Carolyn Caged - Cover

Carolyn Caged

Copyright© 2020 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 6

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Carolyn, a rich ex-model and fashion magazine owner is a total spoiled bitch. She is kidnapped and transformed into a sex slave to be sold to her new Master Will she be able to serve him properly? Can the bitch be broken and then trained to be a good sex slave?

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   BiSexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Rough   Spanking   Anal Sex   Enema   Oral Sex  

It had been a couple of months since jade (formerly Carolyn Huffington-Smythe) had been abducted and brought to Master. During that time she had gone from a selfish, dictatorial bitch who took no thought for anyone but herself, to a submissive, docile slut whose only ambition was to please her Master however she could. She had undergone quite a transformation and her training in her new life had gone well, despite a rough and rocky start. But the time had come for her to move on to her new owner...

“Time to get up slut!” the voice over the intercom said. jade rose and went to get her breakfast as usual. She no longer wore the ankle shackle and chain, having proved that it wasn’t necessary long ago. Yes, her cell remained locked when she was in it. but she was free to go about her cell unhampered by the chain.

jade ate her breakfast and waited for someone to come get her. She wondered what she would learn today. She was beginning to look forward to her lessons, finding that once she changed her thought pattern and learned that serving her Master had its rewards, it wasn’t as bad as she first thought. There was no doubt she had never had so much sex – and such intense sex – in her life!

She heard footsteps coming down the hallway and they stopped in front of her door. jade sat up expectantly and a the dor was unlocked and swung open it was Anna who had come to get her this morning.

“Hi Anna!” jade said, getting to her feet.

“Hello jade. Master has sent me to bring you to him,” the young girl said.

“Okay, I’m ready,” jade said. She followed Anna out of the cell and down the hall. The two girls had become friends over the past few weeks and had played together a few times. As they walked they chatted a bit.

“What do you think Master wants with me today?” jade asked, trying to get a feeling of what today had in store.

“I don’t know. He just told me to bring you to his office,” Anna said. About that time they arrived at his office. Anna softly knocked on the closed door and after hearing his “Enter.” she opened the door a bit, peeking around it.

“Master, I have brought jade, just as you commanded,” she said meekly. The two girls entered the office, shutting the door behind them.

“Anna, you can wait outside. I want to talk to jade,” he said.

“Yes Master,” Anna said backing out the door and waiting in the hallway.

“jade, you have come a long way since you first arrived here and I am pleased to see you taking to your new life” he started, “Tonight there will be a slave auction and you will be auctioned off to your new Master. I hope you show him the same respect and service that you have shown Me.”

NO MASTER! Please no! I don’t want to leave you! Please don’t sell me off! I will be good! I will be a good slave to you! I promise!” jade said panic-stricken.

“Silence! You knew that this was coming. You knew that is what you were here for. Yes you have been a good slave for the most part, but this was what was intended from the start. And this is what will happen. Now we have some time before we need to get ready so I want you to go back to your cell and wait until someone comes for you again. I have final preparations to do to get things ready for the auction. I won’t be using you today – I want you fresh and ready for tonight.” he said.

“Please, Master! Please don’t do this! I won’t be any more trouble, I swear! Anna and I have just become friends! Please!” she said, once more trying to persuade him. She dropped to her knees and grabbed him around the legs like a small child as she cried out her plea.

He pulled her arms from around his legs, then grabbed a handful of her hair. Hauling her to her feet by it he looked her in the face. “Do as you are told, slut!” he growled. It was useless. His mind was made up. jade was to be sold to some other Master and then taken God only knows where and would become a slave to this new Master. She had no idea what she would have to do for him or how he would treat her. The thought terrified her more than her initial kidnapping! She left the room and saw Anna in the hallway.

“What’s wrong?” Anna said seeing her crying and shaking with fear.

“I ... I’m going to be ... sold tonight!” she stammered. Then she started sobbing all over again.

“Oh no! Oh jade, I am so sorry,” she said, putting her arm around the crying girl. They walked together back to her cell in silence, with Anna helping jade as she was crying so much.

“Anna, please stay with me ... please?” jade asked when they got to her cell.

“Alright, I can stay for a bit I think,” she said. the two girls sat on Jades cot, with jade curled up and her head on Anna’s lap. Anna stroked jade’s hair as she laid there crying.

“Oh Anna, what am I going to do?” jade asked.

“jade, Master really likes you. I am sure he wouldn’t sell you to someone who would be mean to you and abuse you. Master really is a good man. I am sure it will be all right.”

“I don’t want to leave ... I was just getting used to things here, and you and I have become friends!”

“Well, we will always be friends jade. Maybe your Master will let you write me. I’m sure Master will let me write you. We could stay in touch that way at least.”

“Yes, but it won’t be the same,” jade said and started crying again. jade and Anna stayed in the cell room until Master’s voice came over the intercom, calling Anna to his office. Anna got up and with a last hug left jade in her cell, locking the door as she was supposed to do. jade curled up on her cot and cried, scared of what was to come that night.

It was early evening when jade heard her door being unlocked. It was Master and Anna.

“jade it’s time to start getting ready for the auction. Anna here will take you to the room where you will prepare. You will not wear anything but this collar and shackles and you will make yourself up to be as attractive and desirable as possible. I want to get a good price for you and so I want you to look your best – understand?”

“Yes Master,” she said sullenly, her eyes on the floor. She followed Anna down the hallway to the preparation room.

Soon the time for the slave auction had come. The prospective buyers had taken their places and all the slaves were ready and waiting in an adjoining room. jade looked around; there were eleven other girls and she had never seen any of them. She wondered where they had been kept! She had been there a month and never saw them. In speaking with them, though, she learned that Master had a few compounds like this one scattered around the state. And the other girls had been brought here for the auction.

“Okay, girls it’s time to strut your stuff! Now remember we want high prices so you all better put on a good show for our bidders!” one of the men who kidnapped jade said as he entered the room where the girls waited. He chained them all together and gave each a number. jade’s number was ten. They were paraded out of the waiting room and up onto the auction stage.

jade looked out into the audience. There were nine men and a couple women in the audience. One man was definitely of Middle Eastern descent as he wore the traditional robes of the area. Another man was very well-dressed in a three-piece business suit and dark sunglasses. One of the women was obviously a Dominatrix, as she was wearing a black leather catsuit, high spiked-heel boots and carried a whip at her side. A couple other men wore black leather pants and sleeveless shirts. And there was one pudgy old man who gave jade the creeps just looking at him. She hoped she wouldn’t be bought by him. And she was hoping the Dominatrix wasn’t interested in her either.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this latest slave auction. As you can see we have a very good selection this time around. Now as is usual, this will be a silent auction. On the table to your right there are twelve boxes and in front of them auction slips. You are free to come up and examine the slaves, but no playing with them! Then when you have chosen the slave or slaves you are interested in, write your bid on an auction slip and put it in the apropriate box. At the end of the auction, I will open the boxes and the winner will be the one with the highest bid on each slave.” Master said to the audience.

Then he opened the auction up and any Master or Mistress that wanted to was allowed to inspect the “merchandise”. The Dominatrix came up and looked over a couple of the younger girls, one of which she was particularly interested in. jade watched as she pinched the slave girls’ nipple so hard the girl raised up on her toes and then squealed – which earned her a hard slap across the face. The Dominatrix was obviously into sadism and jade was glad she was of no interest to her.

Next was the pudgy old man and jade wasn’t so lucky this time. He came up and eyed jade lewdly, getting close to her and inspecting her like he was judging fruit at a Farmer’s Market. He pawed at her tits and squeezed her ass and stuck his fingers in her mouth to check her oral abilities. Shoving his fingers down her throat until she gagged, he smiled a nasty, ragged smile. The man stunk of B.O., he had terrible breath, and he was disgusting in every regard. As he walked away, it was all she could do to keep from throwing up right then and there!

After an hour or so, all the slaves had been poked and prodded to the Doms satisfaction and the auction could begin. The interested bidders had put in their offers and the time for bids had ended. The slavegirls were led in by the chains around their necks and positioned on the stage to display them to their best advantage.

“Before we get to opening the bid boxes and awarding these slaves to their new owners, I have asked a couple of you if you would mind providing the group with some ... entertainment. You have graciously agreed so I would like to first introduce Mistress Desiree and her slave trina.”

Mistress Desiree stood and walked up to the stage with her slave trina on a leash behind her. A padded sawhorse was brought out and the Mistress attached trina to it with her bare ass facing the crowd.

“My slave here has a penchant for anal play and I have been promising her that I would introduce her to figging. She knows the term but never experienced it. Tonight, in front of this group of friends and D/s devotees, she will,” She said to the crowd. With that, Mistress Desiree produced a glass jar with a large piece of ginger root in it.

“Just before coming here tonight, I carved this piece of ginger root into a buttplug shape, peeling the outer skin away and exposing the raw flesh of the root. I placed it in this jar so it wouldn’t dry out because, as we all know, it’s the juices of the root that do all the work.”

Mistress Desiree then turned to her slave and began rubbing a gloved hand over her upturned ass. The bound slavegirl started moaning softly as she felt the soft leather caress her. Mistress softly teased the girl with her soft fingertips over her ass and then down between her legs, getting the slave more and more aroused.

“Oh, Mistress, ohhhh...” the girl moaned as she began wriggling her ass.

Then Mistress moved to her anus, gently rubbing a fingertip across her crinkled sphincter. This caused the girls moans to increase and she began trying to push back against the teasing finger. Mistress Desiree spit on the girls asshole lubing it and then pressed a finger slowly into her. Trina groaned happily as she felt her Mistress enter her and as the finger went deeper, trina raised her head and groaned still louder.

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