A Wife's Descent - Cover

A Wife's Descent

Copyright© 2023 by NaturalHammer

Chapter 4: The Speed of Changes

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: The Speed of Changes - Are a white couple really doing this and how deep will this go?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Fiction   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Big Breasts   Size  

I noted a new attention to detail to Emily’s personal grooming. She had a lot less hair around her pussy. She wasn’t completely shaved, but she was neatly trimmed. It drove me wild, teasing her that it was “A slut trim for a slutty cunt.”.

She laughed me off. It certainly seemed like she was wet for fourteen hours out of the day now. My constant, eager attention worked wonders on her confidence and libido.

These last two weeks had been a wild ride, and tonight being another potential step on the ladder. I still couldn’t get over the video of Emily masturbating in front of two men during a work visit. It was as if there was something inside her waiting to be unleashed. This sexual beast inside her had clearly been there forever dormant and was only now being let free. Like it wanted to rapidly make up for lost time. Things were moving much quicker than I ever expected. And that’s a good thing? Yes?

Even Claire, our daughter, could tell something was different, often catching us with a twinkle in your eyes. Yesterday she even dropped a, “Mum is acting like a total THOT,” whatever that meant.

I even started to miss some of Michelles input. A few things appeared to have happened naturally without her guidance, and she was pleased with that. Michelle was especially pleased when she got to see the wanking video, even saying that she wasn’t surprised at all. Then, unexpectedly, Michelle texted me about Saturday night, and she promised a surprise before she and Emily went out, but wouldn’t say more.

My mind raced with wild possibilities.

Before they go

Saturday night finally rolled around. Nothing was particularly different from the week before, but somehow everything had changed. Emily was almost giddy. She seemed more confident, teasing me, but not revealing anything she knew about Michelle’s plans.

Michelle arrived just before 7 and quickly whisked Emily away to our bedroom to start getting ready.

I waited around in the lounge for what seemed like ages. My condom covered cock, wondering what tonight would bring. My mind was filled with over-the-top fantasies, imagining them in a sixty nine, licking each other while getting ready for a slutty night out.

Dream on.

After what seemed like an age, I heard giggles coming from upstairs, then the sound of heels coming down the hallway.

I tried to hide the massive tent, up against the back of the sofa. Hearing Michelle say, “Trust me Emily, just follow my lead.”

They appeared, Michelle was wearing a flowing green dress that came to just above the knee, with strappy white heels, and miles of cleavage on display. I couldn’t help notice her lacy bra peeking out around the edges of her dress. Her makeup was bold and she wore a big set of hoop earrings.

I was plenty distracted, but then the other goddess entered the room. My heart and cock just about exploded. Emily’s dress was both elegant and sexy with a tiny hint of sluttiness thrown in. It was a little black dress, clingy and sheer enough that I could make out the pattern of her bra through it. The scoop of the neckline combined with whatever bra she was wearing made her boobs look immense. Almost comically huge, utterly perfect. She wore a pair of black heels, taller than ones she would usually wear, and her make up and earrings matched Michelle’s.

Somehow this woman was my wife and yet a completely different woman at the same time. She was putting her body on display, for the 3rd time in recent weeks.

My mouth must have dropped open with an audible gasp. Emily and Michelle both smiled, fully aware of the effect they’d had on him.

Suddenly, there was the blare of a horn from outside as the Taxi pulled up.

Michelle ignored it. “Emily tells me you have quite a thing for her panties. So we’re going to play a quick game before we go out.”

I felt sweat beading on my brow as I looked between Emily and Michelle. I wasn’t quite sure what I had gotten myself into. I knew that Emily and Michelle really did share everything. In fact they’d obviously chatted about this very topic.

“Go with it honey, it’ll be fun,” Emily said. I could barely believe my ears, unsure what kind of spell Michelle had cast on Emily, but I definitely liked it. I nodded and couldn’t stop my eyes from wandering over the many exposed parts of their bodies.

Michelle produced a tiny black thong from her handbag. “Recognize this?” She asked. I sure did, It was the thong Emily had worn the week before, which had clearly been washed.

She quizzed me “Is Emily going to wear this again? Or is she going to wear what she has on right now? ... Or a third option, a surprise?”.

“What does she have on now?” my throat suddenly feeling very dry.

They both smiled at me and I swear I could see Emily’s nipples starting to get hard, even through her bra.

“Does Emily wear this again, what she has on right now or...?”

The taxi horn blasted again.

My brain went into overload trying to weigh all the options. She could be wearing anything right now. Or nothing ... maybe she had nothing on! I’m pretty sure I can’t make out any panty lines. And what about the surprise? It looks like Emily is in on this. The previous thong of course had a history that I could feel stirring my loins.

“Um ... uh ... Surprise!” I blurted out.

A giggle “Told you,” Emily said, with a smirk to Michelle.

Michelle threw the tiny thong at me. I nearly caught it, before dropping it on the floor.

Emily closed her eyes. I watched her take a deep breath, clearly still not sure this was a good idea. She opened her eyes again and looked over at Michelle. They both carefully reached under their dresses, their motions almost perfectly synchronized. Michelle’s dress made it a little easier, but they both grabbed their knickers.

My cock throbbed and I sucked in a big breath as they started to wriggle them down. No way, were they both going to the club without knickers?

Emily watched Michelle, but Michelle was staring directly at me, a big grin on her face. Both sets of knickers appeared at their knees then down to their ankles and they quickly stepped out of them. I was giddy with excitement.

Then both women swapped knickers. My heart sped up, suddenly confused. I watched as they proceeded to step into the knickers that each other had just been wearing. I noticed Emily’s hand shaking a little as she drew the knickers up her legs and into place. The tiny, transparent thong Michelle had just been wearing disappeared out of sight beneath her dress.

Michelle quickly pulled on Emily’s black, lacy pair of knickers. They weren’t quite a thong but were much more revealing than my wife typically wore.

I gasped and my cock swelled against the fabric of my pants. For a moment, I was afraid I was going to lose it. Although, I was glad to have the condom on to catch it if I did.

Emily and Michelle gave a quick wiggle of their hips to get them nicely in place and their dresses smoothed out against their skin. Michelle gave me a wink and then grabbed Emily’s hand and dragged her to the door.

I heard Michelle say to Emily, clearly for my benefit, “Oooh you are turned on, aren’t you?” as she gave a sort of hip wiggle and stoop. Did she just ‘feel’ Emily’s dampness? There was a double giggle and then they were gone. Like before, but also, nothing like before.

“I can’t believe we just did that,” Emily said, with a chuckle. “Well, I can believe you just did that. I can’t believe I just did that.”

“Whatever,” Michelle said,” I could tell you liked it.”

Emily smirked, but didn’t deny it. Michelle fished a little flask out of her purse and handed it to Emily.

“Yes, thank you, I could use a bit of that,” Emily said, taking a big swig.

Michelle grinned, and took a drink herself.

Dancing with Nate

They weren’t at the club long before Nate and Miles turned up.

“I didn’t think it was possible, but you ladies are looking even more ravishing than last time,” Nate said, kissing each of their hands.

Emily blushed a bit.

Miles went to order a round of drinks, but Nate pulled Emily toward the dance floor.

“Shouldn’t we have a drink first?” Emily asked.

“Don’t be silly,” he said with a smile. “Drinks can wait when I have a dance partner as lovely as you.”

He pulled her close and she sucked in a little breath. She felt his hand on her back and his chest up against hers.

Emily was nervous she wasn’t drunk enough yet to be cutting loose, but to her surprise, she barely felt guilty at all. Even when she could feel Nate’s erection pressing against her stomach. It started to remind her of the mall those few weeks ago.

She kept giggling, imagining how worked up Chris was going to be when he heard about it. But, that did not stop her from becoming turned on.

Miles and Michelle passed by with drinks in their hands and waved the two of them over to a table. They made their way over. Emily sat down in the booth and Nate slid in right beside her.

Michelle was whispering something in Miles’ ear, which of course, instantly made Emily a little nervous.

Nate picked up a glass, looking into Emily’s eyes. She slowly picked up a glass, clinking it against his. Then she took a big drink.

“I am so glad you came tonight,” Nate said. “You’re a fantastic dancer.”

“Ohh, I am not,” Emily said.

“Oh trust me, you are. And I must say, that dress looks absolutely mesmerizing on you.”

“Oh stop...” Emily said, blushing and taking another drink. Feeling strangely bold “I know exactly what you’re looking at.”.

She felt his hand on her thigh. Her buxom heaved and Nate looked down with a grin.

“Mesmerizing,” he said again.

Emily felt the lines of Chris’ fantasies and her reality blurring together. She hadn’t quite thought about how all the dirty talking out in the open would change things. A guilty conscience had always been a guardrail for her, in any conversation with flirty strangers. But, now that they had spent most of the week talking about Chris’ fantasies, and even doing things she would have never imagined, she was feeling guilty.

She finished off the last of her cocktail. “How about we get another drink?” she asked, though she doubted more booze was likely to make anything less blurry.

“Sounds great.”

Nate finished his drink and stood up, offering Emily his hand. They left Miles and Michelle making out in the booth and went over to the bar.

Emily leaned over the bar, looking for the bartender. Her boobs pushed up against her arm and the pressure on her sensitive nipples felt good. She froze as she felt Nate pressing up against her, his huge erection nestled in her ass.

She took a breath, but kept her cool. She slowly eased back onto her heels, which forced her to rub against his big member.

Nate reached over her and waved down a bartender. “Two gin and tonics,” he said loudly.

Emily sucked in a breath, stuck between Nate and the bar and the bartender. She could swear she felt Nate thrust against her just a little.

“Sure thing,” the bartender said. “Limes?”

Nate looked down at her and asked “You want lime?” as if his cock wasn’t pressed all the way up against her ass.

Emily nodded up at him.

“Yeah,” he told the bartender.

Emily’s heart was beating fast, but Nate kept chatting, acting completely casual. Emily could feel her thighs getting wet. Michelle’s thong was barely big enough to remind her it existed. She adjusted her posture slightly, and it made Nate grin.

While they were at the bar, Michelle started to text Chris to tease and prepare him for later. ‘Chris I want you to make sure you fill that condom up before we get home. So wear it while your wife dances and flirts with this big black stranger.’

‘Yes I will, what are you both doing right now?’ he asked.

‘Go check Emily’s top draw of her night stand, there’s a surprise or two in there for you.’ Unbeknownst to Emily, Michelle had placed a full set of bra, panties, stockings and suspenders while they were both getting ready.

‘Only rule is for you to fill up at least one condom before we get back. Everything else is up to you.’ Michelle texted him.

‘Oh gawd, Mistress. I’ve found it all ... what should I do?’

‘Think of some of your stories. Surprise me.’

Then the bartender appeared with their drinks. Nate paid the man and they took the drinks back over toward the table, but Michelle caught her arm and pulled her toward the bathroom.

“Miles wants us to go back to his place. I want to. I am so worked up,” Michelle said.

“What? No. That is a bad idea,” Emily replied.

“Well I can fuck him in the car park if you want?” Michelle smirked.

“I bet you would too, if I wasn’t around. Hah.”

“If you weren’t here I’d be on my way back to Miles’ place to enjoy both of them.” She sneered at Emily.

“Yeah I bet.”

“Ok, I’d be one step away from air tight with a black cock deep in my pussy and mouth at the same time. Would that be better, miss high and mighty?” she said, looking Emily right in the eye.

Emily’s eyes bulged and her cheeks reddened. She started to picture it, then shook her head.

“Not that I haven’t done this before and more,” Michelle mocked. “I bet you’d love to feel air tight wouldn’t you? A huge cock in every hole at the same time. It feels amazing, you know.”

“Michelle please stop.” Emily was almost panting.

“Why? Your pussy sucking that thong up? My thong? Just dying to get filled?” the taunts continued. “Has some of my slutty pussy juice gotten into you? Has it started to change you? Do you need to go back into a stall and wank yourself?” Michelle clearly referenced Emily’s work episode.

Emily gasped but didn’t reply. She couldn’t.

“Oh you like that idea ... my pussy juice, really? I’ll have to remember that, and remember to share more with you in the future.” Emily looked a little frightened. “Don’t worry, I promise that nothing will happen to you. I just need some cock, and Miles is great. We’ll only be there for an hour or so and then you’ll be back to Chris before you know it. Come on, it’ll be fun. You and Nate can chat, cuddle, whatever.” and she winked at her.

Emily took a few big breaths. “You promise that I won’t have to do anything and we won’t be long?”

“Honestly Emily, anyone would think I was trying to turn you into some sort of slut. What on earth would Chris think?”

That brought a smile to Emily and she laughed. “Hah, what on earth would he think? Okay, let’s go.”

“Good. You can hold my hand while I cum on his big black cock.”

Emily’s eyes went wide. Michelle took Emily’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “I’m serious about all of that.” Michelle started pulling her toward the door.

Hand Holding

Nate drove and they were at Miles’ place quick enough. Nate was a perfect gentleman apart from his hand on Emily’s thigh, half on her skin and half on her dress. This was the second time in 2 days a stranger’s hand was resting on her thigh. She looked at his dark, large hand resting on her, very different from Terry’s. Her mind again in turmoil over remembering what she did in front of Terry and that other man. Her eyes drifted over to the impressive bulge in his pants.

The sounds coming from the back seat were enough to keep Emily aroused. They could have easily been mistaken for the sounds of full on fucking, but from what Emily could see in the mirror, they were doing something just short of it.

Miles’ place was nothing special, smart enough, not particularly big and in a part of town that Emily had never really spent time in before.

They arranged themselves in a lounge area next to a kitchen. Some form of cocktail appeared in Emily’s hand and she happily sipped at it. Music was playing and they all danced, until Michelle really started going in for the kill, grinding her ass hard against Miles. Emily watched as he reached around, grabbing Michelle’s big tits.

After a time, Nate sat down on a chair and put the TV on, turning the music down. Emily went over and sat next to him. Nate leaned round and planned a soft kiss on her lips. It sent bolts of arousal through her body, it scared her being this close to him.

Emily leaned forward to taste Nate’s lips again, but that wasn’t to be. Miles took one of Michelle’s hands and she reached out quickly and grabbed Emily’s hand and started to drag her along in what looked like a pre-sex-conga-line.

Emily turned to Nate looking for help or support as she was dragged away. He smiled at her, gave her a wink and looked back at the sport on the tv. “Michelle what... “ She started to panic. “You said...”

“Don’t panic honey, come on,” Michelle said, drawing in a big breath.

In the small bedroom that they ended up in, Michelle nudged Emily onto the bed without a word and dropped her purse in Emily’s lap. Michelle started to passionately kiss Miles, really wrapping her body around his.

Emily had nowhere to look but directly at the couple, all hands, lips, and moaning.

Miles laid Michelle down on the bed and pushed his tongue down her throat. He squeezed one of her big tits and his other hand worked its way between her thighs. She spread her legs wide to give him access, her skirt riding up high on her thighs.

Michelle let out a moan into his mouth as he started to work his fingers in and out of her soaking wet pussy. He didn’t even remove Michelle’s knickers, he just pushed them to one side. Emily went to get up. She wanted to escape, and give her friend some privacy. Michelle detected the movement and reached over and took Emily’s hand.

Emily’s heart was pounding. She sat, frozen, clutching Michelle’s purse. Every little motion of the two lovers beside Emily jostled her slightly.

Miles slid down Michelle’s body and off the bed, onto his knees. He pushed her dress up and pulled her panties to the side. Michelle gasped as he pushed his tongue deep inside her.

“Oh Jesus,” Michelle said, closing her eyes for a moment. “His tongue feels so good.”

Emily took a deep breath and slowly relaxed the muscles in her arm. Emily couldn’t get over watching this live porn show. Here she was sitting on the bed watching her best friend getting licked out. She could feel her nipples aching and pulsing, but she couldn’t reach for them. If she showed how much this was affecting her, well who knows where this could lead. And she wasn’t ready for that, for this yet.

Michelle looked at her. “All you have to do is watch, I promise. You can watch, right?”

Michelle’s hips twitched and she sucked in a breath. Emily felt Michelle squeezing her hand a little tighter as Miles started to focus on that clit.

“Oh fuck that feels amazing,” Michelle said.

Emily’s chest rose and fell. She couldn’t look away. Miles’ had his face buried in her best friend’s pussy, and by the looks and sounds of it, was doing a pretty good job.

Emily’s pussy ached to be touched. The thong she was wearing was completely drenched.

“Fuck you are good at that,” Michelle said.

Miles lifted his head with a big grin, his lips and chin glistening. “You think that’s good? Just wait ‘til we start fucking.”

“I don’t wanna wait.” With her free hand she grabbed his collar. She pulled him up onto the bed, kissing his wet lips.

He grinned, pulling her big tits out of her dress. He grabbed one and Michelle let out a little moan. Then she kissed him again.

Miles quickly worked his pants off. Emily let out a gasp. His cock looked absolutely massive in his black boxer-briefs.

Michelle grinned, rubbing her hands over it.

“It is so big,” Emily said.

Michelle laughed and watched. “Just you wait,” She said as she slowly pulled down his boxers, freeing his massive, black cock.

“Jesus!” Emily said. She couldn’t take her eyes off of it. She’d seen porn before with Chris, and those were often big hard cocks. But having one in front of you, within arms reach was something completely different. It was twitching at both ladies, almost winking at them. Emily couldn’t help herself but compare it to Chris’s cock. She guessed that it was a good half a length longer and a fair bit wider. She knew that Chris had a wide cock, but this just looked more magnificent. It was already slightly shiny at the tip, clearly getting ready for its job, slipping inside a tight pussy. Michelles tight pussy. Then Emily noticed his balls, now they were really different. Chris’s were maybe the size of grapes and were always close to his cock. These were large golf balls dangling down, swaying.

Miles smiled, letting out a sigh as Michelle slowly stroked his thick cock.

“ ... Is that really going to fit inside you?” Emily couldn’t take her eyes off the huge cock.

“Yes.” Michelle looked over at Emily. “And pretty soon it’ll fit inside you too.”

Emily breathed quicker as she started imagining trying to fit Miles’ cock inside her. Michelle gave her hand a squeeze. “Find him a rubber from my purse. We’re not all built for babies, you know.” Michelle gave Emily a strange glare that hit Emily’s core. She knew of Chris’ deepest fantasy and clearly Michelle knew it too. That scared Emily. Fantasy is one thing, but sitting in front of a real black cock containing huge deposits of baby making sperm is another thing entirely.

Emily slowly opened the purse. It wasn’t hard to find one. In fact, Michelle’s purse seemed to be about half filled with condoms. She picked up a condom, her hand shaking.

Emily held the condom out and Michelle giggled. “Oh, find him an extra large, hon,” Michelle said, slowly stroking the huge cock. “That one will never fit.”

Emily nodded, digging through the purse again. She soon found an extra large condom. Michelle took the condom and ripped the package open with her teeth. Emily watched as Michelle rolled the condom down Miles’ huge cock, at an achingly slow pace.

“God, I need this big, black cock inside me,” Michelle said as she laid back on the bed. But, her eyes weren’t on Miles, she was watching Emily. Gauging each breath and little glance.

Miles’ massive cock throbbed in Michelle’s hand as she directed it towards her now dripping pussy. He seemed to be enjoying having an audience. He gave Emily a little wink. “Emily, I want you to watch this. Ummmm” she moaned as his cock started to slowly move around her pussy lips in preparation. “Don’t take your eyes off his cock as he puts it inside me. Notice the difference in our skin colour and how long he is, how deep it’s going to go.”

Michelle let out a moan as Miles slowly started to push into her. She gripped Emily’s hand tighter as his big black cock began to stretch her pussy.

Emily sucked in quick breaths, her eyes fixed on the massive cock. Miles let out a sigh, with each slow thrust he gave her, each one taking him a little deeper, stretching Michelle’s pussy a little more.

“Oh fuck ... oh fuck, he is so big!” Michelle gasped, gripping Emily’s hand. “Oh god ... oh, his cock feels amazing.”

Emily couldn’t help but notice each little gasp and moan. Every little tremor and shake. The way her pussy gripped so tightly around him. Emily had never seen another woman having sex before, and with Michelle’s hand holding her’s she felt part of it. Watching Michelle’s pussy lips tightly stretching, almost more than she’d imagined possible. Watching the huge cock sliding deeper into her friend with each push.

Michelle started writhing on the bed. She panted and her eyes rolled back into her head.

Emily’s free hand unconsciously drifted to her own nipple, lightly rubbing it. She sucked in short breaths. She squirmed on the bed, beside them, her pussy aching for relief. She wished she could run off to the bathroom and rub her clit like she was trying to start a fire, but Michelle gripped her hand tight.

Miles let out a groan and he started to fuck her faster. He leaned down, kissing her deeply.

Emily could feel her friend’s hand begin to tremble as she started to orgasm. Michelle wrapped her other arm around Miles’ neck. She kissed him again and again, her nostrils flaring.

Emily let out a sigh as she squeezed her thighs together, tightly. Her huge tits rose and fell as Michelle’s hand trembled in hers.

Miles started to thrust faster.

“Oh jesus ... OH JESUS!” Michelle screamed, her whole body shaking.

Miles grunted and gave her a few more powerful thrusts. Emily thought he might cum, but instead, he slowed down. He pulled back until just the head of his thick cock was still inside her. Michelle sucked in big breaths.

“Oh god...” she moaned as he started pushing into her again.

He slowly pushed deep inside of her, then pulled out and started again.

“Oh god...” she said again, panting. “God, Emily, his cock is amazing.”

A few more slow thrusts brought Michelle right to the edge. She started to shake, gripping him and Emily’s hand tighter.

“Oh yeah, cum for me, baby,” Miles said, starting to fuck her harder.

Michelle wailed as her pussy spasmed on his thick black cock. Miles didn’t slow down and Emily watched as her best friend came again and again until Miles finally buried himself in her well-used pussy and erupted.

Miles and Michelle laid there for a minute and she slowly caught her breath. She finally let go of Emily’s hand and started kissing Miles tenderly.

“Thank you so much for giving me your amazing cock...” she said with a smirk. “And for showing Emily what she’s missing.”

Emily froze at being mentioned, her hand dropping from her breast.

Michelle kissed him again and he slowly pulled out of her. She whimpered as he slid from her.

The extra large condom hung down from his extra large black cock, ballooned with a huge load of cum. Emily couldn’t help staring. It looked obscene, how full it was. It was so much more than when Chris came.

Emily watched as Michelle wrapped her hands around his cock, carefully peeling the condom off and tying a knot in it.

Michelle looked at the condom for a moment, then held it out to Emily. “Can you put this in my purse for me?”

“ ... Why?” Emily asked, really not wanting to touch it. It had her friend’s juice on one side and a countless number of sperm on the other.

Michelle shrugged. “You’ll see.”

Then it was in Emily’s hand. At first she jiggled it like a slimy, sloshing hot potato. She cringed, but she couldn’t stop staring at it. It felt heavy in her hand.


When they finally left in a cab it was nearly three in the morning. Michelle had a grin on her face and a glassy look in her eye.

“ ... Didn’t it hurt?” Emily asked.

Michelle looked over at Emily. “Only a little at first. But then you are completely overwhelmed by pleasure.”

“Oh I could tell you were overwhelmed by pleasure,” Emily said with a chuckle.

Michelle smirked. “You want to be overwhelmed, too, don’t you?”

Emily drew in a big breath “Oh god no, too big, married, Chris, Claire, wrong... “ she babbled.

“We just need to get you a dildo to practice with,” Michelle said, with an evil smile.

“I have a dildo!” She quickly quieted herself as she realized how loud she had been talking.

Michelle laughed. “No, I mean a real dildo. I want you to be ready to be overwhelmed.”

Emily’s breath was getting quicker. If she hadn’t been so worked up from watching Michelle cum again and again, she would have dismissed the idea outright. “Oh ... I couldn’t.”

“You could. And imagine how excited Chris would be.”

Emily couldn’t help imagining the way Chris’ face would light up if she got a new dildo.

“We’ll swing by my place first. I have plenty,” Michelle said with a chuckle.

“I don’t want one of your used dildos,” Emily said.

“Calm down, it has been thoroughly washed ... maybe,” Michelle winked at her and gave the driver her address. “I promise, it will just be a moment,” she told him as she and Emily hurried inside.

They came back outside in a minute. The driver gave them a knowing smile. The thick head of a black dildo was sticking out of Emily’s purse. Emily could have died when he noticed.

Michelle gave her one last hug, lingering just out of earshot from the cabbie. “You did good tonight,” she said.

“I can’t believe you got me to go along with this,” Emily said.

“I can. Cause deep down, I know you really like it ... Oh, I almost forgot.” Michelle pulled out the little condom sperm balloon out of her purse and tucked it into Emily’s purse.

“What is that for?” Emily asked.

“Give it to Chris when you get home,” Michelle said with a smirk.

“ ... What is he supposed to do with it?”

“Nothing. I just want him to get used to you bringing him home a stranger’s cum,” she said with a giggle.

“You are the worst,” Emily said, turning and climbing into the cab.


I was waiting at the door for her. I hadn’t heard from Michelle for a while, so my mind had been running wild.

“What happened?” grinning, looking over Emily as she walked in the front door. I noticed the huge dildo sticking out of her purse and almost choked with excitement. “ ... And where did that come from?”

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