Dare Devil Mom - the Story Continues - Cover

Dare Devil Mom - the Story Continues

Copyright© 2022 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 3

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Tracy moves to Pahrump Nevada with her kids. They have the clothes on their back and not much else when they get there -and those clothes won't stay on for long. A short story that picks up where Dare Devil Mom ends.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Slut Wife   Incest   Humiliation   Spanking   Interracial   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Prostitution   Illustrated  

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Even though I had a shit-eating grin on my face while I squatted naked and dipped my Redenbacher’s popcorn into my pussy like it was a bowl of butter, I was embarrassed. I would have been embarrassed to do this in front of my family even if a girl I liked hadn’t joined it.

My mom likes to say it’s a “Good” embarrassment. She compares it to watching a sad or scary movie and being safe but being able to feel those emotions. It’s a good comparison. I didn’t have to accept the dares at all, but I’ve only refused a few that my sister has done, and I haven’t lived it down.

We still tease each other and have disagreements, but that’s also in a “good way” – one that makes us better instead of trying to break us down. We tease each other to do more and not less.

“How come you gave a harder dare to your mom?” Katie asked Paul.

“Good point; they should be equal!” Paul was about to dare us to eat the same way our mom was.

“No reverse dares, no double dares, no underwears!” I stopped him by blurting out a rhyme Mom has been telling us since the dares began when we were little. You can’t reverse someone else’s dare with another dare. Double dares are when Paul might have given mom a dare that Allan liked, so Allan wanted to give her basically the same dare right after to do again. The no underwear part was just a joke, because Mom never wore panties.

“She has you there, Paul,” Allan said. “I guess you’d have to amend your existing dare. It’s the only way to be fair,” Allan joked.

“Oh my gawd, you guys!” Katie blushed for us. “They don’t want me to!”

“We are naked, open for dares, and if that’s what you want to see, you can dare us,” Megan replied enthusiastically. That is the spirit of how the game was played and I was pretty sure Megan would agree to it. I’ve never eaten my popcorn like my mother was doing before – butterflies were flitting around nervously in my stomach. I could always say no.

“Okay, I dare you to eat like your mom!” Katie said.

“Forever? Or just this one time?” I asked incredulously. I’ve lived it’s REALLY important to ask about time frames when accepting dares, the hard way.

“Just the popcorn, will you, do it?” Katie was stifling her laughter.

“For a guest, anything,” I knew Megan was going to say yes. I watched my mom load a piece of popcorn in her ass while she was on all fours. She waited 10 seconds and then popped it back out effortlessly. She took it from her crack with two fingers and popped it into her mouth. She held it there for 10 seconds. Then she pushed the wet kernel into her asshole again. She waited 10 more seconds and then ate it.

I sighed and got on all fours with my ass and pussy facing my brothers and Katie. “This should be interesting,” I said as I loaded the first piece of popcorn completely into my butthole.

“I am SO sorry,” Katie apologized with a big grin.

“We don’t apologize for giving dares around here, and we don’t thank the person for doing them for us,” I told her. “We are the ones who are grateful to be able to do this for you if it amuses you.”

My mom would always say that. I didn’t have her conviction in my tone that I truly believed that. I wouldn’t have accepted the dare though if I really didn’t want to do it, and a part of me liked trying weird things like this. I was just worried I’d lose a piece of popcorn up my butthole.


“OMG” Megan, my cute little sister had just cut a short little fart trying to push the popcorn. “I farted on my popcorn and now I have to put it in my mouth,” my little sister found that outrageously funny. She chuckled all the way through trying to say it out loud, and held her belly like laughing hurt.

“I don’t feel bad for you! I feel bad for that poor little popcorn that just wanted to grow up to be somebody’s snack food. It had no idea what you disgusting animals were going to do to it!” Paul joked.

“Hey, it could have been worse, ladies,” My mom consoled us. “They could have dared you to pull your ass cheeks apart as wide as they can go, stuff all the popcorn into your butter bowl, and fire them one at a time into your sister’s mouth!”

Mom is not comfortable with what she calls “Third-party dares”. That’s when you make a dare and assume someone else is going to participate that isn’t one of the people proposing the dare. The exception is anyone who is naked in common areas. They are assumed to be down for a dare. They can always say no though.

“Like some kind of fart cannon!! No, I got it a popcorn fart cannon” Allan loved that idea. There was always next time, right?

“Do you guys ever do dares or just the girls?” Katie said.

“They are too chicken,” I joked. It was a sweet joke and not intended to hurt their feelings. Mom is okay with that.

“What about Christmas?” Paul reminded me. We don’t have a lot of money, and on Christmas, we all got naked and gave each other dares. There have been a couple of other times but generally, Paul and Allan prefer to give dares, and that’s okay. They are big babies about it anyway.

“Lilith and Megan hit WAY too hard,” Allan was only half-joking. I hit way harder than he does.

“Maybe you shouldn’t agree to dares where we get to punch you in the nuts!” Megan joked.

“Or learn to hit harder! I was more embarrassed by how soft my brother punches than I was mooning the Bounty Hunter Saloon parking lot today!” I was joking too. This was fun, and I mean that. I know it sounds weird, but this is how we spend our time. We aren’t glued to cell phones, computer games, and television. We use those as well, but there is a good balance.

If I am being completely honest, I prefer to take dares, and so does Megan. She is more like my mother than I ever will be. I think Megan and I both come at the concept of doing little dares for different reasons, and maybe we are both different aspects of what goes in my mom’s head. I really don’t know.

I know you may be thinking we are obsessed with dares. I used to joke that my mom was the high priestess of the cult of dare because that seemed like all she ever talks about. Once you start getting that adrenalin rush from performing them, and that feeling of accomplishment, it can be addictive. Mom and Megan talk more about the satisfaction of amusing other people, but truth be told I am a little selfish in that I perform dares mostly for my own amusement.

It would be nice if my brothers offered to take dares from us more. We don’t keep score and we don’t retaliate when it’s our turn to give a dare. We do “escalate” a little by trying to increase the intensity of the dare that we were just giving but my mom knows that is just the way we have fun, and she is okay with it.

Dimbo doesn’t have parental authority, but she doesn’t need it. We respect the boundaries she set up.

The trick with the popcorn is to just tap it into my butthole so that it sits right at the opening, but my anus closes around it. I assumed that’s what Megan and Mom were doing. If you push it in too deep, it’s going to really get stuck in your butt, and I’d already lost one.

“How does it taste?” Allan asked about the change in flavor from our musky pussy juice to ass-flavored popcorn.

“Like Parmesan cheese, would you like one, Sir?” I joked. The truth was it tasted like soggy popcorn, but it didn’t taste like poop.

“Do you have to call your brothers Sir, when you are naked?” Katie asked enthusiastically.

“No, and I don’t normally. Dimbo doesn’t have to call us Sir and Ma’am either. She just does it as a sign of respect to us. I respect my brother even though he is a major dingus,” I snickered playfully.

“Now you do,” Allan snickered too. “I dare you both to call your guest Ma’am, and Paul and I Sir while you are naked”

“Just for tonight?” Megan asked.

“Yeah,” Allan agreed.

“Oh man, you should make them call us Master and Mistress,” Paul suggested.

“Too late,” I agreed with the dare “yes, sir! Accepted!”

“If that’s what you want Allan, I’ll call you Master” Megan said.

“Yeah!” Allan agreed.

“Fine, Master,” the words sounded so weird in my mouth. We had learned a lot about BDSM and power exchange since mom started hooking in Pahrump. It wasn’t the first time I called someone Master. I could imagine Katie being my Mistress, and the thought sort of excited me. “We’ll call you that, but it doesn’t mean we will do everything you tell us like your little slaves!”

It wasn’t lost on me that I was grunting out the popcorn I’d shoved up my butt for my brother’s amusement and eating it because they dared me to. We did refuse dares when we were naked– just not all that many.

“You as well, Mom! Paul and Allan Dare!” Paul sang in a high voice “PAD!”. He and Allan gave dares so often together that mom started calling them a “PAD” for short. “We dare you to call us Master and Katie Mistress tonight.”

“What about Megan and Lilith, Master?” my mom replied. She had done this before, and I know it humiliated her much more than calling us Sir and Ma’am but she liked to amuse us.

“I am just asking for PAW-ALL and ALL-ANN” Paul sang like a rock star hitting the power notes (not very well though).

“We also dare you to call Lilith “Cunt One” and Megan “Cunt Two!” Allan said with confidence, knowing Paul would be on board.”

“I meant to ask if I should address Lilith and Megan as ‘Mistress’ tonight, but Is being called Cunt 1 and Cunt 2 by me or anyone something you girls would consent to?”

“We’re not accepting anyway,” Megan spoke for me. “Our guest can decide what we answer to from mom or you guys.”

“You guys are so nasty!” Katie seemed excited. “I like keeping you the way you are for now. I see why this is so fun to you though. You guys never try to get even with your brothers?”

“No Mistress Katie, we don’t retaliate for dares we accepted. We’re doing this because we like it. It’s fun and if it stopped being fun we would stop.”

“Sorry for interrupting your story! So why did it become fun to you? Why did you start?” Katie kept shaking her leg nervously as if she was going to get up and run out of the room any moment, but the expression on her face suggested she was really curious about how we live.

A lot of people would have left by now and told us we were going to hell or called the cops or something. I knew Katie was cool, or I wouldn’t have invited her over.

“Where was I?” Megan had just blooped a piece of popcorn out of her butt. “Oh yeah, the Funky Chicken Dance. Laticia thought we were nuts, but she was just starting out her business. We had already unpacked all of our stuff into the trailer, and we would have only been able to leave with what we could carry if she kicked us out.”

“Laticia asked what else Paul could make my mom do. He said there were not many hard rules my mom had to follow. We had to dare her for the rest. Dimbo was the one who pointed out she let us pick her clothes, tell her how to do her hair and make-up, told her what she could eat,” I added.

Laticia was intrigued by that. She asked us “That’s all well and fine. Who controls the pocketbook? Whoever has the money is the one really in charge, honey.”

Mom did.

We explained that we didn’t have much, and mom had the credit card.

“I don’t care if you don’t have two pennies to rub together. If they aren’t in your pocket and someone else is carrying them, then you ain’t deciding shit. You just think you are,” Laticia broke it down for us.

Dimbo said “I always consult the kids and ask them what they want?”

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