The Caretaker - Cover

The Caretaker

Copyright© 2021 by C...B

Chapter 7: Fantasy Island

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 7: Fantasy Island - Dylan Clark's life is going nowhere fast. With his marriage a failure and his prospects for the future grim, he realizes that he needs to make some drastic and serious changes. He takes a mysterious job hoping to get his life back on track and moving forward again. Instead of the hoped-for positive changes, he finds himself caught in a deadly web of mystery and intrigue. What the hell has he gotten himself into and is there any way for him to escape?

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Mind Control   Heterosexual   Fiction   Mystery   Restart   Workplace   White Male   White Female   Oriental Female   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Fisting   Oral Sex   Voyeurism  

Near Present day – October 16th
An hour before midnight
Montana compound (assumed) - Second tour.

I smiled as I thought back to those first days on the island worksite. It had been a cold grueling deployment, but it did have its better moments. I yawned and was about to roll over and go to sleep in the narrow cot when a faint noise interrupted caught my attention. It was the elevator in the nearby warehouse. Someone was in the maintenance building and using the lift to access the basement. Whatever activities were happening to cause my current restriction to this basement room had extended to the maintenance building.

I waited a few minutes longer listening but did not hear any other noises nor any sign that someone was approaching. I resumed my attempt to fall asleep. My mind drifted and returned to back to the Chilean island.

Five months ago. — May 28th
Small Island worksite, somewhere in southwest Chile
First week of two-month work deployment

After a supper of spaghetti and meatballs which Terry cooked, he laid out the facts of life while on the island. He had prepared a power point list which had each line item written in four languages. We learned the rules of the island: Work hard. Stay safe. No fighting and No drama. We also learned what our goals were for the next two months. Basically, it was to erect a sixty-foot-wide by one-hundred-foot-long pre-engineered metal building.

The good news is that last work crew had finished the hard part which was the footings and foundation work. They had finished the earthwork in the mud and rock and had left the area covered in flat and well-draining crushed stone. The building’s perimeter foundation and column support piers had been poured and all that was left was above ground work. Their final work was overseeing the arrival of the building components and now those parts were sorted and ready to be installed.

Our part would be erecting the building and getting it weather tight. We would also start on the placing of the concrete floor slab if the schedule allowed. The bad news was we would have dreary cold winter weather to work in. Also, winds would be a factor and might delay construction as we had to lift heavy beams and columns. Finally, installing the flimsy metal roofing and wall panels would have to wait for calmer days. To keep schedule, we might have to work on those at night under artificial light.

Finally, Terry broke down our other chores. We would be taking turns on the maintenance and housekeeping duties. Each of us was in charge of our own bedrooms and personal laundry but we would alternate on the cooking and cleaning of the public spaces. I was surprised when Terry said he was in the rotation also. This meant that every five days I would have to cook a full day’s worth of meals for five.

On another of the five days I’d have to clean the public spaces including the shared toilet. Finally, on a third day I would be in charge of the site’s generators, fuel and fresh water bladders (they had to be heated) and construction equipment maintenance.

These tasks would happen outside the normal eight-hour work shift where I was expected to help construction. The construction work shifts would run six days straight with a day off on Sunday. The hardest extra duty day would be the cooking days as I would have to get up early to make breakfast, prepare cold lunches and beverages for the noon meal, then make a filling hot supper an hour after we quit for the day. Finally, kitchen cleanup also fell under the cook’s responsibility which extended the work day even further.

Terry had an extensive sample menu with items that matched the food supplies we had on hand. The recipes also allowed for the dietary restrictions of the crew (thankfully, there were few). I was happy to see that the recipes were simple, and I had cooked many of them in the past. I would simply have to adjust the amounts for the crew of five.

That was it. We finished up and I headed for a shower and an early bed as today had been a long one. Terry was busy flirting with Hyun and Aldora. I guess he wanted something new after living with just Sam for the past month. Aldora came into the bathroom in just a bra and panties as I finished my shower. I saw her giving me the eye while she brushed her teeth as I finished and dried off. I returned the favor and checked out her well-muscled ass and long legs on her Amazon body. Returning my eyes to mirror level I saw her give me a wink that spoke of good tidings for the future.

The public spaces were empty when I passed through on the way back to my room. Terry and Vasily’s bedroom doors were shut but Hyun’s was open. I peeked and saw that her bedroom was unoccupied. Terry must be getting his bit of strange. I hoped that he was good enough in bed that I would not be seeing Hyun later as the idea of sloppy seconds made me shudder more than a little. Could I maybe hope for a visit from the Greek Amazon? I left the door unlocked just in case.

Alas, I woke the next morning having spent the night alone. I didn’t really mind as I had fallen asleep in minutes and slept the night through like a corpse. I could smell food cooking and found that Vasily was finishing up on making breakfast. It looked like I had just enough time for a quick shower so I went to do that. Terry and Aldora were already dressed and sitting at the table drinking coffee and reading something on their phones. Now that he saw that I was awake, Vasily turned on the stereo and I was happy to learn that he liked western country music.

In the bathroom I found Hyun standing at the sink naked and brushing her teeth. I stepped out of my robe and went to take a leak. Hyun found my heavy morning piss fascinating as she turned to watch. Giggling, she reached out and took control. I chuckled and let her point and aim my firehose until I finished. She shook it a bit and gave it a squeeze before resuming her brushing. I took a fast shower as I did not want to miss breakfast.

I was exhausted at the end of the first day. Trying to bolt steel columns down to their concrete piers as they rocked back and forth in the cold wind sucked. The good news was that Vasily was an excellent equipment operator. He ran the telescopic forklift and was our crane man. Hyun and Aldora worked plenty hard also. Aldora attached the steel pieces to the lifting hook and helped guide them into position with a lead rope. Hyun and I attached and torqued the anchor bolt nuts down on the heavy steel base plates.

Later, the cheery Korean woman joined me in the aerial platform as we became airborne riggers and connected the large, tapered girders between the columns. At the end of the first day we had all the building’s columns stood up and secured and two of the mainframes braced with shoring cables for the night to prevent the wind from toppling our steel work.

Everyone worked well together despite the four languages. I had learned that they all had the same training I had on metal building construction. We seemed to work well together and no one had gotten hurt, which was the most important thing.

We headed inside to clean up and see what Vasily had planned for supper. It turned out to be crock pot chili and corn bread. Everyone had seconds, which made Vasily beam. Hyun joined me that night for a round or two of sweaty sex. She spent a bit of time worshipping my cock before she climbed aboard. I wondered if Terry had come up short or something. I’m sure I’d find out soon enough, with the open coed shower.

After Hyun and I finished round two she left to return to her own room and get some sleep. I offered a spot next to me for the night, but she relayed through her phone that tomorrow was her day to cook and she had to get up early to make breakfast.

The days passed by quickly. Our constructions took shape and began looking like a building. By the start of the second week all the roof purlins and wall girts were attached and braced to the fully erected steel mainframes. We were starting on the metal roof panels tomorrow and although I was used to the heights by now, the thought of walking on the thin steel panels to fasten them to the purlins made me nervous. I hoped that it would be calm weather as we also had to drape the fiberglass insulation blankets over the purlins before each roof panel was set.

I had cleaning duties that night and was finishing up by scrubbing the bathroom late after everyone had had their nightly shower. When I was done I saw that all the bedroom doors were closed and everyone had gone to bed. I undressed in the laundry room and headed naked back to take my own shower in the now clean room. After my shower I opened my bedroom door to find Aldora in my bed. She was not smiling so I hesitated at the doorway. This made her scowl even more and she jerked her finger at me and at the bed, so I approached and climbed under the covers.

“Fuck me Dylan,” Was all she said. I knew she understood a few words in English and it looked like she had the important ones covered. I rolled to her and kissed and licked one of her large tits while I massaged her muff, seeing if she was wet. I found her already sopping so I fisted my cock quickly to full hardness and climbed aboard.

With having seen her back on the ship with the young masseuse’s fist up her cunt I expected her to be a bit loose. Instead, her muscular build made for a muscular snatch and she gripped me perfectly. I was able to fully bottom out my first thrust. She finally smiled and grabbed my ass, encouraging me to get busy. I began to drill her well, deeply and steadily. After a few minutes of my regular movements, I sensed she was building to something, so I sped up and started twisting my hips a bit trying to crush her clit on the down strokes.

That movement really charged her up and she released my ass with one hand and started thrumming her clit quickly. Other than our deep breathing, we were silent with just the slap of our flesh meeting betraying that we were engaged in furious lovemaking. She was not a moaner and I was busy concentrating on trying to bring her off while delaying my own orgasm to help it happen.

She beat me to the finish and stiffened. I felt her strong pelvic muscles clench and try to suck me in deeper as she came. I jammed my cock as deep as it would go and painted her cervix with jet after jet of my creamy load. I rolled off her and we lay there catching our breath. She finally smiled at me and kissed me. I guess riding the high of a good orgasm stalled her sour attitude for a while.

After a bit of cuddling, she left my room without a word and headed towards the bathroom. I smiled when I saw her doing the dirty version of the walk-of-shame. You know, that quick, slightly hunched over walk where she was cupping her quim to keep my cum from dribbling all over the vinyl floor. She did not return so I rolled over and hit the lamp switch and went to sleep.

Two weeks later we had all the roof and wall panels installed on the building. This meant it was mostly closed in and out of the weather. We set up temporarily lights and heat inside and set about trimming out and installing the overhead doors. With the building weather tight, we would be able to start on the concrete floor. But first, we had one small problem. We had no concrete.

That issue was solved when a small tramp freighter arrived and anchored just off the island. It had an old but serviceable deck crane and lowered a pair of large pontoon barges into the water. It then began offloading pallets of sacked premixed concrete. Lots and lots of pallets. Each barge could carry only three pallets per trip as each pallet held forty sacks of eighty pounds of concrete mix, or about a ton and a half per pallet.

We used the skid loader to pull the cable attached to the barge until it was tight to the rock ledge of the island. Then, our telescopic forklift could reach each pallet and lift it one at a time from the barge and stage them on the island. When the barge was empty, the ship’s winch would pull them back to be reloaded.

Finally, the skid loader was used to move all the pallets to their final storage position. We put about a quarter of the pallets into empty shipping containers to keep them out of the weather. The rest was stacked in one end of the new building. This would allow us to mix and pour three quarters of the building floor and then finish the last quarter with the concrete stored in the shipping container.

The cargo transfer took four days. When that job was done a long buoyant hose was pulled across from the freighter to our island. This allowed the diesel tanks on the freighter to top off our fuel bladders sitting by the generators. Another hose was used to top off our fresh water bladders including the two new ones which had been delivered by the ship. We would need plenty of fresh water to mix the concrete for the floor. Finally, a few pallets of food and other supplies were ferried over. That ended the cargo offloading for this ship.

Terry was leaving on the freighter as it was the end of his two-month shift. His replacement had arrived with the freighter and had helped with the concrete and cargo transfer. She was a spunky short Hispanic woman who was around my age. I lucked out when she was bilingual with good English along with her native Spanish. Her name was Rosa and she and Terry must have been close friends as she shared his bedroom for the few days their shifts overlapped. Now that Terry was gone, she was ready to take charge.

Before we could start pouring cement, we had to get the building plenty warm. This was achieved by using two fuel oil furnaces. We hung them off the walls so we could work under them and ran their flues out the plywood covered window openings. Finally, we were ready to get busy on the floor. We would be mixing concrete as we went using a mixing attachment for the skid loader. This meant we had to pour the large floor slab in sections.

Each section was fifteen feet wide by twenty feet long and Aldora and I had the job of constructing the forms and laying out the steel rebar. Hyun, Vasily and Rosa got the concrete making equipment ready and did other tasks. Finally, one morning we started mixing and pouring. We planned to pour and finish two sections a day. We used the telescopic forklift to lift a pallet full of pre-mix up above the inlet height of the mixer. This allowed us to dump sacks into the mixer without having to lift them much, saving our backs.

Each floor section would take around five and a half cubic yards of concrete or about two hundred and fifty sacks of the pre-mix. Our mixer could hold about half a yard of concrete per batch so we would need eleven full batches per section. All this meant that we would be working hard all day to pour the two sections per day.

Not only that, but while three of us were mixing and pouring, the other two would be working to level and finish the section already poured. Those two would start later in the day and then work into the night as it took about three hours for us to pour each section and then a few hours for the concrete to set up enough to be finished.

Since the finishing job required patience and skill, Rosa and Hyun got the job. Aldora, Vasily and I got the grunt work. The concrete floor work took two and a half weeks because we would skip every other day to move our forms and set up the new sections to pour.

But, finally, the entire floor was placed, finished and done. This occurred four days before my two-month tour on the island were over. We finished up any delayed tasks and moved equipment around and then took a few days off and just lounged around our quarters or fished off the floating dock. I spent a bit of quality time with Rosa on one of the days. She was an energetic lover and taught me a thing or two about how to bring a woman to climax.

The last night I spent with Aldora. Hyun actually spent it with Rosa which did not surprise me as she had also done that with Aldora a time or two. Poor Vasily. He just pined away in his bedroom. He had been decent about it though. Even when we had used the shower together he had never hinted, which I greatly appreciated.

The last morning, I woke to find E.V.Pounder anchored off the island. I would soon be leaving! I spent a few hours packing my gear, cleaning my bedroom, and getting the bed made with fresh linens. At noon, we did a changeover with the replacement work crew and headed out on the tender to the larger vessel. The second thing I checked after I stowed my gear in my cabin was the massage schedule. I checked to see that the two oriental women were still on board (they were) and signed myself up for the next available session ... and the one after that.

I did not mind the three day wait until my massage appointment finally arrived because Hyun basically shacked up in my cabin. She wore me out each night, but I still enjoyed a nice hand job from the younger of the two masseuses when my turn came. She also let me freely feel her up and finger her tight snatch. I guess that made for a faster happy ending, but I had to wonder if every one of the crew got the privilege.

When we arrived at our final port and were due to split up. I gave all three of my crewmates a deep hug. I even kissed all three but Vasily only got a peck on each cheek. He still smiled and hugged me a second time when I surprised him with that.

Soon I was on a commercial aircraft and flying off to a warm quiet beach somewhere in French Polynesia for my month off. This time I got three weeks of sunny lazy vacation out of the way before I had to return to the USA for a short week of additional training. Then it was back to my caretaker duties at the compound likely somewhere in Montana.

Near Present day – October 17th{br}Sometime before dawn
Montana compound (assumed) - Second tour.

After the late-night recollection session of my cold two months spent on the remote island doing construction, I had finally fallen asleep. After too few hours of slumber I was abruptly awakened by the muffled sounds of an explosion. For me to hear it down here meant it had to be a big one. What the hell had happened?

My phone beeped almost simultaneously with an incoming message. Before I could find my phone and read the message, I heard from the corridor leading back to the maintenance basement the faint sounds of gunfire. It must have been coming from topside but very near the maintenance building for me to hear it. Even more disturbing, it was clearly from more than one automatic rifle. A battle was going on up there!

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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