Discovery of My Sex Goddess Wife - Cover

Discovery of My Sex Goddess Wife

Copyright© 2020 by robertl

Chapter 50

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 50 - Story of how my beautiful, conservative wife's eroticism unfolded in front of my eyes, beginning with a night of passion with my Coast Guard friend after his year-long tour of duty on an isolated duty station, inspired by true events. The story is numerous chapters, will be submitted every 2-3 days until completion

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Wife Watching  

Michelle called me a little after noon and said she was on her way home. I asked her how the dance was, and she said she’d tell me about it when she got home.

I’d been anxious ever since she left the day before. Today was the first day of our forced abstinence and if she had a seriously sexy story to tell me, I knew that I was in grave trouble already. It had been five days since we made love and I was already seriously horny. I had no clue in hell how I was going to survive the next thirty days with her, then another thirty days, knowing she was with Brett.

Michelle got home a little past four that afternoon. When she drove into our driveway, I went outside to meet her. I opened the door for her, and she scooted out of the car. It was obvious she’d taken the instructions from Brett seriously. She didn’t hide the fact that she wasn’t wearing panties. She was wearing a silky top that showed the outline of her breasts and nipples and a skirt just above her knees. God, she looked sexy! When she stood up, I started to take her in my arms and kiss her. She pushed me away with the words, “Honey, we can’t do that.” She wouldn’t even let me kiss her on the cheek.

That night was the first of our forced abstinence. Brett was explicit, he wanted her to think she was his over the next month and be desperately horny. He hadn’t said that in so many words, but it was pretty easy to ascertain from his requirements.

Shortly after she got home, she said she was really hungry, so we went out to dinner at the Olive Garden, and Michelle attracted looks everywhere she went. I wanted her so damn badly but knew we were off-limits to each other. Nothing in the contract said I couldn’t tell her how much I loved her, though. It was hard saying those words and not taking her hand in mine and intertwining our fingers together. During dinner, I asked Michelle about the dance. “I enjoyed it,” she said. “I guess it was a pretty typical dorm dance. We danced some, and Jeremy enjoyed showing me off to his friends.” She told me she had fun playing pool like she used to in college.

“I didn’t know you played pool in college,” I told her.

“Yeah, when I used to go with Mike, we played quite a bit. I was actually pretty good.”

I was a little surprised. That was the first time she’d ever mentioned playing pool in college. I imagined that being with a college crowd had probably brought back a lot of memories.

“Did you win?” I asked her.

“I won some and lost some, but I was pretty good. It’s been so long since I played that most of the skill I did have was gone.”

“Nothing else happened?” I asked her. I couldn’t believe that she hadn’t at least taken Jeremy back to her room.

“Not much. Jeremy wanted to go to my room with me, but I told him I’d been sick the last few days and was just too tired. I talked him into dancing with several of the girls his own age, and he enjoyed that. That was my goal with Jeremy anyway, so it turned out okay.”

“Are you going to write about it, like you did his first date?”

She told me, “There’s not a lot to write about, but I guess I could. It might be a little boring.”

I wondered if there was something she wasn’t telling me. It doesn’t seem like she’d have driven all the way to Seattle for what sounded like a pretty dull dance. I guessed she didn’t know how it’d turn out, and I did know she was still acting pretty tired even when she left. I hoped then that she would write about it, though.

We got home a little after ten, and Michelle said she was tired after driving all afternoon. I went to bed, and Michelle joined me just a few minutes later wearing her satin pajama-gown and nothing else. That’s the one similar to what Ginger wore the night we were snowed in, in Pendleton. We’d always made love whenever she wore that gown. I knew it would be hard lying next to her and not make love with her.

She told me, “I have to buy some new nighties tomorrow. I haven’t had a chance to yet.” I’d forgotten about that. Michelle’s contract said she was supposed to wear new nightgowns every night; new sexy nightgowns. I wondered, did he really expect her to buy thirty new nightgowns? He asked for the receipts to reimburse her, so I guessed he was serious. I had no idea how the hell I was going to handle that, being as horny as I already was!

I lay next to her, our hips barely touching and my cock raging hard in my shorts. I’d almost forgotten how much worse you want something when you know you can’t have it. When Michelle and I withheld sex from each other those three weeks before her date with Mike, it was on our own terms. We could’ve broken that vow of abstinence if we wanted to badly enough. This was going to be completely different since it was entirely out of our hands.

I knew that if we cheated and made love together, that Brett would never know it. Michelle and I would, though. She’d given her word and that was important to both of us.

Sunday, Michelle insisted I go shopping with her in the mall. She dragged me to Victoria’s Secret first. Michelle went through their nightgowns, holding the ones she liked up to her body to get my opinion. Given that Brett’s purpose was to make her horny for the next month added to the fun. My cock was rock hard the whole time, thinking of her wearing a new nightie every night. She bought eight of the sexiest ones she found.

After Victoria’s Secret, we went to the Bon-Marche, Penney’s, Maurice’s and some other stores, repeating the same process. At the end of the day, she’d bought thirty of the sexiest nighties in the mall. Some were short and satiny; several of the nicest were silk; some had bikini or thong panties that she likely wouldn’t be wearing; and some were long, soft and flowing. The one thing they all had in common, was that they were sexy! She didn’t scrimp on quality or pay any attention to how expensive they were since she knew we’d be reimbursed for them all. Her only criteria was that they had to be sexy. All together, they set our credit card back over two-thousand dollars.

The next couple weeks turned into a private hell for me! All I could think about was making love with my wife. She made it a point to be sexy every day and wore another one of those sexy nightgowns every night. We followed the rules religiously, never touching, never kissing, never making love. It was difficult for me, but much harder for my dear wife since she was the one constantly wearing the sexy clothes. We were a couple that had come to thrive on sex and physical contact. Now it was all being deprived of us, while at the same time Michelle was dressing to drive both of us mad.

Thank God she wasn’t working. I don’t think her law office would have approved of her sexy clothing.

Two and a half weeks into our forced torture, Michelle told me at dinner that she had a surprise for me. I looked at her quizzically, wondering what she was talking about. “You have a date Friday. She’s a girl I met at work. We had been having lunches together, and she mentioned her lack of a love life after her husband passed away last year. I told her a little bit about our open relationship and asked if she’d consider a date with my husband.”

“You what?” I stammered. I was looking at this unknown woman with my wide eyes.

“Well, I didn’t actually make a date for you, but she said she’d love to.”

This reminded me of the time my darling wife tricked me into spending a night with Jackie. “Hmm,” I thought, “That hadn’t turned out so badly.” But then saner thoughts took over. I didn’t really want another relationship. “Honey, I really don’t want to. You’re all I need.”

My wife is nothing if not persuasive, and she couldn’t help but throw a guilt trip on me. “Sweetie, I’m going to be gone with another man for a month. I’m going to be having a good time, and I don’t want to worry about you here by yourself the whole time. Please go out with her just once, and if you don’t like her I won’t say another word.” Then she went on, “But I know you’ll love her. She’s fun and pretty.” Then she added with a smile on her face, “And she’s horny, and I know you are too!” She was damn right about that last part!

That was one thing I could certainly relate to at the moment! Every day, living and sleeping with a sex goddess and not being able to do a thing about it had left me with a raging hard-on, almost constantly. My mind hadn’t yet focused on what should have been obvious at the time; could it be that Michelle was fixing me up with another woman in case she didn’t come home?

When we went to bed that night, Michelle wore the very sexiest of all the gowns she’d bought. It was a short, silk baby-doll that was really similar to the silk negligee she’d worn on our wedding night, except it was new, which added to its sex appeal considerably. It fit her perfectly, outlining every contour of her voluptuous body. It was a night that I was, mind-blowingly, horny. She modeled it for me and ordered me to take off my shorts to sleep naked with her. Then she climbed into bed with me, slid over so her hips were against mine and forced us both to lie next to each other without touching, except for our hips. All this to convince me that I needed to go on a date with this girl she knew.

Her body, all that soft skin, and her wonderful curves were just begging to be fondled. I lay next to her, nearly in tears wanting her so badly. I wanted so much to go to sleep and escape the torture of lying next to my sexy wife, unable to touch her. I don’t know if I might have dozed, but if so, it was damn little.

In the morning, I called Diana, her friend. I introduced myself as Michelle’s husband and asked her if she’d be free the coming Friday night. I needed some intimate female companionship! When she answered the phone, she had a very sweet sounding, feminine voice and told me she’d love to have dinner with me.

I’d have loved to call Ginger and spend the night with her, but I respected her’s and Eric’s decision that they’d need to initiate any fun and games between us. I couldn’t help but day-dream of the three nights I’d spent with her, though.

Michelle was thrilled that I’d gotten up the courage to call Diana. She knew that my shyness around the opposite sex was deep rooted. Even though I’d had several very sexually charged times with a few ladies the last couple years and had come to realize that I was at least somewhat attractive to women, it was still a major milestone for me to call a woman I hadn’t even met and ask her for a date.

Michelle kept reassuring me that our deal with Brett wasn’t intended to leave me a raging mass of uncontrollable hormones, only her. She really did want me to have a fun evening with Diana, then an even more enjoyable night!

Friday I was a nervous wreck all day. The closest I’d ever come to doing something like this was with Jackie. But at least I knew her a little bit, and she’d been the one who had encouraged our beginning relationship. This, with Diana, was a totally blind date. Michelle had steadfastly refused to tell me anything about Diana except her name and that she was fun and horny. Nothing about her appearance, her age, her boob size, did she shave “down there,” Nothing!

It had been a slow day at work, so I left a half-hour early, giving me plenty time to get ready for our date. When I got home, I looked around the house for Michelle. I found her sitting cross-legged in the middle of our bed looking out our sliding door, talking to someone on her cell phone. I don’t think she even realized I was home yet.

She was giggling, and I heard her say, “Uh huh, I had fun too. It was quite a night wasn’t it?” I was curious what she was talking about, so I simply stood and eavesdropped, listening to her side of the conversation. “Did you go back to see her? Cool. She’s pretty, isn’t she? I hope she likes your kissable lips as much as I do.”

I’m not going to try and relate the whole conversation I heard, but you get the general idea. I got the definite impression that she was talking to Jeremy about a new girlfriend since her last date with him. It also sounded like a lot more might have happened on that date than Michelle had told me about.

My curiosity and suspicions were getting stronger when I went in and sat down on the bed beside her. She turned and greeted me, “Oh hi honey, you’re a little early this afternoon.” Then back to the phone, “Jeremy, hon, Robert just got home so I have to go.” Another giggle, “You too, bye.”

When she clicked off her phone, I asked her what that was about, “Oh, Jeremy was just telling me that he has a girlfriend. I’m tickled to death about that.”

“And the ‘kissable lips’ part? You never mentioned his kissable lips after you got home the other day.”

“Didn’t I? Well, he does, really nice soft lips, just the kind that a girl likes to kiss.”

I had a thought, an evil thought. “I bet they felt good on your nipples too.”

She closed her eyes and groaned a little like she was off in la-la land. “Mmhmm.”

Aha, I’d gotten her! “I thought you said nothing happened? His lips wrapped around your boobs isn’t exactly ‘nothing happened’.”

Michelle’s face turned red, realizing that she’d given herself away. “Maybe I did leave a little bit out,” she told me.

I looked her in the eyes, “Only a little?”

She groaned and squeaked out, “Maybe ... a lot?”

“You sound like you’re asking me. Do you want to tell me about it now?”

“Honey, I do want to tell you everything, but can it wait for another time?”

“You made love with him, didn’t you?”

She nodded, “Uhuh.”

“More than once?” Her face was getting redder. She nodded up and down again. “More than twice?” I asked. Another affirmative nod. “Three?” Still affirmative. This was getting into the realm of incredible. “Four?” Finally, a negative nod. I wasn’t certain exactly what she’d just told me. “So you made love with him over and over. Was it three times or four times?” She held up four fingers.

I know what you’re thinking when you read this, I should be mad. She’d lied to me. In all honesty, I did start to get angry, until she cut me off, “Honey, what would you have done that night if I’d come home and told you all about how I’d made love with Jeremy over and over again? We couldn’t do anything that night, and it would have driven you completely mad hearing about it. I planned to tell you everything but at a better time.” Then she corrected herself a little. “Actually, I guess it was only three times. Once was with another girl at the party.”

This was actually getting more interesting by the minute. “I thought you said you didn’t do anything with another girl.”

“Oh no, not me. One of the times I was thinking of was Jeremy with another girl.”

“You mean bashful, shy Jeremy did it with another girl?”

“Well, just kissing, but they were both naked.”

This was getting more interesting by the second and any anger that had started had already totally dissipated. “Now you’re telling me that your Jeremy, the scared kid we met, only three weeks ago, was kissing another girl ... while they were both naked?”

She paused a little while before she answered. Obviously, there were parts of the story she didn’t want to tell me, but she finally did. “Uhuh, we were playing strip poker, with two other couples.”

That one caught me by surprise! I’ve always wanted to play it with her and some other people, but she’s always declined. “And what about my sweet, innocent wife, was she naked too?”

An affirmative nod. “Well, it was ‘strip’ poker,” she told me.

I raised my eyelashes at her, that this story was getting more incredible by the second. “Did you have sex with another guy besides Jeremy?” A negative nod.

I couldn’t help but ask, “With another girl?”

“NO! just with Jeremy.” Then she added, very softly, more to herself than to me, “I guess I did give a guy a pretty damn good blow-job ... I guess maybe that could count as me having sex with another guy once.”

Ah shit! My cock was about to burst! I counted back in time. It had been over three weeks since I’d had sex and this conversation was affecting me exactly how she said it would. It had seemed like pulling teeth to get any details from her, so I just bluntly asked, “Anything else happen that I should know about?”

She shook her head no, but then added, “Well not unless you’d count Jeremy fucking the hell out of me on the floor in front of the other two couples ... doggy style.”

I looked at her ape-jawed and about choked myself to death! “Unless I’d count that?” I sputtered, “Well yeah, I’d think that’s a tiny bit significant!” I was thinking that I really didn’t need that image in my mind on my first date with Diana that night.

Her face turned a bright beet red, “One more little thing, there’s a, uh, video of it.”

It was a damned good thing I didn’t have a drink of something in my mouth, it’d have been spread all over the room. She waited for my explosion to calm down. It took a bit before I quit sputtering. “A video! That someone else took?”

“Uhuh, I didn’t know he was.” She paused a bit, “I was kind of pre-occupied.” Yeah, I thought I’m sure she undoubtedly was! “He sent it to Jeremy’s phone later.”

I finally calmed myself down enough to ask, “And the other three times? What about those?”

“Those were in my hotel room. We were still a tiny bit turned on.”

I muttered under my breath, mostly to myself in disbelief, “Still a tiny bit turned on.”

Michelle added, “Well, we had dinner at Shari’s in-between, but it didn’t calm us down much, especially after Tanner sent the video to Jeremy’s phone.”

I rolled my eyes, “I bet you put on a pretty good show for them at Shari’s too.”

“I’m pretty sure the waitress was jealous and horny by the time we left.” She giggled, “Actually, I was certain she was after we let her watch the video.”

As much as I didn’t want to, I knew we had to end this conversation. I did have a date that night I didn’t want to be late for.

Michelle helped me get ready, picked out clothes for me, gave me encouragement that Diana would like me and so on. Much the same as she had before my first date with Jackie, except for one thing. On that occasion, she left a ring of lipstick around my cock, telling me, “Leave it, maybe it’ll inspire her.” This time, as badly as I wanted it, there was no ring of lipstick.

There was no kiss or hug as I left the house. We hadn’t even hugged for nearly three weeks. Virtually our only physical contact had been hips touching in bed. I desperately craved physical, female contact. Then Michelle tells me about her playing strip poker, fucking Jeremy in front of other people, then several more times in her hotel, and I’m going on a date with a horny girl I’ve never even met. Thanks, Michelle, just what I needed tonight!

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