minutes that the three were secreted in the carriage, I took the opportunity to search the men and the wagon for anything of value. It seemed that slavery was a highly profitable thing, at least financially. There was gold galore, along with even more silver coins. All sorts of jewellery was kept in a large leather bound chest. I transferred everything of value to our carriage, though I have to admit that, even with my physical strength, I needed to empty the trunk before I could move it.

“I think we should move from this spot in case we need to explain the dead bodies.” I told Tiffany.

She agreed, and after some reassurances, she left the two distraught women in the carriage and climbed up to her driver’s position.

We spent two further nights on the road before we reached the Forest. On both nights, the women remained inside, apart from the need to relieve themselves. Tiffany joined them for the night and I kept well away.

Only when we stopped for lunch on our first day inside Dark Wood, did I learn anything about them. Tiffany informed me that they were two sisters, Aria and Eva, aged around fifteen to eighteen, they weren’t sure exactly. The slavers had raided their parents farm earlier on the day we came across them. Their father and brother had been ruthlessly murdered, whilst they were forced to watch their mother repeatedly raped, before her throat was cut. Both were then roughly stripped to determine their virginities, as unsullied women commanded a far higher price. Fortunately, both were still maids, and were thus spared being raped. They both still had to undergo rough treatment, especially of their breasts.

As they were moved to our carriage they had seen my handiwork but it was the one with Tiffany’s dagger in his throat that brought them some satisfaction, considering that it was a woman that had killed him.

Fortunately, they weren’t really afraid of me, but Tiffany thought it best that I keep my distance for a while, especially whilst we were still likely to be seen.

That night they left the confines of the carriage and joined me for our evening meal. They had been busy during the day as both were now wearing one of Tiffany’s dresses. They seemed to fit perfectly, which I thought odd, until it was pointed out that a sewing kit was part of every woman’s hand luggage, yes, even Tiffany’s. Whoever had done the work was, to my eyes, a pretty good seamstress.

Both thanked me, but it was Eva, the younger of the sisters, who gave me a hug whilst doing so. I was to learn later that Aria had been forced to give oral sex to one of the men, and was therefore a lot more reluctant to be near me. I didn’t hold it against her.

The conversation was strained, as to be expected, but was mostly centred around what was to become of them in a strange new land. Both Tiffany and myself stressed that we would ensure their well being.

Over the next few days, a routine seemed to set in. At mealtimes, Aria always sat as close to Tiffany as she could, whilst Eva sat nearer to me. She appeared as if she’d put her ordeal behind her, and the girl in the woman was starting to show. She was a talkative soul and as inquisitive as anyone I’d ever known. She’d soon had my life story from me. Once she realised that I was nobility, if rather impoverished and for all intents and purposes, landless, apart from the small plot my forge sat on, her interest intensified.

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