Discovery of My Sex Goddess Wife - Cover

Discovery of My Sex Goddess Wife

Copyright© 2020 by robertl

Chapter 33

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 33 - Story of how my beautiful, conservative wife's eroticism unfolded in front of my eyes, beginning with a night of passion with my Coast Guard friend after his year-long tour of duty on an isolated duty station, inspired by true events. The story is numerous chapters, will be submitted every 2-3 days until completion

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Wife Watching  

Michelle called me about six, letting me know they were in Las Vegas on their way to the hotel. She said Shaun’s reservations were at the Paris Las Vegas. An hour later she sent me some pictures of their room: big, round oversized bed with a canopy cover and frills everywhere. It had a two person raised spa, set where they could enjoy the outdoor scenery, which included the hotel’s Eiffel Tower. Shaun must have spent a fortune on the room! The practical side of me thought that he could probably afford it, since most of it would be tax deductible. The paranoid side of me saw how romantic and sexy this room was, and it was where my wife and Shaun would be living and making love the next two weeks.

A little after ten that night, I received another picture of a beaming Michelle, leaning on Shaun’s shoulder in a booth with a steak dinner in front of them. It made me think of Trisha a little guiltily. I hadn’t been out with her for several weeks. We’d talked on the phone several times but for some reason hadn’t gotten together recently. I thought about the possibility of breaking my vow of chastity while Michelle was gone and asking her out one night. No, I could do this, it was only two weeks, and I could survive!

Off and on Sunday, I’d get a picture from Michelle, mostly benign: the outside of the Paris Las Vegas, very impressive; scenes from The Strip and one of her laughing that Shaun had taken; a video of Michelle with a look of pure terror on her face, putting on a harness then being hoisted out over the edge of a building several hundred feet high! My heart was plunging, seeing my wife falling to her death! Shortly after, a text from her: “I survived! Sky Jump, the Stratosphere.” I knew they wouldn’t kill her like that, but it was a relief to get the text.

Late in the afternoon, she called. It felt good to hear her cute voice! We talked a few minutes; she told me how thrilling that sky jump had been, and that she’d never been so scared in her life. I was curious how Shaun had talked her into doing that, since she’s afraid of heights. She told me that they were going to dinner and the Terry Fator ventriloquist show later in the evening. We’d seen his show video, and he’s probably the best ventriloquist ever. She sent me a picture from outside his theater but said they didn’t allow any photos inside.

After nine-thirty, I called Jacqui to cheer myself up. God, I missed her! If she’d still been here, we’d be staying at each other’s house the whole time Michelle was gone. She was still loving her job and thought they were going to give her a good raise shortly. She told me she was dating the guy she’d been out with last time I talked to her. I wanted to ask her if it was serious but figured that was up to her to tell me one way or the other, in her own time. After we hung up, I almost cried from missing her so terribly! If I’d thought that phone call would cheer me up, I was severely mistaken!

Monday morning, I was sitting in my office working on reviewing a set of plans, when my phone chirped, telling me I had a message. It was a picture of Michelle sleeping on their bed. She was on her side with the baby doll nightie bunched up under her breasts. One leg on top of the blanket showing her bare body below the babydoll, and her hair spread across the pillow. I’ve seen this beautiful scene countless times, but never before when she was in another man’s bed a thousand miles away – both physically and mentally. It had only been two days since she’d left but that picture of my wife nearly did me in. God, I was horny and wanted her!

It didn’t help when five minutes later, she sent me a text: “Shawn took that, then woke me up. He’s in the shower yelling at me to join him, so gotta go.” Well, that helped my libido problem a lot! That minute, my wife was climbing in the shower with Shaun, and I was about to die from loneliness and horniness! Two days were gone, thirteen to go until she was home, and I was already seriously wife-sick!

I didn’t hear anything more until that evening, when she sent a picture from outside Criss Angel’s show. We’ve seen him on TV a few times, and his magic is pretty incredible. I presumed they were going to his show.

Tuesday, Michelle texted me that Shaun was going to take her to the Chippendale show. A bunch of male strippers, that’s exactly who I needed to picture her with – NOT! While they were at the show, she sent me a picture of her with Shaun and the almost naked guys in the background. Naturally, she was wearing the transparent blouse with no bra, and her tight blue jeans. I was so damned hard when I went to bed that night but was determined not to do anything about it to relieve my misery.

She called Wednesday morning and said she’d been mistaken, that the rodeo wasn’t starting until Thursday instead of Wednesday like she’d thought, so they had another day to play. She said they both loved country music, so were going to see Mariah Carey on their last free night. I didn’t get any pictures all day Wednesday, but after the show she texted me, “Wow, she’s awesome!”

I finally sat down at my computer and started to write this story, and realized how much had happened in our lives since the last one. It was hard to remember everything but it never ceases to amaze me that as I write, the details come back. It was passed one in the morning before I finally was too sleepy to write, and went to bed horny as hell.

Thursday morning, Michelle called again, telling me that the rodeo didn’t start until six forty-five. She said Shaun was going to be busy all day doing interviews and writing stories, so she stayed at the hotel.

I asked her what she was going to be doing all day?

“I have a massage scheduled after a while, and then I’m going to the pool and do some swimming and sunbathing.” I guessed it must have been a little warmer in Vegas than here.

I pictured her in that white bikini with guys hovering all around, “Which suit are you going to wear?”

“You probably want me to wear the white one, don’t you?”

“Sweetheart, the thought never crossed my mind.”

“I wore that one yesterday with Shaun. Today, I’ll wear the turquoise one.”

“You didn’t get me any pictures?”

“I’m sorry sweetie; we didn’t have our phones with us.”

Thinking of her in that white swimsuit made me ask, “What about your love life, how has that been?”

“Hmm, I guess I could just say it’s been incredible, but somehow that doesn’t seem adequate. This trip has been fantastic so far!” Then she asked me, “How about you, how have you been?”

“Well, other than being about to go out of my mind missing you, I’ve been okay I guess.” Then I decided to tell her about my phone call with Jacqui, “I talked to Jacqui Sunday night, she’s been seeing a guy.”

“Good for her. Are you okay with that?”

“I don’t know, I miss her so much, but I want her to be happy. I’ve almost been thinking of driving up there Saturday, but I don’t want to mess up something that she might have going with her new guy.”

“No, I don’t think you should if she’s just starting a new relationship.”

I had a thought. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does it’s brilliant. “I’m curious if the situation was reversed, and Shaun moved away, what would you do? Could you let him go?”

I heard a long pause on the other end of the phone before she finally answered very softly, “No.”

I almost asked what if she had to make a choice, but I was honestly afraid of the answer. I wanted to change the subject, “Did you screw the guy at Wallowa Lake?” I thought maybe if I caught her off guard she might accidentally answer me.

“What? Why are you asking that?”

“Because it’s still bugging me and I want to know. I wouldn’t be unhappy if you did.”

“I know. You’d probably be disappointed if I told you I didn’t, so I’m going to claim my fifth amendment rights and refuse to answer on the grounds that it may incriminate myself.”

It didn’t work. I still don’t know any more than I did before. She said she had to get ready for her massage appointment, so had to go. “I love you, babe.”

“I love you too,” I told her, “And I miss you!”

“Bye.” She hung up the phone, and I was alone again.

I didn’t hear from her until late that night, when I got a text saying, “I called the desk and asked if they could send someone up to take some pictures for me.”

I waited, watching my phone, and anticipating what she might be sending. I finally heard the little chirp indicating a message. I clicked on the picture opening it up to the full frame. It was Shaun and Michelle sitting in the hot tub, both naked with Michelle’s breasts and nipples just above the water. I sat, staring at that sexy picture wishing it was me sitting beside her. I was getting harder by the second when the phone chirped again.

This time, Michelle was sitting on Shaun’s waist, her legs spread wide straddling him. They were still in the hot tub, and Shaun’s mouth was wrapped around her nipple. I couldn’t tell, but I suspected his cock was likely impaling her at that moment as well. I nearly lost it and came in my undershorts looking at that one. She followed those up with a text, “I told the bellhop guy that those were for my husband, I don’t think he believed me lol! Hope you enjoy.” I had no clue how I was going to survive another week and a half.

I begged off the square dancing Friday night, telling Ginger and Eric to go without me. I didn’t think I could be in the same room with Ginger without making out with her right in front of everyone.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday Michelle sent several innocuous pictures of the rodeo and Shaun interviewing people. She didn’t send any that were suggestive or sexy like those two on Thursday.

My beautiful wife, always thinking of my welfare and how to cope without her, knowing how desperately horny I’d be, sent me a picture out of the blue Monday night. I heard the little chirp for a message and innocently clicked on the image icon without thinking. It showed Michelle, naked on the bed straddling Shaun’s waist. He’d apparently taken the picture, Michelle’s pussy lips were spread apart, and his cock fully impaling her. Michelle’s face was in a grimace of pure pleasure.

I stared at that picture, not believing what I was seeing. It had been ten days since I’d made love and seeing that photo of my wife with her lover brought my cock to instant, full hardness!

I couldn’t take my eyes away. I don’t know how long I lay there, maybe ten or twenty minutes. I lost all comprehension of time staring at that picture. I was still staring when the phone chirped again telling me there was another message. I was almost afraid to look, fearing another picture when I opened the message, “Do you want the video?”

A video! Could I watch a video of my wife making love with Shaun in my already horny condition? She was torturing me! My fingers were shaking so hard I was barely able to find the little letters on my phone, “No, Yes, No, Can’t watch it, Yes, please send it.” I looked at the words hoping; I didn’t even know what I was hoping, that she’d send it or not and if she did, could I open it. My shaking finger finally hit ‘send’.

I waited, my phone becoming my entire world. It seemed like hours, but was probably only a few minutes when I heard a chirp. I looked at the message icon, wondering if I could open it or not. All I had to do was bump it with my finger, and I’d be watching it. While I was trying to decide what to do, it chirped with a second video.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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