And I Thought That I Had It Hard - Cover

And I Thought That I Had It Hard

Copyright© 2020 by Lapi

Chapter 2

May said a bunch of things after a look she gave Sam and Jenna, just making them put their heads back towards the ground. Like, I might not be the smartest man on the planet but this here man is no fool; unless you count some ex girlfriends.

I nodded my head then said: “So Dears that sounds great, you rehearsed that did you? Now, tell me the truth, at least leave out the lies and half-truths, will you?”

The sobs and cries were not what I was expecting, well maybe it was. In a few minutes they carried on. I started to clap. “If that is too much to ask then on your way out be careful of that door knob hitting you. If you truly need my help then do not, I repeat, DO NOT lie to me.”

Silence. It became a staring contest. The first one to blink, loses. I was in my element now. Too many like this where the outcome was ... well, serious at least.

May broke first, too quickly if you ask me. Her line was very well done; sounded great it did.

I clapped again. “Hollywood would just love you. How long did you take to memorize those lines?”

A bit of a sour look on her face.

“I should suggest you not ‘Bullshit a Bullshitter’ my dear. It has been tried by experts and you my dear are not as good as they were.”

Now a pout.

Per Sam,”Please Help Us!” Jenna nodded her lifted head.

“Grandma is just used to being in-charge. We know how she can be after so many cent...”

“Shut it Jenna or I’ll...”

“Methinks you will do nothing, Dear. She got the message that you are to stubborn to hear. If, and I say ‘IF’ I help you it will be because we are friends and real friends don’t ‘LIE’ to each other, never, ever.”

Two of the Three heads nodded at those ‘Words of Wisdom’ I spouted.

You three are, obviously not from around here, are you?”

No responses.

“You also know a few things you are not telling me, right?”


“However, you seem to need me or least my help, correct?

Three nods this time.

So, Dears, it’s your ‘dime’(More $ Today) and I can wait for a while before I head back home. Oh, tomorrow I’ll take you to a real mall and you can pretend to be three cute, normal, beautiful teens and take ‘Daddy’ shopping till you drop. All my ‘Ex’s’ trained me well about how to do that.”

“But you said we did not have to wear anythin...”

From May: “Shut up Sam!”

The wink of her left eye said it all. “You have that much money on you?”

“The CARD Dears, ‘I never leave home without it!” As if girls would not be girls any time, any place, it was a rule to gain membership I think. “ A $15,000 limit ... for this trip at least!”

“Is that each or total?”

“Yes Dear!”

If they repeated holding things up for my inspection while in their “Birthday Suits” it would be worth it; I said they were beautiful, didn’t I?

No! I did not go shopping with them, I gave May ‘The Card’ and went to the food court, telling them to come to me or have the clerk call my cell to verify it was OK for them to charge my card. I had called AMEX to pre approve ‘My Daughters’ charges up to, too high a figure I think?

I spilled my coffee when Sam just had to show me what she bought by grabbing me from behind. At least she was wearing ‘most’ of the blouse even it was not buttoned up. Jenna later did the same, holding her new shorts together. I wised up and asked for a bigger cup and got more napkins.

All in all, they did very good. My only instruction, not including the dollar limit was for each of them to get a nice outfit so ‘WE’ could go out for a dinner in town. I made no mention of the Hotel for the night. It was not bad, the lady in Florida got us, me and my daughters; a suite. She assumed I was joking when I said ‘we only need one bed’ if there is a problem, they can sleep on the floor.

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