Fulfillment - Cover


Copyright© 2022 by brokenlance13

Chapter 5: The next day

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 5: The next day - Ron and Samantha have had a good life and marriage but their sex life is suffering. Ron, not wanting to give up on Sam(antha), makes some analyses and begins to suspect some things in Sam’s life have changed but even she is not aware. Follow this couple as they go through many changes in their lives and still continue to remain devoted to each other. There are many adventures but things may not all be as they seem!

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Magic   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Black Female   White Female   Analingus   First   Oral Sex   Squirting   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Big Breasts   Body Modification   Small Breasts  


I head in to the garage and look at my wall of tool kits trying to decide where to start over at Bev’s place. Not yet having done a comprehensive inspection I decide on that particular tool kit and I’ll also take the ladder from the side of the house.

It’s not far across the road so I walk the ladder and the kit over. I lay both down go to the door and ring the doorbell.

Just before my finger reaches the button the door flies open.

As Bev reaches for my shirt front she says, “Ron get your sexiness in here and fuck the stuffing out of me before you do anything else!”

I nonchalantly answer, “No thanks, I’ve got alot of work to do.”

Right, of course I didn’t say that!! Do you think I’m an idiot?! I let her pull me in the door and drag me where she wants. To the master bedroom.

“Ron, I don’t want to take up the whole day so I’ve worked out a plan.”

“And that plan is...?”

“Well, you’ve stirred a long hidden lust and desire in me Ron. You did and said things to me that have made me so horny that I can’t think of anything else except the possibilities of what I can be for you.

Chuckling a bit, “Do tell,” I say.

As she pushes me back on the bed and straddles me she continues, “You swatted my ass for one. I know I said ouch but not because it hurt and I didn’t like it. More like it shocked me but what turned me on more was I liked it. It made my nipples so hard and my pussy throb. I wanted you to do it more ... so much more that I thought it could make me orgasm. And another thing you did was call me your slut ... oh gawd!!! And when you stuck your thumb in my bum ... um, sorry, ass, well...” she lets spill out.

Almost scared of the answer, I ask, “Well what, my little slut?”

“That’s just it! I want you to teach me. Teach me everything so I can be truly your little slut. I have put this kind of thing on the back burner for to long. Please say yes! I give every piece of me to you to build into the perfect slut.”

It’s obvious that this is important to Bev. I’ve got to think fast about this.!

I think she’s holding her breath.

How can I help her and not feel like I’m taking advantage? What do I feel comfortable doing to her? Could it be enough or too much?

Thinking ... thinking.

“Before I say yes, I have some questions and then we’ll lay down some rules if I decide I can do this for you. Ok?”

“Ok!” As she lets out the air she’s been holding in.

“First question. You said about keeping things on the back burner too long. What do you mean by that? Second, what exactly do you want me to teach you? Third, how do you want to be treated?

“I’ll answer those questions and whatever else you want but please please fuck me! I’m leaving a wet patch on your pants and I NEED you to release my tension so I can think straight!!!!”

Fair enough!

So I grab her and flip her off me.

“As you wish slut!”


I burst from my very erotic dream with my pussy throbbing. I just have to touch myself I’m so close to cuming. My clitty’s so aroused and sensitive that when I brush against it I explode with a back arching orgasm.


“Wow!” That was intense!” as I come back from wherever I went.

I can’t remember the details of the dream but I know my new sister Nebe was there with me.

I’ve no idea how long I slept so I look at my phone on the charging stand. It’s 10:30. So roughly four hours of sleep. It’s going to have to be enough.

I have to see Nebe! I reach for my phone and call Marti’s number.

Marti answers after the second ring. “Hello sweet thing! How are you this morning?”

“Hi Marti! Absolutely fabulous and newly minted! Thanks for asking. Just had the most wonderful wake up orgasm!

“Oh how wonderful! LOL! What can I do you for?”

“I’m wondering if I can steal Nebe from you guys for a bit? I want to make her a late breakfast and introduce her to Ron when he comes home for lunch.”

“No problem! Let me just give her the phone and you two can make arrangements.”

“Ok great thanks. Listen, before you go I’d like to chat with you and Candy later today or tomorrow about your business.”

“Sure! Call us later and we’ll talk. Here’s Nebe.”

“Hello sister lover!”

“Good morning to you too my love! Have you eaten yet this morning?”

“No Sam I have not. I have just now awoken.”

“Then I’d love to have you come to my house and enjoy a breakfast with me and then we can talk and enjoy the morning together. Would you enjoy that?”

“Oh yes! I would enjoy that very much!”

“I’d also like to introduce you to my husband when he comes home at lunch. Would you be game for that as well?”

“If I am not interrupting your husband and wife time?”

“It’s settled then! Hang up the phone and come through the back gate and I’ll meet you!”

“But sister I am in but a light robe! I must shower and get dressed.”

“You need not get dressed and you can shower with me here. I expect you through the gate in two minutes my lovely sister!!”

Gawd, I’m leaking just thinking about her!

“Ok ok! I will come right now!”

Nebe hangs up and I realize I’m still sitting in bed myself!! I have to get going to meet Nebe out back.

I spring out of bed completely disregarding my robe on the back of the bedroom door.


“Uh uh uh uh ... oh gawd ... fuck ... me ... hard ... er!!! Make me ... uh ... your ... slutttt!!!,” Bev stutters out between Ron’s thrusts.

Bev is belly down over two pillows clutching the sheets as I fuck her pussy mercilessly from behind. Her ass is red from the hand spanking I’ve given her and I have two handfuls of hair as I pull her into me.

“C’mon! Slam ... my ... cunt!! Fill ... uh ... the ... cunt ... uh ... you ... uh ... own!! I ... uh ... want ... to ... uh ... feel...”

That’s it for me! The explosiveness of my ejaculation is startling! And it’s the ticket for Bev as well. Her pussy clamps repeatedly as she lets out a high pitched shriek that hurts my ears. It stops as quickly as it started. Bev has passed out.

As I come back to coherent thought I reach forward and check her for pulse and breathing. As I touch her neck she emits a small moan ... she’ll be ok.

I extract myself, pull her to me and spoon in behind her and stroke her side.

The first indication that Bev is fully with it again is when she says, “Holy fucking awesome, can we do that again?!”

I just chuckle and reply, “Yes little slut we will do it again but I need to get to work on this house of yours for a rest. But first ... a shower!” As I roll out of bed, “Are you coming?”

“I did more times than I can count!” She teases she races me to the master bath.


I’m so excited to see Nebe even after just a few hours apart, I slide one of the glass deck panels aside to see her walking up beside the pool.

She looks up just then and sees me standing naked and upon seeing that, she smiles and shrugs out of her robe to join me in nakedness.

We close the gap on one another and collide into a mass of hugging, kissing, stroking sensual flesh.

“I love you,” we each whisper into the others ear at the same time.

We giggle and we slam our lips together in the most aggressively erotic kiss I’ve ever experienced! I guide her backwards toward the living room and a soft place to land.

With pressure applied to her shoulders, Nebe understands immediately and drops to the floor as I scramble to straddle her lovely face.

I can smell our combined arousal which only heightens my need to drop my face between her thighs and drink her potion as she’s now drinking me!

With lips, tongue, noses and fingers we work each other into repeated orgasmic frenzy.

Finally after no time at all and yet eternity we roll apart, each sucking air, sweaty and exhausted.

“I could use some food,” I say to the ceiling.

“Me too my love,” replies Nebe, between breaths.

“Let me take you to the shower quickly before it becomes lunch instead of breakfast!”

We rush through a shower and no further playing so we could eat. We’re both famished.

Back in the kitchen, I’m whipping up some omelettes while Nebe is seated at the island. “You have beautiful gold piercings in your ears. They are not in the lobes though ... is that traditional Malian?” I inquire.

“Thank you my new sister! Yes they are traditional ... they are gifts from my sister lover from home,” Nebe says with a tear sneaking out of one eye.

I quickly slide the omelet on to a plate and rush over, hugging her to me. “Oh my beautiful sister ... I am so sorry for causing you pain by bring that memory to your mind!”

I stroke her neck and back as I kiss the top of her head.

“You did not cause offence. This is both bad and good. I remember the sister I have at home in Mali and I gaze upon my new sister here in front of me.”

Just then an idea springs into my head. I remember about what Anne had said about marking my coming out and think as well about having something tangible to mark Nebe and I as sisters as her and her sister in Mali had done.

“Nebe I have to know that you want to be true sisters with me as much as I do with you because I have a wonderful idea I think?”

Oh gawd! That’ll be cool if she does!

“My love yes! I do truly want that! I cannot believe that since meeting you last night I feel completely at home with someone since I left Mali. I so desperately wanted to ask you and here you are asking me!”

“Good. Here is my idea. I’ve been told by another new friend of mine that I should mark my transition with something tangible like a tattoo or a piercing. I love that you have piercings that connect you to your sister and I’m thinking that you and I should get matching piercings! What do you think?”

“I think it is a wonderful idea my lover! But I already have two in each ear and would want them to stand out.”

“Exactly Nebe! That’s why I want us to get our nipples done!”

Did I just say that?! Yes I fucking did!!

“Oh! My dear Samantha! You are, as they say here, one kinky bitch!! I love it!”

Then Nebe has a look of disappointment on her face.

“Nebe, what’s wrong?”

“I have left with little possessions and no money at all. I am lucky to have my emigration papers,” she says, with a downcast look.

“We are sisters! What is mine is yours my dear sweet sister. You need not ever worry about such things. It will be a great pleasure to adorn you in gold rings!”

Nebe looks up and squeezes me so hard I think I might pass out. “Thank you I love you my sister! I do not know where to go to get this done. Do you?”

“I don’t know myself but I know who to call! Now where is my wallet?! I know I put her card in there.”

The omelettes are delicious even reheated in the microwave!


I spend a half hour/forty five minutes on Bev’s roof checking the roof system for any obvious repairs that a home inspector would pick up and only found a few things.

The caulking around the furnace vent needs re-caulking, a few shingle tabs need replacing. They were most likely ripped off by the big storm we had early this spring. Bev’s gutters and downspouts weren’t broken like she thought but just need a serious cleaning. All in all, things are not in bad shape up top.

I descend down the ladder to let Bev have the good news about the roof and let her know I’m going home to meet Sam for lunch.

Bev is happy about the roof but put on the pout about me leaving for lunch. “Sir, do you have to go? Your slut needs more training and desperately needs to learn more naughty things,” she pleads like a petulant child.

“I must go my little slut. I will not break a promise to Sam or you. If you are not good, you will not get any more training today,” I say sternly.

“Ok Sir,” she responds, staying in character.

I turn to leave. “Oh and Bev ... do you have an enema kit on hand?”

She looks down blushing, “No.”

“Well, you’d best go pick one up from the drugstore and learn to clean yourself out with one if you want certain things to happen!”

“Yes Sir!!” She takes off in a flash to somewhere in the house before I can say another word.

She still needs to answer those questions, but that can wait til later.

Lunch surprises

Ron walks across the street to his home wondering if Sam is actually up yet. In through the front door, “Sam are you up yet?!” he calls.

“Yes I am babe! We’re in here!”

“We?” Ron thinks as he makes his way to the kitchen. Perhaps Candy and Marti are here too.

“Nope! Not Candy and Marti!” as Ron stares at the two naked goddesses. “Good morning my love ... who might this beautiful woman be?”

“Do you remember how Marti rescued Candy and now they do that for other women ... well ... this is Nebe. She is from Mali and she’s kind of an emergency rescue last night and well...” Sam trails off.

“So very pleased to meet you Nebe. I am Sam’s husband Ron,” he says as they flow together in a more than neighbourly embrace.

Ron looks over Nebe’s shoulder with a look to Sam like, I’m not complaining but why so affectionate and why are you both naked!

Ron’s not about to complain though. Nebe has had the appropriate effect that a naked goddess in one’s embrace would most certainly have.

“Thank you Ron my new sister’s husband. Thank you for being a kind and loving man. Thank you for helping Sam be who she is and thank you for being part of my new life,” Nebe says into his shoulder.

Ron is thinking, what did I do, but instead replies, “you are quite welcome and we will both continue to help any way we can,” knowing there was more to the story.

“Ron my wonderful man, you are so kind and so giving, even without knowing the whole story, so let me start at the start.” Sam offers.

Nebe and I disengage and I indicate that Sam could begin.

“Candy and Marti had two clients that they were helping over the next couple of weeks. Nebe was one of them. Candy went to check in with both of them last night to make sure we were all clear to party. Well, as luck would have it, things were going sideways with Nebe’s situation.”

“Nebe’s husband wants to follow Malian custom here even though it is illegal here to do such things.” Sam looks at Nebe who nods her permission to continue with the explanation.

Tears are forming, unshed, in Sam’s eyes. “Ron, they have a shaman coming from Mali to perform a ritual. They want to cut out her clitoris and sew her partly closed!”

The tears now come in streams from Sam as Nebe has her head down in apparent shame.

Ron has so many emotions all at once. Hatred, anger and a desire for vengeance against anyone who would do such things, and the white knight feelings that are so ingrained in his psyche. Love, compassion, the need to protect.

He once again takes Nebe into his arms in a protective hug, “Nebe, it goes without saying that you are safe and loved here and I repeat that we will do any and everything to protect you.”

“You are a wonderful and caring man, Ron. I have great affection for your wife, my new sister lover and am thinking I will have the same feelings for you. Thank you.” she says, gently.

Ron looks at Sam. “Sister lover? Obviously there is more to the story.”

“Yes, so Nebe’s husband was on his way to the airport to pick up the shaman, so Candy made the decision to get her out last night. She has nothing but her emigration papers and the clothes on her back.”

Ron’s now beginning to see a clearer picture.

“Marti was doing crazy sexy things to my body when Candy shows up with Nebe. They both jump into the fun. After I climb out of my orgasm puddle, we’re all introduced and the rest is kind of history.

Nebe and I have found that we are both on a new journey and we’re going to do it together as sisters.”

Ron thinks for a few minutes to gather his thoughts and perceptions and makes a decision based on what’s been said here and what he and Sam have discussed previously about helping others.

“Sam, you know the situation with Bev and the help I/we will be providing?”

“Yes,” Sam said with a grin.

Ron continued, “Nebe, I know that you staying at Candy and Marti’s is not a permanent situation and I also know my wife.”

Ron looks at Sam as he says, “Nebe, we would be pleased if you would move in here with us so you can be with your sister lover in whatever that entails. I trust Sam to do right in all of this and in front of you let her know she has our full resources at her disposal. This is all provided that Candy and Marti are on board as well.” Ron states.

Sam starts jumping and screaming like a little schoolgirl, “thank you thank you, please say yes please say yes!!!!!”

Nebe is absolutely bawling on Ron’s shoulder.

“What has happened?! I do not understand how a woman whom I met yesterday and a man I have just now met can take me, a lowly immigrant woman, into their home their lives and call me family!!”

Nebe continues to sob and clutch Ron as Sam join and make a threesome.

It takes more than a few minutes for everyone to calm down. Sam takes Nebe to the bathroom to clean up while Ron gets some lunch stuff out.

Over lunch Sam and Nebe describe, in more detail, their sudden blossoming relationship and their desire to be even closer.

Ron asks the obvious question, if Sam is going to leave him but she reassures him that she would never leave him and he’s still her husband.

Nebe agrees that this is the case for her too and she would never ask Sam to leave. They’re all in agreement that Nebe is an and and not an instead of in the relationship.

Nebe also reiterates that she would like to get to know Ron better and develop a relationship with him as well. Sam and Ron both notice that Nebe has a pink hue to her complexion.

Sam teasingly saying, “If you’re still wanting a man in your bed, then Ron is definitely a damn fine choice!”

Nebe slaps Sam on the shoulder and looks a shade pinkish again!

With lunch breaking up, “Nebe and I are going back to Candy and Marti’s for a few minutes this afternoon then we’re going out. We have something special to do.”

“What’s special about two women shopping?” Ron asks.

“Well yes, we are going shopping for things for my new sister but we have something else to do. We are going to commemorate our joining as sister by getting some special piercings!”

Ron cock jumps at hearing that. “Where was this Sam when we were younger?! That’s awesome babe! I think that’s so hot! I can’t wait to see what you both get!”

Ron checks his watch and then says, “I’ve got to go back to Bev’s this afternoon as well.”

“Ok, more work?” Sam asks.

“Yes and Bev needs another lesson.”

“Lesson?” as Sam cocks an eyebrow.

“Suffice to say that Bev has been very sheltered and repressed in the past and needs some updating and that is all I’ll say.”

“You have fun now Ron, we know we will!!!” Sam says as they both wave to him.

Sam heads to her room to get clothes and Nebe goes out to the back deck wait for Sam. Then it’s off to Marti and Candy’s and places beyond.


I head up to throw on one of the outfits that I got at The Gilded Lily. I know Anne would be disappointed if I came in anything else. Nebe has gone to get dressed in the only clothes she has and to tell Candy and Marti that I’m taking her shopping.

I’m glad I phoned Anne. She not only knew who could do the piercings but that she would have just the right person right at her shop if we were to show up any time this afternoon. This, I thought would be great ... I’m gonna take Nebe there for clothes anyway!

I can’t really believe how much my life had changed since yesterday and how I now have a small cadre of likeminded friends and lovers. Let’s see, Candy and Marti, Amanda from the Spa, Anne from The Gilded Lily, can I count the mystery girl in the shop window, and last but definitely not least, my new beloved sister, Nebe. Wow! Five possibly six new people in my life and not even 48 hrs!

I hope Nebe gets back here soon ... she has some juice to clean up! Hehe!


I decide on the walk over I’ll be more aggressive with Bev and see how she takes it. I don’t know if I can pull it off because that hasn’t been my style but she seems to bring that out in me.

I get to the door and don’t knock, I just burst in, “Is my little slut ready for her anal lesson?!” I bellow in mock authority.

“Yes Sir!” I hear from the direction of her bedroom.

I storm down the hallway and advance through her door and stop dead. Bev is naked on the bed, face down knees pulled under her to present her fantastic ass to me. “I am clean and ready for you to take my anal virginity and become totally yours,” she says meekly.

There are other things to notice. Bev has the drapes drawn closed and a number of red and white candles are lit. Some must be scented but it’s not a directly feminine or flowery scent but pleasant and calming. As I move more into the room, I notice a large pump bottle of lube in the bedside table. Then I see that each ankle and wrist have a leather cuff on it.

She can’t see me yet as I approach silently, not talking.

I reach the end of the bed where her feet are hanging over. Reaching forward I caress her calves, ankles and feet, my hands moving over the cuffs.

“I’ve been waiting for you my whole life. This slut offers her whole self to you. There are straps at each bed corner to restrain me if you wish it, Sir.”





“Do you wish to be restrained my little pet slut?!”

Smack Smack!!!

“Mmmmmm yessss ... desperately, Sir.”

I walk to each corner and find the straps Bev has mentioned, pulling her arms out taught and leaving her ankles slack for now.

“Do you like being spanked, slut?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Do you want more spanking?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Well, slut, if you want more spanking and you want me to take your ass and make you mine, then you better answer the questions I asked this morning!”

“The three questions ... right,” she says. More talking to herself than me.

I start to rub my hand prints into her ass as she starts to talk.

“Ok, first the question about things on the back burner too long. It started in my last year at private girls school. I was just moving into my private room and as I was cleaning and making my bed I had to move the mattress a bit. A magazine fell out. That magazine changed my entire outlook on sex forever.

It was a BDSM magazine!

Just the cover disgusted me but at the same time I was dizzy, my pussy was wet and tingly and my nipples were rock hard!!”

I stroke up over her back and down her sides before massaging the sides of her boobs.

“I went through that magazine cover to cover and came a dozen times before I realized I was sitting in the floor, bed unmade and missing dinner ... I was hooked.”

“Nobody else knew. By the end of the year I had progressed from masterbating to clothespins on my nipples and clitoris and I’d whip them off with my belt.”

I’m working her ass and thighs again with my thumbs running up her inner thighs and ass cheeks without touching her pussy or anal ring directly.

Bev is breathing hard as she continues. “When I graduated, I packed up and went back to mom and dad’s house. I had to leave my precious magazine behind. My religious parents would have kicked me out if they found it, they would have just killed me!!”

“When I got home things moved really fast and the next thing I knew I had met and married Ed. I tried to encourage Ed to experiment a little but he was strictly a three minute missionary lights off kind guy and he was not changing.”

Bev is moaning alot by now and I can see and smell her deep arousal.

“So for all that time, I’ve been slowly dying inside until we attacked each other yesterday. When you spanked me it was like the intervening years have been wiped away!”

Then she cums ... a slow moaning, flooding cum. Gawd it’s a beautiful site!

I lean my still clothed body over her ass and grab her hair. I pull up as far as the wrist restraint will allow and turn her head. Her eyes are glassy and her face is tear stained.

“My poor sweet pet slut. You do not have to answer the remaining two questions because you already have. I am new to this but I will endeavour to treat you as you desire and together we will make all your dreams come true and then some.”

“Now what is your desire, slut? More spanking or do you want me to take your ass?”

“Please take my dirty hole and then I would like you to spank my ass until I’m purple, please Sir!!” Bev says in a lust filled fog, wiggling her ass at me.

I’m thinking, Wow! I’ve got to do some research to keep up with her!

“As you wish my lovely slut. Now let’s get some lube and stretch you a bit with my fingers first.”


I’m still in my revery when I hear Nebe call from the kitchen. “Hello? Sam I am back!”

“Coming!” I holler back down as I pull myself together. I make sure my phone and my wallet are in my purse as I rejoin Nebe.

We meld together in a sensual embrace that lasts more than a few seconds.

“I let Marti know that I will be moving here. She said she would tell Candy and thought it was a wonderful idea,” Nebe informs me.

“That’s great because it completely slipped my mind. Now follow me,” I say, as I drag her toward the garage.

My little yellow Miata is waiting for us. I hit the garage door opener as I point for Nebe to get in. I fire up my buzzbomb and then we’re off down the road!

I look over at the panicked face of my new sister. “Nebe what’s the matter?!”

“Sister, it goes so fast and I’ve never been I an automobile with no roof before!!” She has a death grip on to the top of the windshield and bracing against the dash.

I giggle and then say, “I’m sorry ... I will slow down this time. You will get used to it and think that it’s fun soon enough!”

“Thank you sister,” she replies, loosening her grip ever so slightly and easing into a nervous smile.

Soon enough we’ve arrived in old town and find a spot to park that’s right in front of The Gilded Lily.

I help Nebe out of the car on to her shaky legs. I draw her to me and whisper in her ear, “I am sorry for frightening you my love,” and give her a soft full kiss to settle her.

“Now come on, you have to meet Anne!”

After a brief pause at the door forNebe to get the full effect of the glass etching, we enter.

The bell above the door tinkles and Anne looks up to see us enter.

“Sam!” She exclaims, as she rushes into an all encompassing hug and squeeze. “And is this the one?!” as she steps back to assess Nebe.

“Anne this is Nebe. And yes she is the one. She has stolen my heart and we are soul sisters. Nebe this is Anne. She owns this magical place.”

Anne gives a start at that last comment but collects herself quickly. “Very nice to meet you Nebe and yes this is a magical place!” she says with a wink.

“It is also wonderful to meet you, Earth Mother. May I hug you?” Nebe asks with her head down in a sort of bow.

Anne opens her arms in an excepting manner. “Of course daughter.” As they embrace Anne whispers in Nebe’s ear and Nebe whispers something back.

I must have a quizzical look on my face because Anne comments to me, “Nebe will tell you later. Not to worry!”

Anne goes to the door and locks it and puts up the closed sign as she had done yesterday.

Was it just yesterday?!

“Come! We have much to do,” as Anne gravy my and Nebe’s hands, leading us to the back.

She takes us back to the same part of the store as yesterday. “So I thought we would get the clothing part looked after first and the new adornments last.”

We both nod.

Anne turns and addresses Nebe. “What are you looking for today my child? I think quite a bit?”

I answer for Nebe saying, “We need everything! A complete wardrobe. Nebe is wearing all she has. She is fleeing an abusive husband and is now living with Ron and I.”

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