Keeping the Babysitter in Line - Cover

Keeping the Babysitter in Line

Copyright© 2022 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 46

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 46 - Join Brian back in 1984 in sunny South Florida. He's obsessed with his babysitter Rachel. She's cute, quirky, big glasses, and a little older than him. She's babysitting him for the entire weekend. He's going to discover that Rachel Wagner and her family live a very different lifestyle than anything he's ever seen before and it is going to blow his mind.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   School   Slut Wife   Incest   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   Gang Bang   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Anal Sex   Enema   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Food   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Water Sports   Babysitter   Public Sex   Nudism   Illustrated  

All that mattered to me was that the girls got away. I didn’t want them to get arrested for obeying me. The security guard led me to the nearby security office. The girls headed out the front doors and on to the parking lot. They made a bee-line – even they were scared of getting caught.

They had just faked a knock-down drag-out catfight for the amusement of the entire food court and to win a game that I created. It looked like they wanted to rip each other’s tits off while they were wrestling. Now, they just seemed like two scared teenage girls fleeing the scene of a mess they just created.

A tiny part of me wanted to escape and be with them. I didn’t want to be in trouble. I suppose that I was feeling for the first time some of the adrenalin that that the girls must have felt during their hijinks because my pulse was racing, and I was panicked.

The difference was they were never in any real danger, and right now I felt like I was going to be transferred to jail and juvenile detention. The security guard said nothing while we walked into his office and that only made things worse for me because I imagined he was going to interrogate me next.

I pictured one of those dark rooms that only have a table and two chairs and a two-way mirror so that the detectives can watch what happens. I worried If he asked me who my accomplices were then I’d have to tell the truth. If I lied it would only make things worse – The criminal was always told that when I watched detective shows.

His office wasn’t anything like that. It was a simple desk with chair and shag carpet. It looked very retro like something out of the 1970s. He had a stainless-steel coffee pot, and a few pictures but nothing else to decorate a rather bleak and tiny office.

He sat me down in a chair in front of the desk and then stared at me. “You were their babysitter?”

“Yes Sir,” I gulped.

“I’ve been watching you guys go from store to store,” he pointed to three cheap black and white monitors behind me. I had not noticed them when I walked in. They were behind me so that the security guard could sit at the desk and watch them. The security camera quality was terrible even by the standards of 1984. The screen flipped images between several cameras that had been set up around the mall at wide angles.

It was difficult to make out any details as people went about their business shopping at the various stores. “Did they shoplift those panties?”

I had the receipts. I showed him that I paid for the merchandise.

“You could have bought four panties, returned them and then stole more. It happens all the time,” the guard didn’t seem to care about the receipts. He looked at me for a few moments longer.

“You were the really their babysitter?”


“They look kind of old to have a babysitter.”

“Well, they do. Their Dad didn’t want them to misbehave.”

“What’s your name?”

I didn’t want to give him my name and I didn’t carry an ID with me. I was too young to even have one. I told him my name was Eddie. “Eddie Davidson,” I blurted out.

“Like the motorcycle?”


“Harley Davidson?”

“Yeah,” I said.

“Any relation to the owner?”

“Owner of what?”

“Of Harley Davidson,” he asked.

“No,” I blushed. I felt guilty that I was lying about who I was – but I was in too deep to alter course now.

The man chewed his gum and seemed to consider that for a moment. “These were the same girls that were fucking all those boys in the Gold Mine today?”

I didn’t think he’d believe there were different girls having sex for money in the arcade today. However, I decided it was worth a try. “No, what are you talking about?”

“Don’t squeeze my dick while I am pissing and tell me it is raining, kid,” he chewed his gum and stared at me. “I know Darwin and you were up to something. Did money change hands?”

“No,” I lied.

“Okay, well you are trespassed from the mall. I don’t want to see you back here, Eddie.”

“Okay?” I assumed that was the start of my troubles and more was to follow. He looked up and asked me why I was still there. I was waiting for him to tell me that there was more and I was going to be going in front of a judge or straight to prison.

“Wait, what?” I asked expecting there to be much more to come.

“I said you are trespassed. Thirty days. Don’t come back to the malls. If you see those girls again tell them the same thing. If we catch you charging people money for sex at the mall that is prostitution. I may have to call the police.”

“So I am free to go?” I asked rhetorically as he started filling out paper work. I felt a little guilty that I could see his report clearly indicated my name was Eddie Davidson but what was done was done.

“Unless you want to stay and suck my dick then yes. I don’t think you stole anything. I think you were just some kids goofing around on a Sunday in a town with nothing to do. It was just a little fight and some tits and ass got shown. I don’t think anybody was hurt. Now, if you’ve done something worth confessing too and you want to get it off your chest, I’d advise you to do so.”

“No,” I suppressed the urge to jump for joy and tried to look calm.

“Fine,” he smiled and waved. I saw him crumple up his report after I left his office. He had only been writing it to give the appearance he was taking my name down. I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Despite my good fortune, I was now worried that I’d be stuck with no ride home. If I were the girls, I would have fled the mall and not looked back. I wouldn’t blame them for that. I was still a little confused why I wasn’t behind bars. I thought what we had done was terrible.

The mall cop had made it seem like flashing and teenagers acting goofy was pretty typical behavior. I supposed it was, but it wasn’t for me. I debated calling my parents. They were still on Sanibel Island and perhaps that was the only reason I didn’t call home. I did not think the girls would still be at the mall.

However, me being me and not knowing anyone I could call with a car to come get me – I walked to where the girls had parked the car. I really had no malice toward them for leaving me behind. I was still trying to come to terms with the fact that I had been let go. I considered myself extremely lucky.

I think I was just walking to our former parking space to have something to do. I was trespassed from the mall. I had never been trespassed from any place in my life, but the guard had explained he could arrest me if I returned to the mall.

Imagine my surprise when I saw Dennis’s Lincoln Continental was still parked in our original space. I thought perhaps that the girls had been arrested or picked up on their way to the car by the police and that was why it was still there. I decided to go to the car and wait.

Once I got close to the car, I saw that Rachel was outside of the car and appeared to be trying to convince her sister to go back into the mall. Lori on the other hand had the radio turned up and seemed to want Rachel to get back into the car.

They were fully dressed again after the fight. I don’t know why but I had expected them to need my permission to get dressed again. I know that sounds silly but it underscored something for me – they never really needed my permission to do anything.

I had a bit of a realization in that moment. The girls had not left simply because they could not agree about leaving me behind. I was not angry with them until that moment. They didn’t notice me right away so I was able to eavesdrop.

I could hear the girls argue over the sound of the sultry saxophone from George Michael’s “Careless Whisper” playing on the car stereo.

“Just come on, Lori.”

“He’ll be fine. He is a cat. He’ll land on his feet.”

“Dad will kill us if we leave our babysitter behind,” Rachel argued. She wasn’t as worried about me as she was her father’s wrath when he discovered they had left me behind.

“He isn’t really our babysitter. That was just a game, Ra. We are probably sparing him Daddy’s temper. It was HIS idea to come to the mall. He got his dick waxed, he had fun, we had fun, let’s just go, Rachel.”

Lori was being pragmatic, but my feelings were hurt when she said that I wasn’t really the babysitter. I knew I really wasn’t. It was all a game, but at that point I felt like I really was “Eddie the babysitter” and it felt bad hearing her dismiss my authority as having never been real even if it was true.

My feeling of responsibility for them had extended to getting in trouble so they wouldn’t. I felt betrayed in the way that they were talking about leaving me behind.

I knew they would get in trouble if they returned to the mall. I felt like Rachel had done the right thing by telling Lori to wait for me. However, even she had disappointed me because she didn’t seem as concerned about me as she did getting in trouble with her father.

“You are right, let’s just go. Brian probably has enough cash to call a cab,” Rachel was going to abandon me too! “It sucks because I finally won a contest and that would have been MY money,” she laughed.

I waited for her to hop into the passenger side of the car and Lori to put the car in reverse. I popped out from behind a car and blocked them. She almost backed up over me when she pulled out.

“Oh my god,” Lori had the windows rolled down and

That was when I popped out from behind a car and made myself known to them.

“What the fuck? I almost backed over you!” Lori seemed elated to see me. Rachel didn’t smile as she turned around and looked at me as well.

“You know you can’t wear clothes in the car on family weekend,” I said firmly.

Lori grinned at me sheepishly and told me to get in. She started to take her top off. I stopped her and said I wanted her out of the car.

“Brian! Let’s get the fuck out of the mall before we REALLY do get in trouble,” she teased playfully as she hung her head out the window and looked at me standing still standing behind the car.

I approached her slowly and deliberately. I pretended I was a Sheriff that was walking up to give her a ticket for speeding. Lori seemed perplexed by my grim countenance. “What? Are you angry that we were going to leave you behind? We didn’t know what had happened.”

Lori seemed slightly apologetic but confused about why I seemed so serious. “Get out of the car, right now and strip.”

“Brian, we are lucky that mall cop wasn’t a REAL cop. Let’s just get out of here and we’ll play games when we get home,” she assured me.

“I am not Brian,” I grabbed her hair through the car window and yanked hard. “I am Sir or Babysitter to you! Now, both of you get the fuck out of the front seat and strip!”

I released Lori’s hair and she opened the door and stepped out of the car. Rachel stepped out of the passenger side. “I told her not to leave you behind, Sir,” Rachel assured me.

“That’s why you were getting in the car to leave me behind?” I asked rhetorically. I had a stony inflection in my voice. I was doing my best impression of their father mixed with the Eddie character I had developed this afternoon. The first time I tried to talk like Dennis I had failed because it didn’t sound natural at all. This time my tone was slow and angry, and I even intimidated myself a little.

I wasn’t even sure where I was going with any of this. I did want to leave the parking lot. I had been lucky enough to be let go but why press our luck flashing in the parking lot? I really don’t know.

The girls looked a little banged up. Lori had a bruise under her eye and a hickey on her neck. Rachel’s tits had several big bite marks and they both had a couple new bruises where none had been before the fight. Their make-up had run, and now that I was up close to them, I could see how sweaty and torn down they looked very clearly.

“I knew you wouldn’t go to jail, Sir,” Lori offered an excuse as she stripped out of her clothes in the parking lot. She only had on a short skirt, the virgin tank top, and some heels so it didn’t take long. “He was only a mall cop. He can’t arrest you. He just eats donuts and looks at girls all day.”

“Face the car, place your hands against the door,” I told her. I didn’t address what she said.

“Me too, Sir?” Rachel asked from the other side.


I picked up Lori’s shoe when she turned to face the car. She stuck her ass out so that the pink meat of her slightly hairy pussy was visible from behind.

I should mention that the mall parking lot was full but there were thankfully no people lurking around nearby. There were occasional cars, but all the spaces near us were full, and I felt we were sufficiently isolated enough that we weren’t right out in the open. There was still a very good chance that someone could see the girls.

That idea turned me on – the calculated risk. I didn’t want to get in trouble again – but I liked the feeling that there was a chance. I don’t know if it was me as Brian or me as Eddie – but it felt so taboo and naughty and it didn’t feel like a choice I was making. I HAD to punish them and it had to be out in the open like this. I didn’t want to be seen but the chance that we could be made it feel entirely different than a private session doing the same thing would have. I was experiencing an adrenalin rush just like they must have been.

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