Revenge - Cover


by thecsm

Copyright© 2022 by thecsm

Young Adult Sex Story: 14-year-old wants revenge on friend's mom. Three other MILF, son and two other friends end up being part of the revenge. In the end only one teenager takes control of the four MILF.

Caution: This Young Adult Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   NonConsensual   Rape   Mother   Son   Spanking   Harem   .

So far, the day has gone by uneventful. My three friends (Randy Cole, Greg Brady, and Ed Lee) have come over to hang out for a little while and we play video games. We have been friends as far back as I can remember. If you see one of us, the other three are usually close by. Out of the three friends I would have to say Ed Is my best friend. All three of us just started High School. I’m the youngest at 14. The guys and I enjoy hanging out at my house because they think my mom and her friends are hot, they always call them MILF’s. They are always hoping to catch a glimpse of my mom and her three sexy friends.

Unfortunately, my mom (Katie Rogers) and her friends are teachers at the same high school that I will be attending this year. This year we will have all four of them as our teachers. Thank goodness since this is our first year in High School only my close friends know this. Randy, Greg, and Ed are infatuated with my mom and her friends. Randy is always trying to figure out a way to see my mom naked, He hasn’t found one yet. Greg and Ed keep telling him it will never happen, but he keeps trying. I have to admit that she is gorgeous.

We were all in the living room when the front door opened, all four of us looked over towards the door knowing it would be my mom returning from her run. When She walked thru the door I yelled out: “Hey mom how was your run today?”

She smiled as she took a huge gulp from her water bottle, “Not bad. I went a little farther than normal today. Hey guys. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you. Have you been good?” She asked and smiled.

Of course, Randy, Ed and Greg all answered in unison. “Yes Mrs. Rogers.”

“I’m going to take a quick shower when I’m done I’ll fix you guys a snack.” She said and ran up the stairs as we watch her ass bounce in her tight running shorts.

Guess I might as well tell you about my mom, Katie Rogers. She attends church regularly. She stands about five foot and four inches. Even at thirty-five years old, mom looked her age, but she is a hot MILF, if it’s not too weird for me to say that. She has straight shoulder length brown hair and green eyes. She has one hell of a figure for woman her age. I know her bra size (34 D) because Randy grabbed one of her bras out of the laundry to check it out once.

It’s easy to see why my friends admire her. She has a frame that men love to admire. Mom knows she’s attractive and she’s always gets complements from men of all ages. She seems to go out of her way to flaunt her physical assets, especially when she notices a guy checking her out. She enjoys flirting at our backyard parties, but she never leads anyone on.

When guys do hit on her and they do, she always turns them down. I know other men have tried to get close to her, I’ve seen them trying to cop a feel during our backyard parties. Mom does a great job at fending them off and not letting them go too far. Thank goodness my dad is not the jealous kind of guy or there would be a few fist fights at these parties.

She is always exercising which has given her some very well-tone sexy legs. She has a great narrow waist with just a little belly which adds to her sexiness, I think so any ways. If you say anything about how narrow her waist is she will disagree with you. As she always complains that no matter how much she works out, she just can’t get her stomach flat.

Randy, Ed, and even Greg always talk about how great her rack is and what they would love to do to them. I know I like watching them bounce as she walks. Plus, her ass is round and firm, which sways as she walks, I love to watch her walk coming or going. I also loved looking at her legs, enjoying the sight of how toned they are. That’s enough about my mom.

A few minutes had gone by when Randy announces, “I’m going to use the rest room.” He jumps up and starts walking up the stairs.

“Why are you going up stairs? You could use the one down here.” I shouted out to him as he headed up the stairs.

“Don’t you worry about where I take a piss ass hole.” Randy barked and dashed up the stairs before I could say anything else.

I just looked at the other two and shook my head, and we went back playing our game. We all forgot about Randy and were engrossed in our game, when about 15 minutes later we heard mom yelling. We couldn’t hear what she was yelling about, but she sounded pissed. The three of us jumped up to go see what was going on. As we headed for the stairs, we watched Randy come running down them and my mom not far behind him yelling, “You damn pervert get the hell out of my house. Wait until I tell your folks.”

Randy ran out of the house as fast as he could. When mom got to the bottom of the stairs, she slammed the front door closed. She looked over at us, her face red with anger, she was only wearing her house coat, her hair was dripping causing it to cling to her body, and making it semi-transparent. We could all see her bra and panties beneath it. “That pervert better apologize to me. If not, he can keep his ass away from here.” She said glaring at me before she turned and stomped her feet like a little kid as she went back upstairs.

I didn’t speak to mom the rest of the day. I didn’t want to feel her wrath again. When dad got home, she must have told him what happen. When they were done talking dad came into my room: “Hey, what’s your side of the story about what happen today?”

I looked at him, “Well to tell the truth I don’t know what happen. Randy said he had to pee, and we continued to play on the x-box. Next thing I knew mom was yelling and Randy was running for is life.”

“Got it. I’m going over to Randy’s house to talk with his father and him. To get his side of the story.” He then left my room.

Guess I should describe Randy he is a lot more outgoing than the rest of us. For only being a 14-year-old, he is already bigger than I am. and much more muscular than the rest of us. He can come off as being rude. I’ve heard people say he was a thug but really, he is a very kind person. At least I think so. I’ve noticed in the school locker room that he has a very large cock. He has bragged that it was a good 8 inches long and over 2 inches in diameter. Just like Ed, Greg and I he is still a virgin.

When dad got home, he stops by my room again. “Randy cannot come over until he comes over with his dad to apologizes to your mom.” He walked off without telling me anything else.

The next day Ed, Greg, and I went over to Randy’s to check up on him. He must have seen us coming because he had the door already open as we approached it. “Hey, you all right” I asked him.

Randy: “Yea, I’m alright. But very humiliated. Your dad came over last night and I had to explain to him and my dad what happened.”

Ed: “So what did happen?”

Greg: “Yea tell us why your new nick name is pervert.”

Randy: “Okay, I went upstairs to pee. When I was coming out of the bathroom, I notice your mom’s bedroom door ajar. So, I went and took a peek. I was a little disappointed, your mom was just standing there already in her bra and panties. That’s just like seeing her in a swimsuit, no big deal. I really didn’t see anything. She saw me. And well, you know what happen next.”

“You get punished by your dad?” I asked.

“No, but he put on a show for your dad. Pretending he was mad. Your dad made it a point that I will have to give your mom an apology before I can come back over to your house. My dad told him that he will be with me when I do. I don’t think I need to; she left her door open.”

Ed: “Guess we will be hanging out here from now on. Hope she won’t take it out on you at school.”

“I told my dad I wanted revenge on her. I want to make her feel as humiliated as I did. He told me I needed to let it go, but if I did decide on doing something I needed to tell him. He’s hoping he can talk me out of something that would put me in jail.”

“I agree with your dad.” I told him.

A few days later we were over at Randy’s when he said, “Hey, I found the perfect way to get revenge on your mom.”

“Okay I’ll bite, what is it?”

Randy: “I was browsing the Internet when I found this site on the Internet that will humiliate a person so you could get revenge. They will make sure the person would be humiliated and do what you want. So, I checked out the site. They wanted a picture, so I sent them a picture of your mom. They told me they could do it. Only catch is it will cost me money. If you guys want to help out.”

Ed: “I like Mrs. Rogers, but that might be fun. So how much?”

Randy: “More than I have, They charge five thousand dollars and up. It depends on what you want done.”

“Well, that leaves me out. Most that I have is a hundred bucks. Plus, I don’t want to do anything mean to my mom. Even if we spilt it four ways, we wouldn’t even come close to that much money.” I told him.

Randy: “I know, but it still bugs me what happened that day.”

“It’s your own fault. I think you need to tell your dad before you dig yourself into a big hole.”

It was three weeks before school starts, and dad was getting ready for his yearly fishing trip with mom’s friends’ husbands. They been doing this for years now. This year it will be Mr. Cox’s first trip with the guys. That’s because Mrs. Cox just became friends with my mom when she started teaching two years ago after she got out of college. They were planning on heading out Friday and be gone for a week. I tried to go with them, but I was told no.

Just before dad’s trip Randy and his dad came over. I didn’t get to listen in, but Randy did apology. I got mom to agree to let Randy and the guys over the Friday dad was leaving for his trip for a sleep over. Even though Randy was now allowed over, he wasn’t allowed to spend the night and had to be gone by 11 P.M. Mom was having her friends over too, and she didn’t want to have Randy around. They were going to stay the night but I heard them talking like they might just end up staying the whole time the guys were gone fishing. I really didn’t want to stay home with four teachers that I will have for classes in a few weeks. So, that’s why mom was letting Ed and Greg stay the night. She still wasn’t about to let Randy stay overnight too.

Don’t get me wrong mom’s friends are good looking. Beth Perry at thirty 38, was older than my mom. She is also married and has two kids. She works at the same school as my mom. Her sex appeal, at least for me is her long, wavy black hair which falls down her back just past her shoulders. She stands about five foot and five inches with a very impressive figure. She’s a full, beautiful woman, not fat or even plump, just built like a brick house.

Tracy Pitts is an English teacher at the same school. She looks like she is about the same age as mom. She is married, has two young kids. She has long red hair which is normally tied up in a ponytail. Finally, Jade Cox, she is the youngest of the four. She has just started teaching about two years ago. She’s been married for about a year. She is very much as attractive as the other three teachers. It’s Mrs. Cox that I have the most fantasies about. I haven’t seen her much but just can’t resist imagining the all things I would like to do with this sexy woman.

It wasn’t long after dad and the guys left for their fishing trip when mom’s friends started showing up. They all were gathering around the dining room table. They were dressed casually, wearing jeans and a blouse. I was in the living room playing on the x-box. I wasn’t planning on listening in on their conversion, but I did.

Mom: “What did you two do with the kids?”

Beth: “I sent the kids to their grandma. She always wants them to visit. Since hubby gets a week away from them. I figured I should also.”

Tracy: “After Beth told me what she was doing with her kids, I did the same. We have all week to let our hair down and have some fun. What about Jeff?”

Mom: “We don’t have to worry about him. He’s 14 and can take care of himself. Just one thing though, tonight he has three friends who will be over tonight. We don’t have to worry about them. They will be up in his room and out of our hair. We might see them when they need something out of the kitchen. Only two will be staying the night.”

Tracy: “Oh some young eye candy.”

Mom chuckled: “Well depends on what you call eye candy. Randy, Ed, and Greg will be here.”

Beth: “Your son and Ed are good on the eyes. Randy is a hunk. Greg, well Greg is Greg.”

I’ve told you about Randy guess I need to tell you about Ed and Greg. Ed and I are just normal 14-year-old boys. I’ve heard older women say we are handsome. Now for Greg he isn’t fat, but he is chubby. When he was born, he must have been beaten with the ugly stick a few times. Well, you know what I mean. Other than that, he is a great guy to hang around with.

The guys showed up just after dinner. When Randy walked in, he looked shocked after seeing mom’s friends and went right to his phone texting someone. The guys all said hi to the ladies as we walked up to my room.

Mom: “I’ll bring snacks up later.”

“Okay, mom.”

Randy: “I didn’t know your mom’s friend would be here.”

“So, what. We can hang out here. I brought up the x-box. We don’t have to be with them.”

Randy: “True, but I took your advice and told my dad about that revenge web page. Well, he thought it was a good idea. As I left home, he said have fun. I know he set something up but I don’t know what it is. When I saw your mom’s friends, I sent a text to see if I could stop it. He answered back saying it was too late to stop it and have lots of fun. Well, maybe nothing will happen and he’s just messing with my head. Maybe we should tell them.”

Ed: “I wouldn’t worry about. If it happens or not. We just cannot tell the ladies we know, or we could be in deep shit.”

Greg: “Ed is right, we cannot tell anyone if something happens.”

“You’re an ass hole Randy. But the guys are right we can’t tell anyone. It might end up being fun, I’m sure your dad wouldn’t want to hurt anyone.”

We hooked up the x-box and started playing. About an hour into the game there was a knock on the door. It was my mom bringing us a big bowl of popcorn and some sodas. We got tired of playing on the x-box and just started to surf the Internet looking for naked women, when we heard a commotion from downstairs. We all jumped when we heard it. I started to get up and go check, when Randy stopped me.

Randy: “It’s just your mom and her friends having fun. No big deal, guys.”

Ed: “Your probably right. Let’s play another game.”

Just as we started to play another game there was another loud noise with some shouting. I again started to go to the door, when Randy stopped me again. I know that all of us were wondering if whatever Randy’s dad had arranged was starting.

Randy: “Don’t worry about it. I think the ladies must be having a disagreement.”

The noise quieted down and we didn’t give it another thought and went back to playing our game. A few minutes later the door to my room slammed open. Two mask people came in with what looked like tasers in their hands.

One of them spoke, it was a woman. “Ok who do we have here?”

I was scared shitless and couldn’t speak. Greg: “I’m Greg, there’s Ed and Randy. The guy who looks like he’s about to shit himself is Jeff. Who the fuck are you?”

The mask woman laughed, “It doesn’t matter who I am. You four little shits do as you’re told, and no one gets hurt. Give me your phones now!” We all scrambled to get out our phones and gave them to her.

“Now get your asses downstairs.” she orders.

We didn’t have any choice and walked downstairs. When we got to the bottom of the stairs, I saw my mom and her four friends standing next to each other with their hands on their heads.

“You four shit heads get in a line facing the women!” She ordered again.

We lined up facing the women. The coffee table was between us. They had the couch behind them. Our love seat was behind us. At one end of the room was where the stairs were. The kitchen and dining room table was just off from there. The TV and fireplace were on the other end of the room. First thing I notice is that the women look just as scared as I was.

“You two get this damn coffee table out of the way.” The masked woman told Beth and Jade.

“Yes, ma am!” Jade yelled out. Jade and Beth picked up the table moving it over by the fireplace.

Once they were back in line, I looked at the ladies. Mom was on the end away from me, but in front of Randy. Beth was across from Greg. Tracy was across from Ed, with Jade across from me. As I looked around, I notice that there were three other people there and one of them were filming us. Then the boss lady (what I decided to call the masked woman who did all of the talking) started talking).

“Okay boys and girls, you all can put your arms down to your side. No funny business. If you decide you want to be a hero one of us will zap you with a taser. you all will call us ma am and ladies, you will call the men sirs from this point on, understand?” The boss lady told us.

We all answered “Yes ma am.”

She started to circle in front of the women. “Ok, from now on I don’t want to hear a word from anyone unless I or one of my friends ask you a question. You will not talk unless I or one of my friends have talked to you first.”

We all replied: “Yes ma am!”

She then continued. “Ok, ladies. I want you to look at our guests and tell them your full names and where you work.”

Mom spoke up first. “My name is Katie Rogers, I’m a teacher at the High School.”

Beth was next: “My name is Beth Perry, I’m also a teacher at the High School.”

Tracy was next: “My name is Tracy Pitts, I’m a teacher at the High School.”

Jade was last: “My name is Jade Cox, I’m a teacher at the high School.”

The boss lady: “Well, well, well you four teachers are at the same high school as these guys attend?”

“Yes ma am.” they all answered.

“Well, guys you’re in for a treat today.” was all she said. She didn’t say what kind of treat, just that we’re in for a treat. I guess time will tell.

The boss lady again walked around the ladies, “Ok bitches, it’s time for you four to remove your clothes for us.”

Mom: “Ma’am, like the hell we will!! I will not remove my clothes in front of my son or his friends. Nor will my friends!” Before mom could get another word out, she suddenly screamed. Her entire body shook, as she was sapped by a teaser. She collapsed to the floor trembling and moaning in pain. The other three women screamed out and started to shake. I moved towards her and was zapped. It felt like my whole body was being electrocuted. My muscles convulsed and I couldn’t control myself. I also fell to the floor, and I might have passed out for a moment or two. When I came to, I was curled up in a ball, with pain filling me.

It took me a minute or so before I was able to stand. When I did, I saw mom had also recovered and was now standing. Like me she was also still trembling from being shocked. “Get your undisciplined asses back where you belong!” Boss lady barked, first looking at my mom and then at me then she continued: “Are you two done playing. Let me explain again if you don’t do as you’re told you will get tased. Now ladies you will get undressed or does someone else need to try out the taser? We’re going to do this by the numbers now. First I want you to remove your tops.”

This time no one argued with her. All the women started to move their arms. Some had to unbutton their blouse before they removed them, and others just had to pull them over their heads. They were holding them in their hands when the order came from boss lady. “Alright. Drop them.”

I could tell the ladies were all humiliated by what was going on. All the women except Jade had on a white bra, nothing fancy. Jade was wearing a sexy lacy black bra. Boss lady laughed. “Wow only Jade wore a sexy bra for you guys! You other ladies didn’t wear anything sexy for us! That is such a disappointment.”

Beth: “You should of let us know you were coming over.”

Boss lady laughed as she walked behind them, pulling on their bra straps letting them slap against their backs. Chuckling, she said: “Ok, now off with the bras.”

With Jae being in front of me, I decided to look down the line to watch my mom remove her bra. Honestly no matter what was happening, I was getting pretty excited about seeing mom and her friends strip. I mean what normal young guy would not get excited seeing tits live for the first time. I know I shouldn’t look at mom, but couldn’t stop myself from staring at her now naked tits. At first, I blushed, but my body reacted like any other normal young kid. My dick shot up and filled my pants. In seconds I had to adjust my cock to make it less noticeable, but what the fuck. I’m a 14-year-old kid I just couldn’t help it as I checked out my mom’s tits.

“Damn!” That was all I could say as I looked at mom’s and the other three ladies’ tits.

Beth tits are a sight to see. Her tits are much bigger than the other three women of the group every time she moved; her tits bounced. Her tits are pointing up and out, there was no doubt they were very firm. Her nipples point straight up and out from her large dark areolas. Her nipples are much larger than the other three ladies.

Tracy had the smallest tits of the group with very long nipples. Her areolas are large and a dark brown in color. I couldn’t help but look at Jade tits they were right in front of me. Being the youngest her tits were the firmest. But I wanted to see my mom’s tits. With her being way down at the other end I couldn’t get a good look at her tits. What I did see was that they were full, much more than a hand full and looked firm. They had like a ski slope shape to them. I notice her nipples are hard as a rock, pointing straight out from her areolas. Which had a nice light pink color to them. I know mom must be embarrassed standing topless in front of Randy. She was blushing down her chest and couldn’t look up at him.

I moved my eyes back to Jade. She looked embarrassed as I checked her out. Her boobs were very firm, and her nipples were pointing out like bullets. Damn she had some long nipples. Her areolas were the biggest I have ever seen and very dark. I was enjoying this way too much to care right now about anything.

Boss lady, “Now ladies, one at a time, you will move in front of one of boys and bounce your tits for them, then move on down the line and do the same for each boy. We are going to start with Katie”

Since mom was already in front of Randy she moved forward to where she was a foot or so away. She just stood there. That wasn’t a good idea on my mom’s part. She got zapped again. When mom managed to get control of herself and slowly stood back up, the boss lady growled, “You must be a dumb bitch or do you like being zapped? I don’t care if you don’t like what I tell you to do. Just do it bitch.”

Mom was obviously motivated now. She moved her hands under her boobs and started bouncing them. Randy was smiling from ear to ear. She gave Randy a good show for a minute or so before the boss lady was satisfied. She had mom move in front of Greg and Beth moved in front of Randy. Eventually, mom made it to me.

Mom looked at me, smiled, but just stood there. I think she wasn’t able to do what she was told. To stand topless in front of her young son and bounce her tits for him to watch. Again, she was zapped. Again, when mom got control of herself and standing back up. The boss lady, “Listen up bitch. I don’t care if it’s your son or not. You’ll bounce them titties for him just like you did for his friends. I swear you must enjoy being zapped.”

Mom gave the women a dirty look but being zapped, must have motivated her again. She moved her hands under her boobs and began bouncing them for me. I really did try to just look her in the eyes, but damn them tits were going everywhere. My cock was hard as a rock. When boss lady thought mom had bounce them enough for me, she had her move back in line standing in front of Randy.

Each teacher bounced their boobs for each one of us, which only resulted in my cock wanting to jump out of my pants. I know I’ll dream about this moment for years to come. The boss lady made sure the four women lined back up in front of us. Smacking Beth for moving too slow.

“Ok ladies. Let’s get the rest of them clothes off now!” Boss lady order.

The four women took off their jeans and panties. Here were four sexy teachers (including my mother) standing completely naked in front of me and my friends. I looked at Jade’s pussy it was shaved giving a great view of her pussy lips. I looked over at Tracy, damn her pussy hair was trimmed like a heart, just above her cunt. Next, I looked at Beth’s pussy it was also shaved. I couldn’t see mom’s pussy from where I stood.

Boss lady: “Okay guys it’s your turn get out of your clothes.” None of us wanted to get zapped, so we all started to strip down to our birthday suits. I was surprised that the women were watching us closely as we removed our clothes. Greg, Ed and I took off our clothes as fast as we could. The four women were checking us out as Randy was taking his time. After the ladies checked us out all four turned their heads to watch Randy. Randy was down to his boxers, he put his fingers into the waist band as he smiled at the teachers. He slowly lowered his shorts.

As his shorts got passed his cock I heard Beth, “That has to be the longest and thickest cock I’ve ever seen.”

Mom, Tracy and Jade’s mouths were wide open as they stared at Randy’s package. The four women seemed transfixed on his cock and couldn’t take their eyes off of it. I’ve seen Randy nude in the school shower but never paid attention to him. I know he always bragged about how big he was. I looked over to see what Beth was talking about. Randy’s cock must be 8” with a big head, it was just hanging there. It wasn’t even hard yet. Randy was just smiling at the ladies as he watched them staring at his cock. He slightly rocked back and forth, shaking his cock as it started to harden. It almost looked like they were hypnotized by it. Their eyes shifting back and forth watching it grow, unable to look away.

The boss lady was smiling at Randy: “Nice Package Randy. But we need to move things along now ladies. It’s now time for a few questions. I would suggest you answer and answer honestly or you know what will happen. Katie you’re first, move up front of your friends and to the center facing the boys.”

Mom moved as told, she was soon standing in front of us, her head lowered not wanting to look at us. The boss lady continued. “Okay Katie, look at the boys and tell us when the last time you sucked a cock and who’s cock did you suck.”

Mom looked like she wanted to die before answering that question in front of me and my friends: “Ma am, please don’t do this. Not in front of my son. Please I’m begging...” but she didn’t get another word out as the boss lady pushed the taser against her back and pulled the trigger. Mom screamed so loud as she dropped to the floor, I thought she might have been heard by all the neighbors. This time it took her longer to recover. When she was back on her feet, the look in her eyes had changed. Up until now, her expression was of strength, resistance. That look of defiance was gone now.

Mom shoulders slumped, her eyes were watering and a tear ran down her cheek. The boss lady was standing next to her and growled, “You really must enjoy being zap by the taser. Are you getting off on the pain slut? Now are you going to be a good girl and answer the question, or do I need to zap you again.” Mom just stood there not moving.

“You want me to repeat the question?”

Mom: “No ma’am, I’ll obey please don’t hurt me anymore. I’ll play your sick game. I don’t need the question repeated.”

It looked like mom didn’t want to look at us, so she picked a spot above our heads. As she got her thoughts together, she spoke. “I sucked my husbands’ cock the night before he left for fishing.”

Boss lady, “Now that wasn’t too hard was it. Next question: Have you ever suck off a guy other than your husbands since you’ve been married.”

Mom: “No ma am”

Boss lady: “Don’t lie now. You’re saying you only have sucked your husband’s since being married. Never suck off a guy for helping you out?”

Mom: “No ma am, just my husband.”

Boss lady: “Do you swallow after giving a blow job?”

As mom looked at Boss lady, Greg yelled out, “I like these questions.”

Mom looked over at Greg, I could see she was very humiliated answering these questions in front of us. Randy and Ed were smiling waiting on her to answer also. I wasn’t smiling because it was my mom, but deep down I wanted to know also. I didn’t think my mom was going to answer the question until she saw Boss lady with her taser.

Mom not looking at us, “Most of the time.” Ed and Greg high five each other. Boss lady: “Looks like the boys are happy to hear that. Now get back in line. Next.” Each teacher got up and answered the same questions. I could tell by the way the women answered each question that they were distraught and humiliated having to answer such intimate questions in front of us.

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