Phyzeec - Cover


Copyright© 2020 by Fick Suck

Chapter 30

Driving a sledge was tedious and exhausting, an unexpected aspect of pushing from post to post. Aden had promised three days and as a point of pride, he was going to deliver on his promise. The pylons were spaced out just far enough that the sledge could be boosted to a consistent speed and be maintained until the next pylon without completely draining the user. Still, by the end of the day, Aden was tired and beat.

The first night he stood in front of the tree and almost fell asleep while he was still taking a pee. His forehead bounced against the bark of the tree, jolting him back into wakefulness. After stumbling back to the quick camp on the side of the road, Aden stuffed food in his mouth and guzzled whatever was in his cup, tasting none of it. With reassurance from his comrades, he rolled himself into a blanket and slept through the night.

Ezza kept giving Aden strange looks as he powered the sledge through the second day. Only the next morning as the men struck the minimal camp, did Aden approach his friend. “You have concern written on your brow. Have I done something of which I’m not aware?”

“Quite the opposite,” Ezza said with a frown. “You have not complained once since we left Kagan-cal. I was wondering if you have fallen so ill that you cannot even speak.”

Aden snorted, looking at his feet. “Give me a mission, give me a reason, and I will put aside any discomforts to complete the task. People died in the city because of this monster. It’s headed for Crestfall – we both know persons there for whom we care dearly: Mathie, Zaya, Peckerwood. They can’t defend themselves against this creature; we are all they have.”


“If we get attacked before we arrive, I need you to make it to Crestfall no matter what,” Aden said. “Under the captain’s desk is a seal. Break it with a hammer. If the reports are still valid, breaking the seal should ignite the defenses built into the walls. The governor knows.”

“How long will this shield last?” Ezza asked.

“Phyzeec will last as long as it can regenerate,” Aden said. “The mad king could not defeat the defenses last time when he had many more resources. I’m guessing though.”

“No, you are planning strategy and putting fallback plans into place,” Ezza said. “This is the sort of mage I like. The one I had going the other way – not so much. We are ready to ride, I believe.”

Aden grunted. He assumed his position at the front of the sledge and powered up the slab. Reaching for the pylon with his phyzeec, he slowly brought the sledge up to speed. Late in the afternoon, Ezza finally declared that they were drawing near. Tapping another pylon, Aden pulled the sledge again, nodding slightly as acknowledgement of the announcement.

The pylons petered out. Aden’s heart leapt with expectation even as his endurance staggered without the extra help. The sledge was now an unwieldy slab of heaviness that strained every muscle. He was sweating profusely and with his eyes closed in concentration when Ezza finally called out, “Hello, the fort!”

“The fort still stands unmolested,” Ezza said softly as he rested a hand on Aden’s shoulder. “Just get us through the doors and you can rest. You are the Lord High Mage and you have proven it. Just a little more, a bit to the left and steady on.”

The wall was all Aden saw when he opened his eyes fully. As the shadow of the lintel fell over the sledge, he uttered a cry of respite, “Thank all the gods of creation and beyond! We have come.” He guided the sledge into the courtyard, if only because the residents were staring and pointing. Lowering the sledge, Aden rolled onto his side and quietly asked, “water?”

Someone leaned over him and thrust a goatskin into his hand. He drank a sip, letting the water drench his lips and drip down the side of his beard. Pushing himself back up, he chugged the rest of the water with great delight. When he had sucked down the last drop, he dropped the skin and looked directly into Zaya’s eyes.

Aden jumped off the sledge and grabbed her in a bear hug. “You are safe and unharmed! You are whole! Thank the gods, thank the gods.”

“Put me down, you stinky oaf,” Zaya said. “You are talking nonsense. Of course, I am well. I’m not an absentminded twit, mind you.”

“No, you don’t understand,” Aden said, “I mean...” and he was rudely interrupted by a large clearing of the throat.

“The governor,” people whispered loudly to one another. “The damned wizard brought the governor on the magic rock.”

The governor had his hands on his hips as he looked out upon the gathered in the courtyard. Aden released Zaya from his hug and she took a step backwards from him with a frown on her face. Looking up, Aden espied Ezza waving to Mathie.

“Governor, what a great and unexpected honor,” Captain Ellingwood said above the murmuring crowd.

Before he could speak further the governor interrupted. “Save the speeches for later, Captain. People of Crestwood, the fort will soon be under siege. Bring all the foodstuffs you have and get your families to the fort. You have a quarter day. If the danger we face approaches, we will shut the doors immediately. You will not escape, and you will die a horrible death. A quarter day: Move!”

The faces froze with stunned looks. Aden saw a flicker of movement to his left and before he could react, a slap across his face sent him sprawling to the ground. When he looked up, Zaya was scowling at him with an accusatory finger pointed at him, “What did you do?”

Ezza came up behind Zaya, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her off her feet. “Now is not the time for nonsense,” he announced loudly. “You heard the governor. Now, run! Bring everything we need for a siege into the fort.”

This time, the crowd broke apart and began to move quickly. Aden sat on his knees, rubbing his face, unsure of what hurt more, the sting on his skin or the accusation. He wanted to take that pointing finger and rip it off at the root. His anger began to seethe as betrayal began to rumble through his thoughts.

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