Forget Harper Valley PTA - Cover

Forget Harper Valley PTA

© Peter_Pan (2007-2021)

Chapter 15: Farewell to Zion

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 15: Farewell to Zion - What goes on behind closed (high security) doors, in the very best of houses, you just wouldn't believe!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Spanking   Group Sex   Swinging   White Male   White Female   White Couple   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Voyeurism  

This was the final chapter of the original “The Complete Harper Valley” publication. I have had to leave the series “open” however with the notation “To be continued,” because after receiving so many highly emotional emails from readers worldwide, pleading for a continuance of the series, I resolved months later, to add chapters that were in many ways un-connected to the original time-line. This second series was encapsulated in another publication, “Harper Valley: Postscript: which will shortly be made available on

Hard to say who reacted with the greatest dignity. Both of them semi-spluttered “Dad” at the same instant.

Withdrawing from his sister’s gaping though rather attractively sculptured pussy, Luke attempted to zip his pants up with limited success, considering the temporary size of its resident. Natalie, with unfortunately no knickers to pull back up, spun around and was only able to tug her nightdress to knee-level, as she more or less slumped to the floor in a sitting position, legs tightly closed up. For a moment she didn’t even realise both breasts were still fully exposed – pulled well free of her top, most likely during one of Luke’ earlier passionate moments. On realising her admittedly, sexy predicament, she gave a little cry of embarrassment, hurriedly returning them to that soft and pliable little front-loader she wears quite often now I notice.

I figured I may as well start the ball rolling.

“How long’s this been going on kids?”

Admirably, taking the role as defender of his younger sister, Luke gulped visibly and replied.

“Not that long dad,” then catching my look of entrenched scepticism, “Honestly - no more than a month?” he looked across at Natalie who nodded mutely.

“And you Nat,” I asked quietly, “Was this your idea ... or his?” I wanted to say something about the fact that part of a brother-sister relationship didn’t generally include fucking one another ... but then of course, such behavior doesn’t come under the socially accepted role-play strictures normally in place between the average father and daughter either. I had to navigate this minefield delicately.

Luke subverted the need for Natalie to answer. “Dad,” he said, “I found out about the parties!”

Talk about a subtle shift in the balance of power. I glanced from Luke to Natalie, most likely seeking some inspiration.

“Well even so son,” I fired back, figuring that outright aggression was probably now my only defence in the face of wholesale embarrassment and loss of credibility, “How does that explain your new role as Sex-Ed instructor?”

“It just happened dad.” he answered slowly. “Prue, told me about the parties and that she knew my sisters all went there and one night while Nat and I were talking about it ... things just got out of hand I guess.”

I realised only too well how easy that would have been!

I knew Prue of course – she had been in twelfth grade with Luke only a few years before Natalie’s graduation. Pretty little brunette, they had gone out together a few times. Her younger sister Lucy, was in Kylie’s grade so obviously she would know all about it. Although she was no active participant so far as I knew – girls do talk!

“And dare I ask, Luke?” I added, looking at both of them in turn, “Are Kylie and Jenna willing parties in this little family union also?”

The two of them answered as one “No way!”

“Really dad,” Natalie cried out, “They don’t know anything about Luke and I. They have no idea he even knows about the parties.”

“I promised Nat I would never do anything with them dad,” Luke muttered, seemingly quite proud of the fact.

I couldn’t help but wonder notwithstanding, just what fantasies his mind must have conjured up the last month or so, not to mention Kylie’s likely complicity if such an option was put to her. Even as I stood there, I would be lying if I told you my mind wasn’t processing multiple images of Miss sexy lips, allowing Luke to tease her naked little body every which way.

“Ok well look, it’s late kids,” I said. “We have to all sit down and talk about this as a family. The other two are going to have to be told that you know about the parties Luke – we needn’t mention your late-night work-outs though. Both of you get to bed now and let me think about stuff.”

Luke ambled off as I bent down and picked up Natalie’s skimpy little knickers that were peeking out from under the bed. Tossing them down to her I said “Here sweetie, you might need these!” Strangely, she blushed.

I wasn’t that surprised some forty minutes later, after I had showered and gone to bed myself, to detect a soft footfall outside my door. Some rustling and then the softest of little hands grasping mine.

As I pulled her gently in beside me, she gave me the deepest and most passionate of kisses. “I’m really sorry you caught us tonight dad,” she whispered, snuggling up to me. “Not because he was doing ... you know ... but because it made me feel really cheap and dirty.”

I tried to play it all down but she really wanted to talk.

“It’s different with you dad,” she whispered, “not sure why, but I know you love us all and ... well, a father’s different to a brother isn’t he?” I knew what she meant although I couldn’t have explained it any better.

I kissed her on the lips. “This all has to end sweetheart – you know that don’t you? Not just the parties ... but here at home, with Luke, your sisters ... me! We have to get back to a normal routine ... a normal family!”

“I know dad,” she whispered. “Just for tonight though, let me stay with you please?”

So, yeah right ... like I was going to say “Nah, sorry baby, not in the mood.”

It was the most memorable night Natalie and I ever shared. She needed to receive as much as I needed to share. For more than an hour after I had slipped off her nightdress, bra and panties, I did no more than kiss and fondle her as she lay beside me, astride me ... even across me. Ultimately of course our joint need was such that I had to engage hyperdrive. Even after filling that demanding little pussy twice she was still hot for more and I had settle her down with a couple of well placed spanks.

Packing Nat off to her own bedroom early the next morning, before the others woke, I made an early start on breakfast.

Kylie was the first to show. Leaning up against the kitchen doorway rubbing her eyes, hair a total mess, nightdress rumpled in all the right places – no teenage girl ever looked more desirable.

“How come you’re up so early dad?” she asked.

“Lot on my mind sweetie,” I answered truthfully.

Thinking that maybe now was as good a time as any, I told her to go upstairs and fetch her sisters and brother down, as I wanted to talk to everyone right now.

Within minutes, the three of them were sitting most attractively squashed-up together on the long padded bench at the breakfast bar, with Luke perched on the stool in his regular spot on the return side. With only forty minutes or so before he went to work, the girls to school and Natalie to Uni, I talked as I served.

The gist of my speech - once I had revealed Luke’ new-found knowledge and allowed a couple of minutes for Kylie and Jenna’s blushing to subside - was that “Basically guys – all bets are off.”

There were no dissenters, although. Kylie’s expression alone just about cut my heart out. Her tears, so close to the surface then, were not for Harper Valley – they were for unspoken expressions of a shared love, an end to something neither of us ever wanted to end – though we knew it had to.

Group spokesperson to the end, Kylie looked at me with those hazel eyes of hers, liquid pools of pure persuasion. “Can we just have that last party dad? It was our turn to hold it next weekend – remember?”

I couldn’t even get my lips to frame that simplest of responses...”No Kylie.” Despite knowing that this thing best be cut dead in its tracks, some part of me wanted this last indulgence. My mind was already rationalising that yeah, we were as a family obligated to host at the very least, one party in payback for all that we had enjoyed throughout the year.

“If I agree to this kids,” I heard myself saying incredulously, “You understand that is the end – we get our life back on track afterwards and we don’t look back. You might remember, it didn’t do Lot’s wife much good did it? Let’s not go that route!”

I had their word. All of us then had one all-encompassing communal hug.

With breakfast finished and the girls heading back upstairs to get dressed, Luke asked me. “Will I be able to stay for the party dad?” I looked at him. Then I thought of Brianna, Caitlin, Louise, Michelle, Tanya ... even Sandy. How could I deny him? Come to that, how could I deny them?

“Your place – finally?” Jerry almost choked on whatever it was he was eating.

“And you know what Jer?” I added.

“What’s that mate?” he muttered.

“It’s our last party my friend. No more ... finissimo, chow, arrivederchi ... hasta la vista baby!”

Jer was silent for a moment. “You mean like you’re having no more, or you’re not going to any more Noel?

“The latter mate!” Now he was running scared.

“Does that include the girls?” Sounded like he could barely bring himself to utter the words.

“Every last one Jer,” I responded. “Oh and by the way, I got a big surprise for you – kind of a going-away present!”

“Yeah? What’s that mate?” he replied mechanically.

“Luke’ll be there Saturday too. The little bugger found out about the damn things.” I let it sink in.

“Jesus Luket Noel...” he yelled, fully uncool momentarily. “Has he done ... I mean has anything happened between him and any of the girls?”

“Yeah well that’s another story Jer,” I replied. “Not one I’m getting into right now. Let’s just say Natalie appears to have been up pretty late some nights.”

“Hell,” he said, “Not sure I can wait till Saturday!”

“Gonna have to my friend,” I countered. “See you then.” I hung-up before he could prolong the conversation.

It was actually only in preparing the house that I discovered the enormous time and financial commitment these soirees demand. Still, it was our turn! Although you wouldn’t call our house small by any means, the living areas are such that the thirty-odd we invited proved to be more than enough. Pretty much everyone from the cruise, save for Keith, Brittany, Pete, Michael and a couple of others, were able to make it.

For Luke of course, it was the ultimate eye-opener. Currently unattached, to be surrounded suddenly by available, nubile and ultimately willing young girls was little more than an early Christmas present.

As luck would have it however, George and Larissa were the first ones in the driveway and I couldn’t fail to notice the body language of either offspring when Luke was introduced by George to his daughter. It worked out well, as being the host for once I wouldn’t have had the time to spend with Larissa that I otherwise would have liked. From what I could see, I don’t think I was going to be missed that much!

Graham, evidently a long way from being “over” his former schoolgirl fantasy, made a bee-line straight for Natalie on his arrival. I might be wrong, but the first lip-action of the morning looked to be of their creation, ensconced as they were down the far end of the rumpus room on the modular lounge.

Jenna at that stage was still helping me with reception duties in the hallway, looking ultimately desirable in that tight blue strapless dress she had on, highlighted by a beautiful jewelled necklace that had once been her mother’s. Pretty much every father who we welcomed, gave her a second glance that translated readily as, “and I’ll definitely be seeing you a little later sweetie!”

Kylie? well what can I say? Usual short skirt, tight top, even high-heels. Think she planned on going out with a flourish ... taking with her it seemed, as many as possible. Jerry, Mal and Brad monopolised her services within minutes of getting there. Connor and Sandy followed Jerry in, and formed an interesting little group, commandeering a hurried chair-arrangement in the adjacent lounge-room, with Warwick, Craig, Chloe, Kirsten and Virginia.

Once the full complement of guests were on-site, Jenna and I were able to close the door and mingle with those of our choice. No-one “mingles” better than Jenna, and in that dress – she was at the top of her game.

No sooner had I whisked little Rhiannon onto a spare couch than I noticed George had his arm around Jenna and was drawing her down into the nearest easy-chair. I smiled as he kissed her on the lips, while at the same time, gently encircling both breasts. I could hear her soft sighs of pleasure even at this distance. No-one I’d prefer Jenna to be with and whatever he had planned for her was Ok with me.

As I sat there listening to Rhiannon chatting animatedly about school, how much she’d enjoyed her cruise, life in general ... I was struck by the irony of it all. Our decision to pull-out of the group would of course end my contact with her and indeed with all the other beautiful young girls. The assembly-line would go on naturally, but without us.

She could never have understood why I suddenly drew her to me mid-sentence and kissed her, as I took-in her wide-eyed innocence - for such it remained, her delicate little hands, the child’s aura still. So strongly did I regret my decision at that moment, I requested of her what my heart demanded yet my head vetoed.

“I’ll completely understand if you say no Rhiannon,” I asked, looking deep into her eyes, “Would you come upstairs with me for a little while – just the two of us?”

Not only is there a God my friends, he must be an entrenched romantic.

Not looking even vaguely flustered, she held my gaze and simply whispered, “Uh huh!”

I couldn’t tell you what was going on downstairs at that moment ... I wasn’t seeing any other aspect of humanity. I took her hand in mine and drew her towards the stairwell. Once upstairs and in my room I felt like a nervous teenager again. I just looked across at her standing there by the bed in that neat little skirt and top and whatever delicate perfume she had on, was even now teasing mercilessly, my olfactory system.

She wanted me to undress her, that much I sensed. This wasn’t like the cruise ship ... this was something I just knew had to be ... something that had been orchestrated in realms unknown and for reasons indefinitely to remain unclear.

Raising her arms above her head, I pulled her top off gently, revealing the prettiest of frilly lime-green bras that outlined so clearly her still developing breasts. Turning slightly, she indicated the zip at the side, which I pulled down, thus allowing gravity to take care of the skirt. From a wholesale arousal viewpoint, those tight little matching green undies more than worked their magic. Removing my trousers and shirt with somewhat less flair than Gypsy Rose Lee might have managed, I pulled her beneath the covers with me, that scent at such close range, not far short of disorientating.

If I thought that night aboard the Pacific Princess with Rhiannon had been more or less destiny unplugged, this moment in time was I knew, to be the culmination of everything my life had ever amounted to. Even now, writing this for you, I am reliving the beauty – her beauty ... my complete reverence.

She let me remove her bra and then lay back for me, arms above her head, knowing how much I needed to kiss her breasts and nipples. The hot little sounds of pleasure that issued from her lips, most especially when I began to suckle her, were simply so arousing I was feeling almost light-headed.

“I love you Rhiannon,” I told her, fully meaning it, yet quite aware of the dysfunctional logic in place here. In answer, she put her slender arms around my neck and pulling me to her, had me kiss those hot little lips with a passion I doubt I will ever aspire to again.

Moving ever southwards, I kissed her neck, breasts, her wonderful flat stomach ... right to the edge of that tempting elastic. By this time, she had I think, less control than me and was wriggling her hips involuntarily.

As I kissed her flush at the apex of her slim legs, she moaned audibly and whispered, just as she had that night on the boat, “You can pull my panties down,” only this time it was more a case of pleading.

Slipping my fingers beneath her waistband, I tugged them right down and off. The fact that she was now fully undressed, yet protected still by the covers themselves, simply highlighted the sexuality of it all. To have had her spreadeagled atop the bed naked and vulnerable would have cheapened the whole episode. This was no time to be looking, simply an occasion to be in tactile awe of the female form and to worship at the throne of perfection.

I allowed my hand to feel the smoothness of her abdomen and my fingers to become entwined in that soft and arousing triangle of hair between her legs. She was reaching a plateau of need and my suckling her once more was doing little to allay her contagious urgency.

“Please make love to me now,” she whispered.

I didn’t so much take out my erection as uncage it. Still on her back and once more with her arms so submissively above her head, I had no need to part her legs, nature took care of all those pleasant little formalities. Perhaps a combination of her youthful complicity and my middle-aged desire, but the sensation afforded me that moment as I penetrated her to the maximum physical limit, was quite without precedent.

Little in the way of verbal communication passed between us. It didn’t need to. Holding her hips, I re-discovered a rhythm that inevitably had her spreading her legs even wider to accommodate my thrusts. When it came, the release was nothing short of formidable. Clutching me tightly, those vaginal muscles of hers, worked overtime to milk every last drop on site.

For maybe twenty minutes after that, I just lay there with her caressing her shoulders, her hair, her face - anything and everything. When I told her, as I had to, that we would be attending no more parties, and despite my attempts to explain just why this had to be – she covered her eyes and sobbed. Much later, we returned to the playing fields.

I don’t know whether or not it would be accurate to describe what George and Jenna were doing in the lounge-room as “playing.” Seated fully-dressed still, and astride him to the extent that brief dress allowed, he had his arms around her waist and was kissing her, like he had just discovered she was wearing Chivas-Regal flavored lipstick. The only indicator that something more than their tongues were active, lay beside the chair – a pair of scrunched-up blue undies. They definitely weren’t George’s! They both looked up as I approached, Jenna noticeably flushed. Pausing to give me the hottest little smile as I drew parallel with the arm of the chair, I could see now the extent of George’s participation. Fully penetrating her at Mezzanine level, the top of her dress was gaping sufficiently to reveal a pair of extremely erect nipples barely covered by her tiny bra. I allowed myself the luxury of a quick feel which drew a shocked cry of “dad!!!!” as George looked on approvingly. I left them to it.

Back in the rumpus room, all manner of sights awaited.

Featuring strongly was Luke’ little turn with Larissa, up alongside the far wall. Now I realise that we are fortunate in that we have a particularly thick and luxuriant carpet in that room, but in what was basically his inaugural party, my son would appear to any onlooker (and there were a few I noticed) to have been an all-year regular. Quite obviously having made more than a casual emotional connection with Larissa, he had her stretched out on her back there, clad in just her panties that she was rather fetchingly holding aside for him, to accommodate his impressively wielded erection. Put simply, he was fucking her tail-lights out!

Thrusting her hips up to meet his incursions, she had definitely found something better than finger-painting. Just for a moment, I felt that flutter of uncontrolled jealousy, realising sadly that Luke had now the one thing to offer Larissa, that I could never conjure – love at her own age.

Young Virginia was seated provocatively on Steve’s lap, her skirt pushed way up past her hips, panties long since removed, while Mal availed himself of the opportunity presented. As Steve kissed her, fondling her breasts at will, Mal was pistoning in to her, stretching wide those legs, well past their theoretical limits. Warwick quite evidently was waiting for the next baton-change.

Kylie, Jerry and Brad were nowhere to be seen and thus my Clousseau-like deductive powers reasoned that one of the upstairs rooms was playing host to some way interesting parlor games.

Connor, Wayne and Sandy I could see, had monopolised the other end of the modular lounge and were busy entertaining young Chloe, Kirsten, Caitlin and Danielle. By “entertaining,” one might accurately take that to include: kissing, undressing, fondling and teasing in general. Sandy, no slouch herself in the adolescent-girl handling department, had little Kirsten all at sixes and sevens as, with her hand up the girl’s skirt, she was rubbing her panties in a location one might reasonably categorise as being naughty!. Wayne was doing things to Danielle I’d bet her father hadn’t even tried, while Connor had his hands full as it were, encouraging Caitlin and Chloe to kiss each other, while he slip-slided his way into both their panties.

And I wanted to quit?

Thirty plus people so I found ... and especially active, hungry ones, can eat their way through one veritable store-house of food. I was beginning to think we should have booked a team of professional caterers. Ultimately though refreshed and renewed, it came time for “the voting game.” As became immediately obvious, Jerry had been unable to keep his big mouth shut and most everyone knew it was to be our last party. Difficult therefore to reject calls for my three to play out one last fantasy upstairs ... especially as they had in mind to do it anyway. Pretty little red-head Meredith polled second place (much to the chagrin of her father) while Caitlin pipped the others for bedroom number three. Purely selfishly, I was delighted that little Rhiannon missed-out.

Myself, assigned the on-going task as video-ref, my three plumped for Jerry, Brad, George, Graham and to gasps around the room... (including my own) ... their brother!”

Just a minute girls,” I interjected, “No way is Luke going up there with you.”

“It’s our vote dad,” Jenna insisted, “We can choose who we want.”

She was right of course. Luke was smiling!

Following that brief exchange, I think any of the other four could have sold their option on eBay for fifty grand or more! Three sisters and their brother? Jerry Springer should be so lucky!

Meredith chose Mike, Craig, Warwick (still depressed out of his mind at missing out on the main attraction) and Wayne. Her mom Anne, insisted she oversee proceedings with a view to her daughter’s well-being. Just what effect seeing her daughter being ultimately fucked by four men would be having on her is something only the six people present in that room were ever going to know. I had enough to worry about myself!

The final ballot meant that Steve, Paul, Connor and the other Luke (Meredith’s father) were assigned bedroom number three with cute little Caitlin. It needed little imagination to picture what partnership combinations were shortly to be played out there. Jenna’s room too. Every time I walked in there from now on, I would be wondering!

Chantelle was pronounced official time-keeper and handed the old school-bell which has served us all so well during the year.

Thus it was, as three hot little bodies winged their way up to our main bedroom that afternoon, six pairs of eyes watched their every move.

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