The Coupon Book - Cover

The Coupon Book

Copyright© 2020 by D. Fritz

Chapter 9: Trip Home

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9: Trip Home - This story starts with Tony's fortieth birthday, and then follows Tony and his wife, Trisha, for the three months leading up to their anniversary. She has been planning for his big day, plus the following months, for many weeks. Enjoy the journey from the start of Tony's fifth decade through the anniversary with his beloved bride.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa  

Trisha and Tony pack their bags and put them just inside their room door, then head downstairs for breakfast. Shortly after they find a table Cindy joins them, and then seconds later, Bradley. Cindy and Bradley were both fresh-faced and didn’t seem to show any after-effects from the party

Tony is cradling a hot cup of coffee between his hands and eagerly sipping the burning liquid.

“Bro, it doesn’t look like you hold your liquor as well as you used to!” chortles Bradley.

Cindy doesn’t add any commentary, but she is clearly enjoying the ribbing Bradley is dishing on his brother.

“Now, now,” says Trisha, “I thought you brothers were taught to respect your elders.”

“Damn, I’m screwed,” laments Cindy, “as I am the oldest one here.”

Everyone laughs at the sudden turn and then focuses on their food, pausing between bites to recall highlights from their great vacation and reunion.

The trip to the airport and check-in goes smoothly and they arrive at their gate more than ninety minutes early.

“See Bradley,” starts Tony, “this is how responsible adults plan a trip to the airport.”

After Bradley’s constant joking at breakfast Tony was looking for any openings to poke back. The ladies were happy to listen at the bickering between the brothers, knowing that if the sites of either sibling turned to them it would quickly become men-versus-women.

Tony kept checking his watch and looking at the check-in counter. Their plane had not yet arrived at the gate and there were two attendants speaking animatedly on the phone. One then reaches for the gate mike.

“Ladies and gentlemen, your plane is coming in from Denver and it has been delayed due to inclement weather. However, it is now airborne and should arrive approximately seventy-five minutes later than scheduled.”

A collective groan is heard from the passengers seated in the area.

Cindy comes the rescue when she says, “Guys, I have access to the airline’s executive lounge. I can bring one guest for free, with a minimal charge for the others. Want to go there are wait in style?”

“Lead the way,” says Trisha as she is already on her feet and collecting her carry-on.

The foursome get to the lounge and find a table in the corner of a small room behind the buffet. With their bags piled around them they have effectively commandeered the room for their own use. Bradley wanders toward the bar to chat with the attractive young woman serving mimosas. Cindy takes her camera out of her bag and heads to the floor-to-ceiling windows to take photos of the planes as they take off and land.

Tony squirms in his chair as he looks at Trisha.

“What?” she says.

He reaches into his pocket and produces a small sheet of paper: “5. Game Time: Strip Pool/Darts/Cards. Pick your challenge and play until someone is fully naked.”

Trisha takes the paper and rolls her eyes. “You’re getting desperate, aren’t you? Today is the deadline and you think we can get away with a game of strip poker in the executive lounge?”

“Well,” begins Tony, “I was thinking we could play a shortened game and just remove shoes and underwear.” As he says it he realizes how stupid it sounds.

The absurdity of the idea has Trisha laughing at Tony. “You’re insane, but I’ll tell you what. After claiming a victory for the blowjob that wasn’t, I’ll give you this one as your pass.”

Tony’s reaction was mixed. His libido really wanted to get his wife partially naked, but his rational side knew that it was crazy to try and pull off a game of shedding clothing at the airport.

“But,” counters Trisha, “if my count is right, you have one more of those little sheets of paper crumpled up in your pocket. Give me a head start and then meet me in the restroom.”

Trisha rises and makes a brief stop where Cindy is taking photographs. Cindy nods in between shutter pushes, and then Trisha continues her way across the lounge. Tony stands and leaves the room when he makes eye contact with Cindy who is coming into their little room to watch the bags. She tries to stifle an acknowledging smirk, but is not successful.

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