A Strange Compulsion - Cover

A Strange Compulsion

Copyright© 2022 by Rebekah Karlsen

Chapter 13

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 13 - A young man finds a special artefact.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Coercion   Consensual   Hypnosis   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   School   Paranormal   Magic   Cheating   Cuckold   Slut Wife   Wimp Husband   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Daughter   Aunt   Nephew   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   White Male   White Female   Lactation   Big Breasts   Doctor/Nurse   Size   Teacher/Student   Geeks   Transformation  

Candace Henderson was walking home after a long day at the office. She was still getting used to being the new “Mrs. Henderson”. At 45 years old, she had already been married twice, both marriages had been complete disasters. Her first husband was an emotionally manipulative asshole who cheated on her. By the time Candace had discovered his infidelity, she was already eight months pregnant. Still, she dumped his ass. She was strong and brave enough to raise her child on her own. She aspired to be one of those strong, single, working mothers who took care of their children while excelling in their chosen careers.

Unfortunately, reality wasn’t kind to the 22 year old pregnant mother’s fantasy. She found that nobody wanted to hire her and even when she was hired, taking care of her daughter while working a full time job was a nightmare. If having a career as a single mother was difficult, dating as a single mother was even more so. Men just didn’t want to take on such a responsibility. So, she decided to look for someone who suited her needs. That’s when she found her second husband. He was a wealthy man in his sixties and he lusted after her. It didn’t take her long to make him fall for her and marry her.

One thing that was common between her first and second marriage was that the sex was completely horrible. She didn’t mind that as long as her daughter’s future was secure. Her second husband’s kids hated her, but she put up with them. She was faithful and loyal to him for 20 years. He paid for her daughter’s college. Even though he sucked in bed, he doted on her. He was everything a girl wanted in a husband, kind, attentive and loving.

So, it came as a complete surprise to her that he had completely written her out of his will. After he passed on, she found out that he had left everything to his three children and had left her only 25000 dollars. At the age of 43, she had to look for a new meal ticket. She finally landed her third husband, a middle aged dentist. Similar to her previous two marriages, the sex was horrible. She was starting to think that maybe sex just wasn’t that great, irrespective of the partner. Even though her third husband absolutely worshipped the ground she walked on, she decided not to make the mistake of trusting another man. She still got a job at a local law firm.

Even though her marriage was boring, her wedding was great. She met a lot of her old friends like Kate, Nisha and Sandy. Candace suddenly felt a chill in the back of her neck. She looked around and found herself in a dark alley. She crossed this same alley everyday when she made her way home from work, but something felt different today. She looked around and saw that two men were following her.

She walked faster and the men followed her faster. Right when she was about to exit the alley, she found her way being blocked by a woman. She didn’t look older than 23. She was short for her age and was thin, but she was well endowed. Her raven black hair was cut in such a way that Candace might’ve mistaken her for a boy if she didn’t have those big tits. Candace let out a sigh of relief as soon as she saw the woman. The guys wouldn’t try anything with her now and even if they did, she could always ask for help from the woman, not to mention the alley opened into the street in about 20 feet and the street was crowded.

Candace went near the woman and talked to her.

“Hi, see those two guys behind me? They’ve been following me. I don’t feel safe. Can you walk with me until we reach the main street?”

The woman smiled at Candace. She looked at the men following Candace.

“Hey, I think you’re right. Those guys do look creepy, but don’t worry, you shouldn’t worry about those guys. They belong to me.”

“What do you mean they belong to you?”

“They’re my toys, my puppets. Like I said, it’s not them you should be worried about, you should be worried about me,” the strange woman said. She flashed Candace an evil grin and when she grinned, her eyes glowed red.

Before Candace could do anything, she found two pairs of hands grabbing her from behind. It was the two men. She looked at their faces and she was horrified. Their eyes were lifeless. From the movement of their chest, she surmised that they were still alive, but not really. Their mouths were slightly open and drool was coming out of their mouths. Candace didn’t know how the two men closed the distance. Such speed was not humanly possible.

The two men pinned her to the wall. The strange woman came near Candace and looked at her.

“Yes, you will do. The chosen will go for you. You will be the trap used to eliminate the chosen,” the strange woman said with a sparkle in her eye.

Dread filled Candace’s heart, she could feel tears streaking down her face.

“Please, who are you? Please, let me go. I don’t even know who you are. I think you got the wrong person. Please, let me go,” Candace begged the strange woman.

The strange woman let out a laugh.

“We know exactly who you are, Candace. And we know for sure that you are the woman we want. We’ve been following the chosen. his family and his whores for a few days now. You are the path to reach the chosen. You will give us the opportunity to kill him.”

“What are you talking about? What is this “Chosen” business? I don’t understand anything.”

“We don’t need you to understand anything, Candace. we just need you to exist and do as you are told. Enough talk. Boys! Let’s get to work.”

The men pinned Candace to the nearest wall. Candace opened her mouth to scream, hoping to get the attention of someone passing by in the main street, but one of the men shut her mouth with his hand. Candace was completely immobilised and she felt so powerless. The strange woman approached her and she started undressing Candace, one dress at a time. Finally, Candace was completely naked. She could feel the chill of the cold air on her skin. Her nipples became hard despite her because of the cold.

After Candace was completely naked, the strange woman started undressing. Soon, the petite woman stood naked before Candace. Even in her current situation, Candace couldn’t help but admire the strange woman’s beauty. The baggy clothes that had covered her petite body had hidden a well toned, curvy body with large breasts and a thick ass. Candace didn’t understand why the men undressed her and why the woman undressed. She realised that they were going to do something sexual to her and her heart filled with horror. Candace looked on as the strange woman’s naked body advanced towards her. Despite being terrified, Candice admired the grace with which the woman moved.

The strange woman came close to Candace, so close that Candace could feel the strange woman’s breath on her neck. When the strange woman’s breath touched Candace’s neck, Candace felt weirdly aroused. Next, the strange woman placed her hand on Candace’s thigh. Candace felt very calm, it felt very natural to her. The strange woman grabbed Candace by the back of her neck and pulled her closer to her face. Then, the strange woman kissed Candace. Candace had never had a kiss like that before in her life. It just felt ... right.

Candace had never been with another girl before. She had experimented a bit with her roommate in college, but she had never experienced anything like this. The feelings she was feeling were something she had never felt before. The strange woman took one of her boobs and thrust it into Candace’s mouth. Suddenly, Candace’s mouth was filled with the strange woman’s tit. Candace felt the nipple start to secrete milk. Candace had no other choice but to drink the milk. It was the most delicious thing she had ever tasted. Soon, Candace gulped down the strange woman’s milk greedily.

“So, half the work is done,” the strange woman said.

After Candace’s thirst was quenched, the strange woman took her breast out of Candace’s mouth. The strange woman started squeezing Candace’s tits. She caressed the valley between Candace’s breasts. Candace’s nipples had become very hard due to the cold. The strange woman started tracing circular patterns with her finger around Candace’s nipples. Candace had never had very sensitive nipples, but the strange woman’s touch gave her pleasures she didn’t know existed. Candace was no longer afraid and was actively looking forward to what the woman was going to do to her next.

Candace threw her head back and gave out a moan of pleasure.


The strange woman’s hand snaked down to Candace’s vagina. She spread Candace’s cunt lips and rubbed her clit. The moment the woman’s finger touched her clit, Candace experienced an electrifying orgasm. Candace was surprised by what had happened. She had orgasmed before, but it was only through masturbation. None of her husbands had succeeded in making her cum. This was the first time someone other than herself had made her cum, and what an orgasm it was. It was one of the most intense orgasms Candace had experienced in her life, and all the woman had to do was touch her clit. Candace never expected to experience such a pleasure in the hands of a woman.

The woman continued rubbing Candace’s clit, giving her pleasures she didn’t know existed. Then, the strange woman inserted two of her fingers into Candace’s cave while continuing to pleasure her by rubbing her button with her thumb. Candace gasped as she felt the cold fingers of the strange woman penetrate her minge. The strange woman started to move her fingers in and out of Candace’s cave.

The woman found Candace’s G - spot and started rubbing it. Candace was surprised she was able to find it so easily. None of her three husbands had found her G - spot. None of her three husbands actually believed that such a thing existed. Even Candace herself thought it was just a myth. The simultaneous stimulation of her clit and her G - spot was overwhelming for Candace. She realised that she was about to cum. She let go of her reservations and resolved to give herself up completely to the woman’s administrations. When Candace let go of control, her body convulsed and her entire being experienced an explosive orgasm.


Candace’s orgasm released a flood of cunt juice from her pussy. This surprised Candace as she had never squirted before during an orgasm. The cunt juice from Candace’s pussy coated the strange woman’s hand. The strange woman brought the hand up to her mouth and she tasted Candace’s cunt juice. The sight of the woman licking her cunt juice aroused Candace to no end. After licking her fingers clean, the strange woman kissed Candace. Candace tasted her cunt juice in the woman’s mouth before losing herself in the passionate kiss.

The strange woman kneeled down in front of Candace. The downstairs flood had made the areas surrounding Candace’s vagina wet. The woman started cleaning these wet areas with her tongue. No one had gone down on Candace before. Candace welcomed the new experience eagerly. Everytime her tongue touched one of Candace’s nether areas, it sent out a wave of sensation in her body. The woman, after cleaning Candace’s nether areas, spread Candace’s cunt lips. She licked Candace’s clit with the tip of her tongue. Candace felt like a lightning had passed through her. She closed her eyes and shook her head side to side because she was overwhelmed by pleasure.


The woman continued licking Candace’s clit and Candace’s moans filled the room. Candace started squeezing her own tits while the woman licked her clit. Candace’s entire body twitched as she experienced a mind - blowing orgasm. The woman planted small kisses on Candace’s clit in between licking it. Candace was breathing heavily as pleasure overwhelmed her. The woman started moving her tongue in circular patterns over Candace’s clit driving Candace mad with pleasure.

“OHH! Yes! Feels so good!”

Candace started pinching and twisting one of her nipples with one of her hands. With her other hand, she grabbed the back of the woman’s head and Candace pulled the woman’s face closer to her clit. The woman started licking Candace’s clit with even more ferocity. The woman lashed over Candace’s clit with the flat surface of her tongue. The woman caught Candace’s clit between her lips and started sucking it.

“OOHHH! FUUUCCK! OH, MY GOD! YESSS!” Candace screamed.

Candace threw her head back and her eyes rolled up. Candace’s entire body convulsed as she experienced another mind shattering orgasm. Candace’s breasts jiggled as her entire body trembled. Candace’s cunt was leaking copious amounts of her cunt juice. The woman drank all of her cunt juice. Candace had never experienced something like this before.

The woman rose up and kissed Candace passionately. Candace responded to the woman’s kiss enthusiastically. After they kissed for a few minutes, Candace bent down and admired the woman’s nipples. Her nipples were rock hard.

“You have beautiful nipples, ‘‘ Candace told the woman.

Candace took one of the woman’s nipples into her mouth again and started sucking it, drinking the strange woman’s delicious milk again. Candace replenished the energy she had depleted due to her numerous orgasms by drinking the strange woman’s milk.

The woman grabbed the back of Candace’s head and she made Candace kneel. Candace was looking at the strange woman’s pussy. The strange woman opened her cunt lips and displayed her pussy to Candace. Candace understood what the strange woman wanted her to do. Candace started licking the woman’s clit. The strange woman’s pussy tasted so delicious. It had a creamy sour taste that made Candace’s toes curl in pleasure. Candace sucked the woman’s cunt for a few minutes before the woman experienced an orgasm.

“OHHH! FUCK! YES! YES! YES!” the woman screamed.

The woman’s cunt secreted the most creamy cunt juice and Candace gulped it down greedily. The woman could feel Candace drinking her cunt juices.

“Now the full work is done,” the strange woman thought. “Candace is now one of us. All that’s left is to use her to bring the chosen one down.”

Candace’s brain became all foggy when she drank the woman’s cunt juice. Her entire body was drowning in pleasure. She started to experience one orgasm after another. Her entire body was trembling. After the orgasms passed, she woke up. She was in the middle of the alley, fully dressed. She didn’t remember anything that happened between her and the strange woman. As she started her way home, a small voice in her brain told her that she should pay a visit to her old friend Sandra.

Susan approached Jason’s home. She was coming over for a routine “Project Review”. She rang the doorbell. Sandra opened the door and smiled at Susan. She invited Susan in and Susan sat on the couch.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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