Apprentice Smith - the Rewrite - Cover

Apprentice Smith - the Rewrite

Copyright© 2022 by Telephoneman

Chapter 4

I took a few steps to the side, in order that I could see the guards and the horseman at the same time. I still held Atom in my hand.

“Why are you attacking the man?” He asked, his question clearly aimed at the guards.

After more than a moment’s hesitation, one of them answered. “We believe he is an outlaw m’lord and when we challenged him he drew his sword.”

Then the rider turned to me. “Is that correct?”

“No sir, I am on my way to Kingtown and had hoped to spend the night here, but I refused to pay your entrance charge.”

“What entrance charge?” He asked, clearly puzzled.

“These guards want twenty percent of what I carry before they let me through. I had just refused and told them I’d report it to the King when I got there.”

“There is no admittance tax.”

“He’s lying, m’lord. He drew his sword saying he’d force his way through.”

“Was that before or after you drew yours?” Their Lord asked.

“Before!” They said almost simultaneously.

The rider looked back at me. “Are you willing to follow me and explain further?”

“Yes sir!” I replied after a quick thought.

With that he dismounted and began to lead his horse through the gate, beckoning me to follow. The looks I received from both guards told me that I’d better be careful inside this town.

The streets were narrow and not conducive to conversation. I also thought that the whole place stank. Far too many people living in too small an area.

Eventually, the street opened up as we approached a large manor house. Before we reached the door, a young boy came running from what looked like the stables and a more refined man came from the door.

The boy took my companion’s horse and led it back to where he had come from. The older man was overly obsequious, fawning over his Lord, desperate to please.

The Lord was obviously used to the man’s behaviour and ignored him, walked through the large wooden doors. I followed, drawing a frown from the servant.

I was led into a large room with a raging fire against the far wall. ‘I could almost forge in that heat’ I thought.

“Right, I’m Richard, the Baron’s son and heir. You are?”

“Powell Smith, journeyman swordsmith.” I responded.

“Ah! That explains those weapons on your back. Made by you?”

“The swords on my back, yes. The daggers and the one in my scabbard no. They were made by my former master, and are far better than I could ever produce, but maybe in time.”

“I had you follow me because I witnessed the guards draw their swords before you. They were therefore lying and will be dealt with soon. Could I have a closer look at one?” Nodding his head towards the swords.

“Of these swords?” I tapped one on my back. He nodded.

I was more than happy to put all three on a nearby table. He picked them up and examined them in great detail. “You say these are not as good as your master’s work?”

“Not even close, though each year of practice brings me slightly closer.”

“Could I see the one in your scabbard?”

I hesitated, did I want to trust him with Atom. Then I realised that Atom would make that decision, so I placed my magical sword on the table with the others. “Be VERY careful, it is extremely sharp.”

He picked it up, as I watched intently for any sign of discomfort that would signify a lack of trustworthiness. There was none, so I relaxed somewhat.

“Your swords are of excellent quality, far better than anything we have, including my own.” After seeing my raised eyebrows, he explained. “Mine is far more ornate than yours and is fine for decoration, but in a fight I’d take one of yours. That is if I couldn’t take this one.” He said holding Atom. “This is far superior to anything I’ve ever seen. It has a special feel to it, as if it has a mind of its own.”

Very perceptive, I thought, but didn’t voice.

“I don’t suppose you would sell it?”

“Sorry, but no.”

“Didn’t think so. How about the others?”

“I think I could be persuaded to part with one or more of them ... if the price is right.”

He’d just returned Atom when one of the other doors swung open and in stormed a young woman, who, if it wasn’t for her expression, may have been thought attractive.

“There you are Richard. I need your help.”

“Can’t you see that I’m busy Cassandra?” He answered politely, though it was easy to see that he was slightly annoyed.

“You!” She said to me derisively. “Go away, you will be recalled when your betters need you.”

“Cassandra!” Shouted Richard.

“Do you wish me to go Richard? I will make it clear that if I do then I shan’t return. Where I come from, manners are highly prized and this young lady seems totally devoid of them.”

I caught a brief smile from him, albeit he did try to conceal it. Cassandra, on the other hand made no attempt to hide her anger.

“Guards!” She shouted, and when two armed men rushed into the room, she told them. “Arrest this man and have him thrown into a cell. Let him contemplate how he should address his betters.”

Both men listened before looking at Richard for confirmation. I saw him shake his head, so they made no attempt to follow Cassandra’s orders.

“Cassandra! I am doing business with this young man and will attend you when that has been concluded.”

I’ve never seen anyone quite as red as she flushed with fury. She turned, without another word and stormed out of the room.

“Sorry about that but my sister is a spoiled brat, who believes the world centres around her and everyone else is here just to tend to her desires. I must admit, I did find it amusing when you called her up on her behaviour. Beware though, she will try to take her revenge. Now are you still interested in selling me those swords?”

“As I said, if the price is right.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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