God of Love - Cover

God of Love

Copyright© 2020 by Reader Became Writer

Chapter 6: Caritas

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 6: Caritas - After his mother's death, countless paths were opened for Lucas, who until then was only a puppet in his mother's hands. One of these paths, ironically opened by his mother, gave him a future with infinite possibilities: the path to becoming the God of Love, the most powerful God among all Gods. Follow Lucas on his great quest for love and its true meaning.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   GameLit   High Fantasy   Military   Rags To Riches   School   Science Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal   Vampires   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Safe Sex   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts   Public Sex   Size   Small Breasts   Teacher/Student   Slow  

“Ok ... What the fuck?”

Rose stared in shock at her screen, which showed a lot of different information. She didn’t even know what to think, so instead of trying to figure it out, she decided to let Lucas explain.

“It will be a long explanation, I’ll warn you.”

Pulling Rose close, Lucas set both screens beside the bed and was silent deciding how to explain it.

“I’m a little confused about how to explain this, so if you think I left any point unexplained, or badly explained, let me know.”

“Well, I think I’ll start by telling the story. To be more intuitive, I’ll try not to make it all one-sided, let’s talk, all right?”

“Ok ... I’m really confused right now, but ok.”

“Well, starting with the story. Do you believe our universe is a single universe or a multiverse? Does it have timelines? And dimensions?”

“Do not know. If you want my opinion, I would say there may be dimensions. Timelines only make sense if time travel is possible, and I find it too powerful to exist. As to whether there are other universes out there, I have no idea. Our universe is already big enough, there may well be others, but this may be the only one, I have no opinion.”

“I will answer then: all three exist. We live in a single universe, within a multiverse. Timelines exist as well as dimensions. Now, and plans of existence, do you believe it?”

“That thing of a kind of universe where there are higher beings like Gods and Devils?”


“I do not know. Given your previous answer, I would say yes.”

“Exactly, there are also plans of existence. That gives you an idea of ​​how big the universe is, right? It’s just huge, infinite.”

“Ok ... Where are you going to take this?”

“It’s important that you have this image, to understand the rest later. If there are plans of existence, things like Gods also exist, only there are different types of Gods. There are the inferior, the superior, the supreme and the primordial.”

“What was behind the door was a test to become the the Primordial God of Love Candidate, and I managed to pass. Now I am the Primordial God of Love Candidate.”


“There are different kinds of gods. There are those who are born Gods, those who become Gods, those who have always been Gods since the beginning of time, and those who are primordial, even before the beginning of time. The Primordial Gods are also known as Incarnates, as they are the final representation of what they represent.”

“For example, the Primordial God of Fire is the incarnation of fire, that is, the fire itself. The Primordial God of Water is the embodiment of water, that is, water itself. And they are such a powerful level of existence that there is nothing above them but the Creator God. They embody the water and fire of all universes, timelines, dimensions and planes of existence. That alone shows how powerful they are.”


Rose was confused by the conversation, but was following. She understood what he was saying, but couldn’t register it in her mind.

“Behind that door, as I said before, was a test to be the Primordial God of Love Candidate, and I made it through. At the end of the test, I got this golden sheet in my hand that will guide me on my journey to become the Primordial God of Love. Are you following here?”

“Calm down Lucas, I’m following, but I want details, I don’t understand much. By the way, didn’t you say that the Primordial Gods have been around since the beginning of time? How are you a “candidate” to become the Primordial God of Love?”

“I decided to explain it first, so you have an idea, I’ll give you the details now.”

“I’ll start at the beginning, for what happened inside, without much detail since it was six months for me, while only two minutes for you.”

“When I entered, waves of assassins tried to kill me. First it was just one, then it was multiplying. When I saw it, there were over a thousand assassins trying to kill me. Although they had the physical strength of a normal person, because of the numbers, I had to use ground to beat them.”

“Wait, wait. How did you go from the Primordial God of Love to fighting assassins?”

“It’s like I said, I’ll tell you from the beginning, and that’s really what happened. Anyway, coming back, if it wasn’t for my recent updated strength, I would have lost when the number reached two hundred. Although their physical strength and speed were weak, practically irrelevant, they had high level skills, so it was a lot of work. I spend days fighting before finally beating all the waves of assassins. My luck is that the land was almost meant to be used in group fights.”


“Yes, after the corridor you saw behind the door, vast territory appeared in front of me, it must have been more than ten kilometers across. Although it was underground, it incredibly had mountains, trees and plants. Thanks to that, i was able to use the terrain to fight the big numbers. They also did not seem to always know where I was, so I could easily hide to rest.”

“Anyway, it was hard, but I finally got it. When I killed all the assassins, a woman’s voice sounded on the ground. Something like: The God of Love needs to have the strength to protect their spouses. The God of Love must be the strongest of all Gods.”

“After the voice sounded, I was teleported to another place.”

“I walked into a library, and the voice sounded, speaking to read all the books inside. There should have been more than a thousand books, but as the voice didn’t sound later, I started reading.”

“The books had a lot of useful information, but they mainly talked about what I told you before. Universes, dimensions, timelines, planes of existence, Gods, Demons, the creation of the universe, etc.”

“I will tell you a little about creation, which is important. Before the universe, and even the Primordial Gods, there was only one thing: the Creator God. Make no mistake by the name, although it seems to refer to an intelligent God who created the universe, he has transcended intelligence, and its just a huge mass of energy with transcendent intelligence and unknown wills. At least that’s what the books said.”

“An interesting thing about these books was that when I went to see who wrote them, it was just written: Alandel, Primordial God of Love XVI. All those books were written by some ancient God of Love. And to answer your previous question, I’ll dig deeper into the story.”

“At some point, the Creator God released some of his power, which was reorganized into many different laws, and a series of wills were born. These wills exist to this day, they are the consciences of the present Primordial Gods. When they were born, they were not Gods or anything, they were simply consciousness wandering the cosmos, without any attribute. You could say they were all equal in not having individuality.”

“At that time, there was no time, so it seemed that everything happened at the same time. Therefore, although in the books it is said that the Primordial Gods came after the Creator God, technically they arose at the same time. Even the Primordial Gods themselves do not understand this very well, as their knowledge boils down to what they and their brothers are. There is a Primordial God of Time, and he himself does not understand what happened before he received his temporal attribute.”

“Finally, at some point, the Primordial God of Time received his attribute, and time was established. It can be said that the Primordial God of Time was the first to receive his attribute, and not at the same time, since as time began, the other Primordial Gods also received his attributes. It’s really confusing, maybe I just didn’t get it.”

“Finally, the period before the attribution of the Primordial Gods is known as the Existential Void.”

“After the Primordial Gods became Primordial Gods, along with them, many things fell into place. Be it matter itself, space, energy ... Many laws were created quickly, and the law of life was one of them.”

“The Primordial God of Life worked very hard and spread life everywhere, that was when the Primordial God of Love was born.”

“Wait, so the Primordial God of Love is not a Primordial God?”

“Wow, that’s a very complicated question. Look, I spent two months reading all those books, and some that seemed important I read more than once. But even that doesn’t guarantee that I understand everything, they were very complicated. Fortunately, I can access them anytime, so I’ll read them later. But let me try to answer your question.”

“As I said before, before being Primordial Gods, they were simple consciousnesses scattered throughout the cosmos. When the “time” began, all consciousness at the same time received attributes, and that was when the Primordial Gods were born. Along with its attributes, many laws were created, and the law of life itself together. Along with the law of life, the idea of ​​love was also born, and so the Primordial God of Love was born together with all others, he existed even before time, in the Existential Void, and received attribution at the same time as all others.”

“The difference is, as I said, the Primordial Gods are also known as Incarnate Gods, since they are the very things they represent. The Primordial God of Fire is fire itself. But that creates a problem: a Primordial God can only be “born” when what he represents exists.”

“There is consciousness, which is what existed in the Existential Void, there is attribution, which is when consciousness receives its ‘position’ in the universe and becomes the embodiment of things. So it can be said that the “first” Primordial God, were the Primordial God of Space and the Primordial God of Time. Soon after, the Primordial God of Matter and the Primordial God of Energy, and so on.”

“Unfortunately, life was slow to be born, although the Primordial God of Life struggled, it was something that needed time.”

“In the beginning of time there was no love, living beings had not yet reached a level of evolution where they could ‘love’, they just desired. And desire is only part of love. Therefore, the Primordial God of Love was slow to be born, and even after birth was one of the weaker Primordial Gods.”

“While the Primordial God of Space had arrived at its final strength from the start, with the creation of dimensions, worlds and planes of existence, other gods, as the Primordial God of Love, needed to be ‘born’ first, and then take a long time before they can gain strength. To give you an idea, the first Primordial God of Love became known for a long time as the weakest Primordial God in existence.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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