The New Neighborhood  - Cover

The New Neighborhood

Copyright© 2021 by Tom Brostwin

Chapter 13: The New Neighborhood

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 13: The New Neighborhood - Hi, my name is Tom Brostwin. My family consists of me and my 20 year old daughter Heather. We've moved to a new neighborhood where I help neighbors to save their marriages with a more relaxed view of sex. They open up their marriages to friends and their college age children.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Group Sex   Anal Sex   First  

- Sam and Dan celebrate their Birthdays.

Originally, there had been a plan to wait and celebrate Sam, Dan, and Rick’s birthdays together. Melissa contacted me, and told me that she really wanted Rick to have a separate celebration, as she was inviting her father to celebrate with them. I didn’t question her request, and Rick’s birthday celebrations, as you know, were a big success.

Now, as we approached the last weekend in August, Dan, the youngest in the neighborhood, would be turning eighteen. We had never had a special celebration for more than one boy at a time, but since Dan and Sam spent a lot of time together it seemed it might be comforting for them to share the experience.

Heather reached out to Kate, Sam’s sister, to invite her over to discuss the logistics. Trixie, Dan’s sister, lives with us, and is involved in most everything we do. Both Trixie and Kate were excited to be planning the combined party, and giddy about finally getting to fuck their little brothers.

It was Monday evening and I had just finished a long day of work. I had reached out to several existing clients, and made some new contacts. I enjoy the variety of work that I get as an engineering consultant, but I was ready for a break. I smiled to myself as I was looking forward to Kate’s visit, and to the birthday party, at the end of the week.

Kate gave a courtesy knock, before she opened the door, and joined Heather, Trixie, and me in the kitchen.

“Hi everyone”, chirped Kate as she bounced in and hugged each of us.

As I held her in my arms, she tipped her head, looked up at me, and licked her lips. I responded to the invitation, leaned in, and pressed my lips to hers. My tongue reached out, and was soon dueling with hers. Our bodies reacted to our shared passion. Kate squirmed, and my cock got hard.

“Phew!” giggled Kate as we broke the kiss, “I needed that.”

“Hold that thought,” smiled Heather. “You can have some more Daddy time after we discuss the party.”

“Yeah, the party. I think we need to go slow with these two, at least with Sam,” began Kate.

“What are your concerns?” piped up Trixie.

“I don’t know for sure, but I think that Sam might be gay,” sighed Kate.

“Why are you sighing? If he is gay, then we should let him be comfortable with that,” I counseled.

“Ohhhh, I was just being selfish. He’s so cute, and I’ve been thinking about how much fun we’ll have together. But, you’re right, Tom, it’s most important that he’s able to be himself,” smirked Kate.

“Let’s be careful with Sam. Sometimes boys who appear to have no interest in girls are just shy. They don’t know how to talk to them and the result is that they objectify them.”

“So, we need to get them talking before overwhelming them with physical contact?” asked Heather.

“That makes a lot of sense,” smiled Trixie. “But, now that you brought it up, I’m not sure about Dan’s orientation. Something about all the changes in the neighborhood has left him a little depressed.”

“Think about it,” I began. “Dan and Sam are a bit isolated right now. They aren’t stupid, and I’m sure that with the changes in Hugh and Rick, they are finding video games, and endless porn, to be less than mundane.”

“You’re right, Dad. It would be more surprising if they weren’t feeling isolated,” added Heather.

“Has either of them mentioned any interest in, or made any comments about, any of the women in the neighborhood?” I asked.

Both Trixie and Kate replied in unison, “Molly!” and laughed.

“And I’ve also noticed Dan paying more than a little attention to Claire. I think he may have seen her fucking Dad,” added Trixie.

“So should we include the two of them in the party on Friday?” I asked.

“Ummm, Tom,” began Trixie, “you know, Molly has a little fetish for barely legal young men. So, if you want her to speak to you ever again, Molly needs to be included,” she laughed.

“And Claire lives here, but because of her relationship with Hugh, she may choose not to participate, but we should at least invite her,” opined Heather.

“One small correction, to which I’m sure she would agree, Molly’s feelings are more than just a little fetish. They are a total obsession!” I quipped, and the girls all laughed

“Do we want to order a cake like we did for the other two parties?” asked Heather.

“Last time, we got so busy, with Rick’s big cock, that we totally forgot about the cake,” recalled Heather, as she squirmed a little at the thought of Rick’s monumental penis probing her pussy.

“I think to be fair, that we should order another and if we don’t use it, we can bring it to the neighborhood party on Saturday,” I interjected.

Heather started laughing, “Dad, really, you’re going to order a cake just so you can see Maria again?”

“It’s a birthday party and there should be a cake. If Maria delivers the cake, I’ll give her a big tip,” I smiled and defended myself.

“I’m sure she’d be happy with that, but you should give her some money too,” giggled Trixie.

“Maria is one of Molly’s students, and I don’t want to do anything that would compromise that student/teacher relationship,” I chided.

“Ohhh, Fuuuccck! She’s that Maria,” sparked Trixie. “She’s smoking hot!”

“OK, we’re getting off topic,” smiled Kate. “So, we’re all going to gather at 4:00 on Friday, and arrange to have Sam and Dan join us at 5:00. It will be this group, plus Molly, and possibly Claire,” she summarized.

“Yes, that sounds right, and I think we should start off low-key and talk to the young men about anything that is on their minds, including any concerns, and any preferences,” I interjected.

“You’re right, Tom. As long as we’re sensitive to their needs everything should work out,” smiled Kate.

“Would you like to stay for dinner, Kate?” I asked while getting out some glasses for wine.

“I’d love to!” She replied. “Where are Molly, Mike and Claire?”

“They should be home soon. Molly had some work to do at the University, Claire has finished high school and Mike is helping her sign up for classes, and they are getting her name on the housing list.”

“That’s great news! We should do something to celebrate her accomplishment,” exclaimed Trixie. “I know my dad would enjoy celebrating with her,” she winked.

On Tuesday, I was getting caught up on some work when Claire knocked on my open office door. “Do you have a minute,” she asked hesitantly.

“Is something wrong?”

“No, but something has been haunting me since the day I arrived,” she admitted through sad eyes.

I opened my arms to her and she came and sat on my lap, “What is it,” I asked, fearing that it was something I had done.

“It’s not you or anything about this neighborhood, I love it here,” she assured me. “I keep thinking about the homeless people around here. I think about how close I came to being one of them, and I want to do something to help them. I don’t have a lot of money saved, but I have quite a bit from cleaning pools and I also received generous tips,” she smirked.

“So, you want to make a donation?” I asked, seeking clarity.

“Yes, and I know it’s probably dumb, but since I have a full scholarship to the University that includes tuition, room, and a food allowance, I would like to use some of what I have, to supply some food to the shelter. It’s that feeling of hunger that I had, when I was wandering the streets, that I can’t forget.”

“Can I make a suggestion?”

“Sure,” she smiled.

“You’re part of this neighborhood. Share your thoughts on the group email. You’ll be giving others a chance to feel good about contributing to a worthwhile cause, and the impact that you’ll have on the people in the shelter, will be far greater because of your leadership.”

“I like the idea, but I’m not really a leader,” she replied, and shook her head.

“Well, you decide, but whatever you end up doing, I’d love to help. The Shelter and Food Pantry helps a lot of people,” I smiled.

Claire left, and shortly, I saw her email to the neighborhood group, where she explained how she felt, and what she wanted to do to help others. I sent her back a note, contributing to the cause.

I went back to work and had just finished reviewing and editing a document, for one of my clients, when a text came in from Molly, reminding me to order the cake for Friday’s party for the boys.

I made a call to the Erotic Bakery, ordered the cake, and arranged to have it delivered by 4:00 on Friday. I admit that I was thinking about Maria throughout the transaction.

By Wednesday morning Claire had collected $600 for the homeless shelter. She called the donations number that she found on their website, found out what they needed, and came to me to find out when I could help her with the delivery.

I called Cindy, a friend of mine, and also the director of the shelter, “Hi Cindy, there is a young woman staying with me who has collected some funds and would like to purchase and deliver supplies, when would be a good time?”

“We always welcome donor’s, Tom. Most people just show up, but I appreciate the call. We have a lot going on over the next few days, and I’m working closely with two new resident volunteers to help them adjust, and be productive. Would it be a problem to wait until after the weekend?”

“No, not at all, we have a lot going on too. I’ll look at our schedules and plan to come in on Monday or Tuesday. It will be good to see you again. Have a great day!”

“You too, Tom,” replied Cindy before ending the call

I turned to Claire, “Will early next week work with your schedule?”

“Yes, that’s good for me. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed right now,” she confided through teary eyes.

“Why, what are you thinking?” I asked, as I once again, lifted her onto my lap, and held her close.

“All this focus on raising money for the homeless, is bringing back the feelings I had before meeting you,” she sobbed.

“It’s natural to react emotionally to recent, vivid memories. Do you want to talk about it?” I asked, compassionately.

“I don’t want to, but I have to,” began Claire. “I just don’t understand how my mother, who took care of me, and kept me alive for eighteen years, could just throw me out like a bag of trash,” she continued, her face filled with pain, anger, and tears.

“It is difficult to understand. Sometimes, good people do horrible things,” I began. “This happens when they are influenced by others, and aren’t strong enough to push back and do the right thing,” I counseled.

“That does sound like my mother. How did you get to be so wise?” sniffled Claire.

“You’re the wise one here. Knowing that you needed to talk about this and seeking help to get it out of your system, shows maturity and wisdom beyond your years,” I smiled. “I kinda slobbered all over you. I think we could both use a little freshening up,” she smirked as she tipped her head toward her bedroom.

“The two of us, in your shower?” I winked.

Claire nodded and I carried her into her bathroom. We both undressed, I started the water, checked the temperature, picked up Claire, and stepped into the shower, with her arms locked around my neck.

“Would you like me to wash your hair?” I smiled, and kissed her again.

“Yes, please,” she replied, and leaned closer to give me a longer, more passionate kiss, before sliding down my front to stand in front of me, with the shower soaking her hair.

She stroked my cock while I lathered her hair. After she had rinsed, and we were both clean, I turned off the shower and grabbed each of us a fresh towel.

There was a knock, on Claire’s door, “Hi Claire, it’s Molly, do you know where Tom is?”

“Come in,” chirped Claire, “he’s right here!”

The door opened and Molly walked in, “Are you done with work for the day?” she rolled her eyes and laughed.

“Yes, Claire needed to talk, and after chatting, it just seemed natural to shower together too,” I chuckled.

“I’m not going to pretend to understand your logic,” she smiled, then turned and left.

“Are you ready for lunch?” I asked Claire

“I’m famished,” she replied with a smile.

As we walked out the door, Molly, having shed her clothes, joined us. We kissed briefly and she asked, “Is everything OK?”

I filled her in on the conversation with Claire, and the plans for purchasing and delivering food to the shelter.

“Is Trixie in the pool?” I asked as the splashing sound reached my ears.

“Yes, she’s having a swim with our lunch guest,” smiled Molly.

“Lunch guest?” I asked. “Should I get dressed?” “No, she’s hoping to fuck you. So, I think being naked is fine,” laughed Molly through sparkling eyes and a wicked smile.

I peered around the corner and saw Trixie in the pool, with an olive-skinned brunette. “Is that Maria?”

“Yes,” laughed Molly, “she said that you ordered a cake, but that she doesn’t do deliveries anymore. I told her that you only ordered it to see her, and she blushed.”

Molly took my hand and dragged me toward the pool. “Trixie and Maria, come on out. You remember meeting Tom, right?”

Maria walked up the steps of the pool, and sensuously sauntered toward me. “Hi Tom, Molly said you’d all be naked, and I guess she didn’t lie,” she smiled, and licked her lips, as she looked down at my throbbing hard cock.

“She also said that you’d kiss me,” she giggled.

I nodded, pulled her close, and held her body against mine. We both moaned through a long, wet, tongue-dueling and passionate kiss.

“And what else did Molly tell you?” I quipped.

“Hmmmmmmm,” she pondered, “she said that you’d be happy to fuck me, to be my first, to take my virginity.”

“Is that what she told you?” I chuckled.

“Well, that, and that you think I’m attractive, and that you’d most likely want to fuck me anytime that I wanted you,” she laughed.

“Well, I’d say that Professor Townsend knows me pretty well. Now, Maria, you tell me what you want.”

“All of the above,” she smiled.

“So, are you a true virgin?” I asked compassionately.

“No, I broke that barrier a long time ago on my brother’s ten-speed bike. Are you disappointed?”

“Not at all, I just want what will feel best for you,” I smiled.

“Well, I have shoved just about everything I could find, that would fit, into my pussy, but I’ve never had the pleasure of trying one of these,” she replied, while reaching out, and awkwardly groping my cock.

“Take her into the bedroom and make love to her. She deserves to feel that first,” suggested Molly.

“Would you like that?” I asked.

“I would, Tom. My parents have been very protective, but now I’m in college. Well, you know...” she smiled meekly.

“Would you like Molly to join us?” I suggested, as I noticed some nervousness at being with me alone.

“Can she? Will she?” asked Maria enthusiastically.

Molly had been listening and came over to take Maria’s hand and lead her to the Master Bedroom. Maria’s build was very similar to Molly’s, but with slightly darker skin. Her broad hips, narrow waist, and amazingly firm C-cup breasts were extremely enticing. Seeing the two of them together had my cock rock-hard and my pre-cum flowing.

“Come lay on the bed and let Maria explore,” smiled Molly.

I lay between them on my back and Molly demonstrated stroking my cock, licking and savoring the pre-cum, and sucking it into her mouth.

“Now you try,” Molly suggested while passing the baton, or in this case, my cock.

Maria took hold and stroked awkwardly, “Is this right?”

“Just explore and if you’re unsure, ask Tom,” suggested Molly.

She looked at me and I smiled, so she kept stroking, changing the strength of her grip.

She leaned in and licked the pre-cum, “Mmmmmmmm,” she moaned, “I like the taste of that.”

“May I touch you?” I asked as I caressed her face, neck and down onto her breasts.

“Ohhhhhhh,” she gasped for breath, as her sensitive nipples hardened to my touch.

I lifted up and leaned over to kiss her softly on the lips. She returned my kiss and soon our tongues were touching and her body trembled. I caressed her breasts while we continued our kiss. Then I moved my hand lower along her side, and to her hip, before moving it between her thighs. She spread them for me as my hand caressed the soft sensitive skin of her inner thighs, before my palm rested on her clit and my middle finger pressed between her wet, slippery, vaginal lips.

“Oh fuck, why does this feel so good?” she moaned.

She squeezed her thighs against my hand as I pressed two fingers inside her. She arched her back, pressing her pussy hard against my hand, “I need more,” she groaned, “please put your cock in me,” she pleaded.

Maria spread her legs and I moved to kneel between her wide-spread thighs. I watched as Molly caressed Maria, and kissed her, as sensuously as I had. I leaned over and pressed the head of my cock into her opening, and proceeded to slowly press it in about half way.

“Oh, oh, oh, fuck,” she cried out. “Why did I wait so long?” she sighed. “Fuck me, Tom. Please, please, fuck me!”

I pressed my cock fully into her body, bumping against her sensitive cervix. “Ohhhhh,” she yelped, “hold still, stay right there.”

I did as she requested, then leaned over to kiss her softly on the lips, on the neck, and then to nibble on her left ear.

She giggled at my kisses and suggested, “Try moving now.”

I pulled out about half-way, and asked, “How’s that?”

“Annngghhh,” she groaned, “not good, I feel too empty, go back in!” she barked.

I pushed back deep inside and she broke into an electric smile, “Yes, yes, that’s it.”

At that point I began to truly fuck her, pulling back, and pushing in deep. Each time my pubic bone would bump against her sensitive clit.

Soon she was reacting to each thrust, “Annnhhh, Annnhhh, Annnhhh.” Her body tensed, and she stopped breathing, as she climaxed, and collapsed onto the bed.

I pulled out and lay down beside her, opposite Molly. We both caressed Maria as her breathing returned to normal, she opened her eyes and smiled, “Is it always like that?”

“It tends to get better with time and experience,” assured Molly.

“How, how, could it be better than that?” giggled Maria.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” I asked.

She lifted herself up in one elbow and pressed her open mouth to mine. After a long passionate kiss, that included her right hand stroking my cock, she replied with a smile, “I do now.”

“Maria,” chimed Molly.

In response she lay back down between us and rolled toward Molly. “I’m not trying to take Tom away from you.”

“Shhhhh,” began Molly, as her hand reached down to caress Maria’s clit, and she leaned in and kissed Maria again, “Do you have a girlfriend?”

“I do now,” smiled Maria, as she rose up, turned, and straddled Molly’s head. Then she leaned over and licked her favorite professor’s pussy.

Molly lifted her head, and circled her tongue around Maria’s clit. She licked between her lips and pressed her tongue into the young woman’s vagina.

Maria returned the favor and soon both women were trembling on the verge of simultaneous orgasms.

Molly motioned me over. I slipped a pillow under her head, to make it easier for her to continue her oral assault on Maria’s sweet pussy. I was tempted to just sit and watch, but with Molly’s non-verbal urging, I straddled her head, and knelt behind Maria’s upturned ass. Molly stroked my cock, and lined it up, as once again I thrust deep inside our young Italian lover.

“OHHH Fuuuuck! Fuck! Fuck! Yessssss,” hissed Maria.

I fucked her harder while Molly massaged her clit. Soon Maria was shouting through another orgasm, while I pumped her pussy full of hot creamy cum.

“Ohhhhh! Fuck me! Fuck meee, naked!” cried Maria, before collapsing on top of Molly.

Molly enjoyed a brief snack of my cum oozing from Maria’s succulent pussy.

After Maria recovered, we all moved to the shower to get cleaned up. “Now what am I going to do?” asked Maria.

“Are you worried about getting pregnant?” I asked with concern.

“Nice timing,” quipped Molly. “Fill her with cum and then worry about birth control,” she laughed. “Don’t worry, I checked with her, before you fucked her the first time.”

“I’m going to need to get fucked, now that I know what it feels like, and I’m not just talking about once a week,” sighed Maria.

I was just about to say something when Molly spoke up, “Maria, what do you really want?”

“Oh, you’re right, I need more than fucking, well, I need that too,” she laughed. “But what I really need is what I felt from both of you. Are there other people with so much caring and passion?” she smirked.

We all turned to see Trixie come through the door, “So, Maria, from what I just heard, you’ve just experienced what I call, Tom and Molly magic,” she giggled.

“Yeah, I can’t imagine it ever being better than that,” she replied.

“You know, if you want to make love with either of them, all you have to do is ask,” explained Trixie.

“Really?” Began Maria as she turned toward me and Molly, “is that true?”

I nodded and Molly replied, “Yes, but not on the University campus,” she smiled

“And what if I have a boyfriend, but I still want both of you?” asked Maria.

“Can I fuck your boyfriend?” joked Molly.

“Do you just want me, to fuck you, or do you want both your boyfriend and me, to fuck you at the same time?” I added.

“Oh my, two men at the same time,” pondered Maria.

“Three at the same time is my favorite,” quipped Trixie with a devious smile.

Maria’s eyes grew big as she thought about all the possibilities.

Claire joined the four of us for lunch. After that, Maria left, and life got back to normal. Well, at least it was normal for this household. We did our daily chores, relaxed, read books, prepared dinner, and being naked, we did some fucking, just for fun.

Soon it was Friday afternoon and time to get ready for Sam and Dan’s party.

I dressed casually, as I always do, for these gatherings. Molly, Trixie, and Kate wore short light flowing dresses, sexy undergarments and sandals.

I wasn’t paying attention to the time, and totally missed that the cake wasn’t delivered, before Sam and Dan arrived at 5:00. I answered the door and greeted the two visibly nervous young men.

“Hi guys, welcome, and Happy Birthday!”

“Thank you, Mr. Brostwin,” replied Sam,

“Thank you,” added Dan.

“Please, call me Tom,” I smiled, “now, let’s go celebrate!”

Sam, the taller of the two at about six feet, seemed a lot like his father, Keith. I remembered first meeting Keith, and witnessing his athletic swagger, until he quickly buckled to the demands of the diminutive, Claire.

Dan, like his father, Paul, seemed a little shy with me. He quickly brightened up when he walked into the living room and saw his sister, Trixie.

“Happy Birthday, Bro,” she greeted, as she gave him a more than brotherly hug.

“Hi, Sis,” mumbled Sam, as Kate approached, and gave him a similar hug.

“Happy Birthday,” she smiled, “there’s someone you both should meet.”

I knew that Kate was referring to Molly, and so, I went into the kitchen to get her.

As we walked back into the room, Trixie spoke, “Sam and Dan, I’d like you to meet Professor Townsend. You may end up having her for an English class at the University.”

Molly walked toward the duo as their eyes kept getting bigger and bigger. “You must be Dan. Trixie has told me so much about you,” she began as she caressed his face. “And, please call me Molly,” she smiled, as she hugged him, and felt his erection pressing against her abdomen.

“Hu, hu hi,” stuttered Dan, as Molly lightly kissed him on the lips.

“Happy Birthday,” she whispered, before licking his ear, and feeling him shiver.

Then Molly moved to address Sam, “I’ve enjoyed meeting Kate, and your parents. Now, I’m excited to help you celebrate your eighteenth birthday,” she smiled, as she hugged him close, pressed their bodies together, squirmed against his hardening cock, and kissed him too.

“So, so, what should we do?” stuttered Dan

“You’re both eighteen, and this party is to recognize that you are adults, and to help you enjoy adult activities,” explained Trixie

“Do either of you have a girlfriend?” I asked.

Both boys shook their heads.

“Would you like to have girlfriends?” asked Molly.

Both boys nodded.

Kate approached Dan and asked, “Do you know how to kiss a girl?”

“No, not really,” he admitted.

“You’ve watched movies where men and women kiss, but like most things in life, watching and doing are very different,” I observed.

“Do you want to learn? Would you like to kiss me?” smiled Kate.

Dan nodded, and Kate stepped closer, pressing her body to his. “Touch my face, then let your fingers run through my hair. Don’t be afraid to explore and if you’re unsure what a woman might like, then just ask,” she instructed.

“Can, can I touch my lips to yours?” stuttered Dan.

“Lick your lips first,” replied Kate as she showed him how. She opened her mouth slightly and her wet tongue reached out to wet her upper lip. Then she used the tip of her tongue to wet her lower lip.

Dan mimicked Kate’s actions and pressed his lips to her’s. She reached out with her tongue as she tipped her head to one side and moved her lips against his. Soon Dan responded, their tongues dueled, and their increased passion became visible.

Trixie approached Sam, who had been watching Dan kissing Kate. “May I kiss you like that?” Sam asked Trixie nervously. Soon they were enjoying an equally passionate embrace.

After kissing for a couple of minutes the couples stopped to catch their breaths.

“Hey, Kate, let’s switch,” quipped Trixie.

As Trixie moved into Dan’s arms he asked, “Do you really want to kiss me, Sis?”

Trixie nodded and smiled, “Yes, I do. I want to kiss you, and so much more,” she winked.

Dan’s eyes grew big as Trixie kissed him, and reached down to caress his growing erection. She continued kissing him, but removed her hand from his cock, to avoid making him cum too soon.

Sam and Kate enjoyed a similar sibling kiss, until I interrupted, “You all seem to be enjoying this, but we need to keep this party moving,” I smiled.

“There’s something that you may not know about Tom’s house,” began Molly, as I stepped behind her and unzipped her dress. “Clothing in this house is optional,” she continued, as I slipped the dress off her shoulders, it dropped to the floor and her scantily clad, voluptuous body was exposed to the two young men.

“Perhaps you gentlemen can ask your sisters if they would like some help removing their clothes,” I smiled.

Sam and Dan couldn’t take their eyes off of Molly as their sisters turned and asked for help in removing their own dresses.

Molly moved closer and encouraged the boys to continue. They each unzipped their sister’s dress, and watched as it dropped to the floor.

They’d both seen Trixie and Kate in thong bikinis before, but had never seen them in such sexy, lacy, and nearly transparent undergarments.

Molly moved to Sam first and helped him by pulling his shirt off over his head.

Trixie helped her brother Dan, out of his shirt, while Kate approached me and asked, “Can’t we just get naked and fuck?” I smiled in agreement, and thought how refreshingly sexy it was for Kate to be so blunt.

“Be patient,” I cautioned, “both Sam and Dan are about to pass out from excitement.”

Kate giggled, gently caressed my cock, through my pants, and whispered, “The tent in Sam’s pants is almost as big as yours.”

“Sam, would you like to remove my bra?” asked Molly.

Sam nodded, and Molly explained, “The clasp is in the front, between my breasts.”

Sam tried to unclasp it without touching Molly’s breasts.

“Wait,” she smiled as she took his hands in hers. “It’s OK to touch me, you can touch my tits,” she assured him with a smile. Then she moved his hands to her bra covered breasts.

While Sam fixated on groping Molly’s breasts, Dan had managed to remove Trixie’s bra.

Kate and I had undressed slowly, and were now completely naked. She calmly stroked my cock and quipped, “You know, my pussy is achingly empty right now.”

Molly helped to move things along by unclasping her bra, and smiled as Sam began to explore a woman’s breasts, for the first time since being a breastfed infant.

“Kiss and lick the nipples,” she encouraged him.

Sam was a quick learner and soon was nibbling on Molly’s hard nipples while she moaned, “That feels so good, don’t stop.”

“Relax for a minute Sam,” smiled Molly as she lifted his chin and kissed him softly on the lips. “You’re very horny,” she observed, “are you afraid you might cum in your pants?”

“Ummm, yeah. You, you, you’re so sexy,” he stuttered.

“Thanks, I have an idea that might help,” she began as she dropped to her knees, unbuckled and unzipped his pants, and dropped them to the floor.

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